MTL - The Distinguished Cute Master-Chapter 1202 Tenhikoban, 57

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Chapter 1202 Tian Yan Fan, fifty-seven

"Doctor brother, save my father! He is getting sick more and more!"

As soon as they entered, they smelled a stink, because there was no torch, only the moonlight came in. Fortunately, their vision was very good, so that they could clearly see that on a wooden bed, a complete corpse was tied. Man!

He stuffed his mouth, the whole person was tied and dead, and he was struggling in bed, especially after seeing a living person coming in, his reaction was stronger!

This is a zombie!

Seeing the little boy will not say anything but going, the old man grabbed him!

"You can't go!"

"Why?" The little boy was shocked by his sudden and stern attitude. "That's Dad! Hey... Dad must be hurt!"

He said, could not help but cry, even if his arm was gripped by Li, he still wanted to go to Dad.

Li Lao will not know what to say, is the boy not aware that his father has been corpse?

Also, how did he tie his father to a child? Or is it daddy tied himself?

He suddenly took the little boy out and said with a serious tone, "I have a few questions to ask you, it is very important!"

He said, hesitating to add a sentence, "You answer seriously, I might save your father..."

The little boy was struggling, but he said that he was so angry that he was screaming with tears and his face was full of uneasiness and fear.

"What happened to my father? Isn't he going to be good?" He said, he choked again, and the low-pitched voice heard people feel bad.

Li Lao licked his lips and didn't know how to comfort him, so he took out a chocolate ball and put it in the boy's hand and whispered.

"Your father, he... are you tied up?"

The little boy nodded sobbingly. "Dad is sick, his body is hot... He told me that I want to tie him up with a rope, otherwise he will hurt himself and hurt me..."

"What is in his mouth is also your stuff?"

The little boy nodded. "He is crazy, he keeps yelling. When I listen to fear, I plugged his mouth..."

Li’s expression was a little bit quiet, and he couldn’t imagine how the child lived with the zombies without an adult...

And his father is dead, he must tell him the fact.

So Li Lao pressed the little boy’s shoulder and looked straight into his eyes, whispering, “Children... I have to tell you that there is one thing, that is... your father, he is not sick, he is...”

"He has become a zombie."

Gu Yan suddenly appeared behind them. He said coldly when he couldn’t say anything, and cruelly added, "Your father is dead. Now you are tied to the bed, just a monster."

The little boy stunned, and then he suddenly angered and pushed the old man!

"You lied!"

He said as he stepped back. "Dad is not the same as those monsters. As long as he eats something, he will become very quiet. He is not a zombie!"

Li Lao sighed. "He is eating... but he only wants to eat human flesh. So, do you understand?"

The little boy said stubbornly, "No! He eats other things! He is not the same!"

With that said, he hurriedly ran towards the house, and Li was afraid that he would do stupid things, and quickly followed the past, and then he saw the little boy take out the cloth stuffed in the mouth of the zombie father!

As soon as the cloth opened, the zombie looked up and tried to bite the little boy, and the little boy’s eyes were fast, and he put the chocolate ball that Li had just given him into his mouth, and then he planned to use the cloth to block the mouth of the zombie. He spit it out!

Li Laojian scared a cold sweat, "Stop!"

He pulled the little boy back, "Be careful! Don't bite him!"

The little boy slammed hard and stubbornly said, "It doesn't matter if you get bitten. Dad is just ill, crazy. He is different from the monster outside. If he bites me, I won't. Become a monster!"

Li Lao said nervously, "It will change! You must never approach him again..."

"No!" The little boy interrupted him with a mad scream. In the snoring of the zombie father, the little boy suddenly picked up his sleeve! I saw that he had lost a few pieces of flesh on his two arms! They are all bitten! But he was bitten so many times, and there was no corpse change!

Li Lao took a breath of air, and the next second, he was blocked by Gu Yan!

This child is not right!

Gu Yan, who was originally indifferent, was murderous at this moment and directly smothered some of the crazy boys!

He stepped back and forth, and finally hit the bedside, and behind him, he was constantly struggling to bite his "dad"!

"What the **** are you?!"

This is Gu Yan's question to the little boy. He has bitten off a few pieces of meat on his arm. It is obvious that some of the injuries have not been scarred, but no blood has flowed out.

And he was so hungry that he was thin and thin, and Li Tian gave him the chocolate he didn't look at. It didn't look like food in this room. During that time, what kind of life did this child live on?

The boy was nervously clutching the sheets and was obviously scared by Gu Yan.

Li Lao felt that he was very pitiful, and he took Gu Yan. "Nothing, I am coming."

In any case, he is still better than Gu Yan, even if something happens, it should be that he protects Gu Yancai.

Gu Yan frowned, but when the boy was scared to speak, he went to the side and asked Li Tian to negotiate with him.

In the process, Gu Yan is tight, and if the little boy makes any dangerous moves, he will definitely rush in the first time!

Li Lao looked at the child in front of him in a complicated way. He could feel that the child was conscious, but his body...not the general body.

He whispered, "Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you..."

He coveted the injury on the boy's arm.

"Is these injuries all your father's bite?" When he said this, he frowned and asked, "... hurts?"

Perhaps his last two words were too distressing, touched the boy's nerves, and he blinked when he blinked. In the darkness, his body trembled slightly, and his voice was suppressed.

"It hurts!"

He didn't cry, but the tears kept flowing.

"...I found the food for my father to eat. I hope that he will eat well. But Dad doesn't eat, but also bites me. I cried and he didn't care... I kept biting me..."

He looked at his broken arm and was afraid of himself.

"...but my father will eat my meat and it will be quiet... I want my father to be I took the initiative to give him a bite, but it hurts...hey... Dad used to hurt me the most... really good pain!"