MTL - The Fine Food Broadcaster-Chapter 1869 If you drink too much, your heart will not feel bad ...

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Latest website: The flames, like twisting flying dragons, have collapsed the surrounding space.

The trembling void, the heat waves ripple layer by layer.

Among the flames and magma, a huge flamingo rushed out, rising to the sky, leaving a trail of flame behind him.

Uh ~

The sharp and loud sound sounded again, and the space of the positive film was constantly shaking.

The higher the flamingo's flying shape is, the more obvious its size becomes.

By the end of the flight to the endless high altitude, all the flames and magma on the entire planet of flames had dried up, all were absorbed by the firebirds, and the shape of the firebirds was completely perfected. !!

This fire phoenix flew into the air, and after circling twice, it rushed into the dark universe.

From a distance, in the quiet night, a dazzling line of fire is flying fast, the destination-the first universe!

Ding Chun jogs the lucky carousel for the second time, and then the twelfth lucky guest is produced.

flaming Phenix!

Seeing this name, don't say that Ye Fei has a specific image in mind, even Ding Chun, who didn't know anything, and the melon-eating audience in the live broadcast were startled.

"Fire Phoenix? I'm going, is this really fake?"

"Ah, it must be fake, this is just the ID name, not the real name."

"This name is a woman at first glance. Only girls will use the name Phoenix, Peacock."

"Is the peacock a woman? My King Peacock is not convinced!"


Ding Chun turned around and looked at Ye Fei, and said, "Yes God, is this worth it?"

Ye Fei didn't answer. At this moment, his mind was confused because he noticed that the night market in front of the name of the fire phoenix was blank, which shows that this is also a great god.

Among the great gods, the only person who can call Fire Phoenix is ​​that powerful woman who makes people desperate.

what's the problem? Does this woman really exist?

He looked at Jia Lan, and wanted to ask Jia Lan if he knew the person.

Who knows that Jia Lan's face was pale at this time, and the cold sweat on her forehead came down, much more than the fear when she was blown by a big mouth just now.

"Do you know?" Ye Fei asked.

Jia Lan's face twitched, then shook her head, but then nodded quickly.

"What do you mean? Don't you know?"

"Let's know."

"Knowledge is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, what's the matter?"

Ye Fei was a little dissatisfied with Jia Lan's answer, and she could tell from the expression when answering this product. This girl definitely knew this fire phoenix, but why is it so embarrassing to admit it? It's not something to be seen.

"Oh, don't ask, isn't it enough to know?"

"How did you meet?"


Jia Lan doesn't want to talk to Ye Fei. There are too many questions about this product. Is it interesting to break the casserole and ask?

After seeing the goods, he stopped talking. Ye Fei's gossip fire was burning. He quickly searched in his mind, and then burst out laughing.

Jia Lan saw Ye Fei suddenly laughed and said, "What are you laughing at?"

Ye Fei whispered a few words beside Jia Lan's ears, but Jia Lan's face began to change color, red, blue, green, black ...

The goods looked at Ye Fei with gritted teeth, and said, "How do you know about this? I have never told anyone, and I believe she will not."

Ye Fei laughed: "You don't care about this, okay, Xiao Lan, I didn't expect to hide it very deeply."

"Don't call me Xiaolan !!! How many times have I been told?"

Jia Lan was really furious. He was not angry because Ye Fei called him Xiao Lan, but because his own affairs let Ye Fei know.

Does he know Fire Phoenix?

Of course I know.

You know, he used to eat the planet to get energy to survive.

Once, Jialan fancy a fiery red planet, and intended to kill off the beautiful meal, but when he opened his mouth to swallow, he suddenly flew a huge and incomparable from this fiery red planet. Flame phoenix.

After this flame phoenix appeared, she directly drank with Jia Lan.

Jia Lan had a god-level existence. At first, he didn't put the Phoenix in his eyes at first, but after the real fight, the goods found that the other party was very strong.

The last two people didn't know how long they played. Suddenly the fire phoenix disappeared, and with the disappearance of the fire phoenix, the endless monstrous fires on the fiery red planet appeared, and then these fires quickly condensed into a timeline. The shaft spins up quickly.

Jia Lan felt a blur in her eyes, and her consciousness followed.

