MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 185

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Did not give the player a little reaction time, the black tower's prompt hit the Tang Mo four one by one caught off guard. In this room, Tang Mo and Fu Wensheng are cooperative, but they pretend not to know each other, and each of them is guarding each other.

When Black Tower gave the game tips, they didn't communicate immediately, but they thought about each other.

Time passed by, and the young woman in black first said, "The rules that Black Tower just said, do you have any thoughts?"

Ning Yu stared coldly at the woman, no opening.

Tang Mo shook his head silently.

Fu Wensheng followed Tang Mo and said without hesitation. "I don't know."

Obviously, the three people in the room did not have the intention to cooperate, and the young woman raised an eyebrow. But she was not reluctant, but looked through the window at the four shops outside.

Five minutes later, a faint sound that could not be checked sounded outside the room. Tang Mo was in a heart, and the four immediately went to the window. I saw four light doors suddenly appearing on the road between the candy house and the four shops. These four light doors are just right at the door of the store, and the bright red light shines on the door frame.

Tang Mo suddenly thought of something, he immediately turned to the other side of the candy house, looking out from the other side of the window.

Sure enough, there are also four light doors here.

"Eight stores, eight light doors, each light door and a shop one-to-one correspondence." Fu Wensheng surprised.

The sudden eight light doors made the players feel puzzled, but soon the Black Tower gave the answer.

The sound of the vibration is getting louder and louder, and the red light on the light door is shining more and more. When this vibration and light reached a apex, everything came to an abrupt end. Suddenly, I saw a light-colored figure of light suddenly coming out of a door and coming out of the door.

It was a figure covered by red light. I couldn’t see the appearance of a dress. I could only tell that it was an adult man. He held a bag of coins in his hand and, while holding his hands, walked through the light door and walked into the gift shop on the right side of the candy house.

A word appeared in Tang Mo’s mind.

"virtual customer"

The four people were surprised and surprised.

This red light person is just the beginning.

Then, one red light person after another sneaked out from the eight doors. The door from which they came out does not mean that they will approach the shop facing the door. At the same time, they do not necessarily have to enter only one store. After coming out of the first shop, you may enter the second or third store, or you may return directly to the light door and disappear.

Countless virtual customers are coming in and out of the eight shops, and the whole commercial street is so lively. Tang Mo also suddenly smashed, his eyes swiftly sweeping the four shops on the left. You can look at the left side and you can't see the right side.

These customers are very fast, walk in and out, buy good things, and then return to the light door one by one, and the earth will be slammed.

Five minutes later, all the customers walked into the light door and all disappeared. If it wasn't for the shock of the footsteps that had not completely dissipated, Tang Mo was not sure if there was any red light. He quickly returned to God and looked at the other two people in the room.

Although Ning Yu tried to hide his own mistakes, his pretentious appearance exposed the fact that he was also confused. The black woman named Mo Xue frowned. She looked at the eight shops on the left and right sides and turned to the three players in the room and said, "The eight doors have not disappeared."

The crowd immediately checked again.

Tang Mo "All the people have disappeared, but the door is still there. So they will come back again"

Ning Wei "When is it coming back, the people who came back just now?"

The next second, a crisp child’s voice

“Please prepare your customers for preparation. After five minutes, the second batch of virtual guests will arrive soon.”

Tang Mo closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calming the heart that violently beats. Fu Xiaodi noticed his abnormality and looked at him with concern. Tang Mo cast a reassuring look at him, and Fu Wensheng removed his gaze and pretended to be unfamiliar with Tang.

Tang Mo calmly looked at Ning Yu and the young woman, silently said, "I just counted it again. There were a hundred red light people, which is the same as the number of one hundred virtual customers that Heita said."

The four people in the room are not ordinary players, and they have done the same thing as Tang Mo.

Ning Hao hides and refuses to reveal the information she found, but the young woman is very generous. She said directly, "I remember sixty-seven of them. This little child, so surprised to see what I do." She laughed, "although Those who have no face and no clothes, but their heights are still different. Look closely and see some differences and identify them."

Tang Mo also looked at the young woman with amazement, but she only stared at Fu Wensheng, and did not seem to notice Tang Mo.

It is possible to remember more than sixty people who are almost identical in such a short period of time. The strength of this woman is probably stronger than he imagined.

After the woman said her own information, she glanced at the crowd and asked again, "Have you got a clue this time?"

Ning Hao stared at her alertly, and did not say anything.

