MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 66

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After the information intercepted by the technical department, the red-throated bird attaches great importance to this drug transaction, and sent more than one member to protect the transaction. From the part of the contact code deciphered by the technical department’s Daniel Duan Yang, we can know that the monitoring room of the Ocean Park has red-throated. Bird members tracked in real time and guessed that they would most likely adopt underwater transactions.

Therefore, Bai Chunian and Lan Bo were separated. Lan Bo was in charge of underwater operations, and Bai Chunian was in charge of land operations. Even if the transaction method temporarily changed, they would have the opportunity to respond in time.

Because of the greater possibility of underwater transactions, Bai Chunian gave the ac medicine containing the tracking cells to Lanbo in advance.

When he changed the clothes of the staff member who played the mermaid in his wheelchair, he checked the skin of his whole body and found no red-throated bird tattoo, so he pushed the wheelchair directly and took the staff member from the Ocean Park. Exit left.

Going around the road 500 meters away from Ocean Park, Bai Chunian stopped a taxi and put the unconscious Omega in the back seat. By the way, he folded the wheelchair and threw it into the trunk, giving the driver a hundred In cash, he begged the driver in a warm voice to take the person to the nearest hospital.

When the driver saw Bai Chunian dressed as a student, he agreed without much thought.

After the taxi left, Bai Chunian walked around to the bus stop and took off his jacket as he walked. The well-behaved white sportswear had a black inner layer. When Bai Chunian took off his clothes, he turned it inside out. She wore a black vest and a cool square silver pendant around her neck. She took out a few exaggerated rings from her pocket and put them on her index and little fingers. She wiped the short hair on her forehead back and tapped her glasses. frame, the clear lenses instantly darken and become a pair of sunglasses.

In just a few seconds after passing the bus stop, Bai Chunian walked out as a completely different person. He went to the normal entrance to go through the security check, took out another ID card specially made by the technical department, and swiped it at the gate.

He glanced at his watch, and now there are ten minutes before the start of the mermaid show.

The mermaid show tank is the only place where visitors can connect to other display tanks from outside, and this is the most suspect location if they want to trade underwater.

The tracking glasses did not lose their effect after they were changed into sunglasses, and the red dot that marked Chen Yuan's position stayed at a certain position.

Bai Chunian walked quietly to Chen Yuan's location, and whispered to Lan Bo: "Get in place"

Rimbaud hid behind the coral reef at the bottom of the display tank, heard the sound of the waterproof communicator and replied in a low voice: "See, mermaid, back waist, bird tattoo."

Bai Chunian: "It seems that the remaining mermaid is the connector of the red-throated bird. They must have some way to trade, maybe through interaction with the audience or something else, you should pay more attention."

Rimbaud frowned: "Mermaid"

Bai Chunian: "Ugly mermaid, you are a mermaid."

Rimbaud looked through the gap to see the omega in the gold-red fishtail performance suit in the display tank. The end of his fishtail had a large and gorgeous two-page tail fin. The prototype was probably the shape of a fiery red betta fish. The tail on the reef, the tip of the slender tail, Rimbaud pursed his lips.

He has no tail fin at the end, and the entire tail is soft and streamlined until the end tapers without bifurcation, and the floating yarn-like translucent fins are basically concentrated on the waist and knees.

Rimbaud: "You like big tails."

Bai Chunian: "No, I like the little manta ray who can compare hearts."

Rimbaud: "niy"

Bai Chunian: "Really. Hurry up and go to work, baby."

Rimbaud: "hen."

He found a coral hole with his back to the display tank and drilled into it, deliberately hiding his breath in the water. From time to time, small tropical fish would swim through the hole, and Rimbaud reached out and took the fish in and threw it into his mouth to chew.

When the time is up, the mermaid show begins. The omega wearing a gold and red fishtail twists enchantingly in the water, spitting out a string of bubbles, which attracts applause from the audience outside the display tank.

Rimbaud hid in the coral reef cave, and there just happened to be a gap to observe the external situation. Watching the human omega dressed up as an adult fish and showing off in the water, Rimbaud comfortably leaned in the coral and admired it, eating more than 20 clams in a row.

Bai Chunian's voice sounded from the communicator: "Is there anyone in the auditorium with unusual behavior?"

Lan Bo whispered about the conch: "No. Stupid, fish and people can't tell the difference."

Bai Chunian: "Pay attention to the next shark show."

At this time, Bai Chunian was not in the performance hall, but entered the adjacent shark hall. The tracer points on his glasses showed that Chen Yuan took the child into the shark pavilion.

Bai Chunian pretended to pass by unintentionally and was tripped over by other tourists. He squatted down to tie his shoelaces, and glanced under the wheelchair where Chen Yuan's child was sitting. He made sure that the foam under the wheelchair seat was gone. The locator attached to the wheelchair pedal is thrown into the pocket.

The child was very interested in sharks, so Chen Yuan called a staff member to help the child explain the habits of sharks. While the staff member was explaining to the child, he quietly stuffed the foam in his hand into the shark through the gap between the railings of the viewing platform. in the pool.

The foam shell wrapping the ac accelerator adopts the technology of bionic sucker fish, which is quickly adsorbed to the belly of the nearest shark.

The sharks were introduced into the mermaid display tank of the performance hall by the staff through the water outlet.

