MTL - The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down-Chapter 87 If you want to be the image power of the Buddhas and dragons, why do you need to borrow the appearance of all living beings?

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  Chapter 87 If you want to be the power of Buddhas and dragons, why use the appearance of all living beings

   Li Yi finished knocking the melon seeds in his hand and got up to leave.

   "Doctor Li is leaving now. I have only listened to it for a few minutes, and then I will talk about the highlights."


  He is not interested in listening to the old stories of two thousand years ago, and he is not interested in hearing an old man speak shameful words on stage, constantly praising himself. There are too many people who boast about him, and if all the legends about him in the practice world are collected, the records of paper can be piled higher than people.

   It wasn't that Li Changsheng did it on purpose, it's just that he lived too long, five thousand years. The legends of some monks who have traveled the world can be circulated among the people for hundreds of years, and the power of Nascent Soul Transformation God is not lack of being conferred by the people.

  And I have been in the world for more than 5,000 years, and there are countless good and bad things. Some people respect him, some fear him, and some fear him... In the end, it was just a fleeting moment, and most of those legends deviated from the facts of the year. For him, what he can leave is only the memory of his own experience, not the praise and pursuit of others.

   Some people care about leaving his name in history, but Li Changsheng doesn't care, because his history doesn't necessarily outlive him.

  Stay away from the square, telling behind your back how you went all the way to Lingshan, how you overwhelmed the Buddha, and how you entered the Bodhi Realm... etc. The disturbing voices gradually moved away, and more than two thousand years have passed like a memory.

  When I came to the clinic, an old lady was sitting at the door with a basket beside her.

  This is his first patient, an old man in his eighties, a widowed old man who lives alone.

   Li Yixiang stepped forward and asked, "Any more questions?"

   "Doctor, my illness is much better, much better...I am here to thank you, this egg..."

  The old man stumbled and stumbled, and her slow thinking had prevented her from expressing clearly. When a person is old, he is like a machine, full of various failures.

   Trembling, she took out the only few eggs from the vegetable basket, which were of different sizes, and they should be native eggs laid by her own chickens.

   "You can accept this egg."

   Li Yi saw that she should have two years of life left, which was the limit of her current body. Even if he is still alive after two years, there is a high probability that he will only be paralyzed in bed.

   He took the egg and put it in the pocket of his army coat, opened the door of the clinic and let the old man in.

   "Come in, I'll give you a few more stitches."

   "I'm not sick now."

  “Ageria is indeed not a disease, but the skill of medicine lies in prevention, not cure.”

  The old man had a natural trust in the doctor's words. Li Yi asked so, she could only walk in and sit on a chair.

  Li Yi took out the medical needles that had just arrived a few days ago, and directly inserted them into various parts of the old man through his clothes. It took only ten seconds for dozens of needles.

  Having practiced medicine for thousands of years, Li Yi has already mastered every part of the human body, and his techniques are more precise than the most sophisticated instruments. Moreover, his patients have always been ordinary people, and the number is very large, so the efficiency cannot be low.

   A few seconds later, a slight blush appeared on the old man's face, and sweat began to flow from his forehead, and his wrinkled face relaxed slightly.

  Five minutes later, the silver needles flew out one by one, and automatically returned to the cloth bag containing the acupuncture. The old man behind him did not see it.

   "Doctor, I suddenly feel so warm."

   "Warming the meridians and dispelling the cold, nourishing the blood and unblocking the veins, it will naturally be warm."

   "Thank you, doctor."

  The old lady left with her back on her back, her feet were obviously much more stable, and her panting was not as weak as before. But that's all, Li Yi just treated her with ordinary medical skills, but there was no way to make her rejuvenate.

   Li Yi's principle of practicing medicine is always to cure diseases but not to live forever, unless he wants the person to live for a few days, and there are very few such people.

   After another ten minutes, a middle-aged man in his fifties walked in.

  His problem is rheumatic bone pain, and he wants to get some ointment.

   Li Yi naturally had no medicine here, so he gave him two injections with the method just now, which made him cry out in comfort.

   "Doctor Li is really a miracle doctor!"

  The middle-aged man gave a thumbs up and left one hundred yuan, obviously the family is still relatively rich.

   Then a few more people came one after another, most of them were geriatric diseases, and there was no way to cure them through medical skills. Li Yi could only make them less painful.

   At three o'clock in the afternoon, close the door and get off work.

  Walking slowly on the country road, someone stopped him before he got home, and one of his patients stuffed him with a fish. Walked another hundred and eighty steps, and was stuffed with a winter melon when passing a vegetable field.

  When I got home, I was already full of all kinds of melons and fruits, and the countryside lacked everything except crops. Compared with the embarrassment of Da Lei Yinshu, these things are not as real.

