MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 83 The bishop is in the process of opening

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Those who do not know each other will become teammates because of the forced matching of the system. At that time, there will be a new round of shuffling." Luo Xuange carefully studied the rules of the new competition system, and finally came to the conclusion: "This round seems to be It's just a forced combination in Yangliu Town, but it can be seen that every battle that follows is a battle between alliances."

"So, in the new round, we have to work harder to obtain gold coins and lifespan, and reserve energy for future development. And there are strange rules on this, there is no competition between players in the new round In the project competition, we can only help the townspeople work to earn living expenses, which means that tomorrow will be a round of rest."

An Ruoshui took out the tablet and looked at the newly loaded mall, she opened the mall, there are various small equipment, but each of them is very valuable, among the many small equipment Luo Xuan Song also saw the detector she found.

Looking at the price of the mall, Luo Xuange was surprised: "I didn't expect this little thing to cost 3,000 gold coins, and it's still a low-level product. The intermediate product here is 10,000 gold coins, high-end products. Not only can you find all kinds of gold treasures and major league players, but you can also check the specific location and situation of your teammates, there is also a micro-map to show that it is worth spending 30,000 gold coins here.”

"It's really worth it, but where can I go to raise 30,000 gold coins?" Jiang Yihan smiled: "Don't say high-level, it's this kind of low-level, probably a lot of people are going crazy. "

An Ruoshui's eyes changed slightly, and she handed the detector to Meng Xiaomeng: "Xiaomeng, go out later and sell this thing for two thousand gold coins."

"What's this?" Meng Xiaomeng was just playing with Gu Xunxue, so she ignored the words of An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange, and asked curiously while looking at the detector in her hand.

Jiang Yihan was annoyed for a while, just when she wanted to blame her for not listening carefully, Luo Xuange stopped her: "Hey, we don't know what this is, you will take it out and sell it later, Bid two thousand and five, and if you can't sell it, try another two thousand."

"Ah? Two thousand?! Can anyone buy it so expensive?" Meng Xiaomeng said that gold coins were in short supply, where would she go to find a scapegoat?

Luo Xuange laughed softly: "Don't worry, someone will definitely buy it. Go and try it."

"Okay then." Meng Xiaomeng took the detector suspiciously, put it in her hand and looked left and right, but couldn't see anything: "Hey, don't touch my head, I I'm working on something."

Meng Xiaomeng slapped Gu Xunxue's paw agitatedly and glared at her resentfully, as if she was accusing the other party of impolite behavior.

Gu Xunxue smiled very funny, which caused a cough.

Luo Xuange patted Meng Xiaomeng on the shoulder: "Right now, you can go quickly. Remember, it won't sell if it is less than 2,000."

Meng Xiaomeng nodded thoughtfully: "I see, shall I go alone?"

"Do you still need us to find someone to accompany you?" Luo Xuange looked at Meng Xiaomeng who was a little timid and didn't want to go, she said with a wicked taste in her heart and said calmly: "Since If you dare not go alone, how about letting Gu Xunxue accompany you?"

"Eh? No, no, it's just selling something, I'll be back soon." Meng Xiaomeng ran out holding the detector.

An Ruoshui and the others looked at the back of Meng Xiaomeng fleeing, and smiled invariably.

Gu Xunxue whispered, "She, is she afraid of me?"

Xu Ru nodded: "She watched your debut match when she was four years old, and when she saw that you broke both arms of your opponent, she was so scared that she didn't dare to eat for two days. She is disobedient at home, and parents use you to scare her, 'If you don't eat, Gu Xunxue will come~' 'If you don't sleep, Gu Xunxue will come' After a long time, there may be psychological shadows."

Hearing that Gu Xunxue was dumbfounded, she didn't expect that she could intimidate children, she suddenly thought that she was in the square in the morning, she smiled at Meng Xiaomeng like a spring breeze, but the other party was nervous I stumbled and stumbled when I had to speak, but now I finally got an explanation.

"Now everyone rush to Yangliu Town as soon as possible, there should already be people from the program team in the town, let's not act rashly when we get there, although the rules of the competition system do not say how to compete, but we still need to prevent the system It's a tough match, so I want to take a good rest as a group, and wait until the next round to deal with them slowly." An Ruoshui suggested.

"It is true that we have to rush there as soon as possible, but let's go separately. With so many people together, it is very likely that some opportunities will be missed. You go first and I will leave to pack up and then go to Yangliu Town. join you."

Luo Xuange always looks calm and relaxed. In her eyes, this is not a reality show, but a game dominated by her. It seems that winning or losing can already see the result in the eyes.

Gu Xunxue frowned slightly: "Aren't you waiting for Xiaodao?"

