MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 110 Zang Feng twenty-two 4

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Since then, the plan has started successfully. Nie Mingqi no longer has to bother to find the remaining limbs of Nie Mingqi, and hand over all the dangerous and troublesome things to Wei Wuxi and Blue forgot the machine, only need to be close Monitor their movements.

The positive contact of Qinghe, Nie Huai's pretending not to know Mo Xuanyu, Wei Wuzhen really did not notice anything wrong. However, he has quietly determined that the shell of "Mo Xuan Yu" has been replaced.

Jinling, Lansi chasing, Lan Jingyi and other juniors met the cat and strange things along the road. It was clear that some people deliberately created visions, plus the "Orion" that did not exist in the nearby villages. The purpose of doubt is to bring this group of unsuccessful family members into the city of justice.

Imagine if Wei Wuyi and Lan Forgot Machine were negligent and did not protect them in good condition. This group of children had any bad pool in Yicheng. Most of this account is also counted on Jinguangyao today.

In short, the more chips that can be convicted of Jin Guangyao, the better, can induce the mistakes made by this cautious villain, and the more handles that are left, the better, the better the death will be.

Wei Wudao said: "Nie Zongzhu, the body of Chi Feng Zun, isn't it preserved by you?"

Nie Huai Sang scratched his head and said: "I used to keep it. But I just received a message tonight, my big brother is in the body of Qinghe." Why would I rush to Qinghe, halfway? Was caught by Su..."

Blue forgot to use the dust-proof sword tip to turn over the black box next to the coffin, and glanced over the engraved mantra. He said nothing to Wei: "Head."

This scorpion should have been used to hold Nie Mingqi’s head. After Jin Guangyao shifted his head from Jinlintai, he mostly buried it here.

Wei Wuzhen nodded to him and said: "Nie Zongzhu, do you know what was originally installed in this coffin?"

Nie Huai Sang slowly took care of the hair that had been wet by the rain, and looked like helplessly: "How do I know? Wei brother, why should you always do this? How do you ask, I don't know, I don't know."

Wei Wuzhen stared at him for a while, and finally he turned his eyes away.

It is speculated that it is seamless again, after all, it is only speculation. No one has any evidence.

Moreover, even if the evidence is found, what can be proved? What can I achieve? Who is down?

Revenge for his brother, planning a series of events deliberately, it sounds nothing wrong, at least there is no obvious condemnation. Even in this process, treating others as chess pieces, depending on the lives of other family juniors, there is nothing in the end, but after all, there is no danger at all, and no real harm is caused.

Nie Huai-sang’s face was stunned and helpless at the moment, perhaps a disguise. He did not want to admit that he had murdered Gusu Lan’s and other family’s juniors, or that his plan did not stop there. He wanted to hide the true face and do more. The matter, to achieve higher goals; may not be so complicated at all, perhaps Wei Wuzhen’s guess is really just speculation, sending letters, killing cats, and Nie Ming’s body is one of the other people, Nie Huaisan It is a real pustule. In the end, Jin Guangyao’s words were only a temporary lie after he was shouted by Nie Huai Sang’s attempt to sneak attack. He intended to disturb the mind of Lan Yichen and took the opportunity to pull him away. After all, Jin Guangyao is a big lie, and it is not surprising when he lies and lie.

As for why he changed his mind at the last minute and pushed Blue Jason, who knows what he thinks?

Lan Yichen’s hand on the back of his hand was bulging, and he sighed: “...What did he want? I thought I knew him very well, and later I found out that I didn’t understand it. Before I got tonight, I thought I would understand it again. I don't know it now."

Lan Yuchen said with a sigh: "What exactly does he want to do?"

However, even he did not know that it is even more impossible for others to have an answer.

Silence for a while, Wei Wuwei said: "Let's stop standing. Take a few people out to find someone, leave a few people, stay here and watch this thing. This coffin adds these strings, no How long has the law blocked the Red Front?"

As if to confirm his judgment, there was a slap in the coffin.

The bangs burst with a nameless anger, and Nie Huai Sang was awkward. Wei Wuxi looked at him and said: "I saw it? I have to change a more solid coffin, dig a deep pit, and re-buried it. At least it can't be opened within a hundred years. Once opened, the ghost is not scattered. , after suffering from infinite..."

