MTL - The Fugitive White Moonlight of a Powerful Minister-Chapter 124 If you don't join the WTO, how can you save the world?

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  Chapter 124 Why save the world if you don't join the world?

   (This article is first published in Xiaoxiang Academy, please go to Xiaoxiang Academy for updates.)

  Wen Ning only found out after several days that following her had become useless.

  That night, Pei You asked her about her plans for the second day, because he was going to give a lecture at the academy again the next day.

   It is already the third mansion, and Wen Ning has basically figured out what exactly Pei You is going to Jiangnan this time.

  Shen Ke of the eight Jiangnan prefectures has become heavy. Although the governors of the two rivers were forcibly removed before, and several prefects were changed, it is not easy to wash the whole plate of sand.

He had said before that the people of King Rui were greedy and fearful that he would stare at the school and cause even bigger troubles. He thought that he came here this time to take the imperial decree of Emperor Jiahe and stare at it personally to replace the unclean sand. clean.

  So, no matter what King Rui wants to do, he will be powerless.

  Why those two schools collapsed, it is impossible to find out the reason now, but he often gave lectures in the local area for a few days after dealing with political affairs. Those students got to see him and hear about his learning. Not only did the rumors that were unfavorable to him disappear, but he also accumulated a lot of reputation because of it.

  Wen Ning didn't know how he handled the school in his previous life, but it must have been less successful this time. Not only did he solve the problem and gain a reputation, but he holds the power to appoint and transfer officials. Wouldn't he be able to quietly stuff his own people?

  Wen Ning, a boudoir who didn't know anything about court affairs, had to pay more attention to political affairs because of the Xuanping Rebellion in her previous life. Now she can analyze the situation and see some of Pei You's ways of doing things.

   But in this way, this rich Jiangnan used to be the territory of King Rui, so after this trip, wouldn't it be Pei You's pocket?

   This is not a hole that King Rui dug for Pei You, it is simply another big gift from Emperor Jiahe to Pei You!

  Wen Ning, who had figured out this joint, only felt sympathy. If Pei You knew that she knew so much, she might kill her to silence her.

   But when she arrived in Songjiang Mansion, her thoughts changed slightly.

  Before in Suzhou Mansion, Wen Ning didn't go to the theater that day, but pretended to be a scholar to listen to Pei You's lecture. It's true that she loves to listen to operas, but these days she listens to a lot, and the operas are fake, how can it be as interesting as hearing the truth?

  Although she couldn't understand many things Pei You said, she could chat with the scholars around her, so as to find out some of the outside world.

  So every time Pei You gave lectures, she would go there.

  After the hidden guard who followed her became vain, at most, she would take a look at the local customs on the first day of her arrival in a new town, instead of wandering around and buying things like before.

   At first, Tubai is really boring. What's the point of her shopping alone? Secondly, as Pei You said, the things she bought before are worth two carriages, and if she buys more, she may have to drag ten carriages back to Beijing.

   At that time, I am afraid that the people on Chang'an Avenue will have a good time watching.

  So from Suzhou Mansion to Changzhou Mansion, Zhenjiang Mansion, and then to Songjiang Mansion, when Pei You went to the government office, Wen Ning was mostly in the official post...embroidering sachets.

  What about Su's double-sided embroidery, in fact, she was bragging about it to make the sachet valuable. She is a girl who has never set foot in Jiangnan, how can she know the craftsmanship of Jiangnan people?

  But since Pei You really wanted to buy a sachet with two thousand taels, and she had time, she really started to learn.

  And when Pei You didn't go to the government office, she pretended to be a scholar and went to the college to listen to his lectures. As time went on, she could vaguely understand the meaning of things that she didn't understand before.

  In the past, every time I gave a lecture, the scene was orderly, and the scholars were also respectful and courteous.

   This day is the last day in Songjiang Mansion.

  Pei You walked all the way around the south of the Yangtze River to give lectures, and there were actually people following him. Wherever he talked, the group of people heard him. Because Wen Ning is also present at every show, they are soon regarded as colleagues, and every time they must occupy a seat for her, reserve a seat.

   At the beginning of this day, everything was as usual. After the scholars listened to the lectures, there would always be some questions, and Pei You was not hesitant to answer them.

   Some scholars will submit their own articles at the end, and Pei You will accept them one by one.

  But usually at this point, the lecture is coming to an end.

   "Where will my lord go next? Jiaxing Mansion or Huzhou Mansion?"

   "It should be Huzhou Prefecture. After going to Huzhou Prefecture and then going to Jiaxing Prefecture, you can start your journey back to Beijing."

   "But I heard that the adults will go to Jiaxing Mansion first, then to Huzhou Mansion, and finally return to Qiantang from Huzhou."

   "Wouldn't it be a detour?"

  Several people around Wen Ning were discussing in low voices where Pei You would go next, so that they could arrange their route and time. When they were at loggerheads, someone suddenly asked, "Mr. Wen, where do you think your lord will go first?"

  Ask her?

  Wen Ning blinked, Pei You didn't like to reveal her itinerary, at first she wanted to ask them. But this time she did inadvertently hear Tu Bai and him report that they would go to Jiaxing Mansion first and leave Huzhou Mansion as the last stop.

