MTL - The Fairy Just Wants To Lie Down-Chapter 168 Two tigers fight, Lily and the rabbit suffer

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  Chapter 168 Two Tigers Fight, Lily Rabbit Suffers

  In the evening, Li's father and Li's mother did not come back for dinner as usual.

  Maybe he won’t come back for his birthday tomorrow. Their family doesn’t have the habit of celebrating birthdays. Li Yi thought about it and just gave him money to play with friends.

  One man and four women are sitting at the dining table. For the round table of an ordinary family, five people are just full. The number of people can be said to be very lively, but the atmosphere is unexpectedly deserted.

  Li Lili was sitting on pins and needles, looking at the delicious food on the table in front of her without any appetite. From the corner of his eye, he drifted towards the opposite side, which had become the center of the battlefield, and a little monk like him could sense the fierce confrontation in the void.

   Li Yi sat directly opposite her, and Dong Yunshu and Wei Xi sat on the left and right sides respectively. The two did not quarrel as he imagined. When Lily was seven or eight years old, there was such a scene in his family, where two women sandwiched her father between them.

  Sharp roars, torn clothes, the scene was in chaos.

   Things such as cheating and catching **** are rarely done calmly, and most of them end up in a mess.

  But the three people in front of them were very calm, and it could even be said that they were too calm. Especially his elder brother, he should have been afraid or apprehensive, but now he still looks calm, as if he didn't notice anything wrong.

   Perhaps monks do not have the concept of monogamy, and the so-called practice world should be an ancient society. Three wives and four concubines may be normal for them, especially in a society of strongmen with extraordinary powers.

   Li Lili does not think that reincarnated people are of the same kind as them from the bottom of her heart. This difference is not exclusion, but more like a kind of awe. Just as poor people don't think that rich people are the same as themselves, reincarnated people are naturally different from ordinary people.

  It is normal to think differently. It would be strange if these top leaders from the strongman society would be the same as modern people.

  For example, sister Yiguang's humbleness made her feel bad.

  Li Lili turned her head slightly to look at the white-haired girl sitting next to her. At this moment, she was sitting very obediently, without expressing any opinions.

   As for whether I should stand up as a moral pioneer and criticize my elder brother for not being able to stand on three boats?

  To be honest, if it was on the Internet, she might not be able to scold her as soon as she got excited. But this was her brother, and he was still sitting in front of her, so for the sake of his butt, he naturally kept silent.

   At the same time, recalling the autobiography circulating on the Internet, it seems that his brother is not a scumbag in the traditional sense.

   Under the promotion of the official, Li Lili has heard a little about both "The Legend of Wei Xi" and "Chengjianlu". I haven't read the content before, and the plain text version of the autobiography is not very attractive to a mortal like her. But since the day before yesterday, everything has changed. After knowing that Zai Shixian is her eldest brother, she instantly ignited a raging heart of gossip.

   If those contents are true, neither side is wrong.

  Her brother just wants to give them a home, yes, that's what it is.

  Li Lili intends to hypnotize herself and keep Li Yi's glorious and majestic image in her mind.

   Li Yi said: "Rabbit's cooking is very good, you can try it. As the saying goes, water flows thousands of miles back to the sea, and everything in the world can be found. But since ancient times, no one has learned cooking skills, and rabbits are half of them."

  The rabbit is very powerful in some miscellaneous aspects. Except for the four arts of immortality, such as fighting, alchemy, refining, formation, etc., other aspects are at the level of transforming gods. Facing the direction that the rabbit is good at, Li Yi himself had to lament that he was not ashamed.

  The two of them took a look at the delicious food, and picked up the chopsticks to taste a few mouthfuls.

   Fairy Taiyin couldn't help but look forward to her small and delicate face, and asked, "How is it?"

  She is very confident in her cooking skills, but still wants to see the reaction of her competitors. Approval from the enemy is the best reward, and in the future, you can also take the opportunity to draw closer and further reduce your vigilance.


   Wei Xi showed a little surprise on her face. Although she was not a classical monk, she had fasted a long time ago in order not to waste time.

