MTL - The Devil’s Cage-Chapter 1810 In the bureau

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Chapter 1810 in the Bureau


The elite knight captain of the Temple of War shouted loudly.

The knights behind him rushed to the fire.

Instead of using the traditional method of water fire extinguishing, the long sword in the hand began to cut the house of fire, and at the same time extinguished with sand.

The blade passed over the burning wall, and the sand covered it.

After a few minutes, the fire went out.

The fire was also found.

Two bodies were found together.

The body burned extremely badly, but the captain was able to identify one of the bodies of Aitlin.

Because, some qualities are really familiar.

Even if it burns, it will not change.

For example: residual power in the body.

Therefore, he easily judged where another corpse came from.

The enemy of the Temple of War: ‘Quiet Night Secrets’!

The captain of the elite knight with a gloomy face and a slap in the face waved his hand and motioned to lift the two bodies. After slightly bowing to the patrol team, he walked straight toward the cathedral.

From the beginning to the end, the two sides did not have any communication except for the look of their eyes.

It seems that they are obeying certain rules.

The captain of the patrol watched the elite knight of the Temple of War and left, and gestured a gesture toward the dark.

Immediately, the secret agents were divided into three roads.

All the way to the palace.

All the way to quietly keep up.

All the way is to collect clues.

After the patrol left the hands to protect the scene, the surrounding area quickly calmed down and it seemed that nothing had happened.

Except that, the piece of scorched earth.


Temple of War, Holy Sepulchre.

It is different from the 'dark church' completely hidden in the ground.

The sanctuary is hidden in the shadow of the cathedral.

After the elite knight captain returned to the cathedral, he walked straight to a shadow.

That's right, the elite knight captain is also from the sanctuary.

In fact, every member of the Temple of War is likely to come from the sanctuary, but most of the time, they have another bright and honest identity.

Sean is no exception.

His identity on the bright side is the ninth captain of the Knights of the Guardian.

The identity in the dark is the second detachment of the sanctuary.

For Sean, who grew up in the Temple of War, this dual identity is nothing to accept, because everything he does is for the Temple of War!

"I want all the information about Aitolin, especially recently passed back."

Sean standing in the shadow said this.

no answer.

Only the wind has blown.

When the breeze stopped, a bundle of bundled sheepskins appeared at the foot of Sean.

Sean glimpses the cloak.

The scarlet cloak shook, and the sheepskin roll on the ground disappeared.

He strode back to his room, locked the door, spread the sheepskin roll on the desk, and read it carefully.

The information at the beginning was very similar to that predicted by Sean.

However, he quickly locked in some content.

“Etolin found the guilt of the ‘Staying Night Secrets’.”

"When Aitolin was last connected, he hesitated and even had some fear."

Sean put his fingers crossed in front of his forehead, and his thumb pressed against the temple, shaking slightly.

He likes to think like this.

This will make his thinking active.

Itolin’s previous report, he knew, and he also knew the failure of the provoke of the night’s sorcerer’s guilt.

In this regard, Sean has no more ideas.

If the Silent Night Secret Service is really easy to be provocative, then it will not become the enemy of the enemy.

However, the last performance of Aitolin is worth pondering.

What will make Etolin hesitate?

What will make Etolin fear?

For Etolin, Sean is not very familiar with it.

But he knows that the greatest advantage of being a sacred sect is loyalty and fearlessness.

A firm belief makes them fearless.

According to common sense, hesitation and fear are simply impossible to appear on them.

"What is the secret night secret service?"

Sean is naturally associated with the only clue.

Then, the dual-identity knight stood up.

He collected the information on the table, took out the quill and began to describe the whole process in detail, and after objectively attaching his own guess, he walked straight toward the cathedral.

There is a confession room here.

Although most of them were prepared for the general public, they did not hinder the use of Sean as a clergyman. In the third room, Sean knocked on the wooden window on one side at a unique rhythm.

Under normal circumstances, there will be gods who listen to the confession of believers.

