MTL - The Earth People are so Fierce (Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!)-Chapter 1805 new future, new catastrophe

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Chapter 1805 New future, new catastrophe

"You heard it."

Su Mulian looked like a delirious lunatic, but also like a sacrificial saint.

She was obviously **** and curled up in a corner, but she said in the tone of some kind of supreme judge, making the final verdict, "You and Lu Siya are destined to destroy Dragon City in the near future!"


Lu Siya couldn't help it, and asked angrily and amusedly, "I have been accused of countless crimes by countless people, but this is the first time that I have been charged with such a serious crime as 'destroying Dragon City'.

"Excuse me, since it's the 'near future', Miss Mulian, how do you know?"

"I saw it, no, rather, I experienced it myself."

Su Mulian said, "In countless nightmares, I personally experienced the extremely terrifying future destroyed by you!"

Meng Chao and Lu Siya were silent for a while.

However, the reasons for their silence are quite different.

"Did you...dream?"

Lu Siya couldn't believe it, "Just because you dreamed that I would destroy Dragon City, you carefully planned to murder me? Well, this doesn't sound like a mature and rational decision!"

"I know that what I have done seems crazy to the extreme, but if you have the same experience as me, starting from babbling like me, and being swallowed up by extremely real nightmares on countless nights, In the raging flames of the doomsday, dying again and again, I swear, you will make the same choice as me!"

Su Mulian Gujing Wubo's face showed the fear that she had never shown when she was enduring the most painful injury, she tremblingly said, "No, I'm sure, it's not a nightmare, but the future, real The future that exists is just seen in advance by me with some unexplainable reason!"

"you really…"

Lu Siya laughed dumbfoundedly.

However, when she saw Meng Chao's extremely serious expression, her smile froze a bit.

"Go on."

Meng Chao frowned, and said word by word, "Miss Mulian, please tell me the whole thing, from the beginning to the end, without detail."

There was a ray of hope in Su Mulian's eyes.

She took a deep breath, collected her thoughts, and said, "Do you still remember the first time we met, when I heard your names, I was shocked?"

Meng Chao and Lu Siya looked at each other.

The two nodded at the same time.

The first time they met Su Mulian was in the depths of Nest City, where gangs such as Leprosy Village and the Golden Tooth Gang were about to start a battle.

At that time, together with Su Mulian, they fought side by side and worked together to save Leprosy Village and even the entire Nest City.

At the beginning, Su Mulian was full of trust and gratitude towards them.

But after hearing their names, her attitude changed instantly, and she was full of instinctive fear from the depths of her cells.

This kind of fear was even worse than the fear of the demon **** "vortex" that was raging in the nest city at that time.

Meng Chao was indeed a little strange at that time.

But after that, all kinds of conflicts and wars, wave after wave, cultivation, planning, and fighting took up all his time and thinking space, leaving him no time to take care of this trivial matter.

"Because that was not the first time we met, or rather, it was not the first time I heard your names."

Su Mulian murmured, "In that terrifying dream that was repeated countless times, I already knew you—in the Dragon City in the dream, your power and strength are a hundred times stronger than today, and you are no longer fighting for Dragon City. A pawn, but the helm of the Dragon City civilization!"

"Miss Mulian, please describe it more clearly. What kind of nightmare was that, and when did it start?"

Meng Chao's expression was extremely serious, even ferocious.

"I, I don't know, my memory is a bit confused, and I can't even tell whether it is a real nightmare, or the future information injected into the depths of my brain by some mysterious force."

Su Mulian showed a blank expression, and continued, "It should be a few years ago, or even earlier, that I started to have a strange dream endlessly.

"In the beginning, this strange dream was like all dreams, mottled and blurred, no matter how clear and real it is in sleep, it will disappear when you wake up, and the rain will pass.

"I have already forgotten what the dream at that time was like.

"I just remember a very powerful, thick and colorful picture.

"In the picture, 10,000 fireballs exploded over Dragon City, as if 10,000 suns descended from the sky. The flames they ejected were like raging waterfalls, instantly submerging the entire city in the tumbling, roaring, and ever-expanding flames. In the sea of ​​fire.

"The entire Dragon City—whether the gleaming skyscrapers in the central business district, the pleasant villas where the rich and the powerful live, or the chaotic, cramped hive city, was all blasted by the shock wave generated by the explosion. It was torn apart, instantly carbonized, and shattered into fine powder.

"People living in the city, even more instantly, turned into wisps of deformed and distorted blue smoke, and with the final scream, they returned to eternal nothingness.

"This nightmare is too real and too scary.

"Every time I wake up from a nightmare, my heart feels as if my chest is about to tear open, and I run away. I have to stay on the sweat-soaked bed and gasp in shock for more than ten minutes before I can calm down a bit.

"If it was just such a nightmare, maybe I wouldn't be so desperate.

"However, at some point, new scenes and information appeared in the repeated nightmare.

"I seem to have dreamed about the Dragon City before it was destroyed by the flames of the doomsday, and went to the day, month, year, or even several years before the destruction, and watched the homes of all the people of Dragon City step by step towards the abyss of eternal doom. "

"Can you see the future of the entire Dragon City?"

Su Mulian's expression was too real. When she said "ten thousand suns descended from the sky", Lu Siya seemed to feel the pain of burning flesh and bone marrow.

Her expression gradually became serious, and she confirmed it quite seriously.

"I can't see other people's future, I can only see my own future from my own perspective."

Su Mulian said, "It's just that it's all the same. At the end of the future, everyone and I will be burned to ashes by raging flames."


Lu Siya's eyes gradually released an unpredictable light, and she said with great interest, "What will become of you in the future, and what do you mean by saying that Meng Chao and I are the helmsmen of the Dragon City civilization?" , Could it be that he or I became the chairman of the Survival Committee?"