MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 513 Thirteen Realms 3

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   And the two sacred weapons that were very likely to evolve into the Hongmeng Lingbao were abandoned by the two to save the little black cat.

   But neither Bei Gongxue nor First Questionnaire felt the slightest regret for their actions.

   For them, they have never treated the little black cat as a weapon. For the two of them, the little black cat is like their magic pet, a living being.

   After a while, they felt that the little black cat had a weak heartbeat, and Bei Gongxue and the first Wentian finally felt relieved.

   After that, few people had the thought to look at this new environment.

   The place where they are now is a vast and boundless prairie. The sky here is very clear and blue, but when the breeze blows on the body, it makes people feel a chill.

"The spiritual energy here is a bit richer than the Seven Domains, but I can't walk in the air. I don't know what's going on." Lan Xueqin used to travel to various planes, and has very rich travel experience. When Tian was still sad for the little black cat, she had already probed the surrounding environment.

   Bei Gongxue carefully put away the little black cat, then swept away the sadness just now, and calmly swept the surroundings.

   "Everyone be careful, we are now in a world in a whirlpool." Bei Gongxue said sternly.

   Although they were swallowed by Xiao Hei before and could not see the outside world clearly, they all felt it. At that time, they were spinning with the whirlpool and then fell to a new place.

   Everyone else nodded, and Lan Xueqin said, "Until we understand the rules of this world, let's not separate for the time being."

   Bei Gongxue and others agreed, and then they continued to walk together, heading beyond this endless green field.

   When they left the Seven Domains, several people had prepared enough supplies, so after arriving in the new world, they were not worried about the supplies.

   On the way, several people were on alert at any time, and they did not relax because they arrived in the new world.

   After all, no one knows what the world is like.

What the few people didn't notice was that, above the prairie, in the pure white clouds, a pair of shady and sharp eyes were staring at them closely, reporting everything he saw to the someone.

  The breeze blew past, and the green grass instantly undulated with the wind like waves.

   But behind this seemingly laid-back environment, there is a huge murderous intention!

   Because along with the rustling sound of the grass being blown by the wind, there are also invisible sharp blades of air!


  The sound of the wind blowing the grass is getting louder and louder, as if someone is rubbing something with their hands.

   And before you know it, when the wind blows the grass, it brings up tiny wind blades that can hardly be checked.

If these wind blades are blown on the body alone, even a three-year-old child who has no cultivation base will not be able to cause any harm. However, when these seemingly harmless countless wind blades are gathered together, the lethality caused is actually. It is no less than the full blow of the seventh-level holy monarch!

  At first, Bei Gongxue and others didn't notice these invisible and subtle wind blades. After all, for them, no matter how strong the wind blows on the grassland, it will not have any effect on them.

   But soon, Feng Yiyang, who was particularly sensitive to danger, noticed something was wrong.

  's footsteps suddenly stopped, and Feng Yiyang's black eyes suddenly landed on the green grass around him.

   The grass in this grassland is very tall. Although they choose places with low grass heights to walk, the height of these grasses still exceeds their chests.

   "Yi Yang, what's wrong?" Bei Gongxue became more and more vigilant, and his consciousness scanned the surroundings more cautiously, trying to find the source of danger.

   She knew that Feng Yiyang must have found something wrong.

   Feng Yiyang didn't look at Bei Gongxue, his black eyes stared at the grass above his head that was bent over when the wind blew.

   After a while, Feng Yiyang's calm face changed slightly, "The sound of the wind is wrong!"

   Gathering less becomes more, and the feathers sink into the boat. At this moment, these grasses are no longer grass in Feng Yiyang's eyes, but countless sharp swords!

   Hearing Feng Yiyang's reminder, Bei Gongxue and the others thought for a while, and found something was wrong.

   "Don't let those wind blades converge!" Lan Xueqin made a decisive decision and disrupted the gathering point of a wind blade.

   However, her movements not only did not prevent the gathering of the wind blades, but instead made the gathering of the wind blades around several people faster and faster.

   Even if the wind blades are gathered together, they can't cause harm to them, but no one can guarantee how much pressure it will cause them when more and more wind blades are gathered together!

   It's not that Bei Gongxue and the others never thought of taking the blood cloud boat to leave here, but this place, not only can't walk in the sky, even flying boats can't fly!

   And since Lan Xueqin made a mess of a wind blade convergence point, the speed of the wind blade convergence around several people suddenly accelerated.


   The grassland a few hundred miles away was still peaceful at the moment, but the place where Bei Gongxue and others were located was already ravaged by a storm.