"There will be no competition in this round. She is very safe outside, and she also needs to exercise alone. We can't protect her from beginning to end." Luo Xuange's voice was cold, This is also what she said to Meng Xiaomeng in the audition competition. No one can protect her for the rest of her life. Meng Xiaomeng needs to become stronger.

Gu Xunxue chuckled lightly: "Then you all go first, I'll wait for her here."

Luo Xuange didn't understand very well, when she was about to say something, An Ruoshui suddenly took her hand and reminded: "Okay, Miss Gu was not feeling well at first, but she was not feeling well. Xiaomeng has been guarding her, so let her continue to follow Xiaomeng."

"Well, okay." Luo Xuange finally decided to give up, but she had secretly given her inner strength to Gu Xunxue. As long as she stopped using force, she would soon recover.

Gu Xunxue coughed softly when everyone was about to leave, then looked at Luo Xuange and asked, "Is my injury okay?"

What's the use of asking her about someone she doesn't know well?

Gu Xunxue nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case, then you all go first. I'll wait for Xiao Dai to come back and gather with you."

"Let's go." Seeing that Luo Xuange was stunned, An Ruoshui stepped forward and held Luo Xuange's hand.

Luo Xuange followed An Ruoshui away, and after everyone left, Gu Xunxue also lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

On the way, Luo Xuange still felt that Gu Xunxue was a little strange, An Ruoshui saw that her brows had been frowning, so she had to ask her carefully: "What's wrong?"

"Gu Xunxue is a little strange, what kind of existence is she in the ancient martial arts family?" Luo Xuange always felt that something was wrong. Gu Xunxue and Zheng Xu seemed to have nothing to do with each other, at most There were occasional quarrels, but today Zheng Xu seriously injured Gu Xunxue, but Gu Xunxue looked like it was a matter of course, which made her curious too.

"Gu Xunxue lost the position of senior sister three years ago, and since then she has begun to develop on the road to Internet celebrity. She used to open live broadcast day and night for half a month, setting a record of the queen of live broadcast. The title. But later, I only uploaded some small videos occasionally, but the content of the video has nothing to do with the ancient Wu family. It is full of food and clothing, and videos of places of interest and historical sites that she visited everywhere. However, with proper management, the number of her fans gradually increased. She crushed second- and third-tier artists. Later, she received a few endorsements for advertisements, and she slowly developed into the entertainment industry."

An Ruoshui didn't think anything at all, but after she said all this, she suddenly seemed to want to understand something, but it's a pity that I can't tell Luo Xuange immediately because of the live broadcast .

"It's a bit strange, but I can't tell what's strange." Luo Xuange scratched her head helplessly. Go ahead and focus on reality shows.

An Ruoshui became impatient, she wanted to find a way to make Luo Xuange less contact with the ancient martial arts family, it is best to get rid of the ancient martial arts family completely.

An Ruoshui smiled reluctantly and shook her head: "It's okay, it's just a little hot. It's tiring to walk."

An Ruoshui just wanted to refuse, but heard Luo Xuange's urging: "Come up quickly, go to Yangliu Town early, and let's rest early."

"Okay. Then I'm here?" An Ruoshui leaned on Luo Xuange's back carefully, Luo Xuange stood up easily, and even couldn't help muttering: "You should eat more Clicked."

An Ruoshui lay on her back and smiled secretly, Luo Xuange continued to rush to Yangliu Town.

But because An Ruoshui was still on her back, she had to secretly use light work, so that every step on the ground was like stepping on snow without a trace, and I don't know how long it took An Ruoshui to sleep in a daze on.

The live broadcast room also exploded because of Luo Xuange's move.

Netizen 1: Is this dog food? can i eat it? Just hold the bowl and eat it or wait for Ma Ma to stir fry it for me?

Netizen 2: Mama, I want to marry that black belly!

Netizen 3: I heard from my neighbor that Luo Xuange is actually married... The other party seems to be a rich man who gave her a lot of money, and then...

Netizen 4: Damn it, your neighbor is eating shi, how dare he say that? Did I Luo betray direct people for money? !

Netizen 5: Oh, my friends, my relatives, and my neighbors, aren’t these three categories used to pretend professional language? I'm afraid your neighbor is not plugged in.

Netizen 6: On the third floor, quickly log off your ID and run away, a large number of believers have come to you with a dragon knife!

Netizen 7: The booming is in a trance, the third floor is right, I am the rich man! Draw your swords, gentlemen!

Netizen 8: Don't talk nonsense, my Luo child and I have 23333

Online news An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange are temporarily invisible, but An Junfeng, who has been paying attention to the live broadcast room, can see it very clearly. How did the news come out? Is that so-called neighbor real or is it just a joke by online netizens?

