MTL - The Fallen Merman-Chapter 176

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Witch Hazel found an opportunity and directed the people in the church to leave from the side. At the same time, he manipulated the mummy to protect the children in the choir from escaping. The silk was wrapped around the Witch Hazel's armpit and waist as it was, returning to the state where it was carried by the Witch Hazel.

Manipulating the humanoid cocoon mummy is the M2 ability of Witch Hazel. After a period of time, the mummy needs to return to him to give Witch Hazel time to breathe.

Rimbaud entered the sea from near the Ballet Theater and came to land from the seashore by water, so he was very fast.

He landed from the top of the church to Bai Chunian's side.

Bai Chunian asked, "Why so fast."

Rimbaud tucked his blond hair behind his ears: "It took a little time to meet the crocodile at the theater."

"You killed him?"

"Not yet, you told me to come quickly, I spit his head and came."

"Not in such a hurry..."

"Is it only him?" Rimbaud looked at Eris who had no intention of fighting and was planning to escape.

Eris heard Rimbaud's words, and he ran away faster. He hung on the cursed gold wire and swayed into the distance. He covered his eyes and shouted: "Go away, Knicks personally installed it for me, brand new, with You don't even think about poaching those with engraved names, you stinky dog ​​ignores the cat and doesn't smell canned herring."

"?" Rimbaud's eyes widened, not far from the pier, an angry sea surged, forming a tube of transparent hydrated steel quadruple bazooka in Rimbaud's palm, Rimbaud picked it up and carried it on his shoulders, Just as he was about to rush out, Bai Chunian grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

"Don't create chaos in the city. He and the crocodile must be here to destroy and confuse our sight. The purpose of the puppet master is to be an experimental body of the Medical Association. Follow me to IOA."

"I'm going to kill him and goug out both of his eyes." Rimbaud clenched his molars.

"Don't worry about him, let's go." Bai Chunian dragged Lan Bo into the co-pilot, drove back to the IOA, and used the communicator to contact the resident staff at the headquarters: "There may be intruders invading the Medical Association, and additional staff will be sent to the Medical Association. Ward area, protect doctors. Laboratory Technology Department pays attention to information security.”



"Doctors report mass casualties."

Han Xingqian replied: "The first aid team is in place, with 52 minor injuries, two serious injuries, and no deaths."

Dr. Zhong's voice was suddenly inserted into the communication, and he was panting heavily. It seemed that the situation was urgent, so he made him go to the listening room to convey the news: "The experimental subject is strange, and the hourglass sneaked into the ward area to steal the experimental subject. Eight experimental subjects were taken away from the ward by them, three nurses died, and the patrol team responsible for intercepting them had more than half of the casualties, and they had already fled into the city."

After listening to Bai Chunian, he immediately said: "Received. The investigation team of the special team pays attention, I am returning to the headquarters, and Xiao Tun is looking for a sniper spot on the spot, preparing to ambush the strange hourglass."

"These guys." Bai Chunian turned off the microphone and slammed the steering wheel hard, "What do you want to do by taking a risk in the city? What do you want to do with the experimental subjects? We take over those who are not very aggressive, otherwise they are children in the cultivation period. , what's the use of them taking it away? If it is taken away, it will be a big trouble."

None of these experimental subjects belong to the IOA. The IOA is only temporarily detaining them for inspection. Once the detention time is up, they must be returned to the Institute. Once an experimental subject is stolen during the detention period, not only will the Institute find an excuse to pinch them, but also Therefore, the evaluation of the ability to guard the experimental body will be greatly reduced. In relation to the credibility of the IOA, there must be no mistakes.

"Lan Xing, tell me the strange situation."

Bi Lanxing quickly found the corresponding entry from the query watch given by the reptile: "Experimental body 723 is a strange bone, M2-level maturity alpha, J1 differentiation ability 'Niweiyi': It can form a protective cover with itself as the center, Absorbs 70% of the opponent's attack damage and bounces back as explosive fragments.

M2 differentiation ability "Snow Skeleton": Corrode the flesh and blood of everyone in the radial range around the body, until the enemy turns into a skeleton.

