MTL - The Fine Food Broadcaster-Chapter 1846 4D Coral Cabbage (2)

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Jia Lan was in a good mood.

He was able to take a crucial step and take his strength to the next level, all thanks to Ye Fei and the food he made.

So now this guy cares more about the food behind Ye Fei than anyone else.

"4D coral cabbage." Ye Fei laughed.

With that said, Ye Fei sat in front of the computer, and the scattered fairy asked, "Yes, what kind of cabbage is the 4D coral cabbage?"

In fact, many people in the live broadcast room are very concerned about this. Cabbage is cabbage. What is the ghost with so many prefixes?

Ye Fei laughed: "The 4D coral cabbage is actually Chinese cabbage, but it is made into 4D by matching with other ingredients. That is why it is called 4D coral cabbage. The number 10,000 is a recognized large number in the history of China. The emperor said long live, the emperor Jiangshan said that it is endless generations, and the long stands for the long years, representing the extremely honorable, especially in this kind of emperor's birthday feast, the 4D character is used to the fullest. . "

"The 4D Coral Cabbage is just the first gourmet, followed by Shouzi Food, Wuzi Food, and Xinjiang Food. Together, it means Wanshou Wujiang. It is also a very good wish. The 4D Coral Cabbage is mainly composed of cabbage, and then With chicken breasts, carrots, potatoes, and other ingredients, we finally made a gourmet that is not only auspicious, but also mouthwatering. Next, we will present this gourmet to everyone. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei stood up and came to the operation table. First, he took out a Phnom Penh cabbage from the storage compartment. This cabbage is sweet and abnormal, and it doesn't need to be made with other ingredients. It is also praised. Ye Fei This 4D Coral Cabbage is made from this top ingredient.

Then I took out two potatoes and two carrots, three pounds of chicken breast, and seasoned a few.

Having prepared everything, Ye Fei said, "The best chicken meat is chicken breast. If there is no chicken leg, it is mainly because the meat in these two places is thin and easy to tear. Now we will first Dispose of these ingredients. "

First, cut carrots and potatoes into shreds and place them on two plates.

Then cut the **** and shallot into sections and peel the garlic. Then put the boiling water pot on the stove. After adding water, put the chicken breast and onion, **** and garlic together to start burning.

"You have to pay attention to the handling of chicken breasts. Don't cook them, we won't use them after they are cooked, as long as they can be shredded into shreds."

After the water was boiling for a while, Ye Fei took out the chicken breasts. After the cold, Ye Fei took out a clean gauze, placed several chicken **** on the gauze in the same direction, and wrapped the gauze.

Ye Fei took out a thick-backed knife and banged it slowly against the chicken breast in gauze.

"Percussion is a very important step. It ca n’t be too hard or too light. If it ’s too light, the meat wo n’t break. If it ’s too heavy, the meat will break. It ’s not desirable. Our goal is to smash the chicken separately. . "

After smashing for a while, Ye Fei put down the knife, opened the gauze bag, and the stealth camera randomly gave a close-up of these chickens.

I saw that the chicken in this bag was still a whole piece when it was put in just now, it was almost cooked, but it was a little bit rotten now.

Ye Fei picked up a piece of chicken breast, and then torn it a few times, and saw that the chicken breast was torn into white and tender shreds, some thick and thin.

"The thickness of the shreds is not too particular. If you like to eat big mouthfuls, you can tear it a little bit. If you like to chew slowly, you can tear it a little bit. This doesn't matter. After we tear the chicken, the next step is to process Phnom Penh cabbage . "

The three pieces of chicken **** made Ye Fei tear all of them into thin and long pieces of shreds, put them in a large bowl, put raw soy sauce, oil, salt and monosodium glutamate, while this time Began processing Phnom Penh cabbage.

"In fact, we don't use a whole cabbage, but only a few layers on the outside."

Talking, Ye Fei picked up the Phnom Penh cabbage, carefully chopped down the cabbage leaves one by one, and when he got inside, Ye Fei stopped.

In fact, it is reasonable to say that the best part of cabbage is not the large leaves outside, but the cabbage heart, because the cabbage heart inside is the tenderest and sweetest.

But this dish is different, it uses large leaves outside.

When the only one left was Caixin, Ye Fei didn't even look at it, he just threw it into the trash can.

Seeing this scene, the faces of many audience members began to smoke. There is no way. This Phnom Penh cabbage is an extremely rare treasure, let alone the heart of the cabbage. It can be said that they would rather leave Ye Fei to throw away the large leaves outside. It's really a pity for Ye Fei to throw away Cai Xin.

