MTL - The General’s Genius Daughter-~ 056: Crisis everywhere

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The people did not walk very close, because of the sake of the Pearl County Lord, they were even more afraid of the murderous flowers and plants in their eyes.

"Princess Huiya... Please make a reservation for Pearl! Just Miss Pearl, I am coming here to talk about some private affairs, Pearl..." Pearl County said, his face was shy and scared. "Pearl wants to know The prince's preference, seeing that the moon and his walk are quite close, so I want to ask him to ask, I did not expect the Jinghua County owner did not tell me, but pushed me down the pond! She wants to kill me, hehe... ”

The Pearl County chief cried in horror, this looks, hey, if the emperor is sure to love her very much?

The flowery moon bends the corner of the lips, and the official lady is also very good at making a play. I didn't expect the performance to be so realistic.

Princess Hui Ya was surprised to see Hua Xiyue, an incredible expression. "Impossible, the Jinghua County Lord cannot be such a person..."

The crowd also began to accuse the flower and the moon, and even screamed at her coldly, just waiting for her, and in a blink of an eye, all kinds of faces were fully expressed.

People are warm and self-sufficient, and these people have always been like this.

"Stunning County Master, how can you do this to the Pearl County Lord?"

"Yeah, it seems that the emperor is really wrong!"

"Hua Qiyue, how can you be a county lord like this? Are you not apologizing to the Pearl County lord?"

Apologize for the crime?

Hua Xiyue coldly curled his lips, I am afraid that this Pearl County lord is not so simple to make her apologize, she bluntly killed her, and murdered her desire to blame her, how much is this?

"Stop! Pearl County, this must be a misunderstanding, you should not cry, wait for me to understand!" Princess Hui Ya is gentle and authentic, let the next person send a piece of clothing draped in the Pearl County Body.

The people stared quietly at the three people, and the flowers and plants were calm and calm, and there was no panic at all.

"Shenhua County Lord, can you tell us what this is all about?" Princess Hui Ya asked politely, Ji Jing immediately groaned, "How is it possible? How can Qiyue’s sister be such a person? Was fooled by this Pearl County!"

"Miss Ji, you are not right to speak like this. The reputation of Huasuyue is not good at all. It is no big fuss to make such a thing!" A cold woman on the side laughed, the man is Ouyang Liuer. Because of the defeat in the hands of Huasu Yue, Ouyang Liuer is full of unwillingness and resentment.

It’s hard to get an opportunity now, and it’s a pleasure to vent your **** gimmick.

"Hey, how do you talk about this person, you are because the sister of the month has won you, is it so filthy?" Ji Jing laughed coldly, everyone listened, remembered the flower habitat and Ouyang Liuer The game, could not help but laughed.

Ouyang’s Missy lost to Huafu’s waste material prostitute, and it’s too joke. Now Ouyang Liuer is almost named as “waste material in waste materials”. How can she Not angry, not resentful?

"You... you are nonsense!"

Ouyang Liuer was poked in the pain, pointing to Ji Jing and could not tell.

"I didn't push her, it was her own fall." Hua Xiyue only then faintly opened, although the voice was deserted, but like the magic, the eyes of all people were brought to her.

"Shenhua County Lord... How can you do this? I clearly... obviously not offended you, how can you smear me like this?"

The main eyes of Mingzhu County have tears, which makes people feel bad.

The flowery moon bends the corners of the lips, and there is a bit of cold light in the clear ink, which makes people dare not look straight. They only think that the eyes are as penetrating, and they will all see the heart.

"The Pearl County is really lifting me up. How can I do something like this? It is obvious that the county owner jumped on himself. I also caught the sleeve of the county owner. Look... I want to hold her, but I want to hold her, but I didn't expect the county owner's clothes to be too thin, so they broke."

Huasu Yue faintly raised his hand, and she had a small sleeve in her hand. Everyone looked at the head of the Pearl County, and really saw the half-baked arm in the broken sleeve.

The Pearl County lord only cares about the filth of the flowers and the moon, and did not notice his sleeves. Now, I can't help but be surprised!

She obviously didn't feel that Huasuyue had pulled her. When was this sleeve broken a small part?

"If this is not evidence, you can look at it here!" Huasu Yue pointed to the place where she and the Pearl County Lord stood. "Because the Pearl County lord fell off the pool and struggled for a while, the position moved to the left. Before, I was standing here with the county owner. There are traces here. If you don't believe it, you can ask Jingwei to check it out, or ask the king to inspect it." Huasu Yue refers to the green grass that is not chaotic around him.

"If I push her down, then she should stand in front of me, but she is standing behind me. I push her saying, isn't it very reluctant?" Hua Xiyue was faint, and looked at the trembling with a blank expression. The main Pearl County owner.

When everyone listened, they looked at the side of Jingwei.

The Jingwei in the palace, but there are a lot of proficient skills, they are gas masters, but also good at observation, is the most advanced pneumatic master training of the palace, so Jingwei's position in the palace is also exceptionally high.

