MTL - The Earth is Online-~ 241. Earth stealth day (top)

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2017, Huaxia, Suzhou.

Just entering the summer, the sun is getting glaring. The Suzhou Library is located in the old city. Recently, the city library has opened a new convenience event, and many “book collection points” have been set up in the city. As long as you borrow books from your mobile phone, you can get the book you want to see when you go to the nearby book-taking point that evening.

A young black man came down from the bus, holding a huge bag in his hand. The bag was so heavy that his shoulders were unnatural and had a side tilt. He went to a pick-up point and took two books out of the bag and put them in the bookcase.

Tang Mo smashed his shoulders and walked back to the bus stop, ready to go to the next pick-up point.

Originally, there was a special staff member responsible for this. However, there were a lot of people borrowing books today. The director threw him a big bag, and his name went to work early. In fact, he worked overtime now.

At the beginning of the lantern, the colorful neon lights reflected the redness of the night.

Tang Mo walked on the way to the bus stop. Suddenly the phone vibrated and he took it out.

Looking up at the time on the top of the phone.

After a while, the other party sent a message:

The implication of the words: civil servants also have to work overtime

It turned out that this person also had such misunderstandings about civil servants.

Tang Mo hooked his mouth and was about to send a message. Yu Guangli saw a red sports car. He looked up subconsciously, didn't see the license plate, and saw the fabulous crown logo behind the car's buttocks.

It is a very beautiful Maserati sports car.

Tang Mo thought about it and replied:

The two chatted and Tang Mo went to the bus stop. He looked around casually, and actually saw the red-hot Maserati. There was a beautiful woman in the car. She waved in the car: "I really don't want to play, Li Wen is only a few moments, let's not go on another one."

The answer to her is a young male voice: "My dad called me to go back to Shanghai. I left. I will call them all over the next time and gather together."


The tall woman turned and walked into a high-end neighborhood, and the Maserati turned a corner and accelerated. Like the flames burning in the night, this high-end sports car caught the attention of everyone on the bus platform. Tang Mo bowed and Victor sent a message, and suddenly he looked up and looked ahead.

The Maserati just screamed in front of everyone, and the young man in the driver's seat smiled and happily sent a kiss to the "onlookers" on the bus stop.

His sight and Tang Mo are exactly right.

Both of them are slightly stunned.

When Tang Mo reacted, the car had run far.

"Now the rich second generation is so funny."

Sitting on the bus, Tang Mo returned home. First open the computer, enter the online bridge game platform, confirm the team with Victor. While waiting to match the opponent, Tang Mo sneaked into the kitchen to cook some porridge, and when the game came back, the game started.

Tang Mo sat up straight and played hard.

I played until midnight, and Tang Mo stretched out and found that it was too late. But he remembered another thing:

Victor is very mysterious and always has no ghosts.

Tang Mo did not know the name, work, and even the age of the other party had only a rough guess. However, Victor has always slept very early, as if he had to get up early every day, sometimes it may not be seen in a month or two. Of course, he will send a message to Tang Mo to confirm before disappearing.

Holidays are a rare word, there are holidays all over the world, and Victor seems to have never had a holiday.

Tang Mo finished the news, holding his chin with one hand and looking at the computer screen.

Victor entered it for a long time, and seemed to delete the message many times before and after it was sent back.

Tang Mo’s eyes lit up and tweeted: I just thought that it’s a bit too much when I finished Tang Mo, and I quickly added a sentence:

Just a joke, Victor did not reply for a long time.

Tang Mo is a little impatient. He tapped his finger on the table and thought for a long time. He decided to send a sentence, "Don't mind if you are joking." At this time, I only saw a few words on the computer screen.

Looking at this reply, Tang Mo is so stunned that he always feels strange.

What is the addition of a star on the shoulder, is it that Victor is a soldier?

I haven’t had time to react, and the other party sent another message.

Suddenly, Tang Mo fixedly looked at the last sentence on the computer screen. Outside the window is a bright moonlight. In the window, the young black man drags his chin with one hand, and his fingers gently tap on the delicate face. For a long time, he smiled and said, "I secretly love to say it." This is as light as a phantom, and it seems that it has never happened.

The man in front of the computer waited for so long, but only waited for such a sentence.

In the dark eyes, there was a hint of helpless smile, Fu Wen replied:

Tang Mo is not interested in listening to such things. He is not a glorious party member.

Suddenly, plus one sentence:

He just took time to go to Baidu, and there are stars on the shoulders of the major.

Who expected Victor to reply very seriously:

Tang Mo: ""

I slept a good night, and the next morning, Tang Mo came to the library. At noon, Xiao Zhao sneaked into Tang Mo and said: "Tang Mo, have you found out that something is wrong recently?"

Tang Mo thought for a moment: "The director has entered the book two days ago."

Xiao Zhao waved his hand: "Not this, it is missing someone."

Tang Mojing thought and gave the answer: "God stick."

