MTL - The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down-Chapter 81 Mahayana dog barking

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  Chapter 81 Mahayana Dharma Dog Barking

the next day.

   Li Yi went to the clinic for a while again in the morning, but he was not sick, so he closed the door at ten o'clock and went home.

  It’s not a job for him to open a clinic, he just finds something for himself to do, there is no need to torture himself to sit there all day. Most people in the village go to the hospital in the town, and it is impossible to live without themselves.

  Back home, I played with my mobile phone for a while and started eating again. This half day has passed by him again.

   After dinner, Father Li talked about the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures.

   "Look at this, the Mahayana Buddhist temple in Florida is teaching the Dharma. These eminent monks are teaching the Dharma with golden lotuses, just like the gods in the legend. I don't know if it is true? Now it is spreading everywhere on the Internet."

  Li Yi glanced at the screen of the mobile phone that his father handed over. Inside was a very grand puja. A rich and eminent monk sat in the center, with an amiable expression like the legendary Maitreya Buddha.

  The most eye-catching thing is the golden lotus under him, which exudes golden light, and the Dharma spit out from his mouth condenses into golden characters in the void, which looks very bluffing.

  If it was on the scene, the scene should be even more spectacular. But if he was at the scene, he would slap the fat bald donkey on the ground.

  He can't hear the dog barking the most.

  Father Li continued: "What kind of Mahayana Buddhist scriptures are these? It seems to be the highest Buddhist teaching."

   "That was before." Li Yi said, "This is a hypocrisy capitalized in the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures. It is not a good thing. It is not as good as Daleiyinshu."

  The Mahayana Buddhist scriptures are indeed the supreme Buddhist teachings of Buddhism. This Dharma is divided into two parts, one is Buddhist principles, and the other is Buddhist teachings. The former is the idea, and the latter is the inheritance of skills.

  There is no right or wrong in the inheritance of exercises. On the contrary, Buddhism has higher requirements for its use. It is definitely the most difficult to produce evil people, but once there is one, it will be a big evil. The point is the concept he advocates, a word of evaluation is to eat people without spit out bones.

  There is such a sentence in it, all the sufferings in this life are caused by the cause and effect of the previous life.

   Li Yi always called this dog barking.

  If there is reincarnation in the practice world, there is some truth to it, but there has never been any reincarnation. Everyone who enters the Wangchuan River will be washed clean, and all three souls and six souls will disappear. Even if there are people with similar breath later, they are just two similar leaves.

  There has never been anyone in the practice world who has the memory of the previous life. If there is, it must be taken away, or there is something wrong with the taken away.

  If there is reincarnation, in the long river of history, why don't those great supernatural beings reincarnate? Don't they all want to live?

  Now there is reincarnation, but Li Yi doesn't think it is reincarnation in Buddhism.

  The reason why Mahayana Buddhism advocates this concept is to purify beliefs and make incense more pure. People burn incense and worship Buddha not to ask for them, but to atone for the sins of the previous life, so the incense is naturally much purer.

   Harvest faith by enslaving the people of the world. Some people can't even afford to eat, and they have to spend money to buy a pinch of incense to burn for them. This is not eating people without spitting out their bones.

  Of course, Buddhism is definitely much better than magic, at least the bald donkey has a little bit of shame.

  And this is the former Buddhism. After the old monk's Daleiyin book, Buddhism emphasizes the salvation of all sentient beings, and everyone can become a Buddha.

   To be vulgar is to not eat incense and focus on self-cultivation.

   But his malice toward Mahayana Buddhism was not an idea, at least not at first. It has nothing to do with him what kind of method others teach, and Li Yi has no business in minding others.

   What really made him hate Mahayana Buddhism was because he was fooled by those bald donkeys, saying that there is reincarnation at the end of the river of forgetfulness, which can bring people back to life. So he ran excitedly for hundreds of years, crossed countless forbidden places, and beat countless old and immortal monsters, and finally came to nothing.

  As much as I hoped, I was as disappointed. At that time, Li Changsheng was so angry that he went all the way west from Yunzhou and other places to Wanfo Mountain, and stepped on all the Buddha statues.

   During that time, when he saw the monk, he couldn't help but say a few words.

  Father Li asked: "You have read Buddhist scriptures, I thought you only read Taoist scriptures."

   "I just know a little bit." Li Yi shook his head and replied, this was all told by a monk.

  Recalling that Da Lei Yin wrote the beginning of the book by himself.

  Qingzhou company headquarters.

   Zhao Si, who was drinking tea and fishing, was called to the meeting room again. Although the alarm was not sounded, all the members were called for some reason.

  Because it was not an emergency, everyone was rather loose, even Lu Haochu was chatting with others. Apparently nothing major happened, at least not a terribly urgent one.

  Zhao Si asked: "Old Lu, what happened again?"

   "Talk about big things, small things." Lu Haochu replied, "There is also a great autobiography, a Buddhist master of the township level."

   "Buddhism." Zhao Si suddenly lost interest. What's interesting about the monk's autobiography must be some boring content.