Bai Chunian witnessed these details, and at the same time there was a question in his heart, and he wanted to know the answer more and more.

First of all, if you only trade medicines, you can trade them on the surface through the contract process. Their offline private transactions indicate that the sale and purchase of medicines is not expressly allowed by the 109 Research Institute.

Secondly, even if it is an offline private transaction, each party can send one person to hand over in a hidden place, but they have adopted the delivery method of no contact and no face-to-face. This researcher Chen Yuan didn't want to show up to leave a handle on the other party.

What need to be so cautious about it.

What they are going to do with the ac medicine must be something that Chen Yuan can't bear the consequences.

Bai Chunian contacted Lan Bo in a low voice: "It's past, under the belly of one of the sharks."

Rimbaud leaned on the coral lazily, and soon, about six sharks swam by him, Rimbaud stretched out the tip of his tail and tugged at the tail of one of them: "kivi. You, in a contemptuous, commanding tone."

The shark turned back fiercely, the rows of sharp teeth in its huge mouth were **** and terrifying, and it swam towards Rimbaud quickly. It was obviously provoked, and it faintly assumed an attacking posture.

Rimbaud slapped it, pressed the shark's head into the gravel of the water, and crushed it, his voice low and indifferent: "molantokivinuvajibijeo, who do you think you are talking to?"

The shark shuddered and closed his mouth. He felt the pressure of entering his body through his palm in horror, and he didn't dare to move.

Rimbaud took off the foam sucker from under its abdomen, took out the ac medicine inside, replaced it with the one in his hand, sucked the thing back into the shark's abdomen, and patted its head: "goon. Go."

The shark used its head to arch the scallop and sea cucumber in the distance to Rimbaud, and then swam away tremblingly.

After Bai Chunian emptied the shark tank, he followed the staff into the gate control room.

The staff manipulated the waterway gate connecting the shark hall and the performance hall to close. After Bai Chunian understood the operation, he silently used the companion ability to deceive the pain, which gave the staff a splitting headache. He took the opportunity to knock him out from behind, and then sat down by himself. Open the just closed gate before the gate controller.

Rimbaud swam down the waterway.

Looking from the glass of the shark pavilion, a mermaid with a cold blue glow is moving from far to near in the water, the fish tail swings gracefully, the blue long fins on the waist float like a veil in the water, and the intestines and internal organs are in his half. There was a faint agitation in the transparent fish tail, and the blue jellyfish formed by the fish tail stirring the water flow followed him and danced around him.

Rimbaud's slender arms separated the water, and his slender waist swung forward with his fish tail swaying in the water.

This is a mysterious aura that cannot be imitated by humans no matter how much human beings can imitate. The mermaid was born with a sense of arrogance and vulnerability. Bai Chunian could see it and wanted to hug him and pinch him.

Bai Chunian opened the gate and the circulation purifier in sequence, turned off the motor of the seawater pumping port, opened the gate, and Lanbo drilled into the nearest shallow sea adjacent to the aquarium from the exit.

After the task was completed, Bai Chunian left the Ocean Park and drove to the shallow sea to pick up Lanbo.

The car was parked on the beach, Bai Chunian took off his sunglasses and stepped on the soft sand. Lan Bo was sitting on the circular reef on the coast and looking out to the sea.

The sunlight reflected in his transparent fish tail, the light blue light reflected on the beach, and also reflected on Rimbaud's white skin. Occasionally, a current surged and hit Rimbaud, splashing a piece of snow-white foam.

He really doesn't seem to belong here.

Bai Chunian's eyes were focused on Lan Bo's blue eyes. For some reason, he had an almost fearful state of mind, afraid that he would see anything resembling homesickness in Lan Bo's eyes.

He walked over, and the sea breeze blew the coat he wore around his waist.

"If you really want to eat that kind of scallops, I will ask someone to help you transport two." Bai Chunian said.

Rimbaud looked back at him: "No, it's baking."

He pointed to a huge shell on the shore. There was a lot of kelp stuffed into the opening of the shell, and a hole was dug at the bottom. The scallop was sizzling.

Rimbaud threw the lighter in his hand: "Originally, it was mine."

Bai Chunian: ""

After he was full and got into the car, Rimbaud was lying in the back seat, his stomach was rounded, and the shell fragments that were quickly dissolving in the intestines could be seen from the transparent part of the fish tail.

The next goal is to follow the mermaid staff who got the ac potion and see where he is going to send the potion. The mermaid took off her work clothes and drove out of the marine park with the potion she got from the belly of the shark.

In order not to startle the snake, Bai Chunian did not stick a locator on the exchanged medicine, and could only infer the target's course of action based on experience based on the traffic monitoring from the technical department.

He was not surprised that the man did not drive into the city, but went to the seafood import and export factory in the port.

Bai Chunian followed the car from the other route with both hands on the steering wheel. From time to time, he looked in the rearview mirror at Rimbaud lying in the back seat, and patted his bulging stomach with both hands.

"I don't think I've ever seen you go to the toilet." Bai Chunian chatted casually, "The ability to digest is so strong, like strong acid."

Lan Bo got up, held the headrest of the back seat with his back to Bai Chunian, raised his fins, and introduced truthfully: "But I have a drainage hole."

Bai Chunian almost flew off the road with one foot of the brakes.

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