MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1247 Heavenly eyes

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· In Barrier No. 144, the 6th Field Division’s convoy is quickly driving out of the barrier. They have to enter the mountainous area in the northwest before the enemy reaches this area, and use this as a support to fight the guerrilla warfare and slow down the enemy.

For this guerrilla battle, almost all the core members of the Sixth Field Division worked together. Wang Yun found the place that could be used as a battlefield. The dirt roads in the mountains were marked by big flickers.

Others, more or less, have their own key uses.

What P5092 did not expect was that the arrival of knights not only provided support for individual combat power, but also brought them some surprise gifts.

At this time, the knights were sitting in the same car. There were several maps and countless draft papers in the body of the truck. They all wrote and painted carefully, as if they were calculating something.

Inside the car, the black fox is discussing with P5092: "Now everything is ready, the only thing to worry about is the birds. I arranged the entire reconnaissance camp to clean up the birds that I saw along the way, so as to avoid the artificial eyeliner, but the problem is If there are falconry birds in the sky, we can't help it. Moreover, the birds are hidden in the canopy, and it is difficult for us to find them."

P5092 said: "Let's see the trick. No war is sure enough. We try to walk in areas without vegetation, which will reduce some trouble."

This is not difficult. The northwest is already desolate, and soil erosion has caused a large number of loess hills to appear. The mountain area they were looking for was an area with sparse vegetation.

Although there are satellites in the sky, P5092 has found a way to deal with it.

When the convoy was driving at the northern gate, someone in front of the convoy suddenly said with a car intercom: "Sir, the man on the prairie who sent the wolves over said that he needs you for something."

P5092 was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why this man on the grassland called Hasan was looking for him, but the other party was Yan Liuyuan's envoy, so he should respect it.

When his vehicle reached the gate, P5092 got off and asked Hassan, "Hello, what do you want me to do?"

Hassan said, "You should bring me."

P5092 is curious: "Why should I bring you?"

"It's not that I said you should bring me, but my master said so," Hassan said as he revealed his falcon with a wingspan of nearly five meters. "My master said that the rouch is artificial and can control the falcon. It can be annoying as eyeliner, and I just happened to be able to restrain it."

P5092's eyes lit up, and I didn't expect that the last link in this guerrilla battle would be filled!

Sometimes P5092 feels that it is really comfortable to fight under Ren Xiaosu's command, and you don't know which strange person can just solve the problems you encounter.

It's as if the **** of luck is always watching over himself.

The convoy continued to advance, and the huge eagle falcon in the sky hovered over the convoy from time to time, swooping and killing unidentified birds.

When the convoy was traveling about 60 kilometers, hundreds of white pigeons flew in the sky to besiege Hassan's falcons.

Those organized and planned white pigeons soared in the sky, and even from the ground, they could feel that the other side actually had a besieging formation when they attacked.

Compared with other birds, the white dove has stronger endurance in the sky, and can even fly directly from the Central Plains to the northwest.

However, the appearance of the white dove also made P5092 understand that I am afraid that there are not many birds controlled by artificial intelligence, otherwise the other party should choose more ferocious birds to encircle the falcon.

P5092 looked at Wang Yun: "Can you use your ability to kill them?"

Wang Yun's ability is air, and it can also attack from a distance, so in the original plan, Wang Yun was to deal with these birds.

However, Hassan’s falcons and the white doves that besieged the falcons are flying too high.

Wang Yun asked Hassan in the car: "Can you lower your eagle falcon to a certain height, so I can help you kill them?"

As a result, Hassan smiled plainly: "No, I'm just a falcon."

Seeing the white dove feathers in the sky falling down like a heavy snow, Hassan's hawk has remained unaffected, moving around in the sky extremely flexible and fierce.

The wing of the eagle falcon Hassan is like a sharp blade. If a white dove hits this wing, the blood will flow continuously.

In just three minutes, hundreds of white pigeons were killed by Hassan's falcon.

P5092, the Cavaliers, Hassan, Wang Yun, Ji Ziang and others were all in the same troop truck. Everyone gave him a compliment, saying that Hassan was a bit embarrassed.

However, at this moment, the knight Xu Ke suddenly raised his head and said: "It is calculated. From now on, for the next 9 hours, we will have no satellites above us."

Artificial intelligence holds 9 satellites, 7 of which are owned by Qinghe Group.

So Xu Ke, as the helm of the Qinghe Group and the knight as the guardian of the Qinghe Group, could not know the speed and trajectory of the satellite?

Not only Qinghe Group’s own satellites, but even the other two satellites, they have already obtained the parameters, because they are the people who have studied this most.

Satellites revolve around the earth and complete their work in a fixed orbit.

In Xu Ke's view, these nine satellites are all low-orbit satellites, and the observation range is far less than that of high-orbit satellites, and they are not synchronous satellites.

A synchronous satellite means that when a satellite is flying in the sky, it has a permanently fixed observation range, and its rotation speed will be consistent with the earth.

However, the technical requirements for the launch of a synchronous satellite are very high. Generally, a multi-stage rocket is used to send the satellite into a low-Earth circular orbit. This orbit is called a parked orbit. When the satellite flies over the equator, control the rocket to fire again and accelerate for a short time, and the satellite will move according to the transfer orbit. When the satellite flies to the apogee, it fires and accelerates again, and the satellite finally enters a synchronous orbit.

No one has this kind of technology, so there is no such thing as a synchronous satellite today.

According to Xu Ke's calculations, three of the nine satellites should be able to accurately observe the combat area. However, from this moment on, those three satellites are flying along their respective orbits to the direction of the combat area further away.

In other words, from this moment on for 9 hours, Zero can't know what's going on here.

This is the gift the Cavaliers brought to the Sixth Field Division.

Many people pay attention to their strong individual strength value, surpassing the physical fitness of T5, and ignore the high IQ of some of them.

Xu Ke looked at P5092. He pointed to the sky above his head and said seriously: "From now on, this land begins to enter our time."

P5092 took a deep breath. When artificial intelligence lost its most powerful reconnaissance and observation capabilities, the Sixth Field Division had more tactics to choose from.