  But it doesn't seem very good for her to directly reveal what she overheard.

   Just when she was hesitating to speak, there was a commotion ahead.

  The group of them who followed Pei You were not only Pei You's die-hard loyalists, but they were also particularly discerning. Every time a seat is occupied, a corner is reserved, and better seats are reserved for new scholars, for fear of hindering Pei You from recruiting a new batch of loyalists.

   Therefore, Wen Ning almost had to stretch his neck to see what was happening in front of him.

  I saw a young scholar in a gray robe insisting on standing up under the pull of the people around him. His fair face was flushed, but he still said with righteous indignation:

   "Mr. Pei, you keep saying that the common people are unfair and that the court needs fresh blood. You want us to be diligent in learning and thinking, but what about Mr. Pei himself?"

"As we all know, the number one scholar has always been in the Hanlin for editing and writing, but Mr. Pei entered the official position as a doctor of the fifth-rank Ministry of Industry. In just one year, he was exceptionally promoted to be the minister of the third-rank Ministry of Industry. Mr. Pei can carry the imperial decree to the south of the Yangtze River. To be able to sit here and give lectures, isn't it just relying on the status of the prince of the Duke's Mansion? Isn't it relying on having the eldest princess as the mother and His Majesty as the uncle?"

   As soon as the words came to an end, the school, which was a little tumultuous just now because it was about to end, fell silent instantly.

  Even Wen Ning couldn't help holding his breath.

  This man is so bold! Everyone knows that Pei You's existence today is inseparable from his background and the favor of Emperor Jiahe, but... he is the first person who dares to question and question in front of so many people on this occasion. one.

Pei You didn't seem to have expected to be asked this question at the end. His hands holding a stack of articles were suspended in the air, and his back was a little stiff. Looking at the scholar indifferently, he didn't answer for a while.

  He didn't answer, and the scene became even quieter, even a little weirdly quiet.

  Wen Ning frowned slightly.

   This man is too, not only bold, but also rude. Could Pei You's background be chosen by himself? Emperor Jiahe wanted to promote him, how could he refuse to say no?

  When such a question is asked, how do people answer it?

  Wen Ning herself didn't realize that if someone had caused trouble for Pei You in the past, she would have clapped her hands and applauded, wishing to embarrass him and keep him from stepping down.

   But now, she just felt that the man was just finding fault, and even wanted to do something to resolve this embarrassing situation.

  Pei You's stupor didn't last long, for a moment, he lowered his indifferent eyes. Maybe it was to make himself look closer, every time he gave a lecture, he liked to wear white clothes. Now that his long eyelashes were down, and the small mole on the side of his nose was bright red and glaring, he seemed particularly deserted.

  He still didn't answer, but silently and slowly continued to sort out the articles that were just handed over to him, and rolled them up unhurriedly as usual, putting them into his sleeves.

   Then stood up.

  The students all looked at him, and no one made any unnecessary noises.

Just when everyone thought he was going to leave directly, and avoided answering this obviously ill-intentioned question, Pei You lightly raised his eyebrows and looked at the neatly seated scholars, his voice neither happy nor angry, as usual is so peaceful:

   "The world is turbid, but if you don't join the world, how can you save the world?"

   A simple sentence made the scene more peaceful.

  He didn't say any more, and walked away, only taking a look at Wen Ning before leaving.

  Wen Ning knew that he was reminding her to leave, but like other students, she sat on the futon for a while before recovering.

  Wen Ning tossed and turned for a while before falling asleep that night.

  If you don’t join the WTO, how can you save the world?

   This sentence kept circling in her mind, as well as the trembling in her heart when she heard it.

   It's not that Pei You's words are so knowledgeable and shocking, but that she suddenly realized... Pei You turned out to be an ambitious person.

  He doesn't hide his desire for power, and he doesn't mind what others say. He resolutely devotes himself to the "troubled times", so he also has his own pursuit.

  She always thought that his unscrupulous pursuit of power and profit was due to his innate ambition and his innate desire to control.

  He likes to keep everything firmly in his hands, just like her in her previous life.

   Then he personally watched the appointment of officials from various prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River, and gave lectures wherever he went. Wasn't it just to install his own power and accumulate his own reputation?

  Does he also really want to carve out a path for those poor students who are underappreciated and have no way to get into official positions?

  Wen Ning turned over, Pei You was already asleep.

  The relationship between the two has eased a lot these days. He no longer confronts her often, and he doesn't deliberately say something to anger him, and he doesn't even deliberately turn his back to her when he falls asleep.

  At this moment, the lamps and candles had already been blown out, and the moon outside the window made the light in the room quiet, only his outline was faintly illuminated.

   She is very familiar with it, but she really doesn't seem to have looked at it carefully.

  Wen Ning turned around, and remembered the gentle look he had when he was holding Douding in Wanggui Mountain.

  She sighed softly.

  Perhaps, the untimely reunion in her previous life, the erroneous beginning, really made her prejudice against him, and she never really understood him.

   The Jiangnan map is coming to an end~



  (end of this chapter)