MTL - The Era of Hard Work-Chapter 714 Ice and Fire (ask monthly pass)

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   Chapter 714 Ice and Fire (Seeking Monthly Pass)

Sometimes, people wonder why some incidents are not clear, and those large multinational companies can solve them relatively simply in a not very complicated way. As a result, the big companies take unbelievably stupid responses and let things go wrong. become more complex and difficult to control.

   There are many reasons for this, but one thing is relatively clear. The arrogance of big companies themselves cannot allow them to be lowered to the level of consumers.

   Once KFC, after the Sudan Red Incident broke out, the first measure was to deny it, otherwise there would be problems with its own products.

   Wait until it can't be denied, start to shirk responsibility, and put all the responsibility on the head of Chinese suppliers.

   was finally forced to a certain extent, and only then did he stand up to publicly apologize and take crisis public relations.

   Today's KFC is the same as it used to be. This press conference is not so much an apology as it is a shirk.

   But unlike before, Burger King is here, and it has become a topic that KFC can't get around.

   And many media reporters were influenced by Lu's Catering.

  There is a lot of discussion in the society. The names of KFC and McDonald's are known to many people in the countryside who have never been out of the village for a lifetime.

  Unfortunately, it is not a good reputation, but a negative influence.

  On the Internet, there is a lot of public opinion, and various voices against KFC and McDonald's continue. It is undeniable that the Internet itself can easily become a base for showing patriotism.

   In many large forums, there have been large-scale protests and boycotts of KFC.

  There is an article by consumers that has even been reprinted by print media and TV stations.

"Recently, I came to Wangfujing KFC with several customers who had consumed at KFC some time ago, and asked for an explanation on the fact that the purchased food involved Sudan Red. The food containing Sudan Red was refused, and the store manager even asked us to take out samples of the consumption that day and go to the relevant departments for testing!"

   "I am quite speechless about this matter. I believe everyone can understand that KFC's treatment of Chinese consumers is a fraud!"

   "I hope everyone will boycott KFC in an all-round way!"

   "Boycott KFC, start with me!"

  Similar remarks appear endlessly on the Internet and appear in the media from time to time.

   Although it is far from the boycott of some unscrupulous multinational groups after 2010, it may not even be one tenth, but it is undeniable that KFC is losing the trust of Chinese consumers in a short period of time.

  The sentiment of consumers has risen with the media's doubts. News about consumers' rights protection against KFC or McDonald's has appeared in the reports of local media one after another.

  Magic City, Jinling Road Pedestrian Street, KFC and Burger King live next to each other, like twins.

  Huang Yawen, wearing work clothes, stood in front of the glass door of KFC, waiting for customers to come.

   It was almost half past eleven, and there were very few customers in the store. The storefront was so large that the customers who were seated could be counted with two hands.

   Looking from this position, you can see some things on the Burger King next door. Huang Yawen moved a little forward and saw an endless stream of people coming in and out of the Burger King, and the business was obviously more popular than before.

   When it was time to eat, KFC didn't even have one-fifth of the usual traffic.

  The big guys are relatively leisurely, and many waiters still have time to chat for a while.

  Huang Yawen has been working here for more than a year. Since the Sudan Red incident was exposed, it has been her most leisurely time since she entered the store and her turnover has inevitably dropped sharply.

   Not only that, but also some people who have consumed at KFC before, came to ask for trouble and asked KFC to compensate for the related food they ate.

   But how do you pay for food if you eat it?

   Huang Yawen, an employee working at KFC, felt the biggest feeling during this period. On the one hand, it was deserted and there were few customers in the store.

   On the other hand, there is chaos. Those who come to the store to ask for compensation, and those who sneak in to interview, have never stopped.

   I don’t know how long this chaos will last. If it lasts too long, the reputation that KFC has accumulated over the years may soon be wiped out.

  In this winter, KFC restaurants all over the country have experienced a deserted situation in the future, and the speed of the decline in customer traffic is astonishing.

   Just when KFC has not let go of the arrogance of large multinational corporations, as its main competitor, Burger King, constantly good news appeared in the media, and the booming business was in stark contrast to KFC and McDonald's.

  The opportunity is rare. Everyone understands the truth. Lu Dong is very clear. If he misses this opportunity, it will be difficult to further enhance the brand image of Burger King.

   Thanks to the active public relations of Lu's Catering, a large amount of advertising expenses, and many personal connections, the "News Investigation" column team came to the university town to conduct a comprehensive investigation report on Burger King and Lu's Catering.

As the director and host of the column, although the stage gave clear instructions, Ma Wei was responsible for the program that had put a lot of effort into it. Before he officially came to interview, he dispatched two teams under his team to give advice to Lu's Catering. Many storefronts and distribution storage centers made unannounced visits.

