MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 184

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Bai Chunian stared at the photocopy in his hand, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his whole body trembled slightly.

Rimbaud listened closely to the movement outside the door. The security guard who was led away had already noticed the abnormality and rushed back to the reference room. Now that he went out, he would definitely meet them. The reference room is a windowless and completely closed room. to prevent external theft.

Bai Chunian also heard the hurried footsteps of the security guard, put the contract in his arms, grabbed Lanbo's wrist, motioned to him with his eyes: "Come here." And quickly hid in the small space between the bookshelf and the corner of the reference room middle.

Rimbaud climbed to the ceiling, relying on electromagnetic adsorption of steel air ducts in the ceiling, so he could walk on the ceiling like a gecko.

The door to the data room was opened with a key by the security guard, and two uniformed security guards walked in. They both had thermal scanners hanging on their chests, and if they detected an abnormal thermal sensation, they would call the police.

The security routinely checked the data rack. When he was walking, Rimbaud was silently crawling on the top of his head at the same time. Because the mermaid's body temperature was extremely low, the heat detection did not alarm.

But another security guard approached the bookshelf where Bai Chunian was hiding, and Lan Bo followed him from the ceiling expressionlessly. The teeth in his mouth became sharp, the corners of his lips were split, and a triangular tooth slowly opened the gap and approached the security guard's head.

Bai Chunian held his breath, took out a vial of injection from the tactical belt, stabbed a needle in his arm, and leaned against the side of the bookshelf, motionless.

The injection is filled with Han Xingqian's gland serum. The serum has the M2 differentiation ability of Pegasus glands. After injection, it can hide the hot heartbeat and pheromone breath for ten minutes.

Seeing that the heat detection did not call the police, the security guard relaxed his vigilance immediately, turned around and walked out, re-locking the door of the reference room.

After the iron door was closed, Bai Chunian breathed a sigh of relief, leaned against the bookshelf and closed his eyes, slowly slid down, and sat on the ground.

Han Xingqian sensed the effect of his serum and asked them, "What's the situation?"

Bai Chu said youngly, "It's fine. I almost met the security guard. Fortunately, I hid the sniper rifle box in the ceiling of the utility room ahead of time."

"Be careful, that serum can only make one or two for you at a time, don't waste it."


The call had ended, and Bai Chunian was still looking at the ground dazedly.

Lan Bo lightly fell to the ground, the fish tail wrapped around Bai Chunian's body and embraced him in his arms. Xiaobai has been acting as a human agent for more than four years, how can he still put himself in such a dilemma.

"What's in that stack of papers? What did you see?"

"Nothing. Let's go."

"give me."

"It's really nothing, just some pharmaceutical ingredients, you can't understand."

Lan Bo directly took the contract from his arms, turned to the page that Bai Chunian had just stayed on, and glanced at it.

His eyes stayed on the ball held by the immortal undead for a while, and the dark blue pupils trembled, as soft as they were about to melt.

Bai Chunian leaned his head against the bookshelf, his eyelids were a little red and bloodshot. Seeing his appearance, Lan Bo silently restrained his grief, and said with a stern face: "You can't live in peace even if you die, it's just an empty pearl shell."

"They use pearls to supply energy to the immortal undead, otherwise how could the immortal undead become the strongest experimental body in the institute." Bai Chunian looked at the ceiling and smiled, "It's been almost four years, it must have been waiting for us to pick it up. ."

Rimbaud leaned over and cupped his cheek: "We are ovoviviparous, there is absolutely no way to live if we die at the egg stage, it is really just an empty shell, and there are some remnants of my soul in it, without thoughts, it will not be like you said. think so."

"Let's go first." Bai Chunian stood up and walked to the door staggeringly, putting the contract in his hand back to its original position and checking if there were any traces of rummaging elsewhere.

When he turned around, Lan Bo was behind him. He hugged him and whispered in Bai Chunian's ear: "When your life is gone in a hundred years, I will make them pay the price. You will be more secure these years."

