MTL - The Demonic Ancestor who Desired Supremacy-Chapter 34 Son of air transport

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Three days later, under the guidance of Panshan Fox, Yin Li and his group finally walked out of the defensive array, showing a pyramid-shaped hill more than 300 meters high in front of them, covering an area of ​​more than ten kilometers. There are no plants on the mountain, only covered with thick snow.

Yin stayed with the oil-paper umbrella of the ink lotus, looked up and looked up: "This is the Emperor's Mausoleum."

The ash smoker took the pergola and looked around: "Where is the entrance?"

Sun Yuxi took out the drawing of the little turtle and carefully read it: "The position of the turtle/head is facing south."

Yang gray smoke grabbed the drawing, and slowly shredded: "You, this woman, so like the turtle, after I go back, I will send you a tank, and spend the day with you to take a bath."

Sun Yuxi pretended to be angry: "Do you think I am joking, the entrance to the mausoleum is really in the turtle / head."

Yang gray smoke turned a blank eye: "Well, you said where the tortoise is?" Here, snow and ice, except for these people, even the reptiles can not see.

Sun Yuxi secretly smiled: "Don't be in the sky, close at hand."

Yang gray smoke still doesn't understand. Yin left and pointed to the front: "I only saw it. This is the shape of a tomb. You fly to the sky to see, you should be able to find out where the turtle's head is. ""

Yang Shiyan took a look at Sun Yuxi and flew to the sky. Although there is a big defensive array, the sky here is still filled with suffocating and ghosts, and the general monks can't bear it.

He ignited the ghosts of the Nether, and when he encountered suffocating and ghosts, the flames burned like hot oil and burned. Yin Li and others looked up and looked up, just like watching a blue-violet bright moon rise slowly.

Yin Feng said: "His qualifications are really good, and you have to train him well."

She and the Taoist retreats all the year round, and she only saw Yang gray smoke at several state banquets. At first, I was not satisfied with this kid. I felt that his heart was too radical and sinister, but because Yin was like it, it was not good. It’s a lot better to see him all the time when he’s listening to everything.

In the eyes of Yin, there was a smile and gratification. The praise of his great-grandmother was not available to the general public. Her mouth was very good, and that was quite good: "I promised him, if this time, let the fairy recognize the Lord. After returning, he will hold a ceremony with him."

Yin Feng came to indulge for a moment, beheading: "Also."

Yin Li’s joyful demeanor, with the approval of the ancestors, then this matter was fixed.

Yang gray smoke flew in the air, and soon found the location of the suspected turtle/head in the square tomb, and returned to Yin away: "Going southeast, you will see a protruding hill, it should be The head of the tortoise."

Yin cares: "How do you feel?" The suffocating and ghosts in the sky are not a joke to the human body.

Yang Shiyan smiled: "The slave is nothing, it is far worse than the Netherland."

The environment of the Netherland is a little brighter and less aura. It is ten times worse than here, and he has passed away.

Yin Feng came over: "You stay, we can go in with four people."

Yin Yiyi, then immediately understand that if the blood sea demon statues are really resurrected, and their cultivation is only to give back to several ancestors: "So, I waited outside the imperial tomb to wait for several ancestors to return. ""

Yin Feng came to nod and tilted his eyes to Sun Yuxi: "There is a girl who leads the way."

"This is exactly what I should do." Sun Yuxi finally looked at Yin, and his lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he did not say it. She laughed, and there was a bit of free and easy expression in her charming, "Please come with me."

When she was in a flash, she plunged into the air, and Yin Fenglai and others disappeared at the same time, and they turned into a streamer.

The ash of the ash is shining in the ashes of the ash, is this the speed of the flight of the Yuan Ying monk? When will he have such strength?

Several ancestors left, and Yin was idle from here. So far, his task has been completed.

Yang Shiyan asked: "Master, are we going back now?"

Yin thought about it: "Leave another day and see the situation."

Even if the king of the devil really came, they were outside the imperial tomb, and it was always possible to escape. They have transmission symbols in their hands, and there is also a group of ghosts to protect them. There is no need to worry about safety.