   The results were very surprising.

   Such a company with strict management, standardized systems and operations, and a complete self-inspection process, it is hard to believe that it is a domestic private enterprise!

  After Ma Wei himself arrived, as soon as he arrived at the headquarters of Lu's Catering Company, he asked to visit the storefront and distribution center.

   Of course, Lu Dong would not refuse. First, he took him to several stores, and then went to see the distribution and storage centers of Gongye Yiyi Road and Taifengyuan Yellow Braised Chicken.

   Ma Wei is also well-informed, but the more he looks, the more surprised he is. The self-requirement of Lu's Catering is very high. In terms of internal testing, it is even higher than the EU standard!

   Back at the Lu's Restaurant Building, a film crew has already set up cameras and set up the interview scene in the reception room on the top floor.

  Ma Wei and Lu Dong, who was wearing a casual outfit, sat in front of the spotlight.

  Xu Qin found a place where he could not only hear the host's question, but also let Lu Dong look up and give relevant tips.

  Song Na was not at ease, so she found a whiteboard and stood beside Xu Qin. If there was any embarrassment, she could also let Xu Qin remind Lu Dong immediately by writing on the whiteboard.

   Media interviews have their own rules, and many questions have indeed been communicated in advance, but in big-name programs such as "News Investigation", the host will definitely ask some unprepared questions on the spot.

  Ma Wei sat opposite Lu Dong: "Mr. Lu, let's start?"

   Lu Dong crossed his hands, placed it on the armrest of the chair, and said, "Yes."

   Ma Wei nodded to the cameraman, waited until he made a gesture, and said, "Don't hide it from President Lu, this time, two filming teams visited some of the storefronts and distribution centers of President Lu's company unannounced in advance."

  Lu Dong was very calm and said in Mandarin as much as possible: "Is there any gain?"

  Ma Wei smiled: "Through an unannounced visit, I finally figured out why Burger King not only failed to detect Sudan Red among the three major western-style fast food chain brands in the domestic market, but also all the other sampling items passed without exception."

   He said: "No wonder many media say that Burger King and Lu's Catering are the quality assurance of the catering industry!"

But Lu Dong said as a matter of course: "Isn't this what catering workers should do? Shouldn't the quality, safety and hygiene of food be the most basic things in this industry? Our ancestors said this a long time ago."

  Mawei asked: "Are you the first to start a business and pay close attention to this aspect?"

"Yes, just after Lu's Catering was established, the company set up a quality inspection department." What Lu Dong said was the truth: "In order to ensure food quality and safety, when Lu's Catering had only a few stores, it invested 500,000 yuan. Yuan, started to build a modern food safety monitoring center, and later invested tens of millions. Now Lv's Catering Quality Inspection Department can conduct safety sampling inspections on all its products and raw materials, and conduct safety inspections on some food supply safety issues in the industry. Research."

   The propaganda role of the media, especially the propaganda role of national TV stations, should not be underestimated. Lu Dong does not need to brag about it.

   Ma Wei then asked: "For enterprises, is there any way to detect toxic and harmful substances like Sudan Red as soon as possible?"

This kind of problem may involve relevant functional departments. Naturally, Lu Dong will not talk nonsense. After thinking for a while, he said: "As far as Lu's Catering is concerned, we need to further strengthen the research on the detection technology of toxic and harmful substances in food. Establish an effective monitoring system and formulate a more standardized testing process.”

   He was also a bit quick-witted, and suddenly thought of something: "All brands under Lu's Catering must be standardized first, testing is the most important, prevention is the priority, and food safety is ensured!"

"We have seen the testing center of Lu's Catering and the standards set, which are extremely rare among domestic catering companies." Ma Wei's question gradually became acute: "Even multinational chain brands like KFC and McDonald's can't meet it, you Do you think this is the key to KFC and McDonald's exposing food safety issues?"

Lu Dong did not evade, nor was he aggressive, and said naturally: "I think catering companies should take responsibility, strictly control food safety, and keep food with potential safety hazards in front of consumers' dining tables, and from companies and companies. Outside the store, this is the most basic sense of responsibility..."

   The interview went well on the whole, and the work of Lu's Catering was also done well.

  The trend of public opinion did not fall easily. Along with the reputation of KFC and McDonald's plummeting, the brand image of Burger King was further strengthened in the minds of consumers.

   If there is no Burger King and Lu's Restaurant, the PR of KFC and McDonald's may have made significant progress, but Lu's Restaurant prepared earlier and more fully, and the crisis public relations that made Yum high and shirk its responsibility seems useless.

   The entire Lu's Catering Company has taken advantage of this wave, and its brand image has taken a big step forward!

   (end of this chapter)