MTL - The Feast-v2 Chapter 204 : Big discovery

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Duan Tingxuan swallowed, and the voice actually took a bit of tension and excitement. Su warmly looked at him strangely, whispered: "I need to lie to you? What's wrong? Is there something I don't know inside? Oh! It won't be that the gods are made by themselves. Do you want to play the tricks of the Han Gaozu and the White Snake, the purpose is to buy people's hearts?"

"There are such big scenes, I don't think they will get it all out. But there is one thing you don't know." Duan Tingxuan said that the sound is even lower, and then one word: "Remember the white stone." Did you get to the place where it was, the opposite is the mountain where the gods descended."

"White Stone?" Su warm and doubt, but immediately thought of it, it is said that it was the clue left before Long Pingzhang died, but she and Duan Tingxuan and Su Donglou did not come out to see, did Duan Tingxuan have an idea today? This thought, she was also excited, and quickly whispered: "How? You have read out the secret of the white stone? Is it related to today's gods?"

"Just have an idea, but I don't know if it's right." Duan Tingxuan touched his chin and thought about it and whispered: "The distance from the cold mountain stone path is oblique, and there are people in the depths of the white clouds. Parking is sitting in love with Fenglin, and the frost is red. February flowers."

This warmth of the lower Soviet Union also understood, the eyes flashed, muttering: "Yes, is the key not the poem, but the second sentence of this poem, there are people in the depths of the clouds? The gods descended What key people live in the mountains?"

"You immediately thought of this?" Duan Tingxuan's face is more intense, put the chopped green onion on the plate, see the warm and simmering a few eggs for him to stir, he will stir the eggs Close to the wife, whispered: "I saw it clearly in that place. Most of the mountains in the opposite side are maple trees. I am so clever that I am clever, so a huge clue, I did not put it in my heart, gave birth to Ignore it. I know that Pingzhang is not good at this. Every time he sets the answer, he must be the easiest to understand. I have to go to a complicated place to think about it. Now it seems that his white stone is clearly telling I, stop and sit in Love Fenglin night, there are people in the depths of Baiyun. If our guess is correct, then the people who live in the mountains must be crucial. I suspect that Pingzhang’s death is probably because he discovered this seclusion. people."

"It makes a lot of sense." Su warm and excited too: after coming to Jiangnan, he was unable to open the situation. Even the husband and wife are now caught in danger. Suddenly, the clues came to the front. How can they not make them happy? Just like a person who walked into a dead end, suddenly a turn, the eyes are suddenly open, this is the road to no doubt. Will the dark flower show another village?

In a good mood, Su warm and show cooking, just in this narrow kitchen. Using ample ingredients, four cold dishes and eight hot dishes were rectified.

After finishing it, it is already noon. Just green 绮 绮 传 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰 恰You can also spread it, here is the big kitchen that is different from ours."

Su warm and busy and a few words, the couple's current thinking is still on these dishes? Seeing that the green hills were slowly squatting behind them, they finally disappeared. The two were really anxious.

Just no matter how anxious, there is no way. I can’t just want to make an excuse to jump off the boat. It’s so irritating, so the couple had to bear the temper. After thinking about coming back, they would find a way to let Su Donglou send someone to inquire.

All the way to the wind, two days later, I arrived at Jinling.

Puyang Wang also has a palace in Jinling, and its extravagant luxury makes it easy for Duan Ting Xuan and Su Wen. Even Xiaohouye said: Do not know Jiangnan, I do not know the vastness of the Yangyang King. From this point of view, the Emperor must not know, if you know that this younger brother is more moist than him, according to the nature of that family, Su warmly estimated that Xiangyang Wang was recalled to Beijing to be an idle prince.

In addition to serving Lu Fengyu's diet, Duan Tingxuan and Su Wenwen don't have to worry about other errands, so they are not as busy as other servants. They are leisurely for two days. This day is just cloudy, breezy, and not big. The sun shines, it is a rare cool weather. So the husband and wife discussed and went out to go shopping, anyway, rushed back before noon, not delaying dinner.

The prosperity of Jinling was also able to rank in the top three in the Great Yin Dynasty. All the way up, such as weaving, shoulders and shoulders, the two just strolled for a while and then no interest, only to feel too many people, because they are going back, they heard a loud noise from the front.

Su warm and warm is a nosy, hear the noise, gossip, pull her husband and squeeze into the crowd, I saw an old woman lying on the ground, parked two carriages beside them, the two sides are accusing each other It is said that the other party has hit someone and has nothing to do with himself.