If the ancestors need manpower there, he may be able to help with his stay.

Yin Li decided so, Yang gray smoke naturally obeyed. He chose an open space and built a magical loft. Ghost repairing secret guards have always been hidden in the dark, so the next time, only Yin Li, Yang gray smoke, and Panshan Fox three, sitting around the table and chatting.

Panshan Fox was sitting in the gorgeous pavilion. At first, he was a bit cautious. He didn't know where to put his hands and feet, but Yin was very easy to talk with him. He gradually relaxed.

He was originally a person who was a slap in the face. When he relaxed, he said that he would not say anything. If you don’t want to face it, all kinds of rainbow farts will take turns, and you will simply blow Yin Yin into the most perfect person in the world. Yingming Shenwu, Lixian Lieutenant, all kinds of beautiful The word does not spit out like money.

Yin is not smiling.

Yang Shiyan is listening to the enthusiasm, a look of approval, from time to time to echo two sentences. In his heart, the evaluation of Panshan Fox rose straight. It doesn't matter if this person is low, but the vision is indeed one and the other is good, and it will become a big tool in the future.

The two men sang one by one and said that most of the time did not stop, and there was even a tendency to become more and more fierce. Yin Li finally felt unbearable.

Put down the teacup and coughed: "Panshan Fox, don't have to bend around, do you have anything to tell me?"

Panshan Fox saw his own careful thoughts and puncture, and his face flashed a trace of shackles, but still respectfully kneel down and said the wild vision that had been buried in the bottom of my heart.

"Six Highness, you are rich and powerful, and the little man has heard about it. When you go back this time, can you take the villain family away? You can rest assured that we have the hands and feet to support ourselves. If you give us a Western Australian citizenship, you can eat it."

Yin Li personally helped him up: "It turned out to be such a small thing, I promise you that is."

Pan Shanhu’s excited and grateful thank you, this may be just a matter of doing things for the Sixth Highness, but for these little people, it is a rare opportunity to change their destiny.

With the household registration of the Western Yin State, it is the true Western Yin people who enjoy all the benefits of the Western Yin State. Otherwise, even if they sneak into the West Yin State, they are also black households. There is no use of eggs.

The wish is fulfilled, Panshan Fox is more pleasant in his heart, can not wait to insert wings, immediately fly home, tell the big brother Xunzi this good news.

Yin Li continued to chat with him and said some local people's livelihood. Pan Shanhu said that their family's previous life, feeling the hardship of the bottom of the small people.

"I am not afraid of the six halls of jokes. The villain sometimes thinks why there are so many unfair things in this world. Just saying that people are born, some people are born rich and rich, they can enjoy happiness without labor, and some people are born poor, It’s hard to get rich in a lifetime, why is this?”

Upon hearing this, Yang Shiyan was a little unhappy, thinking that this guy complained about what it meant in front of the six halls.

Panshan Fox saw Yang ash and smoked him. After discovering his feelings, he found that his mouth was guilty again. He said that he should not say something. He quickly took a slap in his hand and lost his smile: "The little man is stinking, really... ..."

Yin Li stopped him and sighed: "What is wrong with what you said? There are many unfair things in this world. The poor are better for the good, the rich and the long for the evil. One's Birth, to a large extent, determines the fate of his life, regardless of his own good and evil and efforts."

Although His Royal Sixth Yin was not angry, Panshan Fox did not dare to say anything.

The three of them chatted a few more times and saw that it was too late, they went back to their rooms to rest.

Yin leaned against the window and looked at the dark and dark night outside, seemingly immersed in his own thoughts.

Yang gray smoke paved the bedding, originally wanted to ask him to rest, but seeing his face awe-inspiring, the whole person seems to be haunting an inexpressible gas field, subconsciously afraid to bother him.

The owner’s state of mind seems to have all the breakthroughs...

Yang gray smoke thinks so, his eyes are not instantaneously condensed on Yin's body. At this time, it is best not to have anything to disturb the epiphany of your own master.