I quickly called Li Tian. Li Tian was working with Xu Xiu in the company to lead a group of trainees. She was surprised when she received the call from An Junfeng. When Feng asked her to investigate those rumors, although she felt a little strange, she didn't ask any more questions. She honestly took the bag and worked hard to start a new round of work.

In the reality show, it was dark when An Ruoshui woke up.

Waking up in an unfamiliar and dark environment, she always felt a little panic in her heart, but fortunately, when she was about to get out of bed, Luo Xuange opened the door with dinner and came in.

The moment Luo Xuange turned on the light, she saw An Ruoshui sitting on the bed with her hair slightly messy. Delicate collarbone, and a glimpse of the snow-white plump down.

The sect master swallowed her throat subconsciously, coughed twice, and put dinner on the table. After taking a deep breath, she put on a innocent sheep smile and sat next to An Ruoshui: "Sleep. Are you all right?"

"Well, where have you just been? Have everyone else arrived?" An Ruoshui leaned on Luo Xuange in a daze, and simply closed the live broadcast now, otherwise the usual high After the cold abstinence, at this moment, a little daughter-in-law leaned on Luo Xuange, and the live broadcast room was really about to explode.

An Ruoshui, who had just woken up, had a soft voice, but at the moment she was leaning against Luo Xuange softly, causing Luo Xuange to be nervous.

"Why don't you talk? Are you tired?"

"No no, I'm not tired." Master Luo shook his head quickly and replied, but An Ruoshui seemed to hear something from her tone and couldn't help laughing: "You are thinking what?"

"Think, ah? Well... it's time for you to get up and eat." Master Luo reminded An Ruoshui seriously, An Ruoshui didn't intend to tease her, she reached out and clicked on Luo Xuange's heart : "I gave you a chance, but you are not sure, then I will go first."

Master Luo stared blankly at the direction where his wife left, what did she miss?

An Ruoshui quickly returned to her usual posture after getting up, no longer drowsy and weak, and finished the warm dinner in a slow and orderly manner.

Luo Xuange stepped forward and sat beside An Ruoshui: "What did you just say I missed?"

"I think to myself, I'll go to Jiang Yihan and the others to see. You should rest first." An Ruoshui got up and left in a good mood.

Luo Xuange frowned slightly. If he didn't understand, he didn't think about it. When he figured it out, he would continue to discuss.

"I'll accompany you there."

Follow An Ruoshui to leave the room, and just met Jiang Yihan and Xu Jia in the corridor.

Xu Jia smiled and jumped in front of An Ruoshui: "Sister An An, are you awake, have you eaten? I brought you a copy."

An Ruoshui looked at Xu Jia shaking the dinner in her hands, she nodded slightly: "Thank you, but I have already eaten it."

"Oh, then..." Xu Jia looked around, and then handed the food in his hand to Jiang Yihan: "Well, it's shameful to waste food. I'll give it to you."

"Hehe, do you know how to write the word shameful?" Jiang Yihan said that she would not eat this food even if she died.

After a while, Jiang Yihan hiccupped and asked Xu Jia next to her, "It tastes good, where did you buy it? Let's go together next time."

"What are you buying, this lady cooks it herself! I won't exchange a thousand dollars!" Xu Jia said with a smile: "Forgot to mention, I prepared one for you, and I will leave it to you. The room, but it's a pity, you shouldn't be able to eat it."

"..." Jiang Yihan rubbed her very full stomach, hummed with a smile and didn't speak, and didn't know how much mmp was floating in her heart

"It's half past eight in the evening, call everyone over, let's briefly talk about tomorrow's arrangements." Luo Xuange said to Jiang Yihan.

Wen Yan Jiang Yihan put down her resentment towards Xu Jia and rushed towards Xu Ru and Bai Liu's room.

The moment she knocked on the door, she suddenly heard a loud noise inside, she was so frightened that she retracted her hand that was about to ring the doorbell, but after listening carefully for a while, she found that there was no sound inside , She then raised her hand to ring the doorbell again.

After half a minute, someone finally came to open the door. When Jiang Yihan looked at the tears on Bai Liu's face, her heart sank and her voice was very low and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Bai Liu smiled lightly, but Jiang Yihan was not stupid, and at a glance she could see that she smiled reluctantly.

Grabbing Bai Liu's wrist, Jiang Yihan asked firmly, "What's the matter?"

Bai Liu tried to struggle but failed. Facts have proved that Jiang Yihan is indeed stronger than her.

"It's really okay, meaning you don't get excited, I just..."

"It's just the sand that's fascinated? You think I'm an idiot? Don't you say I went in and watched it myself?!" Jiang Yihan was very angry. He thought Xu Ru was a very gentle person, but he didn't expect She bullied her friends behind her back, and bullied others to tears. Simply too much.