Just when many people scolded Ye Fei for defeating his family, Ye Fei changed the boiling water pot and set the stove on the stove.

While boiling water, Ye Fei cut the cabbages on those leaves with a knife and threw them into the trash. Only a slice of cabbage leaves with green and gold edges was left on the table.

It can be said that this cabbage can use much less than thrown away, which is definitely an extremely wasteful behavior, but Ye Fei did just that.

After the cabbage leaves were made, the water in the pot over there was also boiled, and the leaves were all put into the boiling water and scalded.

"This leaf must be very careful when it is hot. This thing cannot be cooked. We are making 4D coral cabbage, not spicy. So the leaves can be removed after they are hot, so that they will not rot after a long time. . "

After speaking, Ye Fei used a colander to directly pick out the softened cabbage leaves and put them on a cutting board. Then he took out a clean absorbent paper to absorb all the moisture from the leaves. Then he carefully picked up a piece for the audience. Show it.

After seeing that the cabbage leaves had been scalded with boiling water, the whole leaf looked soft and lay on its side. Be careful when holding it with your hands.

At this time, the green of the leaves was obviously lighter, and even slightly transparent.

"This is the cabbage leaf we need, and now we use it to wrap these ingredients."

Put the cabbage leaves on the cutting board, and before heating the other ingredients, he warmed the steamer. Then he used chopsticks to clamp a few chicken shreds, a little carrot shreds and potato shreds on the cabbage leaves. These ingredients were rolled up with cabbage leaves to form a cylindrical shape.

Because the cabbage leaves are moist, although the water has been absorbed by the absorbent paper, the moisture of the leaves itself is still present, which causes the joints to easily stick together.

After a cabbage tube is rolled, let the connector be placed on a white dish underneath, and then start to roll the other leaves.

One roll is placed on a plate. At first, people thought that Ye Fei was indiscriminately placed, but as more and more cabbages were rolled, more and more were placed, people discovered that Cabbage tubes are very particular, he is using these cabbage tubes to form a word-million!

It's just that this 4D character is a traditional Chinese character.

There are more and more vegetables, and the 4D characters are more and more complete.

Wait until the tube is finished, and the other ingredients are used up, and the 4D character is just complete.

Ye Fei is not a calligrapher. He doesn't even write calligraphy, but he knows how to display. He knows how to display better.

Looking at this 4D character on this large white plate, although it is made of vegetables, it looks strong and very chic.

This made the audience in the broadcast room curious, especially the Chinese viewers, who knew that the words spelled out with things were completely different from those written with pens.

Words written with a pen will reveal a touch of spirituality and elegantness, but words spelled out with things are often rigid.

But Ye Fei completely overthrew the thoughts in people's minds today. He just used the cabbage tube to spell out an amazing 4D character.

"Okay, this word is really good. I very much doubt Ye Shen is a calligrapher now."

"Oh ~~ Is it strange that Ye Shen is a calligrapher? With so many titles, it is not surprising that there is another calligrapher."

"Anyway, no matter what amazing things happen to Ye Shen, I can accept it frankly, because he has strengthened my heart so much."

"Yeshen, I'm the chairman of the China Calligraphy Association. Can we now officially invite you to join the China Calligraphy Association?"

"... Brother upstairs, are you serious?"

"Of course, I'm never kidding."

"Then I inquire about it. Is there a great **** named Shao Yan in your association?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Can you ask him to shoot a word?"

"... shoot ... a word?"

"Yeah, isn't he shooting with a syringe? It's crazy all over the Internet."


The audience in the live broadcast saw someone burying the president of the Calligraphy Association, and all of them laughed crazy. This can be said to be the pain of the Calligraphy Association. It was originally a group of elegant people. As a result, a clown jumped out. Existence, you can't write well with a pen, you have to use a syringe to draw a cylinder of ink everywhere.

For this problem, he has spoken to Shao Yan the Great God many times. If he does n’t change, he can only get rid of the Calligraphy Association. You can be ashamed, and the Calligraphy Association can't afford to lose this person.

Ye Fei couldn't see the news in the live broadcast room, but he told him all over the world. Ye Fei was holding a plate and put it in the steamer. After hearing this, he almost gave the plate to the floor with a smile. The four-dimensional characters are a bit deformed, and in the end, there is no way but to sort them out.

Place the plate in the steamer and start steaming directly on high heat.