Fu Wensheng thought that Tang Mo would also refuse, and he said "no"

"What if I say yes,"

The smile of the young woman's mouth stopped, and she turned to look at Tang Mo, and it was difficult to hide her eyes in her eyes. It seemed that she did not expect Tang Mo to say so. Her bright, dark eyes stared quietly at Tang Mo, and Tang Mo looked at her quietly. The two men looked at each other for a moment, and the woman smiled a little. "Oh, I have clues. So Tang Mo, do you want to cooperate?"

Fu Wensheng never imagined that in a game where he and Tang Ge were assigned to a team room, Tang Ge did not choose him to cooperate, but instead chose a woman to cooperate.

What is the relationship between this woman and Tang Ge?

Where is this little goblin?

Tang Mo and the woman in black went to the corner and quietly discussed the information. Ning Xiaoyan stared at them, Fu Wensheng wanted to run over, but he weighed repeatedly, still decided to continue to conceal his relationship with Tang Mo. When the children began to doubt life, Tang Mo looked up and gave him a color. Fu Wensheng stunned and then reacted.

Tang Ge certainly has a reason to do this, he chose to believe Tang Ge.

Tang Mo and the young woman whispered a lot of words, Ning Yu and Fu Wensheng did not hear. When they walked back, the woman stopped by Ning, and asked “Ning Yu, would like to join our team and work together”

Ning Yu was hesitating for a moment, and looked up and said, "No."

The young woman shrugged, and she walked over to Fu Wensheng again, leaning slightly. "I haven't seen children for a long time, let's pass together."

Fu Wensheng did not understand the meaning of her sentence. After he reacted, he looked up at Tang Mo.

Tang Mo’s opening is “to begin.”

The ground shook again, and the red light door flashed brightly on both sides of the room. It seems that there are customers who come out from the door to go shopping and buy things, and noisy voices flow into the ears of every player. A group of obscured red light people entered the store one after another and bought what they wanted.

Their speed is even faster than the first round.

Like a piece of red fallen leaves, it slammed through the eyes of the players, dazzling. Fu Wensheng looked at his eyes wide. He wanted to learn how many young people could identify as many light people as possible, but he only recognized 20 people and felt his head explode and his eyes dried up.

The people of the light rushed in batches, and they disappeared in mass.

Tang Mo’s eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. After the last light man held the gift box and disappeared into the light door, he closed his eyes and slowed for a long time to slow down. Tang Mo looked at the young woman and the other nodded to him. The two whispered a bit, and Tang Mo whispered "Sure enough?"

Ning Hao clenched his fingers.

The black woman "reconfirmed the third time."

Tang Mo "Well."

This time, the woman in black went to Ning's side and did not stop. But after she walked over, she went back and said, "Do you still don't want to cooperate?"

Ning Yu silent for a long time, turned to look at the eyes of Tang Mo.

In the current situation, if Ning Yu wants to cooperate, it means that he temporarily put down the Liangzi who had been married with Tang. In exchange for Bai Ruoyao, he may be able to cope with his face and cooperate with this door to sell Tang Mo. However, Ning Hao can't do it. He has accepted the human condition and he is not good at revenge against Tang Mo. He didn't want to shake hands with Tang Mo because of this simple game without life. There are still many things he wants to do.

Ning Yu’s voice is calm, "No."

Young woman "doesn't really"

Ning Hao is alert to "What do you want to say?"

The woman smiled. "Nothing. Just Santa is one of the most powerful bosses in the Black Tower world. It is better to be careful in his game."

Ning Yu was preparing to open, and suddenly the ground shook a little.

Tang Mo is "coming."

The four immediately joined the window at the fastest speed. On the side of Tang Mo and Fu Wensheng, the young woman and Ning Yu side, each looking out from a window. This time, virtual customers appear faster, and they enter the store and buy things faster. As if the accelerator button was pressed, the red light overlapped, and it was very difficult to identify how many people were there.

Fu Wensheng soon saw his eyes dry, and finally managed to survive the five minutes. He only listened to the black tower and said coldly.

“A minute later, ask all the prospective customers to choose to enter the right store.”

"Please note that entering the right store is the only way to become a regular customer."

Fu Wensheng screamed, "If you can't turn right?"

As if he heard him, Black Tower replied very humanly that "the game failed, and the player immediately left Santa's Trolltech Street."

It still won't die

This sentence sounded in the minds of the four people at the same time.

