MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1211 Tour the North

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Ren Xiaosu spent three days in the morning next to Crescent Lake. I don’t know why, even if the morning is long enough, it still looks like that little guy in Ren Xiaosu’s memory.

In the early morning, I found a deeper river under the Crescent Lake. It seems to be quite like it.

In fact, Ren Xiaosu also likes it very much. The entire Crescent Lake is like a huge hot spring. There are no complicated disputes here, and he does not need to rack his brain to think about any problems.

He just needs to feel at ease to spend his honeymoon with Yang Xiaojin here.

Although he only lived for three days, he and Yang Xiaojin built a small wooden house on the first day. The two of them were extremely capable of doing things.

There are tents in Ren Xiaosu's palace, but Yang Xiaojin insists that it is more interesting to build a wooden house, and they may come here often for vacation in the future.

When he left, the early morning reluctantly watched the two of them. Ren Xiaosu could feel that kind of loneliness, but he still didn't know how to solve the matter of dusk.

It would be nice if he could bring dusk with him.

Just when Ren Xiaosu and Yang Xiaojin returned to barrier 144, Luo Lan had just arrived at barrier 91 in the north of Qing Dynasty.

After returning to Qing's territory, Luo Lan originally intended to return directly to barrier 111. As a result, he immediately changed the itinerary after receiving news from Qinghuang.

He will now tour the entire northern barrier of the Qing family as a mission, and check the training of all soldiers, arms and food reserves.

This kind of itinerary is like telling everyone clearly: Qing is ready to fight.

In order to protect Luo Lan's safety, Qing Zhen specially sent him a special battalion to cope with it. The configuration of this special battalion is exaggerated to an outrageous level, and there are only four armored vehicles carrying Shanteng.

Shan Qing, a high-speed heavy machine gun independently developed by Qing's, is the leader in the metal storm. At the beginning, several armored vehicles carrying mountain slopes were able to beat the experimental body out of sight.

At this time, Luo Lan's convoy arrived outside the gate of the 91st barrier, where all the officials inside the barrier and the chief of the troops in the nearby military station had been gathered.

Everyone stood on both sides of the road in front of the street, and the Order Department inside the barriers even cleaned up the shacks of the refugees, and organized the sweeping of the refugees.

The Department of Order even laid down standards for this cleaning: no dead ends, no spider webs...

In order to make the displaced people look cleaner, extra water was also distributed in the market town, just to let the displaced people wash their faces.

All of this is like a standard operating procedure for receiving superior leaders.

Although the policies implemented after Qingying’s ascension were relatively open, and the living conditions of the refugees in the Qing’s territory have also been improved, but the consortium is a consortium. In essence, no matter what kind of people Qingzhen and Luo Lan are, they cannot be changed. Kyung's consortium property.

Reform has never been so simple.

In the evening, these officials watched Luo Lan's convoy get closer and closer, and everyone smiled.

Everyone is a master of smirk, and it will not be a long time before the smirk will appear in the facial muscles.

However, what surprised everyone was that Luo Lan’s convoy did not stop when passing the barrier gate, but rushed straight in through the open gate, leaving the two rows of officials with a mouthful of ashes.

The officials looked at each other, and everyone thought about what happened to this person, even if they didn't get off, at least say hello to everyone?

But they looked at the follow-up special camp vehicles that entered the barrier together, and no one dared to really say anything.

Luo Lan's position in the Qing family is extremely detached, and there are a lot of titles on his head: Secretary General of the Qing Bureau, Honorary Chairman of the Qing Military Commission, Executive Director of the Qing Business Department...

Anyway, how did this title come about?

Everyone knows that if there are any people in this world who care about Qingluo, then Luo Lan must be ranked first.

No one can compare the battle of travel alone.

All the officials outside the fortress city watched the Lan Lan team go away, they hurriedly called out their secretaries and drivers: "Hurry up, drive to keep up!"

At this moment, Zhou Qi, who was sitting in the front off-road vehicle, muttered: "Your urineness hasn't changed, and you don't have any face for others. You and Qinghuang were doing things when they were smooth, but also Not so targeted by the group of old men."

Luo Lan laughed twice: "Where are those old men now?"

Zhou Qi: "..."

Where else can those old men be killed by Zhou Qi himself?

Luo Lan sat in the front row and looked in front of him. He explained casually: "I did not go to the north to make friends with these people, but to do things. If things are not done well, what is the point of making friends with them? "

"It's not a question of making friends or not, it's a question of making no enemies," Zhou Qi said with emotion.

Luo Lan shook his head and said: "This is your biggest problem, always thinking that no one is guilty, but you are not gold, how can everyone be like you?"

"Most people like it," Zhou Qi said.

"Qingying is in charge of the huge Qings. As his subordinates, the black face of course wants me to sing. Of course, good people want Qingying to be taken care of," Luo Lan said seriously. "If I were good people everywhere, what would Qinghuang do?" Buy the hearts?"

Luo Lan continued: "Zhou Qi, in this Vanity Fair, there must always be someone to be a bad guy. I just need to get things done and put these people in order. When Qingzhen needs them, they can be used. Well. As for whether they hate me or not, that’s their business. Anyway, they can’t help me.”