   There are very few foods that can make her feel amazing, at least she has never encountered it since reincarnation.

   Another mouthful of unpretentious fried lettuce. The lettuce is oily and green, and it makes a crisp sound when chewed in the mouth, and a trace of sweetness instantly occupies the taste buds.

  Although Dong Yunshu didn't express much, he took a few more mouthfuls of vegetables and put them in his mouth. For a classical monk like her, food is not necessary, and eating wontons only has a special meaning.

   The first bite was because of Li Yi, and the second bite was because it was really delicious.

Li Yi saw Dong Yunshu eat a few mouthfuls and planned to put down his chopsticks. He picked up another piece of braised meat for her, and said, "Meicai braised pork is also good, and it is one of the representative dishes here. When I was in the practice world, I Let Rabbit do it too, although it is not as good as the cultivation world in terms of ingredients, but the taste is definitely guaranteed."

   As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden chill from the side, and the crisp sound of chopsticks being placed on the bowl came from my ears.


   Li Yi secretly thought something was wrong.

  He didn't think much about it just now, he just wanted to share it with Dong Yunshu, but doing so was obviously not in line with Taoism and nature.

  Turning his head slightly, he could see a pair of icy eyes, Wei Xi looked at him quietly, his delicate and heroic features were covered with frost.

   Li Lili, who was sitting opposite, suddenly suffocated, as if the oxygen in the air disappeared instantly, and her heartbeat began to accelerate uncontrollably. Soon, a familiar force enveloped him, dispelling all the discomfort.

  Dong Yunshu picked up the shiny pork meat in the bowl, moved slightly towards Wei Xi's direction, and put it into his mouth after shaking it a few times.

  She commented: "It's delicious."

  Wei Xi didn't speak, but a normal person could sense that the other party was very unhappy at the moment. The temperature dropped even more severely, and the dishes on the table began to tremble slightly.

  Brother, I'm afraid.

   Li Lili cast a begging look. If Li Yi hadn't been in the center of the storm, she might have run behind him.

  At this moment, she vaguely understood something, this melon has thorns.

  The shaking desktop suddenly stopped in the next second, and a force like a vast ocean smoothed everything down.

   "Xi'er, you can try it too." Li Yi also gave Wei Xi a piece, so the two were even.

  It's a pity that the other party didn't seem to buy it. Although the chill on his face eased a little, he still looked unhappy.

   "Husband, let's add food to your new love first. She is a proud girl, and she basically doesn't eat our daily necessities. This is a rare opportunity, so you should try it more."

   Li Yi naturally wouldn't take her words seriously. Xi'er has such a heroic personality, and she is actually very twisted in a certain way. In modern terms, she is arrogant.

  He picked up the braised meat in her bowl again, and put it slightly in front of Wei Xi's mouth.

   "Try it, it's really delicious."

   "..." Wei Xi only hesitated for half a second, then he stuttered very honestly, and the displeasure between his brows was finally subsided.

   Li Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the problem should be solved. If he doesn't coax Xi'er well, maybe something will happen again, maybe he will find a place to cry secretly.

   Once Li Yi went to the brothel with others in order to integrate into the circle of literati, he naturally told Wei Xi about this. Wei Xi graciously expressed that it was fun, and even saw him off, but when he came back from the brothel, the girl's eyes were swollen from crying.

  Different from Yun Shu, Xi'er likes to keep everything in her heart, and rarely shows bad emotions.

   "Is it delicious?"


   Wei Xi nodded slightly with a smile on his face.

  The pilot is too satisfying, right?

  Li Lili felt as if she had discovered a new land. In her mind, a flying general should be a perfect and powerful woman, which is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people like her. At least it was like this before knowing the truth, the flying general has been deified to a certain extent in the eyes of the Chinese people.

  For example, in terms of force, he was the most powerful. He single-handedly wiped out an enemy battalion, or led a company to raid an armored brigade, etc.