When the words of Black Tower fell, there were two red spots on the marshmallow door of the candy house. The light spots disappeared and appeared in front of everyone was a small turntable made of two maltose. The upper one is divided into two on average, with "left" on the left and "right" on the right. The following turntable is divided into four pieces, and a q version of lollipop, chocolate, cake and gift box pattern is drawn on each piece with sugar juice.

Turn the dial to point the pointer to any small block.

Fu Wensheng "These two turntables are for us to choose any of the eight shops and enter the store."

The first turntable divides eight shops into two teams, and the second turntable directly asks the player to select a specific store. Time is tight, Fu Wensheng nervously looked at Tang Mo. He has an answer in his heart, but he is not sure. Young women have long said that they want to help Feng Wensheng pass customs, so Tang Mo has taken it for granted, pulling the children's hands and helping him turn two turntables.

After he turned, the turntable turned back to its original position. A light flashed on the door of the marshmallow, and a line of words appeared on the door.

“Please ask all the customers to choose the store they want to go to. After the selection is completed, the door opens.”

Next is the turn of Tang Mo and the young woman.

The two were clearly cooperative, but did not communicate, but each blocked their view and turned the turntable.

In the end, only Ning Yu was left.

Ning Yi stood in the same place and quietly looked at the three people at the door and door of the marshmallow. He stepped up to the door, calmly reached out and touched the first turntable. Just as he was about to turn the turntable, a female voice rang "The candy house on the left."

Tang Mo looked at the young woman in surprise.

Ning Yu is also very surprised, he looked at the woman with strange eyes. After a long time, he faintly said, "Do we know?"

The black woman smiled. "I don't know, but I have heard of your name. There are not many Chinese players on the time list. You are very good."

Ning Wei, "Why are you helping me?"

"You are the returnee."

Tang Mo was shocked and he realized one thing.

Ning Hao grabs him in front of "you are also a returnee"

"I have said that I am a returnee." The woman in black raised an eyebrow and smiled. "You are so hostile to the survivors of the earth because you are a returnee. It may not be necessary. We are all human beings, why bother? Clear. And maybe I didn't help you."

Ning squinted, he said coldly, "I guess the candy house on the left," and then quickly turned the turntable.

When he chose it, the marshmallow gate exudes a tempting sweet smell. In this rich fragrance, the icy sound of the black tower sounded "a minute to arrive. The 19th preparatory customer successfully turned positive, and the twelve pre-customer games failed. Santa Claus believes that only the dishonest bad boy does not know that he opened. It's a candy store, the best candy store in the whole country. The bad kids will get the punishment they deserve, and Santa's reindeer smiles and sticks out their hooves."

The voice fell and the door slammed open.

"Ah, ah, ah"

At the same time as the gate opened, more than a dozen harsh screams rang in the ears of everyone. When Tang Mo saw the scene in front of him, he saw eleven muscular reindeer sticking out their hooves and slamming them on the **** of eleven players. These players sighed in pain, and the reindeer broke into the light door and disappeared into the commercial street.

Tang Mo four immediately turned their heads and finally saw where they were.

This is a narrow and wide street. The top of the street is a colorful neon door with a large line of lights.

Santa's Trolltech Street

In the middle of the street, eight red light doors gradually disappeared into the air, and seven fake shops disappeared with them. Just looking at the room, Tang Mo did not realize that Santa's candy house was so huge. It is like a roadside where a palace stands, and a huge lollipop is hung on the store sign. In the middle of the road, there are eight small candy houses.

Compared to Santa's candy house, these eight candy houses are as small as toys.

All the players have just been sent to these candy houses. They think they are playing alone, in fact they are playing the same game at the same time. They saw the same red light, and finally twelve people did not choose the right store, and 19 people entered the next game.

Tang Mo looked for a moment in the crowd and found Chen Yu and Fu Wen.

Fu Wensheng was very clever and didn't look at Fu Wen and took a look and went straight to Chen Hao. After the two children met, the other players looked at them more surprised and didn't take them seriously. Fu Wen took the opportunity to find Tang Mo and walked towards him. When he walked to Tang Mo, he discovered Ning Yu and a woman in black with a strong sense of existence.

Fu Wen took a footstep, his eyes crossed over Ning Yi, and finally fell on the woman in black.

When the people left the candy house, the restricted abilities and props were all released, and a pressure that could not be ignored was instantly pressed from the top of the head. Tang Mozhe stood by Fu Wen and took the same look at this black woman.

