MTL - The General Loves to Collect Little Red Flowers-Chapter 11 People are hard to tear down

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This phantom is off the ground, ragged, and squatting like a hang in the air. This "乞丐" is about seventeen or eight years old, shaved, black-skinned, three-dimensional three-dimensional, looks pretty handsome. It’s just that a pair of dark eyes always look so awkward when looking at people. And this is exactly what Yin Yao is looking for, Yin Fengyu.

In January 2017, Ji Fengyu was stabbed with three years of illness and was killed by his father who had been drinking alcohol and drugs all year round. After his death, his father escaped for half a year before being arrested. No one gave him a funeral, no one gave him a trip, no one burned a column for him, and set up a tablet. Ji Fengyu’s resentment for the world’s affairs has been unable to let go of the reincarnation of the past, and in a blink of an eye it has become a ghost.

It was Le Yao who accidentally saw him outside the Buddha shop, asked him to "eat" Sanzhuxiang and chatted with him. Le Yao learned that he actually only stayed with him after a street, but also for his daily chanting, hoping to untie his heart as soon as possible.

Later, the knot was still not successfully solved, but the "two people" became good friends who had nothing to say. To say who is the best in this world, Feng Yuyu.

"Who are you?" At this moment, Ji Fengyu frowned. He slammed into Le Yao and looked at him at a height of one centimeter. The evil spirit of blue and gray was overflowing in his shadow. The wrong sentence will make him sullen, "How do you know how to summon me?"

"Fengyu, I am Leyao." Le Yao whispered, "Do you remember me? Leya in a Buddhist shop." Grandma's bear, a little nervous! This has been more than 500 years, right?

"Le Yao?" Ji Fengyu looked up and down for a moment, and his suffocation slowly recovered. It seems that he could not believe it. "Your boy is really Yao?"

"Right right, it's me!" Le Yao saw that he still remembered, nodded in nostalgia, and smashed outside the bathroom, the voice was pressed less. "I, I didn't die in March 2019?" Then I don't know how to get here. Now this is my new body. How are you doing these years? Is there anyone else to help you after my death?"

"... who is you outside?" Ji Fengyu did not answer the question of Le Yao, and suddenly asked.

"Outside?" Le Yao took the time to react. Ji Fengyu said that it was continued. "Oh, he is now my legal legal spouse. I started out in Tarot Star, and he brought me here. After saying that Ji Fengyu’s expression was a bit strange, Le Yao asked: “What’s wrong?”

"He wants to wake up." Ji Fengyu said.

Le Yao: "!!!"

Le Yao listened carefully, and there was a slight quilt rubbing sound outside. Soon after, he seemed to hear what was in his mouth. He didn't understand it and said: "He has such a heavy unrequited anger, how can he wake up at this time?"

So heavy grievances, under normal circumstances are enough to sleep until dawn tomorrow morning? !

Ji Fengyu frowned and said: "He is not an ordinary person. Didn't you find that he can resolve his grievances on his own? Although his hands are covered with blood, but the person's bones are upright, the general grievances can't entangle him for how long."

So Ming Shu said that it would be nice to have a suffocating sleep.

Le Yao asked Ji Fengyu: "Do you know what to do?"

Ji Fengyu snorted and said with a little admiration in disdain: "Continue the king, how many do you know on this planet?" After he finished, he quickly passed through the wall, and the whole stood up after the continuation. On the back.

Continued to maintain the squatting posture, I was originally awake, and as a result, Ji Fengyu stepped on it and continued to wake up. He frowned and went to sleep. His mind was full of nightmares. The expression looked quite a bit. distressed.

Le Yao: "..."

Le Yao quickly closes the smart blinds, so that no one can see it outside, and then look at Ji Fengyu with his eyes, it is not convenient to speak.

Ji Fengyu looked around and said: "I can't hear him when I speak. You speak a little."

Le Yao is a little relieved: "Fengyu, I am asking you to ask you, what happened in these five hundred years. And is there any way I can go back. Here... the trough is too fucking, I This body is an omega, do you know? What is the estrus period! It is speechless!"

After several hundred years, Ji Fengyu once again saw that Le Yao slammed the wind by hand, and it was awkward. This is the action that Le Yao often does when he is troubled. He didn't expect to bring it here. He looked at the meeting and said: "It is impossible to go back. Don't say it is you, I can't go back. The natural disasters of more than two hundred years ago were extinct. After that, we have no home. Didn't you find that the grievances here are particularly heavy when you came?"

Le Yao said: "I found it. I want to ask you, what the **** is going on."

Ji Fengyu put the lights darker and said: "There was a big migration in the fifteen years, and too many people were abandoned here. They... became the same as I was at the time."

What is the same?

This problem just flashed in Le Yao’s mind, and he wanted to understand it first. On the way to China Xia Xing, he also went online to find information in order to understand more than 500 years of history. He found that the big migration of that year was the same as the disaster movie he had seen. Not everyone. Have been able to escape. In fact, in the face of a major disaster of extinction, human beings, like other animals, will focus on protecting the excellent genes that are relatively more likely to survive, because this is the nature of animals.

