MTL - The Girl in the Iron Cage: Lazy Little Beast Fei-v2 Chapter 2159 Some things I can only teach

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Emperor Yuyu also smiled: "Then I will not burn your books."

After thinking about it, I added a sentence: "Actually those books can be restored, I was just too angry ..."

Hua Qianye stretched her arms and hugged her: "Small sister, I'm sorry, I don't know where you are afraid of being claustrophobic, everything is my fault."

Emperor Yuyu said dumbly in his arms: "I just don't understand why you were so angry at that time, I just watched a song and dance with Hua Qianque, did you really quarrel with that dancer ..."

She couldn't figure it out until now.

Spend thousands of nights and sigh.

His little sister-in-law just did n’t understand it, and he should probably popularize her knowledge: "Little sister-in-law, those who spend thousands of shorts are not ordinary songs and dances, they are show dancers, and those dancers do men and women-when they make love Looks like this kind of singing and dancing girl won't watch ... "

Emperor pursed her lips. She didn't understand it at that time, but she only felt that the movements of the men and women were strange and they were dressed cooler.


What exactly does that mean?

Doesn't sound like good words ...

Emperor Yu's mind flashed a question, and a question mark popped up in her big eyes.

After spending thousands of nights with her for so long, she could guess with a glance at her, and Jun's face was a little funny.

There was a wave of light flowing in his eyes, and he suddenly approached the ear of Emperor Yuyu: "Xiaoyu, I will teach you something in the future ..." This kind of thing is still good for him to preach.

His voice was slightly hoarse, but full of temptations that could not be clearly explained. The warm breath blew on Emperor Yu's ears, making her cheeks burn, and pushed him: "I don't need you to teach ... "

Hua Qianye grasped her hand with a smile, "I must teach you something—" He suddenly leaned over her lips and kissed gently.

I thought it was just a kiss like a dragonfly, but when she touched her tender lips, she couldn't move a little, and her teeth were honing on her lips ...

Emperor Yu's heart was beating. When Mo Tianya kissed her, she felt only angry and helpless. The gentle and overbearing kiss of Qian Yeye made her heart beat suddenly, her head dizzy and her body soft. Unconsciously a little fascinated, and even began to respond ...

Her response was extremely astringent, but it also greatly pleased Hua Qianye.

He hugged her tightly, his heart burning for a while, wishing to rub her thoroughly into his body—

She was terribly innocent, but it was the poppy he couldn't resist, which made him like the cruel green teenager of the first love network, and she could hardly hold herself back--

However, this is obviously not the time to ask her.

Hua Qianye reluctantly reluctantly let go of her lips, slightly agitated, but smiling all over the country: "It must be me, others don't even think about it!"

Emperor Yu also panted, her cheeks flushed, her eyes bright. Although she did not understand what Hua Qianye wanted to teach her alone, but looking at him like this, such a clear possessiveness made her feel Hidden joy.

Her mother once told her that only one person cares about each other.

For Qian Qianye's performance, he should care about her ...

It feels so good for this beloved to be held in the palm of his hand. Emperor Yu holds his arm contentedly, and is almost reluctant to move.