  I don’t have any private life in terms of relationships. I heard that when the Qin army was rectified a few years ago, my uncles, cousins, cousins ​​and other relatives were executed. Not only to the enemy, but also to his own people are extremely ruthless.

  A real **** of war, a **** born for war.

  These rumors about flying generals in the early years were originally thought to be exaggerated, but now it seems that there is a high probability that they are true.

  At this moment, the flying general said something inappropriate, no matter how you look at it, she is a jealous little wife, and she is the kind who is especially easy to coax.

   At this moment, Li Yi suddenly felt a slight pain in his waist, and turned his head to see Dong Yunshu pinching himself expressionlessly.

   "Brother Li, I want to eat that."

  She put down her chopsticks and pointed to the braised pork ribs on the table, it was self-evident what she wanted.

   What I want is not braised pork ribs, but begging.

   Li Yi obviously couldn't refuse this request, picked up a piece of ribs, and gently put it into Dong Yunshu's mouth. At this moment, the waist on the other side was also grabbed.

   "Husband, I want to eat this."

   "..." Li Yi was speechless, don't you guys have hands?

   In this way, Li Yi fed them left and right, and the food on the table disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, but he himself didn't eat a bite.

   After eating a few mouthfuls of food, Li Lili quietly watched the shocking gossip about flying generals and sword immortals robbing men. Who doesn't like to watch this kind of gossip?

   "Elder Immortal! I want to eat too..." Fairy Taiyin suddenly slapped the table, she couldn't take it anymore, these two shameless tigresses.

   She doesn't have any feminine restraint at all, she still needs to be fed when she's so big.

   Before they could say anything, the two who were enjoying the food cast their gazes.

   Fairy Taiyin retracted her head slightly, and changed her words:

   " have to eat everything you want to eat."

   Almost exposed.

   Taking this opportunity, Li Yi put down his chopsticks and said, "Stop messing around, just taste it at our level. If you really want to be full, this is not enough."

  The two are also satisfied, after all, due to some force majeure. Out of face, they wouldn't act like a baby to Li Yi at this time, unless he got rid of the other person.

   Otherwise, if you are still making out with him as usual at this time, you are conniving at his greed. You must let your husband (Brother Li) understand that you can only choose one, otherwise you will get nothing.

  The two reached this consensus tacitly, and they will not act like a baby to Li Yi easily unless they can't help it.

  This time it’s a little bit of a relief.

  Dinner was over, Li Lili left as if running away, without the slightest nostalgia.

   She ate this melon like a bungee jumper. She was so happy when she watched it, but she was so scared when the conflict broke out. If it weren't for her brother to protect her, Li Lili suspected that she might be scared to pee just now.

  But still missed a little bit.

  She was just an ordinary person before, and she had full confidence in her mental quality.

  There were only four people left at the scene, and Taiyin Fairy suppressed the discomfort and escaped into the void silently. Although the maids could also warm the bed, obviously these two would not allow themselves to climb up.

  What my rabbit seeks is for generations to come, and let you two tigress be arrogant for a while.

  Li Yi entered the room, sat on the bed and looked at the two who also came in, and said calmly, "I'm going to bed first, you can sit down as you please."

   After finishing speaking, he fell asleep immediately, leaving only two people who were a little confused.

   Originally, they thought that Li Yi was going to say "I will cherish you two" again, and they were even more **** and forced them to the bed. But I never thought that the other party would hang himself in place.

   It seems normal to be like this, but I can't tell what's wrong.

   Two beauties followed you into the room, how could you sleep?

   And Li Yi is convinced that his decision is correct, which can avoid disputes very well. Don't argue about who is sleeping with whom, he sleeps by himself, you guys should keep watch by the bed.

  As for their beauty, they might get beaten if they speak out. But Li Yi really didn't care about this, even if they were ugly, his attitude would be the same.

   Cultivate the truth, seek the truth and eliminate the false.

  Li Yi has long since ceased to be fooled by foreign objects. The so-called beauty is just a surface. He cared about their people, not their faces.

  Dong Yunshu sat cross-legged on the spot, closed his eyes slightly and quickly fell into a samadhi.