   But since it is a great power, it is not impossible to see if you can broaden your horizons.

  Lu Haochu said: "Don't be disappointed too early. According to inside information, this autobiography is not simple. If the gossip I got is true, then it can be said to be the most explosive one."

   Someone asked: "Leader, tell me, what's so amazing about the monk's autobiography?"

  Lu Hao first glanced at the time. There are still a few minutes before the autobiography is updated through the company's internal channels, so it should not cause any impact.

   "Inheritance, there is a Buddhist inheritance in Daleiyinshu, and the Buddhist skills in it are no worse than those of the Shangqing Palace. And I heard that this inheritance is different from Chengjianlu, and it is also open to ordinary people, but it is one month later than ours."

  As soon as these words came out, there was a second of silence in the meeting room, followed by an uproar.

   "Buddhist inheritance, written in the autobiography, isn't it for outsiders to learn?"

   "There will be no thunder? I remember some evil kung fu, which will become a furnace after practice. It is spread all over the world, and there must be many people who learn it."

   "It shouldn't be so. With so many great talents in China, it's really amazing to be able to deceive the world."

   "But it's too crazy, who would make their own inheritance public."

  Everyone's doubts are understandable, even Lu Haochu feels it is outrageous. He also asked a lot of elders through his relationship to find out the reason.

   When everyone calmed down a bit, Lu Haochu said: "This inheritance is called Da Lei Yin Shu. Its idea is that everyone can become a Buddha, and it has been made public in the practice world."

  Zhao Si guessed: "This Buddhist practice is particularly demanding?"

  He remembered what Xiaowu Leizhengfa Brother Yi said before, the more powerful the exercises, the higher the requirements. This Buddhist inheritance is definitely not as good as Xiao Wulei's righteous method, but it should also belong to the top-notch group.

  And putting aside some personal factors, it is difficult for ordinary people to reach that level of things that Buddhism pays attention to.

   "That's right." Lu Haochu nodded and said, "Da Lei Yinshu has very high requirements for xinxing. Practitioners must have a heart of compassion and the determination to save all sentient beings. In layman's terms, they are saints."

   "This is also the reason why the government agreed to large-scale dissemination. Its requirements prevent the possibility of being used by people with evil intentions. Human beings are not saints, but there are more people who practice Dalei Yinshu. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages."

  Everyone's excitement calmed down a little when they heard this. They are all monks and naturally understand how high the requirements are. Everyone has selfishness and all kinds of desires. There is a high probability that I don't have the conditions to practice Da Lei Yinshu.

  Lu Haochu glanced at the time again, it was still a minute away.

   "Sit down, everyone, and watch the morning job as soon as possible."

  Everyone sat down, and a minute passed quickly. The huge screen in front of them lit up, and a line of golden characters appeared.

  【Da Lei Yin Shu】

  Everyone cheered up immediately. Although they learned from Lu Haochu that Da Lei Shuyin practiced harshly, they were still curious about the content.

  This Buddhist inheritance, the ideas in it may inspire them, maybe they can realize it?

First page.

  【Mahayana Buddhism What is the dog called】


  Everyone had doubts on their faces.

   Something is wrong, can this sentence appear in such a lofty inheritance? At least give me the whole classical Chinese text, right?

  The next second they noticed that there was a parenthesis behind the golden font.

   (Mahayana dog barking)

   "Pfft ha ha ha, what the hell."

   Finally someone couldn't help laughing, and the rest of the people also laughed one after another. The contrast was really too great, and the Dalei Yinshu paired with this passage made them couldn't help laughing.

   Fortunately, the next sentence returned to normal, but they found that after each sentence, there was the original text in brackets.

  【Karma and retribution are all lies. This life is the result of this life, and there is neither past life nor future life. 】

  【Everyone can become a Buddha, everyone is a Buddha】

  Those who understand Mahayana Buddhism just by these two sentences will understand that this Daleiyin book is simply against Mahayana Buddhism.

   "Interesting, this is not an autobiography, it is simply an infighting."

  Lu Haochu obviously noticed it, and couldn't help but smile. He likes to watch this kind of drama the most.

  Zhao Si asked: "Lao Lu explained."

  Lu Haochu explained: "The first sentence of Mahayana Buddhism translated means that all the suffering in this life is caused by the cause and effect of the previous life. The second sentence is that after suffering in this life, you will ascend to heaven and bliss in the next life."

"This is a bit like the division of some barbarian races in Chu, and the division of sacred bones, first-grade bones, second-grade bones, and low-grade bones that were destroyed in Silla before. These things are similar to Mahayana Buddhism. But the latter sounds better."

  After saying this, and comparing it with the above two sentences, the people present suddenly realized.

  Good guy, Buddhism is infighting, right?

  【The poor monk has a dharma name and has no common name. He has practiced with his master since he was a child. Can read Buddhism at the age of three, memorize it at the age of four, master it at the age of five, and become a Buddha at the age of six... After practicing for more than 300 years, he became a golden elixir and received the Arhat status...]

  A large number of words are constantly flowing. Compared with Jianxian's Chengjianlu, the number of words has doubled.