In the dream-like dream, he saw how he looked a hundred years ago, two hundred years ago, and three hundred years ago ... he always saw himself walking back with his bare butt.

He saw himself standing on the wild with his bare butt, and a woman with a burning flame appeared in front of him.

The woman crouched down, stretched out her hand, and bounced somewhere in her own body, it hurts, she hurriedly covered it and ran.

The woman who was full of flames followed giggling slowly.

Jia Lan felt that she was running fast, but when she looked back, the fire woman followed herself at a fixed distance.

Xiao Jialan was about to urinate, crying as she ran, but the wilderness was silent and silent.

No one answered himself, because no one could hear his call.

In the end, Xiao Jialan didn't know how far he ran, and threw himself on the ground with a tired thump. When he just wanted to stand up with his buttocks, the fire woman behind him kicked himself on his buttocks and turned himself on again. When I got down, I got up again. She put herself down again, so three times. At last, Xiao Lan didn't get up anymore, but turned over and looked at the flame woman.

"What are you doing? I don't know you."

"Giggle, I want to swallow my planet without knowing me? Burn your ass."

Then, as soon as the flame woman reached out and held Xiao Jialan up, a bang on the other hand raised a flame and burned against Xiao Jialan's ass.

"Woohoo ~"

Xiao Jialan was screamed as she was burnt, and she slammed her feet in the hands of the flame woman.

"Can't swallow my planet?" Flame Woman asked with a smile.

Xiao Jialan didn't know what was going on, she quickly shook her head.

The Flame Woman just let him go, and then slowly walked into the distance, but just walked and said, "Little **** boy, remember, I'm the Fire Phoenix, everyone else calls me Phoenix Girl."

I do n’t know what happened. As the Phoenix Girl moved forward, Xiao Jialan slowly followed. From the fart child to adulthood, she walked for 100 years, 200 years, 300 years .. .... until the moment he was going to swallow the fiery red planet.

Jia Lan looked at the woman suspended in the flame, and then turned around and ran away. There was no way. This woman was too scary. She was able to cross the long river of time and space and walk from this point of time to her childhood. Come on, this can't be countered at all.

How do you compete?

No matter how aggressive you are, people will go directly to the time when you were just born. At that time, do n’t say that you are a god. Walking is a stumbling step. At that time, as long as they were unhappy, they could kill themselves. I'm farting.

Therefore, Jia Lan would sweat all the time when she heard the three words of Phoenix Girl since then. There was no way. The shadow area in childhood was too large, and it had not been worn away for so many years.

It is also because this fact is not so glorious, so when Ye Fei asked, he hummed and didn't want to say that it was not shameful enough to say it.

But he couldn't think of Ye Fei's memories of his past, so he just thought about it.

Ye Feixiao's stomach hurts. He didn't expect such a terrible Jialan to be so debilitating. He was chased by others directly along the long axis of time.

Seeing Ye Fei laughing, he was almost immature, Jia Lan muttered, "Smile, smile, smile, and smile."

Ye Fei: "..."

The goods laughed even more.

Ye Fei couldn't laugh after just laughing for a while, he knew that the Phoenix Girl who came over was a powerful messy existence, Phoenix Nirvana, never killed!

Not only that, but the mighty power of the Phoenix can resurrect any dead life and regenerate Nirvana!

Because of this, the Phoenix Girl is also called the Goddess of Life!

Life and death are relative. These are two completely opposite states of life, born enemies.

The reason why Ye Fei couldn't laugh was that there was already a goddess of death in his guests! The first guest is!

Now the goddess of life jumps out again, these two will not fight each other, right?

If these two really fight, Ye Fei believes that the First Universe is completely dead, not to mention that they have become demigods in the group of Ferris wheel and Lao Mo. Even if they all become gods like Jia Lan, they are also No chance of resistance.

What can you do well?

People don't conflict with you at all, go directly along the timeline to your most vulnerable time, slap to death.

And the goddess of death is not a good stubble, even more violent than the Phoenix Girl.

When I think of these two people, if they work together, the First Universe doesn't have to think about it, it will definitely be destroyed in minutes.

"Hemp eggs, Lao Tzu always encounters things like this that hurts."