"If I had a father, my father would definitely save me, instead of hiding and pretending nothing happened." Bai Chunian grabbed his wrist, widened his eyes, and squeezed out his voice through gritted teeth.

Rimbaud restrained him with force, pulled the two's communicator out of his ears and turned it off, grabbed his neck collar, his pupils stretched into thin lines, looking vicious and threatening, but his mouth was: "Enough is enough. , since you went to take revenge on the cultivation base without saying a word, I'm worried, too much rebellion, too much self-esteem, too much hatred, too much impulsiveness, why are you so disobedient? If you are my subject, I will suppress you and wear you down until you lose your minions until."

The soft and magnetic voice scolded him awake in his ear, Bai Chunian lowered his head, resting his forehead on Rimbaud's shoulder, and put his arms around his waist: "Are you afraid. The king is afraid too?"

Rimbaud looked to the side worriedly: "siren is omnipotent. I recognize it without it. Losing you is impossible. I will stay with you on land just for your pleasure. Don't do whatever you want with siren's love."

"I'm sorry." Bai Chunian put on a cute expression and hugged him: "You don't have to worry, even if I die, I will merge with the sea and hug you to sleep every day."

"You are not the sea, you are mud, step in and sink in."

"Okay, I'm stinky mud." Bai Chunian couldn't release the comforting pheromone here, so he lightly rubbed Lanbo's fins, and the corners of his lips raised slightly: "Don't be afraid, I didn't say that I would confront them, the next 109 The institute will not be better, they will feel it little by little. Put on the communicator, and we will go to meet Lu Yanlanxing."

When the two put the communicator back on, there was a screeching noise inside.

"Brother Chu, I'm in trouble." Lu Yan's breathing was heavy, and he seemed to be running away, "We have found the location of the factory, but there is a monster guarding here, he found us, Lan Xing was slightly injured, but It's okay, we can hold on for a while, the bomb hasn't been loaded yet."

"What is it."

Bi Lanxing replied: "I'm retrieving its information according to the description. He is very tall, almost three meters tall, with blue skin and a posture like a zombie."

"...It's Gargantel. A3-class virus-type experimental body, number 436. This is the bodyguard of the experimental body by Ellen's side, who brought it here...Wait for me, we'll be there soon, don't disturb the people of the Greyhound family. ."

In the bright place, Han Xingqian had already gone to the room to auscultate the elder sister-in-law, and Xiao Tun was still in the living room, sitting upright in the corner listening to the uncle and second uncle sternly admonishing him, saying anything harsh.

The old man Xiao Changxiu was sitting on the front seat, leaning on his shiny black patent leather cane majestically, and said coldly, "Xiao Tun, come here."

The eldest brother Xiao Zichi still hated Xiao Tun's limelight in the ATWL exam, and at this time, he also ridiculed: "Xiao Tun, grandpa called you, and you disappeared after playing without a word. Do you still have the Lingti family in your eyes? Family? You have lost all face."

Xiao Tun turned a deaf ear, stood up and walked in front of the old man, raised his eyelids and answered, "I went to school in the past two years, and after seeing the world, I know why the Lingti family doesn't allow omega to learn too much, because my ability is strong, I just use it. Don't rely on alpha anymore, isn't that what you want?"

"Does the culture outside teach you to come back and talk back to your elders?" Mr. Xiao raised his cane and slammed it down on Xiao Tun's right shoulder, "You first wake up!"

Xiao Tung had a kind of fear from his childhood about his majestic face. His mother died under this crutch. After so many years, Xiao Tung seemed to still be able to see the dried blood in the cracks.

However, it was because the mother accidentally stepped into the ancestral temple during her menstrual period during the anniversary worship. The wind just turned off a lamp, and was scolded for colliding with the ancestors. This pair of crutches killed his mother in front of him, bleeding. All over the floor, some stains got into the cracks of the floor tiles, and it took three years to wash them clean. People are used to it, and it doesn't seem like a big deal for a woman to die in a deep house compound.

A few cousins ​​were so happy to see him laughing, Xiao Zizhe put on the swollen half of his cheek to watch him get trained, and felt a little nasty and happy.