The special case is some sort of report.

Sean belongs to the latter.


The wooden window was pushed horizontally.

I can't see anything in the inside from Sean's point of view.

But Sean has long been accustomed to such a reporting process, directly into the darkness of Etolin and his written records, as if to throw a letter into the mailbox.

Without any stagnation, the sheepskin rolls and paper were swallowed by the darkness.

The wooden window closes again.

Sean didn't leave immediately, but after sitting in the confession room for fifteen minutes, it came out.

This is also the rule.

In order not to attract attention.

The time of a confession is almost as long.

The special case is naturally an exception.

Sean no longer wandered outside the cathedral, he returned to his room again, resting while waiting for the next mission.


The Marquis of Wharton kept his promise.

Just after noon, I sent a lot of supplies to the shantytown of the Lower Seventh Ring.

This includes, but is not limited to, tents, cotton, food and lots of clean water that are most needed.

The ‘fog’ believers in the shanty towns immediately acted.

Just before the night came, all the tents were supported and the campfire rose.

The most exciting thing is that on the campfire, the taste of the food in the iron pot.

Ellie helped a few women.

Hands and feet are very good, and very careful to leave the best one for the people on duty.

No one objected to this.

More work is more recognized by everyone.

What's more, these people on duty are protecting them.

The temporary captain of the person who is on duty, Sivarka, has eaten a chicken leg.

There aren't too many seasonings, but the stew is so bad that it is delicious enough with the steaming soup.

Especially when Elliott gave him, Sivarka’s heart was warm and warm.

"good to eat!"

After eating the food, Sivarka said.

Chicken is served with porridge like porridge, which is delicious.

Some salty and spicy insides made Sivalka feel the days of mercenaries.

I miss it very much.

But it will not forget the immediate duties because of nostalgia.

"Give it to you, Ellie."

After handing the tableware to Ellie, Sivarka stood up and looked at the man behind him.

At this time, the men can be different from the few people in the morning.

Some church brothers have also joined in.

Suddenly, the number of guards broke through thirty.

Enough to divide into 2-3 team hands.

The most important thing is that the brothers of these churches brought weapons!

It is no longer a kitchen knife, a wooden stick and a fast-damaging arquebus.

It is a long sword, bow and rifle in the true sense.

This gives Sivarka more confidence in protecting Ellie.

"Okay, captain."

The guards who were mixed with the seven-ring shantytown aborigines and the young soldiers of the Sika collars stood up.

They have been resting for a while, and have had dinner, it is time to replace those colleagues.

Sivarka first went to his own post.

This is the ‘watch tower’ that was piled up in the original ruins in the afternoon. Of course, from the outside, there is no look at the tower, but it has the same function.

"Good dinner."

Sivarka just climbed to the top of the ruins, and Edson twitched his nose.

The old demon hunter stretched out and stood up and gave the location to Sivarka.

As the temporary strongest of the two camps, no one is more suitable than the two.

The old hunter does not mind the work assigned to his head.

The exchange of labor for shelter and food does not violate the rules of the demon hunter.

What's more, he himself came to understand the ‘fog’.

Nodded to the old hunter, Sivalka, who had greeted him, began to scan around.

"Nothing wrong?"

Asked like Sivarka.

He is very clear that things will never end like this.

That ‘transaction’ seems to be over.

But what about the Temple of War that suffered the loss?

It will not do anything on the surface.

Sivarka, who had served as a deacon in the dark hall, knew the means of the Temple of War.

Those people are far more paranoid, crazy, and cruel than imagined.

Those guys can't care about morals and laws.

What they care about is the glory of God of War!

In order to maintain the glory of God of War, they can do anything.

For example: ‘explore’ a camp where pagans gather.

Even many believers in the Temple of War will be eager to do this.

Because the Temple of War, which has just suffered the influence of ‘transaction,’, needs one thing to restore glory.

The old hunter who knows what Sivarka means, is very simple.

"Beyond the imagination, calm."

