MTL - The General’s Little Peasant Wife-Chapter 2135 Last chance

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Jomo's brow wrinkled tightly and looked at Jomo, very dissatisfied and said: "What do you mean, do you tell us anything?"

"I have been looking for me, I don't know if he is alive or dead, telling you that you can't find someone, isn't it?" Xiao Yu said in a low voice.

From small to big, he is such a relative. Everyone in Xiao’s family is just using him. He wants to help him to do something. He wants to use what he gets, he will be good to him, but they are good to him. At the same time, I also want to kill him.

Jomothan gave Xiao Xiao a look: "You are stupid, what is the best of my mother's Tongbaozhai?"

"Intelligence..." Xiao Yu said to the subconscious mind, and after speaking, the whole person was stunned.

Desperate to see Xiao Yu looking for a look, Qiao Mozhen very disgusted to say: "There is no need to be, how stupid you are to make such a thing? After going out, don't tell others that you are my friend, I lost Can't afford this person."

Xiao Yu looked for Joe Mo's helplessness. This person cares about people who care about people. How can they just get the same as eating arsenic? Isn't their family like this?

"I know."

"Now I know that it is useless." Jomo looked at Xiao Yu with a contempt, and said dissatisfied.

The Xiao family ancestors looked at Xiao Yu and looked deep. They quickly said, "You want to know where you are, let your hunting cloud ride kill them all. I will tell you where you are. ""

Xiao Yu looked at his ancestors with a funny look and said ironically: "I seem so stupid? Let you deceive like this?"

He thinks that his martial arts are very good. If they are not killed by them, then they will be poisoned or degraded by them. They will not let such a person with outstanding martial arts.

"If you don't say it, I will probably know how you are going to make me. People like you, I can go anywhere." Xiao Yu said with a mockery.

Will they let him go? This is simply a big joke, how ridiculous it is to be ridiculous.

"Xiao Yu finds if you listen to us, you still have the opportunity to see you. If you don't obey, then you can't say it." Xiao's ancestor said with a smile.

Xiao Yu looked at them and said indifferently: "If you let me see only a sly word, then forget it. As long as I am still alive, I will find someone."

He can hear it from the mouth of Xiao’s ancestors. His father is still alive, living well, and there is nothing at all.

Xiao’s ancestors frowned slightly, and suddenly regretted saying something like this: “Xiao Xiao finds you only one last chance.”

"Oh, the last chance? Just a pity, I don't want it, I only want your life, what do you say?" Xiao Yu looked at them and looked at them coldly.

Jomothan nodded with great satisfaction: "Well, this is like my friend."

Xiao Yu looked for Jomo Moss: "There is a first friend like you, I suddenly felt very headache."

"You want to say, I hate it too?"

Xiao Yu looked for his head: "I don't say that, it's all you said, no wonder others."

Jomomo snorted and said, "I don't want to tell you now, who is this?"

The Xiao family’s ancestors were dissatisfied and looked at Xiao Yu’s search. His eyes were very cold. What did Xiao Xiao find? Is it necessary to sever the relationship with them?

"Xiao Xiao finds you with the blood of Xiao family. Do you think you can escape, such a fate?" Xiao's ancestors said coldly.

Jomo Mou looked at Xiao’s ancest and smiled. “Are you trying to say that you put poison in his body? It’s a pity. If there is no accident, you may not see the day of his death. Because his life may be very long, you probably all want it..." Jomo Mou made a movement to wipe the neck.