MTL - The General’s Genius Daughter-~ 026: Apologize

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Huasu month faintly raised his eyebrows. "Not only three mothers, but also the second mother will come."

The water was scared, "No, even the second lady will come?"

Green Heart was also surprised to see the flower habitat, in their impression, the second lady has always been proud, not as good as the three ladies, how can she even come?

However, Hua Xiyue said it well. Her words just fell, and there were several footsteps from outside the hospital. It took a long time to see the two goddess carrying the dream poem and the maids coming in.

Luo’s mother around Cheng’s hand held a big box, her face was respectful and she could not see the same.

"Hey, you only use dinner! You are here to pay for your crimes." Cheng smiled faintly, and his dream poems looked down and couldn't see her expression at all.

Huasu month smiles and makes people give a seat.

"The second sister-in-law laughed, how dare the juniors let the two sisters personally come to apologize?" Hua Xiyue smiled faintly, not stunned, and mad.

Cheng Shi secretly surprised, it seems that he really looked away from the eyes, flowers and plants must be the dawn of the light before the moon, now has the ability to show the mountains and water, it is really embarrassing.

Hua Meng's poems were not willing to come before, but they were stunned by Cheng to be with her. Now they are low-browed and hide the disgust and dissatisfaction in their eyes.

"It is like this. Before the dream poet Qiu Yun was in a bad mood, the black dog attempted to destroy the thousand red in the hospital. It was our improper governance. Qiu Yun has been blamed for the 20th board. Nowadays Sending the eight horses to the paintings painted by the paintings, I will pay for the Miss. "Cheng's careful and deliberate, but also deliberately looked at the expression of flowers and plants.

On the one hand, Luo mother quickly opened the big red box, only smelled a touch of fragrance.

The maid of the dream poem, Suo Rou, quickly took the famous painting out.

Painting Saint is also a famous celebrity in Changjing. It is said that his paintings are made one year and ten in ten years. After that, he no longer writes.

His paintings are vivid and vivid, and even the emperor specially seeks paintings, but the paintings are holy, but not many people have seen his true body.

Why does the second lady have such a painting?

That was when the second lady's maiden had made great contributions to the emperor, so the emperor specially gave an eight horse to the Cheng family.

Later, Cheng was married to Huafu, and he spent many times making meritorious deeds. Cheng Laozhang gave the painting to Huali.

Nowadays, I spend a lot of time on the border, and the things on the house are naturally decided by the second lady. However, the flower season is very clear, although the second lady gave the painting to her, but if the flower house needs it, if the old lady or the flower is open, she can't avoid returning the painting.

This Cheng Shi, apologizes also play a small trick, Hua Xiyue quietly took a sip of soup, lips smile.

The taste of the red ginseng soup is too strong, and the flower dream poem can not help but stare at the bowl of soup, a shocked look in the eyes flashed.

Thousands of red is a **** medicine, I did not expect that Huasuyue will be willing to drink with soup, it is a 50,000 yuan of silver herbs!

Suddenly, the dream of poetry is full of dissatisfaction and anger. Why do you spend the emperor's day on Huayu?

There was a deep hatred and a strong embarrassment in my heart, and there was a murderous heart in the dream poetry.

This monk can't stay for a long time, otherwise it will definitely take away the name of her strongest capital in Beijing. The premonition of dreaming poems is often 99.5 percent.

Surou started the painting, but when he saw the painting, eight **** and sweaty BMWs rushed to the front, although they could not hear any sound, but the vivid picture made people see the real BMW, and they were comfortable on the green grassland. Mercedes-Benz, long flying, full of pride!

Among the group of horses, four are reddish-brown, four are white, and the colors are bright and dazzling. Although they are slightly exaggerated, they all gather all the light on the eight horses!

For the first time, everyone saw such a good painting, and they were all blindfolded, and their eyes were full of stunning colors.

Huashang Yue is not moving, smiled and said, "This painting from the two sisters is indeed good, people are as immersive. Green heart, accept it."

"Yes!" Greenheart and the secluded water glanced at each other, and both came out and carefully took the box.

"Xie Er Yu Niang's kindness, we have some thousands of red ginseng soup here, drink it to nourish the skin and blood, not as good as the two sisters and the two sisters, how about this soup?"

Hua Xiyue's eyebrows showed joy. Cheng felt that she should be so happy because she got the treasure painting. This gift was really sent to her heart.

"That's good, it's good to be Missy's heart! We see little and less, I really don't know what a thousand reds are. Now I have to taste it, or to thank Miss Dao!" Cheng's politeness and pro Laughing with the ground.

Hua Meng Shi raised his head and his lips were full of smiles. He looked very happy and seemed to be sincere and sincere. "Yeah, big sister, I didn't expect to bless you, we can taste the taste of amaranth. Thank you very much, big sister."

These people screamed grateful words, but Huasu Yue did understand that it was only a superficial effort.

However, she laughs without a city, you poison me more poisonous, as long as the person who dares to shoot her, she will not let go.