He hadn't finished yet, and there was a loud bark in the distance.

Wei Wuzhen changed color when he was on the road.

Jin Ling is a reluctant spirit, said: "Fairy!"

Thunder has passed away, and the pouring rain has turned into a patter of light rain. The deepest night has passed and the sky is cool.

* The black scorpion dog spreads four legs, and a black wind blows in and rushes to Jinling. A pair of rounded dog eyes were wet, and the front paws stood up from the ground, squatting on the legs of Jinling. Wei Wuzhen saw its bright red tongue sticking out from the white teeth, constantly licking Jinling's hand, his face turned white and straight, and opened his mouth, feeling that the soul seemed to be a group of blue smoke from the mouth. Flying to heaven. Blue forgot to silence him behind him, separating the sight of him and the fairy.

Then, hundreds of people surrounded the Guanyin Temple group, all the swords in hand, look alert, as if preparing to kill a game. However, after the first few people who rushed into the temple saw the scene in front of them, they were all stunned. Lying down, all dead; not dead, half lying down, not standing. All in all, the corpse is full of land and is full of land.

Holding the sword in the foremost two, on the left is Yunmeng Jiang’s name, who is very capable, and the right side is blue Kairen. Lan Qiren is still stunned and has not yet asked questions. The first thing I saw was the blue forgetting machine that Wei Weizhen almost posted as a person. In an instant, he forgot to ask anything, and angered to kill the above Pang, long eyebrows upside down, took a few breaths, and the beard trembled upwards.

The guest Qing quickly judged that there was no danger in the temple. He went up to Fu Jiangcheng and said: "Lord, you are fine."

Lan Qiren shook his sword and said: "Wei..."

Before he finished drinking, he rushed out a few white figures from behind him and shouted: "Huangjun!"

"Wei seniors!"

"Older ancestors!"

Lan Qiren was hit by the last boy, almost stumbled, and the seven-smoke flue: "No sth! No loud noise!"

In addition to the blue forget machine called him "uncle", no one cares about him. Lan Si chased the left hand and grabbed the sleeve of the blue forget machine. The right hand grabbed Wei Wu’s arm and said: “Too good! You have nothing to do with the Guangjun Wei seniors. Look at the fairy eagerly like that, we thought you met It’s a tricky situation.”

Lan Jingyi said: "Thinking about your confusion, how can there be a situation that can not be solved by Guangjun? I have already said that you are worried."

"Jing Yi, it seems that you are worried about you along the way."

"Go away, talk nonsense."

Wei Wuzhen only used a few locks in the lock sac to pinch a ball, and Wenning blocked the hole in the chest. Wenning finally got himself up from the ground. Lan Si chased the corner of the eye and he went to him, and immediately grabbed him and stuffed it into the encirclement of the teenagers, telling the prospects.

After the fairy bite Su, it ran all the way and found a subsidiary family of Yunmeng Jiang, who was stationed near the town, and screamed in front of the people. The family's small family saw the special collar, gold logo and family emblem on his neck. He knew that this is a very powerful dog. The owner must be noble, and he has blood and minced meat on his claws. Obviously after a fight, I was afraid that the owner was in danger and did not dare to neglect. Immediately, Yu Jian sent it to the Lotus Dock to inform the real boss of this area, Yunmeng Jiang. The guest secretary immediately recognized that this is the little dog of the younger brother Jinling, and immediately sent someone to rescue.

At that time, Gu Sulan’s people were about to leave the lotus dock, but Lan Qiren was blocked by the fairy. It jumped up, biting down the blues and dressing a narrow white cloth, arching it on the head with his claws, as if to want to put this white cloth into a circle on his head. Lan Qiren is inexplicable, and Lan Si chasing has suddenly realized: "Mr., is it like this, it is not like imitating the amount of our home? Is it because we want to tell us that people with light or blue family are also in danger?"

As a result, Yunmeng Jiang, Gusu Lanshi and several other families who have not left yet gathered hands and came to rescue. The fairy attracted two people and finally moved to the rescue army for the third time. It was a strange dog.