"In fact, as long as a few points are noticed in this dish, it is still very simple. The first is that the chicken cannot be cooked. It is best to press it with a hand after it has been blanched. Then the potatoes and carrots should not be too thick. Just be careful not to break the cabbage leaves when rolling. "

While cleaning up the stage, Ye Fei introduced the key points of attention to the audience.

Ten minutes later, Ye Fei turned off the fire. At this time, the 4D coral cabbage was fine.

In fact, the audience just smelled the aroma just now, and now they all want to see what the dish looks like after it is made.

Ye Fei did not let the audience wait for a long time, the steamer lid was lifted, and a burst of steam with aromas rose into the sky, making the aroma of the entire space stronger.

With the appearance of a strong aroma, the audience in the live broadcast instantly boiled.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's coming with fragrance."

"4D Coral Cabbage, the smell of light is absolutely classic."

"This aroma is really no one."

"I like cabbage most."

At the scene, Jia Lan and Liangbing's guests couldn't sit still, one by one around the steamer, and kept stretching their necks to look inside.

Ye Fei got a few people off, and he put the plate out with a clean gauze pad.

The plate just came out, and the invisible camera followed, giving the dish a close-up.

I saw that the cabbage tube was shrinking tightly after being steamed. It can be seen from the cross section that the chicken shreds, carrot shreds, and potato shreds were tied tightly.

Not only that, in this cross section, a little bit of grease appears, which is inside the shredded chicken, and of course, the radish and potato shreds.

Looking at this plate of watery and seductive food, Jia Lan swallowed saliva fiercely, and said, "Can you eat it?"

Ye Fei laughed: "Of course I can."

"give me one."

With that said, Jia Lan reached for her.

As a result, Ye Fei opened it directly and put it on the table to eat, so there was no image.

Holding the plate to the table, Ye Fei put the plate down and glanced at the live broadcast room, and saw the lively discussion in the live broadcast room.

"It did not disappoint me."

"Every dish is like art."

"This is probably the ultimate approach to cabbage."

"No, boiled cabbage is the ultimate method, but this method also makes the best use of this vegetable."

"Fuck, the price of cabbage is going to increase again. Now I'm paying a few pounds.

"Eight a pound? Happy baby."

Looking at the news in the live broadcast, Ye Feile cheerfully said, "Let ’s do this. Is this food to be eaten with other foods for a while, or do you want to know the taste of it now, let us let the audience decide. So let ’s start eating now. If you want to watch it with other food for a while, then we will wait. ”

As Ye Fei said, Jia Lan's group was suddenly nervous because they really wanted to taste what the food was like. After all, it looked so chic and smelled good.

"Let's eat together a while."

"Yes, yes, eat together."

"Eat now, I want to know what the taste is like as soon as possible."

"I like to watch them enjoy themselves when they eat, Ye Shen, let them eat now ~ ~ Every question arises, the audience in Ye Fei ’s live broadcast will have different opinions, so just eat first The problem of eating later almost scolded.

Ye Fei hurriedly stopped, saying: "Stop, stop, listen to me, this dish is actually delicious when it is hot, but it is not good when it is cold."

He said this, the opinions of the live broadcast room were unified immediately, and it was not delicious when it was cold, then he said a fart, and eat it while it was hot.

"Yes, eat it now." Sanhua Fairy said with a smile.

The others hurried to keep up and all agreed.

In the back of Jialan's group, they all breathed a sigh of relief quietly. In the face of such superb food, they really didn't want to wait much for a minute, they wanted to eat it right away and taste it.

"Okay, since everyone said to eat now, let's eat now." Ye Fei decisively.

As a result, all the viewers in the live room rolled their eyes. What makes us eat now? It ’s not good for you to say it ’s cold for a while, so what if you do n’t eat it while it ’s hot?


"Shameless +1."

"Shameless +2."


Ye Fei didn't see such news, the goods stood up and said: "Begin."

A few people in Jialan couldn't wait until Ye Fei let them eat. Several people rushed over, and no one even used chopsticks. They all reached out and squeezed a cabbage tube to eat.

Liang Bing held a cabbage tube in his right hand, and then cautiously followed by his left hand, afraid to fall, then opened his mouth, put the cabbage tube in and bit it gently.

As soon as it broke, a sweet scent of Phnom Penh cabbage burst out.

Bite again.

Uh ~

A stream of vegetable juice rushed into his mouth, hit his tongue, and knocked on the door of taste buds that had been resting for a long time ...