MTL - The Girl in the Iron Cage: Lazy Little Beast Fei-v2 Chapter 2122 I love you

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The smile on Di Yu's face was long gone, and her hand was still holding the sword's hilt steadily. When she heard the question from Di Shiyin, she tickled her lips and said coldly, "Dare you dare to impersonate my father ?! go to hell!"

The white light flashed like a tide, stabbing at Di Shiyin ...

She moves extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, she stabbed more than a dozen swords, each of which is a piercing point on the body of ‘Di Shiyin’!

Without mercy, the last sword slashed towards his neck. Seeing this meant that he wanted to take his head very simply--

‘Di Shiyin’ ’face changed greatly, and he suddenly made a profit on that post. The gold chain on his body rang and broke, and his body was short, avoiding the sword of Emperor Yu ’s life—

The splitter went to grab the sword in the hand of Emperor Yuyu: "You are crazy !!!"

Di Yu's eyes blinked, and 'Di Shiyin' was suddenly locked with a very black and thin chain, and he was stunned, and then locked back to the pillar. The flesh-colored pillar suddenly turned red. His As soon as he leaned forward, he made a loud noise, a light blue smoke, and the air was full of burnt flesh.

'Di Shi Yin' struggled hard, but the more he struggled, the tighter he locked his chain, his fingertips were slightly curved, and he seemed to want to do something, but Di Yu flickered with his sword, brushing his hands together Brush down!

‘Emperor ’s Voice’ finally showed horror, and her face turned pale and pale. She looked at the young girl with little confidence.

Just a pair of babies like Emperor Yu just stood facing the wind, and her clothes were hunting and flying, and she looked at the Emperor's release coldly: "Daddy once told me who dreams and who decides, once he can control himself Dream, then in the dream, the master of the dream is as powerful as he wants, and he can do whatever he wants, so—I must be able to kill you today! Mo Tianya, you can squint! ”

As if any camouflage was torn off alive, there was a flash of red light on the ‘Emperor ’s Voice’ that was originally bound there, and finally restored its original appearance. The black clothes fluttered, and the gloomy beauty was translucent. It was Mo Tianya.

Emperor Fei was rude, his body flickered, and the sword in his palm flashed with light. The light, with its shape and texture, turned into a phoenix in the air, wrapped in thousands of fires and rains and swooped down towards Mo Tianya: "Evil!"

Apocalypse, in the legend, only the gods can make tricks. I did not expect to gather together in the hands of Xiaoyuan Yuandi, the emperor's pupa, and its power is huge. Once the evil demon is covered, the evil demon can only wait for death. Can't run away.

Emperor Yuyu had previously seen his father use it, remembering the gestures and exercises, at this moment imagined himself as a **** in the dream, and really used this trick!

The light flashed in her eyes, and a smile appeared on the corners of her lips. Sure enough, she dreamed as much as she could imagine! She is no longer afraid of having nightmares, and she will decide all of her dreams afterwards!

Didn't Mo Tianya frequently seduce her into her dreams?

Then she killed him completely in her dream!

Killing the Three Realms! Revenge for all!

The person who uses this technique to enter someone else's dream is not the same as the phantom that appears in the dream.

The phantom can disappear at any time. Even if a certain phantom is killed, it does no harm to the real person, but the soul entering other people's dream is different. It is real. .