  Lying on the bed and playing with the mobile phone, continue to lie down after dinner at night, dangling for another day.


  When the wave of previous Fa conferences subsides gradually, the normal track will resume, but there are some more things.

  That is the Buddha has the true law

  The impact of the previous Fa Conference, the extraordinary power constantly displayed can no longer be concealed completely. Coupled with the strong local Buddhist beliefs, people have never doubted that Buddhist eminent monks have the true Dharma, and now they have seen it with their own eyes, and they firmly believe it.

Temples of    size are more prosperous, and people's enthusiasm for worshiping Buddha statues is so high now. Whether it is out of faith or out of selfishness, the number of people worshiping Buddha in China has grown exponentially.

  Florida has also poured in a large number of foreign tourists, or sincere pilgrims, or journalists looking for news, or purely for fun or malicious external forces... In short, the whole Florida is now mixed with fish and dragons.

  The government did not take too many actions. One is that the special nature of Florida itself cannot prevent local people from believing in Buddhism. The second is that there is a promise at the town and state level, and the government chooses to stand still for the time being.

  The operation team leader of Chudi Company walked on the street, and there were basically Buddha statues in the shops on both sides of the road. This is commonplace in Florida, but for some reason now it makes him feel creepy, as if these Buddha statues are alive.

  Ordinary people naturally don't feel the sense of peeping and the ubiquitous pressure. Practitioners walking in this environment are like diving.

  The further you go, the greater the pressure.

   "The team leader..."

  An operator was in a trance for a moment, and was immediately supported by the operation team leader.

   "I can't take it anymore..."

   "All operators below Foundation Establishment are withdrawn."


   This situation happened all over Florida, and almost all non-Buddhist monks were almost overwhelmed. Many people couldn't stay in the city and evacuated to the suburbs early.

  As the supreme commander, the operation team leader in Florida is also top-notch, and his cultivation at the peak of Foundation Establishment allows him to move freely.

  He came to a temple, the temple is not big, only dozens of square meters, located in the depths of the alley. There are no Buddha statues enshrined inside, just a skinny old monk sitting.

  The state-level township of Chu, the master of crossing the world.

  Every town and state level has made great contributions to society. Master Dushi once suppressed the religious rebellion in Chudi by himself. In today's world, many practice sects will incarnate religion, intending to harvest faith.

  Outside, I don’t know how many religions have come to power, and they are doing everything possible to harvest faith. Some things that were originally swept into the historical garbage dump were moved out again, human sacrifices,

  Chu has complex beliefs and huge religious influence, and the hidden danger is no less than that of Qi's "blood-red beetle virus". If it weren't for the emergence of a master who has crossed the world and led the Buddhist sect to suppress other sects, it might have given Shenzhou a bad start.

  The action team leader walked into the small temple, and the pressure that had just stepped into it dissipated immediately.


   "Donor, how are you getting ready?"

The action team leader replied respectfully: "We have installed video recording equipment all over the city according to your request. Once the vision appears, the footage will be broadcast to the whole of China. Governments in other regions have also agreed. Start the extraordinary first battle, and your reputation will spread from Fozhou in Chu to Tianque Mountain in Qi."

   "At that time, a large number of beliefs will help you temporarily break through the Nascent Soul's suppression of the Bodhi Realm."

The harm of belief is directly proportional to its power. Many special institutions specializing in the study of belief in various regions have pointed out that the current environment cannot break through the Nascent Soul, but faith can allow people to have the power of the Nascent Soul, and it is not impossible to even transform into a god. . Theoretically, if one has half the faith of the world's population, one can break through to the level of becoming a god, and become an immortal.

  Of course, this is a theory, only calculated results without considering the possibility of realization. Not to mention half the population, the belief of 100 million people is not something people can bear. In the end, either become a puppet of the incense, be a **** in the eyes of a believer, or be crushed by the incense.

   But it is undeniable that belief is the most powerful force at present.

   "May I take the liberty to ask, how much faith you have accumulated now, if it is not enough, we will provide some necessary help."

  For example, just like those who held the Fa Conference before, the government can also hold similar gatherings, and the number of people they can mobilize is definitely only a lot more than the previous Fa Conference.

  The Dushi monk replied: "It is enough,"

   "Then I will take my leave."

  The leader of the operation did not stay long, and left quickly, and the small temple returned to calm.

  The old monk raised his head slightly, and strands of faith in his eyes fell from the void and merged into his body.

   "If you want to be the image power of the Buddhas and dragons, why use the appearance of all living beings."

  The incense radiated from his body again, without leaving a trace. All scattered in the void, waiting to transform into a protracted battle.