That migration brought nearly 150,000 people to the Tarot Star, and was left much more than being taken away. If these people can put down their obsessions and grievances, there are always people who can't do this. Maybe he/she has no grievances and obsessions in his heart, but there are one or two people he/she is worried about, and this will be the same as Ji Fengyu, and he will not be able to live for a long time.

Le Yao can't imagine how many ghosts and ghosts there will be in this world. They were left behind, no one sent them a ride, no one worshiped. They can't even go to reincarnation because they want to know that there is almost no new life born here. He now even suspects that the law of the underworld is still absent.

"Where do you live now?" Le Yao still remembers that he once burned a mansion to Ji Fengyu, and also burned clothes and gold ingots, but Ji Fengyu is now like this, how are you not doing well.

"There is a graveyard in the place of about six or seven hundred kilometers." Ji Fengyu said.

"Grave?" Le Yao suddenly thought of something, "Is it a few months in the lunar calendar, do you still remember?"

"Do you think I am like a ghost who will remember this kind of thing?" Ji Fengyu tempered a bit, stunned Le Yao, "What do you want?"

"I want to bless my pen. I have to be on the 30th. If you don't, don't leave. You stay, come back and I will give you another house." Le Yao said, "Others, I am temporarily in charge." No, my good buddy, I can still manage it. When the day is up, I will buy paper and give you a new set."

"Yes. That's the way it is today. I will go first."

"Go?" Le Yao, "Where?"

"What do you guys do when I sleep? Of course, it is the place where I should return."

"I rely! How do you do that?" Le Yao disagreed. "The grievances on his body are so much scattered. You must wake up when you leave. If he wants to..." Le Yao pointed to Xu, Refer again to yourself: "I don't think he is his opponent! Is it buddy?"

Ji Fengyu continued, he was very embarrassed, and it was difficult to say: "Do it. Then you sleep, I step on him." After saying "嘁": "To prevent him from being like a dog today, hold a small hand with him tomorrow."

Le Yao: "What do you say?"

Ji Fengyu looked gloating: "I said that omega has no fucking. I have seen a few pairs before, when it is estrus, that is true, hehe..."

Le Yao is not good for the whole person. Because the friend of the loss is called a friend, there must be a reason for it. This is a real loss! It is said that more than five hundred years have passed, and Ji Fengyu has not changed, but his speech has become more unconcerned. This cargo has no rhythm before speaking!

Le Yao couldn't sleep for a while, and then he went to the Internet to see if he had anything to buy, such as incense sticks, gold paper and the like. Because his communicator and the light brain are really bad here, he used the communicator that was given to him. Regrettably, the big Tarot Empire did not sell incense. Gold foil paper is there, but the Tarot Empire is used in some places such as design or decoration.

Ji Fengyu saw what Le Yao was looking for and said, "If you burn Jin Jinbao now, I have no place to spend."

Le Yao asked: "Why?"

Ji Fengyu walked around on the continuous squatting body. It was like a bridge to the continued body: "There is nothing in the underworld to buy. There are so many grievances and shortages of supplies. Then you are not Knowing that the things here are not long-term use." Otherwise, the people in the former Yang had burned the law, and the underworld had already exploded.

Le Yao said: "I know." After the unknowingly put the quilt on himself, he continued: "He should not be blue all over tomorrow?"

Ji Fengyu said: "No, at most, it has been run over by trucks."

Le Yao: "..."

The continued expression looks a bit painful, but this iron-like body drive is supposed to be no problem? Otherwise, if you wake up, it seems a bit embarrassing.

Le Yao thought about it and decided to take a nap before waking up.

It may be because Ji Fengyu was recruited, and Le Yao was a bit at the bottom, so he slept quite well. When he woke up the next morning, he did not see Ji Fengyu, but his mental state was fine.

Continued 尧 is not so good. Continued to observe him facelessly.

"You, what are you doing?" Le Yao was like a frightened little squirrel, and quickly pulled the quilt up. Feeling to continue this time is far more difficult than the black face.

"When did I fall asleep last night?" continued.

"I fell asleep after I took a shower. Then I went to sleep." Le Yao said, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Continued to squint, squeeze the shoulders and get out of bed to go to the bathroom.

Le Yao saw the same thing in his pants, and he was speechless. He quickly got out of bed, went to get the suit and changed clothes, and couldn't help but extend the two index fingers more than a length, sighed: "My mother..."

Who knows that the continuation of death is not dead at this time, and when he sees what he is doing, he raises his eyebrows: "What is it?"

Le Yao suddenly slammed his hand back, and Zhangkou said, "Hey, fish! I mean, the fish we ate last night was so long!"

Continued to squint at the little red-haired woman with her ears red, like a smile: "You are sure that you just ‘fish’, did you eat it last night?”

Le Yao: "..." People are hard to tear down and continue to be a teacher!

The author has something to say: Yesterday I saw a small friend in the comments asking about the "small red flower contract", because I don't have a manuscript, so I can't answer it accurately, but it shouldn't be far away...

Cough~ Thank you for your support.