In fact, Zhou Qi didn't understand these reasons. He knew that Luo Lan was like a knife in Qing Huang's hand, and it wasn't that Qing Lan wanted him to use this knife, but Luo Lan wanted to do it.

All of this is just to make Qingzhen's power stable enough.

However, in Zhou Qi's view, how can a person consider only for others, but not for himself?

Now it seems that Qingzhen and Luo Lan are intimate, but if one day Qingzhen changes.

When Qingzhen no longer favors Luo Lan, I am afraid that there will be countless enemies who want to fall down on Luo Lan.

Zhou Qi looked at Luo Lan: "Have you considered the future..."

Luo Lan interrupted: "You underestimated me and Qingzhen."


The convoy went straight to the office building inside the barrier. Luo Lan got out and sat in the lobby first.

The officials in the building were waiting beside Luo Lan in fear, and the officials who went to meet him chased with sweat.

In general, fat people always give people an extra sense of affinity.

However, Luo Lan now feels more burly and strong, which adds a lot of deterrent force.

A row of officials stood honestly in front of Luo Lan and did not dare to let out, fearing that he was doing something so strong because he did something wrong.

Luo Lan said with a smile on the sofa in the lobby: "Everyone is a character with a head and a face, don't be so afraid of me."

Everyone lowered their heads and didn't speak, and then they thought to each other that only a fool would take such a word.

"Okay, no more gossip. After checking barrier 91, I will go back to barrier 111. Bring all the documents I need," Luo Lan said with a smile. "You should have heard it, 92." The people in the barriers fooled me in the amount of grain reserves and inventory of assets, and this person was shot that day. So, before you get the documents, you should first figure out how to remove the water. This is good for you. "

An official heard this and repeatedly wiped the sweat: "You can rest assured that we are ready on this side. Xiao Li, quickly bring the warehouse account to the boss Luo for inspection and verification. Mr. Luo, our work here is indeed very good Solidly, after you check the ledger, we can immediately go to the warehouse for inspection."

No wonder this official panicked. Before Luo Lan came to the 91st barrier, he actually shot a few people.

A few days ago, just after the No. 92 barrier was received by Luo Lan, Luo Lan also conducted a surprise inspection today, and did not even attend the dinner prepared by the barrier officials.

Officials heard that Luo Lan was beautiful, and he prepared several escorts for him.

As a result, Luo Lan directly led a special battalion to build a temporary military barracks in the warehouse area, and also imposed a martial law on the entire warehouse.

For several days, the entire temporary martial law area was only allowed to enter or not exit, until Luo Lan finished counting all the food and military equipment.

Several officials were lucky, thinking that as long as Luo Lan was entertained, it would be fine. As a result, Luo Lan did not give them the opportunity to entertain them, and shot them directly.

Luo Lan's operation was so severe and venomous that after the news came out, everyone else was in danger, fearing that he would be the next bad luck to be shot.

It stands to reason that even the most serious crimes need to be tried.

However, privately used reserve grain and ordnance went directly to the military court, and Luo Lan also had a title, the presiding judge of the Qing military court...

Where does this goods go, where is the circuit military court, according to Luo Lan's operation, what crimes will be tried on the spot.

It sounds very childish, but Luo Lan really did just that. You can't take him anyway.

As for the court's ruling documents and so on, Luo Lan would follow up with the subordinates.

The cases handled by this circuit court in Luo Lan have one thing in common: the defendants did not defend and the death penalty rate was 100%.

Basically, the defendant is gone before he can defend.

In fact, Luo Lan also knows that this treatment will scare everyone and is not conducive to the stability of order.

But he had no choice. The Qing's combat readiness was above all else, and he had to use special means in special times.

Otherwise, Qing Zhen does not need him to verify the grain reserves and ordnance.

Generally, things that need to be done by Luo Lan are already very tricky.

At this point, the account books had all been brought to Luo Lan, but the boss Luo looked at the sweaty officials, but suddenly laughed: "Okay, I know you have done your best in the past three days, such a short time It’s not easy to fill up all the standard warehouses for me. I won’t go to the warehouse, so I can do it myself.”

After that, Luo Lan got up and got off-road vehicle outside the office building, came in a hurry, and left in a hurry.

This scene dumbfounded everyone. Everyone said you were looking for something. Did you even look at the account book when you came here and went away?

However, several informed officials were cold sweats.

The off-road vehicle said last week: "It seems that the problem is solved?"

"Of course," Luo Lan said: "In fact, it was solved before coming, but it should still come. At least give them a long memory, let them know that there is no airtight wall under the sky."

In fact, what Luo Lan did in Barrier 92 was nothing more than a stand-up. The shooting was still spread by the intelligence department himself, and now the entire Qing’s intelligence agency is in the hands of Luo Lan. He does this. This kind of thing is handy.

Before Luo Lan arrived at Barrier 91 today, he had learned through internal intelligence that these barrier officials were forced to die by purchasing large amounts of grain from their pockets to fill the standard warehouse of each grain depot.

Moreover, these people still secretly bought high-priced food, and they dare not let people know.