Ye Fei is really a little depressed. Counting the next issue, it can be said that he encountered such a thing even in the third issue, first the pair of enemies of Dakside and Zaya, then the pair of enemies of Liangbing and Queen Kesha Now, the Phoenix Girl and Death are jumping out again. The key is that this pair is not the same as the previous two. The first two are a brother and a sister. No matter how big the grievances between each other are, The possibility of resolution.

However, between the goddess of life and the goddess of the Phoenix, this is a natural invasion. It is incompatible with water and fire.

Ye Fei was not confident that he could give these two peacemakers, and then when he came to slap him, he would scream to himself.

"Worry!" Ye Fei muttered in his heart.

But now that is the case anyway, even if you are worried, it is useless, you can only take one step at a time.

"Now congratulations to our Fire Phoenix for being our twelfth lucky guest, we next draw the thirteenth guest."

Ye Fei touched Ding Chun in the back, and whispered, "Fuck fast."

Ding Chun didn't know why Ye Fei urged himself, but since Ye Shen let him smoke, he rushed.

The third turn of the lucky carousel stopped the lucky carousel, and the thirteenth lucky guest appeared.

Wade Wilson!

Seeing this name, Ye Fei almost frantic.

That unstoppable mouth cannon!

The luck of this goods is also very good, even won the second time, only the last time, ah, this is over again.

In a tattered universe in the starry sky, his mouth gun looked at his name, and he suddenly jumped up with a whimper, and then when his head hit the spacecraft cabin, his brain cracked, but after a while the goods were cured.

"Wow Kaka, Ye God, love tiger oil, you are too great, you are so cute, you have drawn me, you have drawn me, baby, I am coming, I want to see you come, you miss me Yet?"

Speaking, the mouth gun held his display and kissed a few times, then wiped his mouth, and his mouth was gray.

Seeing that the thirteenth guest had drawn a cannon, a purple potato was meticulously affectionate on a large rock on the South Seashore.

"Is it God? Is this God?"

Bingo was uncomfortable.

Why did you get that tattered bastard? This is not the picture I want to see.

"What's wrong?" Drucker asked beside Bingo.

Bingo smiled bitterly and said, "Nothing."

Speaking, he shouted towards Lao Mo not far away: "Lao Mo, is there any wine?"

Lao Mo didn't know what was going on. He thought that this product was watching Ye Fei's show and wanted to drink. His body disappeared, and when he appeared again, he held a box of beer and put it in front of Bingo. You are far from the beer belly. "

Bingo looked down at the meat in his belly, it was gentle that he couldn't shake it off.

He picked up a bottle of beer with his two fingers, then lifted the lid with his thumb, flung his neck and a bottle, then took a nap, followed by the second bottle, the third bottle, and the fourth bottle. .....

A box of twelve bottles of beer, bingo drank eleven bottles in one breath, and finally one bottle was left to drink slowly.

Dixide was watching Bingo drinking, and he didn't persuade or say anything. He was waiting for Bingo to speak first.

Bingo held the bottle in his hand and said, "I'm going back."


"Leave this sad place."

"Oh ~ Brother Ye isn't your favorite place to come here? You still want to settle here."

"I don't want to be here at least for the next live broadcast."

"There must be a reason, right?"

"Well, people I like and people I don't like are coming."


Daxside froze, wondering: "What do you mean?"

Bingo sighed and said, "There will be someone from the guests in the next issue, and I will protect her silently for the whole life, and there will also be someone in the next issue, let this woman who I silently protect for my whole life."


Duckside blinked, thinking for a long time before he understood what Bingo meant.

"You mean there is a woman you like in the next issue, and this woman doesn't like you, but likes others, and the person she likes is also a guest of Ye Shen, right?"

Bingo nodded and said, "Yes."

"I rely, UU reads You are a love triangle. Who and who are you?" Duckside came to his spirit and asked curiously.

Bingo was holding a wine bottle in one hand and a small screen in the other. He looked at the small screen and said, "Let ’s just say the past."

"Don't introduce it, brother, that's all to say, don't dwell on my appetite."

Bingo took a sip of wine, then sighed, and said, "Stop talking, it hurts a lot."


I didn't want to say that when I saw the goods, Daxside patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Drink less and you will vomit if you drink too much."

Bingo smiled bitterly and said leisurely: "If you drink too much, you won't feel bad."

"The point is that the stomach is upset."


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