MTL - The Genius of the Phoenix Queen Shocked the World-Chapter 497 Jinghong Qingya Fanwai 10

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  Because Tianyuan Secret Realm is an area specially tailored for people, First Jinghong went to a new area in order to collect enough Chaos Qi.

   However, after arriving in the new area, his indicating map became useless, so his whereabouts were quickly discovered.

   "First Jinghong, hand over the map and spare you!"

   In the face of the huge temptation, even though everyone knew that the first Jinghong was the heir of the first family, they still couldn't hold back and shot him.

   Hundreds of people surrounded the first Jinghong tightly, eyeing him.

   First Jinghong glanced at each other lightly, but did not take these people to heart.

   He just didn't show his true strength, so do these people treat themselves as soft persimmons?

The first Jinghong dealt with the enemy's siege with ease, but every time it escaped the enemy's attack, and because of this, many people thought that as long as it was consumed slowly, they could always seize the opportunity. Defeat the first Jinghong!

   But as everyone knows, he is just playing with these people.

   Gradually, the first Jinghong lost the interest in dealing with these people and was not ready to continue.

   But because he sensed the existence of other people around him, in order to draw out that person, First Jinghong deliberately leaked a flaw.

   Seeing this, as expected by the first surprise, many people suddenly seized the opportunity to bombard him wildly.

   But what surprised the first shock was that just when he was about to end the battle, a world projection suddenly fell on them.

   World projection, that is a stunt that only the Holy Emperor can do. Could it be that the person hiding in the dark is the Holy Emperor?

  Thinking of this possibility, First Jinghong had to be cautious.

   However, at this moment, he was suddenly caught by a big hand.

"do not move!"

   The other party gave a light drink, and the first Jinghong couldn't help but put away the aura that could explode at any time.

   But what he never expected was that the other party threw him casually, and then he said that he fell on the back of the bird under him.

   When he just got used to the speed of the giant bird under him, the giant bird suddenly changed and turned into a mackerel!

   Is it a Kunpeng bird?


   The black mackerel quickly dived into the water, completely throwing off the chasing soldiers who reacted behind.

   The first Jinghong sat on the top of Kunyu and looked up at the woman in front of him.

   At this time, if he didn't understand that the other party wanted to save him, he would be stupid.

   "Thank you girl for saving your life, the first Jinghong will definitely repay it in the future!" Seeing Xuanyuan Yinyue's face, the first Jinghong's eyes flashed with surprise, this woman is very temperamental. Although she looks cold, there is a unique charm in her gestures!

   "This palace is Xuanyuan Yinyue!"

   Hearing the words of the first Jinghong, the woman reported her home.

   "Xuanyuan Yinyue? So it's you!" First Jinghong looked stunned. Isn't this woman the stunning beauty that Ziluo has been talking about in his ear?

   At this time, the first Jinghong also understood why Xuanyuan Yinyue, who was just before, came to save him.

  The affairs of the world are, as expected, a book by coincidence.

   "Why are you in the first district?" Xuanyuan Yinyue nodded and asked.

   She remembered that the indicated map obtained by the first Jinghong was not from the first district.

The first Jinghong smiled helplessly, "Isn't it for the Qi of Chaos? You all know about the tailor-made sacred artifact in the manufacturing area, right? I have all the points and the Heaven-Mounting Stone, and now the Qi of Chaos is missing. , so I came to the first district to try my luck and see if there is any willingness to exchange."

   The Qi of Chaos, that is the warm and nourishing spiritual energy necessary for the creation of the holy artifact. If he is outside, he will definitely not lack this thing. After all, it is not impossible for the first family to get it. But the problem is that he never thought to bring a few chaotic energy on his body!

   And once you leave the Tianyuan Secret Realm, there is no second chance to come in.

   Xuanyuan Yinyue smiled slightly, "The Qi of Chaos? The most important thing in this palace is the Qi of Chaos!"

   She herself is a manufacturer of Chaos Qi, is this still missing?

   The first Jinghong looked slightly surprised when he heard this, and immediately said: "I am willing to exchange the Qi of Chaos with you!"

   Xuanyuan Yinyue shook his head, "Ziluo saved us once, the mere chaotic energy is nothing."

The first Jinghong didn't know that Xuanyuan Yinyue's dantian was full of chaotic energy, so he took over a large mass of chaotic energy that Xuanyuan Yinyue handed over, and he couldn't help but give her a deep look, "Yinyue, In the future, the first family will be your backer, if you need anything, don't be polite to me!"

   In the view of the first Jinghong, Xuanyuan Yinyue was willing to give such a precious thing to him easily for nothing, without showing the slightest distress, but treating him sincerely.

  Therefore, he immediately divided Xuanyuan Yinyue into the list of close friends who could be friends!