There was a Jingwei stand up and looked at the back of Huasuyue. He said, "Shenhua County is right, the former Pearl County owner is indeed behind the Jinghua County."

In this way, everyone is lost!

Ji Jing snorted and sneaked at the Mingzhu County master. "Hey, you want to marry Nanwang, I am!"

Ji Jing is a woman from the rivers and lakes. The words she said were relatively straightforward and vulgar. The public and the gold were not disgusted. They looked at the Pearl County Lord with contemptuous eyes.

It is not a good thing to filthy others and successfully step on the painful position of others. There is no sympathy.

"No... I was smashed! Princess Huiya, obviously the master of Jinghua County pushed me down..." The Pearl County lord did not expect that Huasuyue was so careful, and the two strokes would dismantle her bureau. The heart was shocked and angry.

"Hey? Ask the county lord, if the habitat is really pushing you down, then how does this sleeve come to my hand?"

Huasu has raised the broken sleeves in the hands of Yang.

Pearl County’s main bite, "You... pinch my sleeves when you push me..."

"And then let you fall? Mingzhu County Lord, can you not immediately grab my hand and drag me down? This kind of sophistry is too far-fetched?" Hua Xiyue sneered, "this clothing quality, but The most famous rich textiles in Changjing are woven, and the bright moon peony is not easy to break, it is not easy to burn, and you should try again..."

Everyone looked at the eyes of the Pearl County Lord, but it was even more contemptuous.

"No... I was embarrassed. I was scared at the time. I don't remember that I have to go ashore. I don't remember to pull her..."

The main face of the Pearl County is white, still not reconciled.

"Mingzhu County Lord, the tree wants the skin to face, how can you be so shameless? The king saw you jump into the pool with your own eyes." A cold voice rang out not far away, everyone looked up, only to see the public The daughters have let a road open, and the South King stands not far away, watching all this indifferently.

Hua Xiyue did not expect that the cloud will suddenly stand out, it is really strange.

Behind the clouds, the ice slaps the mouth of the mouth, and now the prince, it is always time to pay attention to the flower habitat.

This time even the Southern King testified, and the Pearl County Lord had no chance of sophistry, and there was no such courage. She shyly lowered her head and whispered.

"Mingzhu County Lord, you are really confused, actually use this kind of squatting method to frame the Jinghua County Lord!"

"Yeah, I have never seen such a bad person!"

Everyone has just turned to the shameless accusation of Huasuyue, and suddenly turned to the Pearl County, it can be said that the face is changing from time to time, and the crisis is ugly.

Huasu Yue faintly bends his lips. "Xie Nanwang testified for the month, otherwise... I don't know when someone will argue."

The Pearl County owner suddenly became a soft body, and even fainted. Princess Hui Ya quickly made her take it away. At the end, she was still sneer. "The heart is unpredictable. The princess has long said that the Jinghua County is not such a person. , Jinghua County Lord, let's go together, this princess gives you tea."

Everyone was watching the flower habitat month with amazement. She was so lucky that she not only got the testimony of Nanwang, but also the maintenance of Princess Huiya.

However, it was too late, and Huashui’s euphemism was resigned, indicating that there would be a chance to be with Princess Huiya.

This evening, the reputation of Huasuyue was better than before. It was so good that the emperor sealed her as the master of Jinghua County, and even learned that there was a thousand red medicine in her hands. Everyone really guessed about her.

The herbal family Ouyang family, Xiajia, and the two major families of the capital, Baili family, Liujia, have received more information on Huasu month.

Everyone was shocked by the big change of a waste material prostitute. Fortunately, the former flower and habitat month was a soft egg, and anyone who bullied it did not dare to swear by the old lady and spend a lot of time complaining, and again tolerated it again and again. .

But now she, she has become very intelligent, and even more high-handed guidance, all of a sudden makes people a little more yearning for the flower of the moon.

The goddess of the city, the flowering month of the adulteress, makes people feel mysterious.

Who will help the person who helped her?

Huasuyue was in front of the flower house. After thanking the Nanwang, he and the old lady joined the house. The southern king smashed the curtain and watched the two red gates close, and the lips passed a smile.

Hua Xiyue asked the servant to buy two roast chickens from Wang Yue Xuan, two roast chickens, a large bowl of fried peanuts and five bottles of plum blossoms.

After the flowering month, he told the next person to rest well and let the next person put the food in the room.

Green Heart and others are extremely suspicious. Missy seems to be particularly fond of eating these days, and she also eats a lot every time.

Godsend had to be abandoned outside, and could not help but be discouraged, but when he mentioned reading, his spirit returned.

Hua Xiyue carried the big parcel into the outer world. When she saw her, she rushed like a tiger. She grabbed the parcel in her hand and shouted as she opened it. "God! God! Chicken! Peanut!"

These are all he loves to eat.