Some of the low prices used to resell the grains in the grain depot, but now the high prices used to buy them back, all of these worms were hollowed out at once, and they wanted to vomit blood.

When Luo Lan was about to leave, he wanted to tell them: I know all your little moves, and don’t think that there can be anything I don’t know about this Qing family.

In doing so, it also warns them not to play this trick in the future, otherwise the shooting will end.

Luo Lan said to Zhou Qi: "There are so many barriers in the entire Qing family, and it took too long to check each seat in the past. We haven't had so much time at all. So, instead of going to investigate, it is better to let these people be under the pressure of fear. Self-examination."

There are three key points in this set of operations. One is to kill others and scare others.

The second is to give these people a chance to tell them that this time, as long as you feed the food to Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu can act as if nothing happened before.

The third is to make these people understand that my eyeliner is all over Qingshi, and be honest in the future.

With a combination of punches, the entire material reserve system is immediately clear, and as for those officials who still refuse to make up for the reserve grain, Luo Lan naturally has a way to find out.

It must be said that although Qing's prestige has been in full swing after the reunification of the southwest with the Qing, the Qing has indeed lacked a wicked role.

This wicked person has to do the dirty things that the Lord of the Qing family can't do, and kill those who are not easy to kill.

This is probably because the identity of the shadow has always been set up in Qingshi before. A consortium will always have some shady and infamous things that need to be done by the shadow.

Before Qingying was the shadow of Qingshi, now it is Luo Lan's turn.

Although no one said that Luo Lan was the shadow of the Qing family, everyone knew it.

With the existence of killing bureaucrats like Luo Lan, officials of all barriers have to pick up their tails to be humans.

Luo Lan said to Zhou Qi: "Qingzhen specially asked me to go on this trip, indicating that the problem should be very serious and the danger is at hand. I have to make these people afraid of me before they can do things well. Sometimes I think Huairou, but the situation does not allow it."

"Come on, your brothers have their own ways of doing things, and I'm too lazy to say anything," Zhou Qi no longer said: "Brother is going to be a wicked person or a wicked thing for his brother, you don't care about yourself, and an outsider also said What. I just feel a little pity, they specially prepared a lot of beautiful women to entertain us, if you want to make a gesture, just make a gesture, you have them mean to take the beautiful women away directly. How is it working..."

Luo Lanyi said eloquently: "Zhou Qi, I didn't expect you to be such a person!"

Zhou Qi almost vomited blood: "Don't think I don't know what you have done before, what big garlic do you pack with me now?"

At this time, Luo Lan said in earnest: "Zhou Qi, you are not an outsider, and Qinghuang and I both regard you as your best friend and brother."

Zhou Qi sneered: "Let me be sensational, I only admit money."

"We will give as much as we should, and tell you this is not to save money, but just hope you don't take yourself as an outsider," Luo Lan explained.

"Less come to foolish me," Zhou Qi disdained: "It is said that I was treated as a brother, but in the end, Qingzhen's itinerary and plan are not hiding from me?"

Luo Lan shook his head: "This is two different things. Qing Zhen has his plans. His itinerary and plan are not only concealed from you, sometimes even from me. It is not a shame, but he has to keep it secret. Need. The enemies we will face in the future are more terrible than you and I thought."

Zhou Qi pouted: "Who will not talk on the bare mouth."

Luo Lan sighed: "You will understand later."


At this time, on the Gingko Hill, the 111th barrier of the Qing Dynasty, a Qing infantry brigade guarded the entire Ginkgo Manor.

This is a true three-step one-post, five-step one-post, and the tightness of the defense is outrageous.

Actually, Qing's Manor hasn't been to so many soldiers for a long time, but today is a little special, and Qing Huang returned to this huge palace.

The guard of the manor is tight and loose inside. From the outside, everyone only feels that it may have to send an armored force to enter.

However, in the inner manor, there were not many guard soldiers, not even one guard soldier in the main building. Only Qing Zhen's confidant Xu Qi was with him.

Without a servant, the empty main building echoed with piano sounds. Qing Xuan was wearing a white suit sitting in front of the piano in the hall. His fingers were walking on the black and white keys, but he closed his eyes tightly.

He didn't look at the score. It seemed that such a long note had been firmly engraved in his mind.

The tune was heated, but Qingzhen's expression was calm.

It would be a bit strange if other people looked at it, but Xu Qi has long been accustomed to it. He knows that Qing Zhen is not without internal fluctuations, but that the other party is still in a state of complete restraint.

It's like the other party must restrain his current preferences and emotions for the sake of Qing's future.

In order to think more clearly, Qingzhen must be calmer than others.

At this time, the slight sound of the machine interrupted the sound of the piano, and a shelf full of books behind Qingzhen was pushed away, revealing the dense brick and stone inside.

Qingshen Qingshen walked out of it with a smile: "Chapter 3 of the Little Professor, I also like this song, listening to Tinder’s internal speculation that Little Professor is the founder of Qinghe, but this does not seem to be anything special. Important information, so not many people care. However, it is really a thankful thing that his spectrum can be passed down in the cataclysm."


5000 word chapter