In the crowd, most players are observing the three well-known players such as Fu Wenzhe, Tang Mo and Ning Yu. Only Bai Ruoyao has widened his eyes and looked at the black woman. Slowly, his mouth was getting bigger and bigger. He smiled awkwardly, and his laughter grew louder and louder, attracting the attention of the people around him, but he still laughed loudly.

Fu Wen stared at the black woman and looked at it for a long while, the voice was low, "How to call it"

The woman in black did not answer, but said a name "Fu Wendeng" and then she looked at everyone on the street. When she saw Bai Ruo Yao, she stopped looking. She smiled, "Tang Mo, Fu Wenzhe, Ning Yu this game is really amazing. Tang Mo, I found that person is watching you with very interesting eyes, you know"

Tang Mo looked in the direction of her fingers. Bai Ruoyao waved his hand and made an export-oriented "Tang Tang".

Tang Mo cold and cold road "do not know."

The woman in black said, "It’s better to make a bet. If you guess who I am, I will tell you his identity. I just hate him a bit. I don’t hate a lot of people, and I’m more annoying before I die. It’s rare. His relationship with you doesn’t look very good. It’s good to be a good guy. But if you can’t guess, I want your most important props.”

Tang Mo "You are sure to bet"

Black woman "Yes. You don't want to play this bet, I never force people."

"No, I am betting you with this."

The voice of the woman in black came to an abrupt end, and she looked at Tang Mo with interest. She never stared at Tang Mo with such serious eyes, or before the appearance of Fu Wenzhao, Tang Moben thought that this woman was interested in him and Ning Yi, and she never concealed that interest. However, after Fu Wenjue appeared, a fiery and fierce flame instantly ignited in the eyes of this woman, and the war that could not be hidden was burning in her eyes.

But they don't know.

Today, she looks at Tang Mo with the same serious look.

The black woman smiled. "You don't have to think about it. I can tell if the props you gave me are your most important."

“The first batch of virtual customers appeared, and it was possible to directly identify 67 red light people when the situation was unclear. In the second and third batch of customer frenzy, it was very easy to observe and remember to enter. The light characteristics of the four shops are not at all difficult."

Not far away, Fu Xiaodi is learning about the real customs clearance of this game from Chen Yukou. The children exclaimed, "Remember to remember every hundred shops that have exactly the same light."

Chen Hao corrected that "they didn't look exactly the same, there are differences. There are children and adults."

"That's too strong, a hundred cockroaches, so for a short time, they are still so masculine." Fu Xiaodi found a suitable adjective.

Chen Zhen discovered the confrontation between Tang Mo and the woman in black. She observed the situation there and said, “The second and third times are not needed. I only need to observe the shops where each child goes. Santa Claus likes honesty. The children, the children also like Santa Claus the most. In the first customer frenzy, as long as all the children are found in the candy house, they can figure out a vague goal. Then you only need to test the guess of your guess, you can pass the customs. ""

She said it was very easy, but among all the players, I am afraid she is only qualified to say so. With a brain with super-smart thinking, Chen Hao knows the answer in the first customer frenzy, and does not even need to check again, because her brain can control such calculations and operations at the same time. Even Tang Mo and black women are the second time to determine the answer.

Chen Hao asked, "Small voice, who is that woman, she was a room with you"

Fu Wensheng nodded. "She is called Mo Xue. It is a very strange person. You said that you have just said that it is better for the two people to cooperate in this game. You don't know, Tang Ge did not choose to cooperate with me. Instead, Working with the woman. This woman is also very weird, it seems to be a Cantonese, and also helped the Ning to pass the game. Ning Hao did not receive her love."

Chen Hao’s eyes are wide, and he turns his head and says, “Wait, you said she is a Cantonese.”

Fu Wensheng touched his head. "Yes, she said Cantonese in the room, it seems to be Cantonese."

Chen Yu looked at the black woman not far away. "Is it?"

At the same time, Tang was fixedly watching the woman, and said the three words in a calm tone.

"Mu back to the snow."

Mu returned to the snow and smashed, then smacked the lips. Her hand touched the whip on the waist. For the next second, she suddenly pulled out her whip and slammed it to Fu Wen. Fu Wen took the sideways away from the whip and reached out to grab the whip. But his hand just touched the whip, and the long whip turned into a burning flame.

Fu Wen grabbed his eyebrows and threw the whip away.

The whip returned to the hands of Mu Huixue and changed back to the original.