Su warmth only looked at the fire, and did not say that the old woman lying on the floor was raised. She looked up and shouted at the two people who blamed each other: "I shut up. Since I can’t clarify the responsibility, then They all lose money." These two guys, regardless of the mother-in-law who was knocked down on the ground, are eager to clear their responsibilities. Su warmly arbitrarily determined that this is an example of "no good bird", so the two sides played 30 boards. That's right.

The two men were shocked by the warmth of the Soviet Union. They saw a nosy, and they were angry. They all asked who is the old woman? But she listened to her sneer: "I am not the person of this mother-in-law, but the road is not easy to help. You two are arguing, but the mother-in-law is disregarding, waiting for you to argue a result, my mother-in-law still does not know how, so I If you don’t wait for the results, you will get the money to compensate. After the money is paid, the two of you will go to the dispute to fight who is in the end, and fight for the result, so that the person who hits the person loses the money to the person who has not hit the person. "She has seen that the old woman's trousers are bright red. I wonder if it was cut by a pointed stone when it fell to the ground?" If it is only this point of flesh and blood injury, it is no problem, the most fear is the fracture.

Next to the lively people, seeing the warmth of the Soviet Union is crisp and neat, and it is the warmth of the ancient road. I can’t help but praise it. I only say that this method is very good. Otherwise, I will go to the government to let the grandfather judge. The two carriages are not willing to get into trouble. Surging, if this is going to linger, it might be embarrassing. The hero did not eat the loss before the words of the famous saying in his heart, so he had to scream at the warmth of the Soviet Union and took five or two silver to the old woman. Then I got on the carriage and left.

Su warmly watched them take so much money when they were so happy, they knew that they did not know who the old woman was. Because I put the money into the old woman's pocket, then lifted her up and asked a few words. I saw that the old woman just nodded and said that she was dumb, so even if she was in a hurry, she could not say a word for herself. words. If it weren't for the warmth of the Soviet Union, it would probably be a bad luck today.

There was no medical center nearby, and Duan Tingxuan walked two streets with the old woman before finding a medical center. Fortunately, it was only a skin injury and no fracture. Although the old woman can't speak, she is eager to greet the two. Su warm and warm to see her inconvenient to walk, and asked her home is not far from here, so the development of the heart and soul, and decided to do the best, and then send the old man home.

Sure enough, after less than two quarters of an hour, I went to the old woman’s house. It was a deep and narrow alley. At the end of the courtyard, it was the home of the old woman. The red tile and white wall seemed to be a well-off family. A few clumps of peony were planted outside the wooden door. At this time, it was warm and pleasing to the eye.

On the door knocker, I buckled a few times. Someone came out to open the door. It was a beautiful young woman in her thirties. When she saw that the old woman was injured, she couldn’t help but be shocked. Then she listened to the warmth of the Soviet Union and told the couple. The two are very grateful, and they are sure to invite them to go in for a cup of tea. Su warmth did not want to go in. However, through the open wooden door, I suddenly saw a few green seedlings in the corner of the yard. It looked like a pepper seedling, and her heart suddenly heated up.

According to his wife's instructions, Duan Tingxuan refused there. He only said: "No thanks, the road is not flat, the handle is right, we have to rush back to do things..." Just said here, listen to the warmth of the Soviet Union. Smiled: "It doesn't matter, no matter how anxious, there is still time for a cup of tea."

Xiao Houye was suddenly squatted there, not looking at his lover, not understanding the warmth. What kind of ghost is it? It is clear that she wants to "have something to do with the secret to hide the power and name".

The young woman is also a glimpse, and immediately invites the two to come in. Seeing Xiao Houye also came in. She couldn’t help but sneak a bit and look at the warmth of the Soviet Union. It is full of similar meanings, so Xiaohouye knows: This man’s life is also sad.

After entering the house and drinking a cup of tea, listening to the young woman’s euphemism, Duan Tingxuan and Su Wen warmed to know the situation of their family: the old woman was the young woman’s mother-in-law, because the young woman’s husband went out with the cargo ship all the year round, so one year There are seven or eight months in the house. Although her mother-in-law is dumb, her hands and feet are very diligent, helping her daughter-in-law to do housework, and occasionally she loves to go to the market. Today, her daughter-in-law is busy picking up the weaving cloth after getting up early, and has not eaten a few mouthfuls of lunch. The old woman looks at her. The daughter-in-law worked hard for a few days to catch up with this batch of work, and decided to go to the market to buy some meat and eggs to come back and work hard, but I did not expect such a thing.

Su warmed up a few words, listening to the young woman said that this will be used as a guide, in the future will not let her mother go out alone, she will not say more, pretending to inadvertently turn his eyes to the window, watching the lush in the courtyard, suddenly Pointing at the east corner, I am interested: "There are a few seedlings there. I don't seem to have seen it. I don't know what it is. Can you take me to see it?" (To be continued.)

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