Associated ability 'Cui Dawn': Make the irradiated target mutate, divided into positive mutation and negative mutation. After the target is irradiated, the same gold, green and blue dots will appear between the eyebrows of Qisheng Bone. "

"It's so troublesome..." Bai Chunian frowned, "No wonder it needs to be hidden in the Bernard Pharmaceutical Factory to cultivate, and it is no wonder that the puppet masters have to spend all their energy to take the Qisheng Bone from the Bernard Pharmaceutical Factory, although only the M2 level, but each differentiation ability is very strong, the puppet master said that she is the most beautiful experimental body in the world, in addition, among all the experimental bodies of M2 level, her strength is also among the best."

Rimbaud supported his head and glanced out the window: "Yes, of course, it looks like a chick, like a funny cat, do you like it?"

Bai Chunian's tense nerves were relieved by him, and he tilted his head to see Lan Bo sitting in the co-pilot. He sniffed the webbed between his fingers glumly, and said to himself, "It doesn't stink. I like cats. Smell the can."

"Oops, what do you think about Eris' words? He's farting. You're catnip, so fragrant."

"I found it." Lan Bo suddenly hurriedly knocked on the car window glass. After Bai Chunian lowered the glass, he found a blue-green figure leaping between buildings about two or three hundred meters away.

Although Qishenggu has no wings, he seems to be able to glide in the air with the golden and blue peacock tail feathers behind him, and a golden-blue band of shining stars is dragged behind him.

They made such a big battle just to cause trouble for the IOA.

Rimbaud took out a marksman rifle from under the seat, leaned his upper body out of the window, wrapped his fishtail tightly around the seat to fix his body, and said softly, "Give me a quadruple mirror."

Bai Chunian controlled the steering wheel with his left hand, picked up a bottle of mineral water with his right hand, opened the bottle cap with his teeth, and threw it out the window.

When the mineral water bottle flew out of the window, the body of the bottle was immediately squashed by an invisible air pressure, and the water was squeezed out immediately. A transparent hydrated steel quadruple mirror, the blue sight moved to the high-speed gliding Qisheng bone.

"She has the ability to fight back injuries, don't hit her, drive her to a place where there are few people." Bai Chunian turned towards the oncoming car, and drifted around and passed through the narrow road.

Rimbaud leaned his upper body out of the sunroof, leaned on the roof to aim, pulled the trigger lightly, and a bullet flew along the strange flight path.

Qishenggu spread out the peacock's tail feathers and gliding in the air, and the spooky hourglass crouched on her back.

"Sister, there is a gun." Sprite stared at the high-speed sedan on the ground in the distance, and Rimbaud was lying on the roof aiming at them.

Qi Shenggu adjusted his direction slightly: "You block some, we should go, the puppet master told us to go back, saying that the monitor puppet found some new information about the institute."

When the bullet was about to touch them, the sprite suddenly turned the hourglass, and the bullet that approached them flew back along the original track in an instant.

When approaching the clock tower, Qi Shenggu was about to descend diagonally, but a window suddenly opened in the center of the clock hand of the silent clock tower, a sniper rifle stretched out, and shot her without hesitation.

Qishenggu turned sharply, and at the same time formed a radiant protective shield in front of him. The sniper bullet hit the shield and could no longer move forward. The shield that absorbed 70% of the power of the sniper bullet suddenly shattered, as sharp as Shards of glass burst out all around.

But the black vines grew rapidly on the bell tower, forming a tough vine wall to protect Xiao Tun, who was in charge of sniping.

The vines grow recklessly with Bi Lanxing's manipulation, take root on the bell tower, and the tip chases up like a rope.

Bi Lanxing looked at Qi Shenggu, who was changing the sliding direction, and whispered while pressing the headset: "Brother Chu, the glass hourglass of the sprite is full of experimental subjects, at least seven or eight, it seems that a few are stolen and stolen. in."

Bai Chunian: "Let's drive her back, Xiao Xun spy on the hourglass."

Xiao Tun hesitated: "My bullet can't penetrate the hourglass."

Bi Lanxing said, "The Witch Hazel is already on its way. His silk-explosive magazine can pierce the hourglass."

"It's too late, you snipe the bullets, leave the rest to me." Bai Chunian was driving after Qi Shenggu from the ground. Seeing that she was approaching the edge of the city, Bai Chunian pulled Lan Bo back from the skylight. Lan Bo easily understood Knowing what he meant, after a turn, Bai Chunian grabbed the roof of the car with both hands and retracted from the driver's seat. Lanbo slid into the driver's seat to control the steering wheel. Bai Chunian leaned out of the sunroof and used Lanbo's hydrated steel. The quadruple lens looks for the location of the strange bone.