Now is the time to introduce them into the game!

Huasuyue sent the two bowls of thousands of red people to participate in the chicken soup. The dreams of the dreams are more attractive and full of respect.

The second lady, Cheng’s appearance, was relieved with a deep sigh of relief. The most feared thing was that her dream poetry would reveal her feet. Now it seems that she thinks more.

Hua Meng Shi sent the bowl to the lips, gently sipping a lady, and suddenly felt a fragrant mouth, sweet but not greasy, mixed with the taste of chicken, full of mouth and long stay, it is endless.

God-given big eyes looked at Cheng’s and Hua Meng’s poems. The little guy was small, but when he came in, he caught the disgust in the eyes of Hua Meng’s poems. He slammed a small amount of things into the little one. Bowl of soup.

His every move has fallen into the eyes of Hua Xiyue.

Hua Xiyue smiled and bent his eyes, but did not stop him.

Xiao Tianci held the bowl of soup and sat up in the distance. The green heart and the faint water looked at the little guy in confusion.

The little guy came to the front of Huameng's poem with a soup and smiled and handed the small bowl of soup.

The flower dream poem stunned, and the second lady immediately smiled. "Tianci is really sensible, dream poetry, since he likes you so much, then you drink it!"

Huasu Yue also smiled docilely. "Yes, the second sister, Godsend is very embarrassing, like a person will express it like this. Since it is his mind, don't let it down."

The thoughts of the second lady are actually clear when the flowers are in the moon. After all, the red ginseng chicken soup is not something that ordinary people can drink. She will seize this opportunity and let the flowers dream more to drink, so that the body is strong and powerful. Progress is faster.

"In this case, I am not welcome. Thank you, God, I like it very much!"

Hua Meng Shi smiled and took the half bowl of soup, the smile of the gods, the eyes of a satirical color.

Green Heart and others were on the sidelines, and they couldn’t help but sneak a peek at the two ladies and Hua Meng’s poems. The little guy had only half a bowl of soup, and they actually had a thick face and wanted to drink it!

Huameng poetry felt that the soup was so sweet, so he took care of the bowl of Xiaotianci and naturally took a sip.

"Cough and cough..." Huameng poetry suddenly coughed up. She only felt that her mouth was full of spicy taste. She was so hot that she was blushing, tearful, and her tongue was numb.

"Dream poetry, you are really, so what are you doing, take your time!" The second lady did not know what happened, and quickly said with a smile.

Xiao Tianci gave a black smile, spit out his tongue, and happily returned to the side of Huasuyue.

Poor flower dream poetry, was so hot and tearful, but did not reveal half.

Because that soup was all drunk by her, and the bowl was taken away by the niece on one side.

"The second sister is anxious, the soup is still there, but I should drink it slowly. Seeing that the second sister likes Godsend, I am also relieved." Huasu Yue smiled and smiled, reaching out and gently stroking the little guy's head.

The little guy’s smile is getting more and more brilliant.

Flower dreams are in my eyes, hate my heart, and finally breathe a sigh of relief. "Oh, the soup is too sweet, so I squatted in anxious."

She wiped the tears of the bark with a flower handkerchief, swallowed all the anger and grievances, and smiled.

When everyone was being shackled, she secretly snickered the second lady. It was so ridiculous that she ignored the ceremonial abandonment of Sven and drank a soup.

However, only Xiaotianci and Huasuyue know that there is a small amount of chili powder in the soup, and the flower is happy to eat in the moon, so the next person is specially equipped with a small half of the chili powder on the secondary dish.

Just the godsend to get in, is the chili powder.

Hua Xiyue’s mood is better. The little guy is small, but he will see it when he sees it. This time, she is simply cool.

Huameng poetry restored its normal expression, and the face was laughing and laughing, as if nothing had happened.

Hua Xiyue secretly admire her, because the flower dream poems attacked the mind, know how to cover up, in order to win the title of the first thousand gold in Beijing.

Outside, Hua Meng Yu is so forbearing and witty, but here she has a dumb loss.

After Cheng’s chilling, after drinking the bowl of soup, he left to leave with Huameng Shi and others.

Looking at the back of the flower dream poem, the flowery moon could not help but bend the corner of the lips. This time it is really a fire, and the god-given behavior will make her get angry.

Anyway, she can't wait, it's better to have a better time.


Returning to the butterfly-like residence, Huameng Shiyi retired from the next person, sipped the tea in his hand, and then slammed the teacup to the ground.

Cheng was surprised to see the girl, and lowered his voice, "What's wrong? Dream poetry?"

The flower dreams squatted out of the window and the thickened nights. "Mother, just the wild boy, gave the daughter a bowl of soup with chili powder, and it killed me!"

The second lady listened, recalling the bright smile of Xiao Tianci, could not help but twist the eyebrows. "It seems that Huasuyue is really difficult to deal with, and dare to incite the adopted child to give you such a surprise..."

Fortunately, the dream poetry did not reveal a half point, otherwise she would like to give a gift to the flowery month, that is to waste my mind.