  From the beginning to the end, from the beginning to the end, he has never absorbed the slightest bit of incense, and all the Dharma is self-cultivation.

  Da Lei Yin's book is for inheritance, which is his lifelong effort and that of countless ascetic monks similar to Tianhua Temple. They will not be stingy with what they have learned all their lives, as long as the world is willing to learn, they will devote all they have to teach.

   And the abnormal image is just pushing the boat along the way, allowing the government to disclose the existence of the extraordinary. Since everything is going to be made public, then use the battle of fame in Shixian to kick off the prelude to this big battle.

   Let everyone understand why there are only two immortals in the age of immortality, and only living immortals after sword immortals.

  On top of a mountain somewhere in Florida.

  Dozens of people stood on the mountain peak, looking into the distance, and they were so absorbed that they didn't know what they were looking at.

  These people look weird, except for a few who look normal, all of them have horrible faces, born with disabilities, blue faces, fangs, and sores all over their bodies... Some of them are not even human, they have turned into ghosts.

  A little black man with only a human shape and no facial features stood at the front, his eyes spanning dozens of kilometers, looking at the Buddhist holy city, the largest temple in the world.

  In his eyes, the whole city is surrounded by rich incense, gathering Buddhist incense from all over the world. The instigator of all this is the Bodhi Realm that hangs in the sky and cannot be seen by ordinary people.

  Thousands of Buddha's phantoms hang upside down in the sky, the Buddha's heads are densely packed, and thousands of Buddha's hands are grasping the belief in the world.

   "Interesting, interesting, this Bodhi Realm has become like this, it's really funny. Back then, the group of bald donkeys were full of energy and thought about using the Bodhi Realm to be immortal, but now it's because of the Bodhi Realm that they can't reincarnate."

   "Whether alive or dead, it's really a trick of nature."

  He Yu's expression in the crowd moved slightly, and he guessed in his heart: The manager of this underground palace is from ancient times, no wonder he can't see his heels.

  The Bodhi world originated in ancient times. Due to its long history, countless events have happened in tens of thousands of years. The Buddhists themselves can't figure out the origin of the Bodhi world.

  It is not difficult to guess the era he lived in from the words of the black man since he was a child, but this person is extremely cautious. He has not revealed any name until now, and his methods are also unpredictable.

   Even the ghost-faced girl and the Taoist Thousand Corpse who lived in the same era don't know his details. Although the practice world is divided into three eras, each era spans an extremely long time. In the ancient times, there were constant disputes, and the basic knowledge can only be obtained from those great sects with a long history, and even these great sects did not exist from the very beginning.

  He Yu asked: "My lord, what will happen if the township level in Chudi cannot solve the Bodhi Realm?"

  The little black man replied: "It won't be a big deal. These people who eat incense are actually the same as ordinary officials. Just like the Tianxin Demon Lord in Zhoudi before, once they become regulars, they will in turn maintain social stability."

   "These Buddhas in the Bodhi Realm are a little crazy, but after all, they eat incense, and at most they just turn some people into puppets of Buddhism."

   Incense and city gods are all dependent on the people, so they naturally hope for a stable society.

   At this time, someone asked again: "Manager, what are we doing here today? To stop the state-level township in Chudi?"

   "No, I don't understand who would do this kind of thankless thing, it doesn't matter who wins." The little black man shook his head, and took out a mobile phone from his stomach, and the big Lei Yinshu was displayed on the screen.

   "I came here today to watch a play, a big show. You have heard a saying that after the sword fairy, there are only living immortals."

  He Yu's expression changed slightly, and he looked up at the little black man, who was also looking at him. Although the little black man didn't have facial features, a line of sight focused on him clearly.

   "Our Daoist He should be very clear about the gold content of this living immortal. Through some channels and this Dalei Yinshu, I learned of a strong man who is not weaker than the sword immortal."

  He Yu shook his head and said, "I was already dead at that time."

   This remark immediately aroused everyone's interest. The power of Sword Immortal is well known in the world, and they are naturally very interested in those who are not weaker than Sword Immortal.

   "Li Changsheng, I guess he is the strong man. But in Da Leiyin's book, the immortals stepped on the Lingshan Mountain, and the Nine Heavens Gods and Buddhas were all removed. Obviously Wanfo Mountain was trampled down by him, and the Bodhi Realm was also broken through."

   "The next battle is the final battle, let's see if the incense is in its original form."

   Tens of kilometers away, they did see a vague scene amidst the strong incense, among which there are continuous Lingshan Mountains, temples like forests, and monks like a sea.

   Isn’t this the illusion of the Bodhi Realm?

   "According to what I know, the battle for fame of the second immortal is to fight against Wanfo Mountain."

  (end of this chapter)