   Wei Xi hesitated for a moment, then turned and walked out the door. She would rather be outside blowing the wind all night than stay under the same roof as this mistress.

  As soon as he stepped out the door, he suddenly felt a strange movement behind him.

  Turning his head, he saw Dong Yunshu had come to the bedside at some point.

   "What are you doing?" Wei Xi narrowed his eyes slightly, this little **** is really shameless.

  Dong Yunshu replied in a cold voice: "Meditate."

  You are going to sit on the bed!

   Wei Xi snorted coldly, turned around and returned to the room, sitting by the bed and staring at Dong Yunshu. If she went out, even if she was only a short distance away, she might be cut off from the other party's perception.

   When the time comes, what happens inside is not something she can stop.

   Nothing to say all night.

  In the early morning, sunlight poured into the room from the window.

  Li Yi felt that his arms were very heavy, and two different fragrances entered his nose. He opened his eyes slightly, and saw two different people standing beside the bed.

   "You guys...won't you really stare at me all night, right?"

  As long as no one is disturbing, such as hostile killing intent and fighting skills, etc. He sleeps like a mortal, unable to perceive what is happening outside.

   If you perceive the outside world at all times, it is no different from opening your eyes.

  Wei Xi sneered abruptly: "I didn't expect my husband to have a stinky side."

   "Is it my illusion? Why do my hands feel numb." Li Yizhang cast his eyes on Dong Yunshu, "Yunshu, did something happen last night?"

  The sword fairy, who was as cold as a winter plum, slightly looked away, and said in an unnatural voice: "No."

   Li Yi didn't delve into this little episode. He picked up the mobile phone next to the bed and saw a few messages from Zhao Si.

  【Zhao Si】: Brother Yi, I almost forgot to notify you in advance. The six countries of China have prepared national gifts for you, and this row of noodles is the only one in the world, which is really awesome.

  [Zhao Si]: Of course, considering that it is too eye-catching, the envoys of the six countries can take down the national flags, trying not to attract the attention of others. I can transfer them to you if you mind.

  【Zhao Si】: After all, it's your birthday, and it's not a conference. It's not good to have a bunch of people come.

  【Zhao Si】: Brother Yi, what do you say? Do you want them to participate. If Lu Haochu and I are not counted, there are five of them in total.

  [Li Yi]: The visitor is a guest.

   Li Yi is not a stingy person, otherwise there would not be the Guanghan Banquet, which is well-known in the practice world. At the beginning of the Guanghan Banquet, someone wanted to cling to him. Whenever he had a festival with some close people, a large group of people would gather outside the Moon Palace.

  So Li Changsheng simply asked Yuegong to prepare a meal for them as well, counting it as a festival together, and in the end they unexpectedly created the world's largest banquet. At the peak, in a real sense, the whole world participated, and there were many demon saints besides the human race.

  Even the old bones of Wang Chuan crawled out to participate a few times, and they are the old monsters whose waking hours are counted by fingers. Being able to come to participate in the Guanghan Banquet shows how great Li Changsheng's reputation is.

  However, if this is the case, a larger venue is needed, and guests cannot be invited to the Fly Restaurant for dinner.

   "I originally planned to go shopping in the city, but now it seems that I need to change to a bigger venue."

  Wei Xi said: "Does my husband need me to arrange it? A venue can also be arranged directly on this mountain."

   "Don't be so troublesome, too much movement will disturb the people."

  Li Yi slightly raised his head and looked towards the window, his eyes spanning thousands of miles, looking at the vast ocean of the East China Sea.

   "Let's go to Big Fish."

  A ray of wind blows, and the clouds in the sky begin to surge.

  The phone vibrates slightly, an orange alert from the weather forecast.

  【Typhoon Yunhai arrived in Shenzhou ahead of schedule, and the average wind force in the next 12 hours can reach level 10...Government and relevant departments are doing a good job of typhoon emergency response and emergency rescue according to their duties...Emergency suspension of assembly, suspension of classes, suspension of business...]

  (end of this chapter)