In the ear, Han Xingqian reminded at the right time: "Xun Xun, we are here to make trouble, don't be too polite. If something is broken, I will reset it and offend someone. It's a big deal that Brother Chu wiped him out. We are all here, and no one can move. you."

When the cane was about to fall on Xiao Tun's shoulder, Xiao Tun raised his hand and grabbed the body of the cane, and took advantage of the situation.

The old man was taken aback by his actions. In the entire Lingti family, no one dared to lose the face of the head of the family in public. This Xiao Tun is really against the sky.

A few uncles were so angry that they stood up from their chairs, Xiao Tun stood there, a strong pheromone emanated from the glands, and the M2-level oppressive pheromone pushed them back to the seats.

Although the Greyhound family has been hiring hunters for generations, most of them are bosses who hire super-killers with high levels of competence to work. They are more responsible for the operation of this. , In the final analysis, it is a businessman in the dark. Several sons of the main family of Lingti family are only J1 differentiation. Even the level of the old man is only M2, let alone the other grandchildren.

In the IOA, which is full of masters, and the Aphid Island Special Training Base, where talented youngsters are concentrated, Xiao Tung's level is indeed not enough to watch, but in a family whose talent strength is declining day by day due to long-term intermarriage of the same clan and distant relatives, Xiao Tun is the leader. Existence, so I never dared to show my level at home before.

Xiao Xun put the crutches flat on the ground, looked directly at the old man and said, "I'm just here to participate in the hunting competition. After the competition, I will leave without leaving an eyesore. It's not worth your anger. When the cousins ​​lose, there are no bottom pants left. You can get angry again, and see how the alpha that has been held in your hand over the years will give you a long face."

When he recognized Xiao Tun's level, Xiao Zizhe's arrogance suddenly weakened, and he looked at him with his mouth half open.

The old man has never seen such an arrogant and arrogant junior, still an omega, he immediately became furious, pointed at Xiao Tun's nose, and before he could scold him, a servant hurried over and whispered to the old man's ear: "The sixth master is back. already."

The old man was startled again, his heart was blocked, and he waved his hand.

Before waiting for the servant to come back to invite him, a greyhound omega walked in in his pocket, with long smoky blue hair tied loosely on his shoulders, and appeared in the living room with a squinting smile.

He should be in his thirties, but he looks like only twenty-five or sixteen if he is well maintained. He wears a white jacket over a thin black T-shirt. His eyes are narrowed like crescent moons. He seems to be trying his best to be kind, but it makes people feel Incredibly gloomy.

The uncle may have not seen the sixth brother for a long time, and he showed an unhappy expression at the first sight.

Xiao Zizhe scolded in a low voice: "Unfortunate things come on the same day, what luck."

When the family mentioned the sixth uncle Xiao Yang, they all said that Kefu and Xingxing died on the first day of marriage, so Xiao Zizhe also became disgusted.

This low-pitched scolding was not loud, and it was not obvious in the crowded reception room, but Xiao Yang seemed to have noticed it.

Xiao Yang glanced at the people around him, his eyes fixed on Xiao Tun, and he smiled kindly: "I heard that Thun Tun brought a doctor to see your sister-in-law? With me here, what kind of disease does my niece use outsiders to see."

Xiao Tung couldn't figure out his intention, so he didn't answer.

Xiao Yang looked at the old man in the main seat with a smile: "Although studying medicine can't save the rotten roots of the Lingti family from the inside out, but my niece is innocent, I still have to come to see it to be relieved."

On the surface, the sixth son was kind and gentle, but his body was full of undercurrents of arrogance. The old man was angry twice a day, and his blood pressure rose. The servant hurriedly took out the medicine and gave the old man some relief.

Xiao Tung noticed that the situation had changed, and while everyone's attention was focused on Uncle Six who appeared inexplicably, he quietly retreated to the door.

He passed the sixth uncle, Xiao Yang tilted his head and smiled, blocking the view of others by turning sideways, and said to him in a faint voice:

"I'll stay here until the raw materials are processed, darling, but don't think about the factory, I'm watching."