  They clearly saw a story, a powerful man who grew up and practiced without any major hatred, just a monk who didn't care about world affairs in the temple.

   Until one day, the monk met a Taoist priest.

  By the Tao River, the opposite bank cannot be seen at a glance. It is said that the river is more like a sea. It is said that it takes at least two days to get to the other side by boat, and small boats dare not cross the river at all.

   At this time, the flood was in progress, and the water waves caused by the turbulent flood were even higher than the ocean waves. And in the flood, the hundreds of thousands of corpses are so small,

  A human city is crumbling in the flood. It has been built more than ten miles away for safety. In previous years, it was flooded to the gate of the city at most, but this year, the flood of hundreds of feet high hit the city wall directly.

  The largest flood ever recorded.

  The Dushi monk landed in front of Hong Lang, with his back to the people of the city, muttering something in a low voice.


   Immediately afterwards, the golden body of Arhat appeared, the light of the Buddha broke through the dark sky, and a giant Buddha stood in front of the city, blocking the incoming huge waves.

  This lasted for a full day and night. Taojiang seemed to never stop, patting on the giant Buddha tirelessly.

   Du Shiduan sat in front of the giant Buddha, chanting scriptures continuously, his brows were slightly frowned, and a little bit of sweat came out.

   "It seems that Buddhism is not all the generation of fly camp dogs, but after all, it is gold in the shit. Such a good character, it is a pity to practice Mahayana Buddhism."

  A plain voice came from nowhere, the Dushi monk turned his head to look, and saw a Tsing Yi Taoist standing in the air, standing there quietly, as if he didn't exist.

  This person's cultivation is higher than mine.

   "It's okay for seniors to mock the monk, but please don't belittle my Mahayana Buddhism."

  Although I can't see through this person, Dushi will not be afraid of him because of his cultivation, and Buddhism cannot be slandered.

  The Taoist in Tsing Yi showed a disdainful smile: "Is there anything wrong with what I said? The little monk will explain to me why all the sufferings in this life are caused by the cause and effect of the previous life?"

"There is too much suffering in this life. No matter what kind of suffering you encounter in this life, it is the fault you committed in the previous life, which brought karma to this life. Everything is empty, and cause and effect are not empty. If all the sins you committed are not resolved , no matter how many reincarnations you go through, I will follow you closely.”

  As a genius that has not been seen in Buddhism for a thousand years, monk Dushi is naturally familiar with Buddhism.

   "So people in the world should do more good and less evil, so as not to suffer again in the next life."

  The Taoist priest in Tsing Yi asked again: "How come reincarnation?"

   "Reincarnation is at the end of the River of Forgetfulness." Monk Dushi replied without thinking, this is something everyone knows.

   However, the other party's next sentence made him stunned.

   "I've been to the end of the River of Forgetfulness, and I haven't seen reincarnation or people."

   "..." Monk Dushi didn't know how to answer. At this moment, he thought that this Taoist was talking nonsense, how could someone go to the end of the River of Forgetfulness, there is a forbidden place where there is no return.

   Taoist in Tsing Yi saw that the monk did not answer, and said again: "Since there is no reincarnation, how can there be past life causes? It is just a lie used to purify incense and enslave the people. Why is it so grandiose?"

   "Enjoy the incense without merit or virtue. People go to the Dragon King and the snake will urinate, and go to the Buddha, and they only get the taste of the past life because of the present life."

  Bushi Dushi suppressed his anger and said, "Then what merits do you have? I question my Mahayana Buddhism here. If my Mahayana Buddhism is as unbearable as you said, why can it be spread all over the world?"

   "Maybe people are shameless and invincible."

  Before he could refute, suddenly the Taoist in front of him emitted a dazzling golden light, which instantly overshadowed his Buddha light, and even pierced the clouds in the sky.

  Golden body of merit, nearly boundless merit.

  The Dushi monk was stunned. He really couldn't imagine that there are people in the world who have so many merits. Moreover, this merit is mixed with extremely pure beliefs, and it is obviously enshrined by others.

  He recognized the man in front of him.

   "Are you a medical fairy?"

  Hanging the pot to help the world and save countless people, the wonderful hand rejuvenates the heart and the heart, Li Hua, the medical fairy.

  To this day, physicians all over the world respect this man as the Patriarch. I don’t know how many people have been saved by the medical books he handed down.

   "My merit is not much, but it is enough to suppress this Taojiang River."

   Taoist in Tsing Yi waved his hand, and the golden body of merit flew out and sank into the Tao River.

  In an instant, the water of the Taojiang River became golden, and the raging flood calmed down visibly with the naked eye. The huge waves quickly dropped from hundreds of feet to several feet, and finally calmed down completely.

  The thick cloud layer broke through, and a ray of sunlight fell, hitting the Taoist, making his figure shine.

  The Taoist in Tsing Yi turned around and left in the air, without taking a cloud with him, and without expecting a cheer.

  The Dushi monk came to his senses and hurriedly chased after him.

   "Senior, please stop!"

   Sorry, it's a bit late



  (end of this chapter)