MTL - The Five-year-old Milk of the Xuanmen Group’s Favorite Boss-Chapter 74 Both sides are turning their backs on you

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  Chapter 74 It with both sides facing away from you

  The wind picked up, and his vision was a little dazed.

   Old man Zhang scolded, only to feel the cold wind blowing from his back.

  Bah, raised his hand and rubbed his shoulders.

   "It's cooling down tonight after riding a horse—"

   looked up and saw a slow walking figure not far away.

   He squinted to see—

  The sky has darkened.

  The figure was only a dozen steps away from him, how could the thick black hair hang forward?

   He looked more closely, but found an oncoming figure—there was no face!

   He was half woken up by the drink, staggered back, regained his consciousness, rubbed his eyes, and felt that this was outrageous.

  Look again - only to realize that it was a man in a black and white coat walking backwards.

   "Ma's, I'm scared to death."

   He cursed in a low voice.

   They say that this small mountain village is poor, but the country has long been connected to water and electricity, and there are low-end TV sets. At this time, there are always people in the village watching TV, believing in the above exercise methods, and running around the village at night.

  The visitor was walking slowly towards him backwards, ignoring him, and the two passed by.

   The old man Zhang cursed again, but he didn't care and continued to walk forward.

   His home is a bit out of the way. He walked less than half of the way from the place where he was drinking. There was a small road in front of him that led to the avenue that came in from outside. He had to go back home from the side road.

   Just such a turn—

   He shuddered.

   The thing he just met is keeping a slow pace of walking backwards, quietly following ten meters behind him, and he doesn't know how long it has been following.

   "What kind of neurosis in the horse?!"

   He was so frightened that he cursed on the spot, and his feet moved faster.

  Where did the mentally ill run away from riding a horse? !

   Don't everyone in the family know to take care of it?

   Come out at night to scare others? !

   And the thing that had been following him also sped up.

   At this time, the old man Zhang discovered a fact that made him extremely frightened.

  —that thing is clearly the same no matter the front or the back!

  It is not a neurotic, let alone a person!

   What's even more terrifying is that when he paused, the other party was still approaching!


   He turned and ran without even thinking.

   But the road that was clearly visible just now was obscured by the fog and could not tell the direction.

Something behind    made an unknown sound—like a hoarse roar, and the sound of a blade smashing against the glass.

   An indescribable scent lingers on the tip of the nose.

   is like a rotting flower blooming beside the rusted railing.

   Fell several somersaults in a row—

   In the gap, he saw that thing getting closer and closer to him.

  The old man Zhang seemed to be unaware of the pain in his body, and he rolled and crawled forward.

  —‘If something unexpected happens, remember to run in the direction of the sign. ’

   In extreme panic.

   He recalled this sentence, and looked around quickly, his hands propped up on the stones on the ground, and when his fingertips borrowed the force, blood dripped between his fingers.

   Just when I was about to despair.

  About ten meters or so, through the shallow mist, you can vaguely see a sign standing there. The mist covers most of it, leaving only a white arrow pointing.

The position    runs with him presents a large obtuse angle - which means that if he runs in the direction of the arrow, it will shorten the straight-line distance to the thing behind him trying to catch him.

   If he hadn't heard what Tang Jin said, he would never have run in this direction!

   Old man Zhang staggered.

   struggled for a moment in his mind.

   Being caught is also a death, so at best it is a death.

   He deflected in an embarrassed direction and ran in following the arrow.

   The sound in his ear became more intense.

   It was a scream like something—

   shocked people's brains.

   He ran hurriedly and fast, his mouth and nose were full of blood, and his steps were soft.

   "Help—help! Master, help!"

   He only had time to shout this sentence before he fell to the ground.

   I only feel very sorry in my heart.

  If he died, who in the village could help those two lonely old guys who were nearly ninety years old, regardless of their children? !

   I was already starting to regret not listening to Tang Jin more.

  The strong desire to survive made him struggle to lift his body and continue to climb forward—

   "Fellow? What are you doing here at night... Why is there so much blood? - Fellow?!"

   "Quick, come here!"

   It sounded like a creaking sound at the junction of glass and metal.

   "What's the matter?!...Xiao Cui, bring your weapon and come with me!"

  The old man Zhang was extremely embarrassed and raised his head out of breath.

  The fog dissipated.

   On the top of the head is the flag of Yunguo, high in front, under the police badge with the simplest white embossed two words - public security.

  Because of the remote location, it is easy for people to get lost on the mountain, so a public security bureau was built on the road outside the village.

  Because the village is xenophobic, the preference for sons over women is serious, and there are always some violations of law and discipline.

   So when the police were about to set up near the village, they were unanimously exclusive. In the end, the police had no choice but to open up a new area in this wilderness.

   He also remembered.

   There is a big sign outside the public security bureau, which is usually not very conspicuous.

   It says that it is difficult to find the police, and the white arrow below points to the yard of the Public Security Bureau.

   All he saw was the arrow.

   used his last strength to look out.

  The avenue is calm, where there is a trace of fog.

   was helped up.

   "Fellow fellow, how did you do this, is someone chasing you? Don't worry, speak slowly."

   Two other policemen went out to check the situation with batons in hand.

   "Can't go, can't go, there are ghosts outside, there are ghosts—"

   The two police officers came back quickly after a circle.

   "I didn't find the situation, come on, help the fellow in first."

  Old man Zhang heaved a sigh of relief.

   He didn't react until he sat on the cold iron waiting chair.

   survived, he survived.

"Hey, fellow, how on earth did you get this suit? I may not be able to handle this. I have to call and ask Dr. Wang to come and have a look. Xiao Zhang Xiao Cui, it may not be safe outside, so be prepared. I went to Yingying Dr. Wang, let's see if I can't go to the county hospital, it's so serious that it doesn't necessarily cause any problems."

  The old man Zhang felt extremely vulnerable at the moment. A person who used to be a bit of a rogue, took two sips of water and grabbed the police officer's hand as if he was holding on to his relatives.

   snot and tears.

   But for ordinary people, it is good to pee directly without being scared.

   "Ghost, a ghost is chasing me, and a ghost with both sides is chasing me!"

   The old man Zhang, who was so frightened that he didn't even dare to cry out loud, said his words upside down, making a few police officers listen in a haze.

   also didn’t quite understand what this person was trying to express.

  Have you seen a ghost?

   But there is clearly nothing outside.

  A police officer got close and smelled it.

   "Drinking alcohol and hallucinating?"

   Something happened today

   At night, I started to plan the detailed outline and code slowly

   There will be another update later, Ah Qing will work hard to save the manuscript

   Babies remember to leave a message to Ah Qing to vote, and wave your little hands to let Ah Qing Kang Yikang~



   (end of this chapter)