   Hair fluttered in the wind, and several people clearly felt that they were under increasing pressure.

  Feng Yiyang has been silently observing the surrounding green grass, and when the grass near several people has been completely blown down by the terrifying sharp blade, he suddenly said: "Everyone shut down their consciousness and heartbeat!"

   Having been in the same boat for so many years, a tacit understanding has been cultivated between several people, so as soon as Feng Yiyang's words fell, Bei Gongxue and the others immediately held their breath and put themselves in a state of turtle breathing.

   And after a few people breathed like a few stone carvings for a while, they were surprised to find that those wind blades that were getting stronger and stronger gradually began to disperse!

   What made several people even more horrified was that the fallen grass that had been smashed to the ground began to slowly stand up again!

   A few people, you look at me, I look at you, and their eyes are filled with surprise.

   Of the few people present, which one did not grow up to the present level after experiencing adventures and dangers, but the grass that was blown down has turned back in time, and it is the first time they have met.

   When the wind here returned to its previous level, Bei Gongxue asked curiously, "Yi Yang, what happened just now?"

  Feng Yiyang's expression is not so relaxed, "This grassland must have plant monsters above the **** level!"

   When he said this, Bei Gongxue and others understood. If this is the case, the blown grass will return to its original state, and there will be a reasonable explanation, and the wind blades will gather together to attack them, and there will be an answer.

   For a while, the expressions of several people became serious.

   They encountered such a thing as soon as they arrived in this world, and the road ahead may be even more difficult.

   But what the few people at the moment don't know is that the grassland they are in now is the Sword God Realm that other monks in this world dare not set foot in easily! It is also one of the top ten forbidden places comparable to the dark area of ​​the Seven Domains!

   People who entered this grassland in the past did not even know how they died, but they discovered the invisible secret of killing people in Sword God Realm by surprise!

   "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, we must leave here quickly." Lan Xueqin said in a heavy tone.

   They don't even know how big this area is, because with their divine sense, they can't completely cover the entire grassland!

  You must know that when they were in the seven domains, their divine consciousness was enough to cover at least one of the seven domains.

   In other words, the grassland they are in is bigger than one of the seven domains!

  A grassland is so huge, let alone the world!

   Aware of the vastness of this world, several people moved on with a slight mood.

   And the giant eagle hidden in the clouds is always keeping track of several people, as if observing its prey.


  Somewhere in the mountain stream of Sword God Realm, through Eagle Eye, every move of Bei Gongxue and others, at this moment, appeared in front of several people in the water curtain cave through the water curtain.

   Seeing that a few people somehow escaped the divine punishment of Sword God Realm, an old man with a knife scar on his right eye suddenly widened his left eye, and his eyes were full of shock.

   "How is that possible?! They didn't die?! They didn't die!"

  The old man with a scar murmured in surprise, and after a while, his intact left eye shone terrifyingly.

   "They must have discovered the invisible secret of Sword God Realm killing people! As long as I catch these few people, I will definitely be able to find Guiyuan Dao and leave this ghost place safely!"

   After a series of frantic and excited laughter, the excited expression of the old man with scar turned cold, and then said to the two middle-aged people behind him: "You two, go and get them back to me immediately, remember, to catch them alive!"

   The two middle-aged men listened to the words of the old man with scars, and immediately said respectfully: "Yes, master!"

   These two people are not actually slaves of the old man with scars. Before they entered the Sword God Realm to find the legendary treasure of Hongmeng, the Guiyuan Sword, they were also well-known swordsmen in the outside world.

   But unfortunately, they didn't say anything after the Sword God Realm, and they were captured by the old man with scars and used as slaves.

At first, they also thought about resisting and running away, but the old man with scars was too powerful. They watched those who escaped being eaten by the old man with a knife, and they would never be able to give birth again. heart of escape.

  After the two middle-aged people left, the old man with scars kept staring at the water curtain, watching the every move of Bei Gongxue and others, analyzing how they cracked the invisible secret of Daoercao in Sword God Domain.

Xu Shi Scar's eyes were too vicious, and Xu Shi's eyes were too sharp for the giant eagle that was monitoring several people. After walking for a few hours, the first question asked Tian suddenly, "Did you feel something? staring at us?"

   Bei Gongxue and the others shook their heads, and even Feng Yiyang, who had a keen sixth sense, said he didn't notice it.

   "Could it be that I feel wrong?" The first question asked Tian a little puzzled.

   When he came to this world, although he could no longer use the skills of flying in the sky, he found that he was still connected with the will of the world, and even compared with the time in the Seven Domains, there was not much difference.