No matter how many odd and many spirits, for Wei Wuzhen, it is said to be a dog, it is the most terrible thing in the world, even if there is a blue forgetting machine in front of him, he is also hairy. Since the blues of this group of juniors came in, Jin Ling has been secretly squatting there, screaming at them around Wei Wushao and the Blue Forgetting Machine, seeing Wei Wu's face getting whiter and white, patted the **** of the fairy, Small channel: "Fairy, you go out first."

The fairy shook his head and continued to lick him. Jin Ling replied: "Get out, don't listen to me?"

The fairy looked at him with a sad look, and ran out of the temple with his tail, and Wei Wuzhen was relieved. Jinling thought about the past, and he was too embarrassed to pass. He was hesitating. Lan Jingyi swept the flute of Wei Wu's waist and said: "Hey? Your five-tone broken flute has finally been lost? This new flute is very good. !"

He did not know that this "very good" new flute is the "Chen" that he never misses to think about, the legendary ghost flute. Just secretly happy: "Great! At least when he and the accompaniment of the light, I don't seem to lose the face of Guangjun! God! His original flute is really ugly and ugly."

Wei Wuzhen subconsciously touched it by hand, thinking that this was brought by Jiang Cheng, turned to the other side, and said casually: "Thank you."

Jiang Cheng glanced at him and said: "It was yours."

After hesitating for a moment, he still seems to want to say something, Wei Wuzhen has turned to the blue forget machine. The guest was only able to get a description and instructions from Jiang Cheng. He had dispatched the task and ordered his men to clean the scene, strengthen the ban of the coffin, and find a way to safely transport it. On the other side, Lan Qiren was full of dissatisfaction: "Yu Chen, what happened to you!"

Lan Yichen pressed the forehead, his eyebrows were filled with unspeakable sorrow, tired and said: "...uncle, I am asking you. Please don't talk to me first. Really. I don't really want to say anything now. ""

From March to time, Lan Yichen was gentle and harmonious, and he was not rude. Lan Qiren had never seen his irritability and ignorance. Look at him, then look at the blue forgetting machine surrounded by Wei Wuzhen. The more you look at the fire, the more you feel that the two original and perfect people are not convinced, which is unconscious. Heart.

The coffin that sealed Nie Mingqi and Jin Guangyao was not only extremely heavy, but also had to be treated with care. Therefore, several owners were volunteered to carry it. A family owner saw the face of the Guanyin image. The first thing was a glimpse. Then he discovered something new and guided others to see: "Jin Guangyao's face!"

Someone else looked at it and said: "It’s really his face! What is he doing with such a thing?"

"Declared as a god, arrogant and arrogant."

"That's really arrogant enough. Hehehe."

Wei Wu’s heart is not necessarily that.

He didn't know it before. After seeing the coffin, he probably guessed what was going on.

This statue of Guanyin is not Jin Guangyao, but Jin Guangyao’s mother, Meng Shi. In the coffin, the original body should also be the body of Meng Shi.

Jin Guangyao’s mother was regarded as the most embarrassing 娼|妓, he would like to sculpt a statue of Guanyin according to the mother’s appearance, worshipped by thousands of people, and worshipped by incense. Tonight, he came to this Guanyin Temple. In addition to taking away the head of Nie Mingxi, who threatened him the most, he should also be prepared to take the mother's body together.

But now it doesn't make sense to say that. No one is clearer than Wei Wuwei, no one cares.

Soon, the coffin will be sealed into a larger, firmer coffin, nailed with seventy-two mahogany nails, banned with nine weights, buried deep underground, set up a warning sign, and suppressed under a mountain. The things that are sealed inside will certainly not last forever.

Nie Huai-sang watched several homeowners carry it out of the threshold of the Guanyin Temple. After a while, he bowed his head and patted the filthy filthy filthy dirt, and swayed toward the door.

The fairy waited for the owner to wait outside the door and screamed twice. Upon hearing this voice, Jin Ling suddenly remembered that when the fairy was still a clumsy puppies that were not high in his knees, Jin Guangyao took it over.

At that time, he was only a few years old, and he was fighting with other children on Jinlintai. He won but won’t be happy. He screamed in the room and screamed at the madness. The maid’s servant did not dare to approach him, fearing that he would be thrown away. in. His little uncle smiled and asked him what happened. He immediately split a vase at the foot of Jin Guangyao. Jin Guangyao said: "Ah, it’s so fierce, scared to death." He shook his head and looked as if he was scared.