He did not find that, just above the sky they were in, with a strong suffocation and ghosts, a colorful glow appeared in the sky, and this light was turned into a gentle mist and disappeared into the heavens and the earth.

Yin was in the middle of the day, and seemed to see a colorful glow on the top of his head, surrounded by his whole person, and the warmth of his heart seemed to have the satisfaction of the whole world.

When he had not reacted, the rays of the sun were turned into light spots, and they got into his body and disappeared.

Yin was blind and blinked, as if he had just woken up from a dream, his mind was a little confused.

There was a burning sight behind him. He looked back and saw his little boy staring at himself: "Smoke, have you laid a bed?"

Yang Shiyan snorted: "Master, the sky is bright outside."

Yin looked away from the outside, and sure enough, the sky was already bright, but how could he not remember last night: "Did I stand at the window for a night?"

Yang gray smoke came forward, and the basin was washed: "The master had an epiphany last night, and the slaves did not bother you."

Yin is awkward, but a bit puzzled. The situation last night seems to be very different from the previous state of mind breakthrough.

Yang Ashyan curiously asked: "What did the owner think of last night?"

Yin got away, and casually said: "There is nothing. I talked with Panshan Fox in the daytime. I feel a sense of heart. Heaven is ruthless, and people are affectionate. How can people who have been acquainted with my life to prove the way of love with ruthlessness? I hope that one day, everyone in this world will end up reporting good and evil, and cause and effect."

Yang gray smoke is a bit ignorant: "It sounds very troublesome. There are so many people in the world who evaluate the cause and effect for them. How tired it is."

Yin Li smiled and said: "It is naturally difficult to do it by myself. I just have such an idea."

In the past, although he had some vague thoughts, he never had the idea of ​​forming. After last night, suddenly he suddenly opened up, just like the scattered puzzles to find the most crucial piece, all the thoughts were connected in series to become a complete macro.

This is his way, the ideal he wants to fight for in this life.

As for how much this ideal can be achieved, it depends on how long his life is.

The master and the servant went out and saw that Panshan Fox had already sorted out his little bag, still carrying his bow and arrow. He knows that he will go back today, and there is a repressed joy in his expression.

Yin Ligang just wanted to speak, and suddenly he thought about it, and looked at the outer imperial tomb.

Seeing him in a daze, Yang gray smoke pulled his sleeves: "Master?"

Yin was turned back to God, and he seemed to feel that there was a voice calling for him. Since last night, he feels that the whole person has been reborn. Although he can't see anything on the outside, he only knows it.

This feeling is very wonderful. In the past, he was also praised by several ancestors for his intelligence, knowing his strategy, and advancing and retreating, but occasionally he will have a strong sense of frustration.

Today, he is sure that he is not the same as before. In the midst of it, there seems to be a kind of power that protects him and makes him confident. It seems that as long as he wants to do something, he will be able to do it.

Yin Li suddenly called out two ghosts to repair the dark guards, and told them to take Panshan Fox out and fulfill his promises, and sent his family to Xi Yinguo to give the Western Yin people the household registration.

Although Panshan Fox was surprised how the Sixth Highness did not leave, he still followed his words and left under the protection of two ghosts.

For him, a new life is about to begin.

Yang Shiyan thinks that his owner is a bit strange: "Don't you decide to go back today?"

Yin Li took a deep breath: "I want to go to the Imperial Tomb, would you like to go in with me?"

Yang gray smoke, but immediately said: "Where is the owner, where is the slave?"

Yin touched his face gently: "It will be very dangerous, do you think I am crazy?"

Yang Shiyan shook his head, and his eyes were full of trust: "How do the master want to do it?"

Yin is so easy to kiss him, how can he be so cute?


In the gloomy and dilapidated palace, the gray-skinned, gloomy, gloomy youth slowly rises up, and seems to see the destiny destined through the endless void.

After waiting for tens of thousands of years, this small world finally awakened the son of air transport again.

Come to his side, or it will be too late...