When Mu Huixue didn't give him time to react, she snorted and whipped her hand to the ground and borrowed her strength to jump into the air. The flexible whip smashes a crack in the ground and stabs at the speed that is hard to reach with the naked eye. Tang Mo did not think about it, quickly read the spell, open the small parasol to block in front of Fu Wen. But he had just raised his umbrella, and a chill from his sole made him realize that the umbrella was likely to be pierced by the whip.

Fu Wen took his umbrella to the side, and his right hand turned into a black weapon, blocking the long whip.

The two collided and made a harsh metal collision.

Mu returned to the snow and excited, she looked at Fu Wen’s right hand as a weapon. “This is your ability to come again”

No one knows what this woman is doing suddenly, but anyone can see that the battle between this woman and Fu Wenju is by no means an ordinary player can participate. Other players saw this scene to avoid, only Bai Ruoyao eyes brightened. Fu Wenzhe and Mu Huixue are not alone, Tang Mo also shot. Bai Ruoyao found an opportunity to seize the flaws revealed by Tang Mo.

"Hey, let me discover, Tang Tang."

Two silver flashes flashed, sharp sharp butterfly knife like a death sickle, breaking the wind. Tang Mo should be careful of Bai Ruoyao's sneak attack while responding to Mu Xuexue. His face was sinking and he was struggling to block. Who expected the red whip to turn in the air, screaming twice in the wrist of Bai Ruoyao, and firmly tied his hands.

Bai Ruoyao was shocked, and the baby’s face lost his smile for the first time.

Mu returned to the snow and slammed the whip, pulled the baby face to the side, and kicked his leg and smiled.

"The lucky one in the circle is the most hateful leader in the rankings. Today you don't seem to be very lucky. I am the first person to catch you."

When Bai Ruoyao moves his wrist, he has to break the whip. Fu Wen took the props directly and tied him with a causal rope.

Bai Ruo Yao ""

Damn, are these three people just not fighting?

Tang Mo stunned him and said, "Are you licking me in my heart."

Bai Ruo Yao ""

Mu Huixue "I haven’t caught you for so many years, and I’m not lucky enough to slip through the autumn. This nickname makes me want to catch you. So the show is taking you off, the effect seems to be good. I still seem to have The talent of acting."

Bai Ruoya tried it and couldn’t make a profit from Fu’s props. He didn't worry too much, and laughed again. "It's time to get back to the snow. We don't seem to be familiar."

Mu Huixue "Unfamiliar does not mean that you are not irritating."

Bai Ruoyao wanted to refute this sentence, but he found that he was speechless.

He seems to be really hated by many, many people.

Mu Huixue just wants to catch Bai Ruoyao, but as Bai Ruiyao said, they have no deep hatred. So she turned to look at Tang Mo "what to do"

What are you going to do?

Tang Mo’s eyes are not ashamed to “kill.”

Bai Ruo Yao ""

After a while, the baby face youth grievously squeezed his eyebrows. "Tang Tang, how can you be willing, we are good friends. You can not be impulsive to make regrets, you think about it, such as looking for someone to discuss."

Tang Mo’s meaningful “oh”, looked at Fu Wen’s, and discussed “What do you say?”

Fu Wen did not hesitate to "kill."

Bai Ruo Yao "" very quickly, he is dissatisfied with the "feeding, so sloppy you really regret it, Tang Tang."

Mu Huixue laughed. "It seems that you are lucky today."

The eyes of Bai Ruoyao swept over the three men. He looked up and looked at the rest of the coldness beside the cold eyes. He slammed his mouth and was about to open his mouth, but he heard a familiar Christmas song from the end of the commercial street. The joyful and joyful singing is getting closer and closer, and the entire commercial street is ringing. Santa Claus riding a sled rides a reindeer while laughing happily "hahahaha, stas"

Santa Claus quickly drove to the door of the candy house. He looked at the 19 players outside the door and smiled. "My dear children, today is your visit to my candy house. The children who come here are honest and kind. Good boy, you can't fight."

Just finished, the black tower mechanical sounds sounded in everyone’s ears.

“In Santa’s Trolltech Commercial Street, it is forbidden to use abilities, props, and all violent acts.”

Tang Mo ""

Fu Wen took ""

Mu back to snow ""

In an instant, the ability to return to the body has been suppressed again.

The props tied to Bai Ruoriao’s wrists were drilled back into Fu’s pocket, and the baby face youth squatted. Then he raised his mouth and smiled and said, “Hey, Tang Tang I told you from the beginning, my nickname is Lucky Haruka."

Why are you not afraid of the illegitimate child of Black Tower?