A sniper bullet accurately hit the hourglass held in the sprite's arms. The hourglass was extremely tough and did not show any cracks, but a red positioning mark was formed on the surface of the hourglass.

Xiao Tun's M2 ability is hunting and locking. As long as the target is locked by his sniper bullet, the hit rate of all friendly shooting weapons will be greatly increased.

Bai Chunian spread out his left hand, the collar on his neck melted into dead sea core rock, and the black spar was recast in the palm to form a crossbow. The traces left by the bullets, the distance and the fall were calculated silently.

The spar crossbow bolt left the string, and Qi Shenggu saw Bai Chunian on the ground, and suddenly turned the direction, and the positioning bullet can correct the direction, and the crossbow arrow still penetrated the hourglass with one arrow.

The sprite screamed in surprise, and the huge impact force when it was blasted by the hourglass was tossed off Qi Shenggu's body.

The experimental subjects that fell out of the hourglass also fell.

A strand of golden silk flew around and wrapped around the sprite's limbs. Eris came from the edge of the city and pulled the cursed golden thread hard, pulling him away before the sprite fell to the ground.

Qi Shenggu stared fiercely at Bai Chunian, the golden, green and blue circle on his forehead lit up: "Do you want it, I'll give it back to you."

At the same time, the eyebrows of the experimental subjects who fell to the ground lit up with the same dots as the strange bones, and each experimental subject underwent strange changes.

The skin of the subjects closest to the bell tower turned blue, the whites of their eyes disappeared, their fangs grew, and they quickly climbed up the bell tower as if they had lost their minds, with a grinning grin from their mouths.

Xiao Xun glanced down, these experimental subjects were extremely fast, and could climb up in almost three or five steps. He didn't dare to carry it hard, he climbed back into the dial of the clock tower, locked the door and pressed it hard, and said hurriedly: " I was surrounded and couldn't hold it for three seconds. Lan Xing, can I burn your vines?"

"Wait for me." Bai Chunian was standing on the roof of the car and kicking down the mutant experimental subjects who stumbled on the wheels of the car, and he couldn't kill them with a killer. This trick of Qishenggu was really disgusting. Fortunately, the mutation has a time limit and can also be eliminated by Doctor Han's ability.

"No, Rimbaud, throw the car away, let's walk over."

"Oh." Lan Bo swept away the snacks in his hand, jumped out of the car with Bai Chunian and ran to the clock tower.

Police sirens and ambulance sirens blared throughout the city, and Union police and IOA teams have sealed off streets, but the target has fled.

Qi Sheng Gu consumed too much energy and coughed even more.

"We didn't bring it, the test subject. Nix, are you angry?" Sprite asked cautiously, holding the hourglass temporarily taped up.

"When you get angry, you get angry, and he won't do anything to us. Cough...Eris has failed a hundred times, and the puppet master hasn't said a single word...cough... The air here is so smoky, and humans are To a certain extent, the vitality is really tenacious, which makes me hate it." Qi Sheng bone dusted the dust on the tail feathers.

Eris headed forward and strode forward: "Sister, I have only failed 6 times. Besides, this is not a failure. They don't want to go with us at all. Guess what those idiots who were brainwashed by IOA MLM said? Satan actually started to teach the scriptures, Corundum wants to learn origami, Dandelion weeps endlessly, Witch Hazel carries his mummy brother on his back and waters flowers in the vegetable garden every day, and is willing to be a human dog, they don't deserve us to pay so much, this is simply An insult to the Knicks."

"I don't want to, he's disappointed. But again, I can't beat him." Shiji rubbed his curly soft hair silently, and muttered, "I'm sorry, Knicks, we couldn't save them, we're too weak."

"How would they do it?" Ji Ji raised his head slightly and asked.

"As soon as the detention time of the IOA expires, it can only be returned to the research institute. It is not a strong experimental body, and it will probably be used as fodder." Qi Shenggu covered his mouth, "Human organizations should not meddle in other people's gossip. It's not good for either side...ahem...if the envoys were also on our side, things would be much simpler."

Eris rolled his eyes.