MTL - The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down-Chapter 73 Book of Telling Children

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  Chapter 73 Telling Book

  After the death of Tianxin Mozun, no one mentioned the matter of joining forces again.

  Wang Huan felt inexplicably relaxed, perhaps because he had regained his soul, or perhaps because he had finally waited for the long-awaited ending.

  The next moment, Wang Huan felt that the surrounding space became normal again. If Tianxin Mozun is still alive, he may be able to move and escape.

  Wang Huan didn't take any action, nothing could be worse than death.

   "Let's do it, Daoist. In this life, except for this body, I didn't take away anyone, nor did I have any incarnation. You don't need to kill the whole world like you did in the previous life."

  In the previous life, the incarnation he planted was like a wild horse running wild, causing countless killings. Because of his background and parents, he has never attacked mortals, but those incarnations don't have this taboo.

  They are literally just another individual with their own memories.

  Every night, the memory of the avatar made him fall into one nightmare after another. Tianxin Mozun thought that he had been killed too much, so he collapsed. In fact, what really made him collapse was what the incarnation did. Being killed was a kind of relief.

  It is equivalent to an ordinary person, pouring into the memories of ten thousand murderous monsters.

   "Why should I kill you?"

  The familiar tone came, and Wang Huan bowed his head and replied: "Wang Huan has done a lot of evil, killed countless people, and harmed the people. Countless people have died because of me, and I don't know how many families have been ruined because of me."

   Li Yiwang and Wang Huan were silent for a long time. After nearly three thousand years, his anger actually dissipated.

  Looking at the events of the year, Wang Huan was forced at the beginning, and the inheritance of Tianxin Mozun was not wrong, just like when he comprehended Xiao Wulei's righteous method.

   What was wrong was greed. Wang Huan's two brothers were greedy, so they killed each other. Wang Huan's sect was corrupted, so he didn't make any noise at first and didn't pursue him aggressively. Some people in the world are also greedy, so they joined the follow-up hunt.

  He saw his own shadow, that's why he was so furious, he didn't give any face to the factions, he went straight to the sect, arrested him and asked the truth. If it is involved in the hunt, or indirectly ordered to be bombarded on the spot.

  As for how each faction sees it, Li Changsheng didn't care about it at that time, and his greatest kindness was to kill only the culprit. If they are shameless, Li Changsheng doesn't mind killing one by one like he did back then.

  He is not a pedantic person, let alone a good person. His first name was Yaodao.

   After finding out all the truth, Li Yi went to Wang Huan.

  Wang Huan should die?

  Damn it, even if he did it all over again, Li Changsheng would make the same choice.

   At first it was self-defense, there was no problem, Li Yi very much agreed with this behavior. But after gaining strength later, people become greedy and forget their roots.

  Wang Huan began to attack innocent people. Many people were killed by him without even knowing his existence and never talking about him. Just for the sake of cultivation, and as you practice, you become a monster.

  I have repaid you double for the grievances you have suffered, and I will also cut off the crimes you committed.

  But... after all, it wasn't heinous, and he didn't resist in the end, it was only his avatars who resisted.

   "The cause of the previous life, the result of the previous life." Li Yi sighed leisurely, "Since you have repaid it in the previous life, then you and I have no karma in this life, so you can do it yourself."

  A dozen yellow-brown letters fell in front of him.

  Wang Huan was stunned for a moment, looking at the letter, there were a few large characters written on it [Wang Huan personally signed].

   "This is the last letter your parents sent you. It was still in Feixianmen back then."

   Li Yi turned and left, disappearing into the void.

  The room fell into silence, except for the ticking of the clock on the wall.

  Wang Huan stretched out his hand to the letter, and as soon as he touched the yellow-brown envelope, he immediately took it back as if it had been electrocuted. After repeating this dozens of times, he finally held the envelope in his hand.

  Holding the two corners tightly with both hands, the body trembled uncontrollably. Although he knew that this was not the original letter sent by his parents, and his parents had long been gone, but the timidity was still there.

   Open the first envelope.

  【My son sees a letter as if he sees it:

  Huan’er has been gone for ten years in a blink of an eye. This ten years of seeking immortality in junior high school is also the beginning of your growth and independence. The wind, frost, rain and snow, you know the weather, and your parents hope that your children will eat well and dress well, don’t worry about family affairs]

  Second letter.

  【My son sees a letter as if he sees it:

  There is nothing wrong with the family, the younger brother is married and has a son named Shuwen. 】

  The third letter.

  【My son sees a letter as if he sees it:

   Huan'er has not seen a reply for several years, are parents worried about her safety? Hope to reply. Parents want their children to eat well and dress well. 】

  The fourth letter, this time the font became crooked, not on purpose by Li Yi, but because the meaning of the words inside was extraordinary.

  【My son sees a letter as if he sees it:

  Niang is already literate, and told her in her own handwriting. It's spring again, your father was injured last year, and he hasn't healed yet, and he doesn't want to tell you. He hopes to return to his hometown, and hope that his son will eat well and dress well. 】

  The fifth letter, the font is also crooked, but different from before.

  【My son sees a letter as if he sees it:

  Father is already literate, so he took a pen to tell him. Your mother passed away on the 21st day of the first month of the Gengyin year, without illness or pain, and was buried in Yangpo, a township outside the city. I think back when your mother chased your son for ten miles, your wife promised to bury you on the mountain to see you come home.]

  The sixth letter.

  【My son sees a letter as if he sees it:

  Father is running out of time, tell his younger brother to be buried next to your mother, don't worry about the family, eat well and dress well. 】

   Tick tock!

  Tears fell down on the paper, Wang Huan hurriedly wiped it, but the tears couldn't be controlled at all. He raised his head to keep the tears from flowing, and he covered his eye sockets with his hands trying to stuff the tears back.

  He wailed loudly, holding the letter and weeping until he couldn't make a sound.

  He no longer wants to become a **** of transformation, he no longer wants to be a master of the world, he no longer wants to be determined by heaven, he just wants to go home now, and he only wants to eat wontons from his parents' Kaichun.

   "Father, I don't want to cultivate immortality anymore"

   Outside, Li Yi stood in the sky, and the bright moon in the sky was like his back.

  He felt the turbulent air mechanism below, and after finding out the magic, he couldn't help nodding and said:

   "There is no hindrance to transforming into a god."

  Many people will subconsciously associate cultivation with realm, but in fact the two are separate. The state is like a bottle, and the cultivation base is the water in the bottle, how much it can hold depends on the state.

  If the environment permits, it is only a matter of time before Wang Huan breaks through the transformation of the gods, but only he knows how happy he is.

   Li Yi walked away under the moonlight. At this time, his physical body had returned home and fell into a deep sleep.

Others get thinner and thinner when they go to prison, and the richest man gets stronger and stronger when he goes to prison. I try to enlarge this chapter as much as possible)



  (end of this chapter)