The next day, he sent the fairy.

Suddenly, tears rolled down from Jin Ling’s eyes.

He always felt that crying was a manifestation of weakness and incompetence, and he sneered at it, but there was no other way to vent his pain and anger in addition to the raging tears.

I don't know what is going on. He can't seem to blame anyone, nor can he hate anyone. Wei Wuzhen, Jin Guangyao, Wenning, each of them is responsible for the death of his parents, and every one of them has a reason to hate it, but it seems that every one has such reasons, so that he hates stand up. But don't hate them, who else can he hate? Should he live to lose his parents from childhood? Isn't he not able to report his hatred, and even hate is destined to disappear?

I always feel unwilling. Always feel inexplicable.

A family owner saw him staring at the coffin and said: "Golden boy, are you crying for your uncle?"

Seeing Jin Ling does not speak, this family owner counts down with his elders' tone: "Take your tears away. Your uncle is not worthy of crying for him. Little boy, you can't be so weak, it's right for you... ..."

If the former Lanling King's family was still a unified one, then the owner of the family would never dare to live with the elders and teach the children of the family. At this time, Jin Guangyao was dead, and no one in Lanling Jinshi could support the girders. His reputation was almost broken, and he dared to come. In the heart of Jin Ling, it was already a thousand words, and the five flavors were mixed. Listening to this family leader, he said: "I just want to cry! Who are you? Do you even have to cry?!"

The owner did not expect to teach the people but was cold and could not be prevented from being shackled. Some people were angry and others whispered: "Forget it, don't care about the children."

He said succinctly: "That is of course, how can I care about the hairy boy who is not dry..."

Lan Qiren took care of the coffin and transported it to the car, re-enforced the ban, and looked back, stunned: "Forget the machine?"

He just figured out that he would forget to go back to the cloud and know that he would talk to him for a hundred and twenty days. Who knows that a blind person will disappear. After a few laps, Yang said: "Forget the machine!"

Lan Si chased: "I just told Wei predecessors that we brought a small apple, just outside the temple, and Han Guangjun went with him to see the little apple. Then..."

Then how about, needless to say.

Lan Qiren looked at the blue singer who was screaming behind him and sighed and sighed.

When Jin Ling heard that Wei Wuzhen and Lan Forgot had disappeared, he rushed out and almost slammed on the threshold of Guanyin Temple. However, he was in a hurry and could not catch the shadow of these two people. The fairy was happily spinning around him, haha. Jiang Cheng stood at the entrance of Guanyin Temple under a towering ancient wood. He looked back at him and said, "Scratch your face."

Jin Ling wiped his eyes with force and wiped his face. He said, "What about people?"

Jiang Chengdao: "Go."

Jin Ling lost his voice: "So you let them go?"

After a moment, Jiang Cheng said with a sardonic tone: "Otherwise? Stayed for dinner? Say enough 100 words, thank you, sorry?"

Jin Ling was anxious and pointed at him: "No wonder they are going to leave because of you! How can you hate this person so much!"

Jiang Cheng screamed and said: "Is this your tone of speaking to your elders? Still like it! You are looking for a fight!"

Jin Ling’s neck shrank, but Jiang Cheng’s slap was not on his back, but he was unable to take it back.

He said: "Shut up. Jinling. Shut up. Let's go back. Everyone goes back to everyone."

Jin Ling stunned, and she shut up.

He took his head and Jiang Cheng walked a few steps side by side. He said, "Hey, did you just have something to say?"

Silence for a long while, Jiang Cheng shook his head and said: "There is nothing to say."

What to say?

I said that I was not caught by Wen’s body because I insisted on going back to the lotus dock to retrieve my parents’ body.

In the town where we fled, when you went to buy dry food, a team of monks from Wen’s family caught up.

I found out early, left the place where I was sitting, hiding in the corner, not caught, but they patrolled the street, and soon after, they ran into you who were buying dry food.

So I ran out and led them away.

However, just as Wei Wuzhen, who had given Jin Dan to him in the past, dared not tell him the truth, Jiang Cheng, nowadays, can't say it anymore.