However, just after the old hunter's voice fell, the old hunter's gaze looked at the heights.

There, the fire was inconspicuous in the night.

“However, it seems that someone has attracted attention for us!”

The old hunting devil judged.

“There is a business district close to the nobility.”

“It’s also the place where the martyr’s sects are most happy to gather.”

Said Sivarka.

“Because of the civilians and the nobility, it is like light and darkness?”

"For so many years, those guys haven't changed."

“It’s not as good as the fascinating simplicity of ‘fog’.”

The old hunter demon seems to sigh.

“Are you confused?”


"I am very much in favor of such a doctrine. Now I have a glimpse of my own confusion. I know what I am going to do now. I want to guard the people I can guard."

"It is very doctrinal, isn't it?"

"Maybe you think it is a coincidence."

"But I think it's wonderful."

"You know, more than a day ago, I was a guy who had passed."

"The most anticipated thing is to let go of the wind."

"And now I am..."

"The decision was made to protect Ellie, pick up the sword and fight any criminals."

When Sivarka mentioned the little girl, his eyes were tender.

When did this gentleness begin?

Maybe it is the cup of hot water.

Still that scarf?

Can not remember.

Although it was only the past day, he only knew that it was the best to watch Alily grow up safely. Then, watching Ali married... No, I can’t just hand over Ellie, I have to go through him. The twelve tests will be done!

In the afternoon, is there a little kid who has been staring at Ellie?


Too dangerous!

I have to warn him for a while!

Keep him away from my Ellie!

The infamous thought of what Sivarka’s face suddenly changed.

He held the hand of the sword and couldn't help himself.

Let's watch the old hunting demon person silently.

"what happened?"

Asked by the old hunter's temptation.

"Nothing, just thinking about some big things that are vital to life and death."

Sivarka’s gloomy face replied.

The old hunter shook his head and turned to prepare to leave.

He smelled the smell of chicken.

I haven't had dinner in a wilderness-like environment for a long time.

Inexplicable nostalgia appeared in the heart of the old hunter.

Also appearing together...

Warning sign!

It is the instinctive feeling of the demon hunter on the edge of life and death and the strange experiment.

Very complicated.

But it is accurate enough.

Therefore, the three-handed dagger did not spurt out.



The peculiar sound of the three-metal metal that was not in the flesh sounded almost at the same time.

The old hunting demon figure flashed into the distance.

Sivarka was a step late.

But not slow.

First, it sounded the 'alarm bell' that was played with iron pieces, and then jumped down from the 'sentinel tower'.

He followed closely behind the old hunter.

When he arrived, he saw three bodies falling in the shadows, and the old hunter was examining the body in detail.

"Is there a clue?"

Sivalka asked when the old hunting demon stood up.

"of course."

“I can smell their taste when I am one kilometer away.”

"Damn ‘quiet night clerk'!”

The old hunter deviled his mouth and revealed his pale teeth, just like the hungry wolf that was chosen by the same person.

That killing, let Sivalka scalp numb.


Jingyue Town, the Chamber of Deputies.

Gersack looked at Hollerka and Wolft in the water.

"I said it, just monitor!"

"Don't alarm him!"

Gersack said coldly.

Holleka didn't answer, just kneeling on one knee, apparently acknowledging his mistake.

The Wolft on the side is explaining.

"Adult, that Aitolin is stronger than we think. He should probably be the powerful messenger we suspect. It can borrow the power of that powerful existence, and this has discovered us."

Wolft, who has just escaped a catastrophe, is still at a loss.

This is fully reflected in his face.

Because, he avoided the scissors is not strength, but luck.

To put it simply, if the handle scissors hit him, it is him who died at this time.

Wolff, who has just returned from the edge of death, even if he is an expatriate who is a ‘quiet night retreat’, at this time, he is also in a state of turmoil.

Therefore, he did not find any light from the eyes of the Mr. Gersac.

Moreover, just as Wolfett was about to calm down, a burst of footsteps came from outside.

(End of this chapter)