"That's the **** stick. We didn't see him for a week. Where did he go? He used to come to our library every day on time. I didn't go out this week." The voice stopped, Xiao Zhao swallowed: "No. It’s going to happen. Isn’t foreign country having the kind of news before? An old man always orders pizza at the same store, ordering it every day. Suddenly there are two days without a reservation. The pizza shop specially sent people to see it. Sure enough, the old man fell at home. You said that the **** stick will not suddenly fall into the house again."

Tang Mo helped a mother to return the book, and the voice calmed down: "Then you can go to his house to see."

Xiao Zhao: ""

The young girl went far away, and Tang Mo could still hear her snoring: "Nothing at all, it's boring."

Tang Mo picked up his eyebrows and did not say anything. He continued to help people return books and degauss.

He came to the Suzhou Library last year. Just coming in, because of the good looks, many young girls in the library often chat with Tang Mo, but soon he was persuaded by his cold, unfamiliar attitude. He is not interested in these girls, and does not want to delay the other party. It is most convenient to refuse to be cold, and it saves someone to introduce him.

Older female colleagues like to introduce objects to young people. They also introduced Tang Mo to them at the beginning. Later, because Tang Mo is too cold and too unfamiliar, no one wants to introduce him to him slowly. He is also happy.

I really said Cao Cao, Cao Cao.

Xiao Zhao just chanted for a long time without seeing the **** stick. When Tang Mo looked up, he saw a middle-aged man in a suit and a suit came over. Looking at each other, Tang Mo did not recognize it at all, he quickly said: "Mr. Chen"

The **** stick Chen Fangzhi looked at Tang Mo nervously and said: "What do you think of my dress?"

Tang Mo: ""

They are libraries, not clothing stores.

God stick: "Hey, don't misunderstand, I am too few friends. I don't know who to ask for advice. I have to take the high-speed train to Shanghai to see my daughter in the afternoon. Her mother finally agreed to see her. You said me. Dressed like this, is it appropriate, will her mother feel that I am serious, and will allow me to see her more in the future?"

Tang Mo looked at the **** stick and did not say anything, and the **** sticks his suit and clothes.

Sighed, Tang Mo smiled: "Mr. Chen, you are so good, very spirited. But can you please let it go, there are people who want to borrow books."

The expression of the **** stick immediately flew up and said three good ones: "Good, good, thank you very much, thank you very much. Then I am gone, I am leaving." Saying, turning and running, it should be The train station is gone.

Tang Mo: ""

Tang Mo was busy all day, no time to control the gods. When I got off work, I suddenly thought: "I don't know how the **** stick is going." But I just thought about it and didn't go to my heart. The gods are just ordinary readers who often come to the library to write books and are familiar with their librarians. They don't understand.

Shanghai, Beijing Beili Middle School.

A pale, very thin middle-aged man in a suit, nervously paced at the school gate. Finally, after school, the bell rings, and the man is violently excited. This is so nervous that he does not know where to put it.

One after another, the students came out of the school gate and waited for ten minutes. Two girls and a little fat man came out together.

The little fat man put his hands together: "I beg you, I don't understand at all. Today's math homework is so difficult, you can borrow me to copy it."

One of the short-haired girls said faintly: "The teacher will be jealous."

Zhao Ziang hurryed: "I don't say you don't say, who knows this" and then pleased: "Please, uh."

Chen Hao suddenly stopped.

Zhao Ziang looked down at her sight and was surprised: "Hey, who is that, it’s so strange to wear."

In fact, it is not strange that the **** stick is worn. It is the expression of the embarrassed and the nervous posture, which is incompatible with the identity of an adult.

Chen Hao’s voice is calm: “He is my father.”

Zhao Ziang: ""

The little girl carrying her schoolbag and walking towards the gods sticks, and calmly said: "Dad."

The **** stick moved to tears: "诶"

Xiaokang Zhao Ziang: "Hey, I am sure I can't borrow homework."

Desperately carrying a bag to go home, the little fat man went to the intersection, and could not help but cry: "This is finished, why is that strange guy is a daddy father. What should I do with my math homework?"呜呜"

The child is always surprised and continually burying his head while venting. He didn't know that he spoke and scared a black commercial car parked at the intersection. This is a large business car with a very ordinary appearance. No one knows that there are countless sophisticated security instruments and a researcher protected by three armed police.

The three armed police with real guns suddenly saw a small fat man parked at the door of the car and shouted and yelled. They were shocked and clenched their guns. After observing for a while, I found that the little fat man had gone far, and they were relieved.

The protected scientist laughed: "A child."

One of the armed police whispers: "Professor Luo, we are responsible for protecting your safety, please cooperate."

Luo Fengcheng pushed the glasses and did not speak.

Suzhou, the park.

Today, the director did not find an excuse to let Tang Mo to work overtime. When the sun sets, Tang Mo returns home. He cooked some noodles for himself, and when he turned on the computer, he found that the person was actually online.

The corner of his mouth was stunned and he typed slyly.

Tang Mo:

Victor will soon go back:

This is going out

Tang Mo:

Haven't closed qq yet, a message box popped up, Tang Mo opened the news, his fingers stunned.