Bai Liu quickly stopped her: "Don't, it's actually my fault, it has nothing to do with her."

What she saw was Xu Ru curled up in the corner of the wall in a very bad state, her forehead was soaked with sweat, Xu Ru raised her head when she heard the movement, and the moment she saw Jiang Yihan, she Trembling all over: "Don't come here, I beg you to get out. Don't come here..."

"Okay, I...I won't go!" Jiang Yihan was so frightened by this situation that it was really Bai Liu who bullied Senior Xu Ru secretly? This... Bai Liu is too powerful!

"Can I go out?" Xu Ru asked Jiang Yihan with a pale face, Jiang Yihan was stunned and nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll go out right away. Well, if you're not feeling well, rest first. We Don't bother."

"Thank you." Xu Ru barely maintained her sobriety.

After Jiang Yihan exited, Bai Liu was still standing by the door, Xu Ru glanced at Bai Liu, and Bai Liu happened to be looking at her. When the two looked at her, Xu Ru suddenly lowered her head with dodging eyes .

Although Bai Liu still doesn't know what happened to Xu Ru, but now seeing her once inseparable lover rejecting her so much, probably no one can understand the pain in Bai Liu's heart.

"Let's go, let her rest first." Bai Liu held Jiang Yihan: "You knocked on the door in such a hurry, there should be something important to call us."

"Yes, Xuange asked you to come over." Jiang Yihan then remembered the purpose of the trip.

Bai Liu nodded lightly: "Well, let's go."

Bai Liu was silent along the way. Jiang Yihan wanted to ask something, but he was afraid that it would be inappropriate, so he stopped talking several times.

The last two people got into the elevator, and Bai Liu finally broke the silence: "Just ask what you want."

Just as Jiang Yihan wanted to stand up for her, Bai Liu also felt that this was a true friend.

Jiang Yihan sighed: "What's the matter with you and Senior Xu Ru? I didn't pay much attention in the hospital before, but now I think that every time you are at the door of the ward, you have to ask beforehand if there is anyone else in the ward. , you are not afraid that too many people will affect Xiaomeng's rest, but you are afraid of meeting with senior Xu Ru, right? And that time at the hotel, Xuange and Xiaomeng put down senior Xu Ru and left, and you pushed the car door at the first time. I broke out. This kind of thing happened again today, there must be something between you and Senior Xu Ru. "

Bai Liu admires Jiang Yihan very much. Jiang Yihan observes these things very carefully, but she can hold back for so long without saying it, which is really embarrassing for her.

"We used to be lovers."

"!!" Jiang Yihan's face changed, and finally cleared his throat: "I'm a little lame, what did you just say?"

"Due to some accidents a few years ago, my mother and I returned to China. At that time, she was a senior sister two years older than me, and it was at that time that we started dating." Bai Liu's tone was sweet and gentle. Bitterness, she thought that the most beautiful time would never go back.

"Then you later..." Jiang Yihan asked hesitantly, if I remember correctly, Xu Ru did receive a lot of **** dramas in the early years, but then disappeared for a while due to a car accident Time, when I came back, I was basically isolated from all kinds of lesbians, and the news about her being the same slowly dissipated.

Bai Liu smiled bitterly: "I don't know either, at that time I happened to be participating in the rehearsal of an orchestra performance abroad. Due to time constraints, everyone had to disconnect from the outside world. When I saw the news of the famous actress Xu Ru's accidental car accident written in major magazines and entertainment newspapers, I called her a lot and sent her countless messages, but in the end I didn't get the slightest response. I even had I went back to China to find her, but her agent said she didn't want to see me, and I also contacted her mother, but I didn't get any news."

"Originally, I was going to ask Xiaomeng to find out, after all, they are sisters, but Xiaomeng didn't know my relationship with her at that time, so I couldn't go rashly and wait until I found it When Xiaomeng was young, she was receiving compulsory treatment from a doctor in a mental hospital. I don't know what happened, but it certainly wasn't a simple car accident."

"Then what? You go back to China to find her now, doesn't she admit it?" Jiang Yihan was very anxious for her friend.

Bai Liu shook his head: "No, I didn't get any news in China, my mother happened to be seriously ill at that time, I just had to give up the domestic search and go home early, and then my mother's body gradually recovered, I plan to I came back to China to find her, but I received a call from her the day before I left, and she didn't say anything, just told me that she didn't like women and wanted to break up with me."

"What, what?" Jiang Yihan thought it was ridiculous, just because of this reason to hurt a girl who really loves her?

"I wanted to forget her, but after so long, she was like a thorn firmly stuck in my heart, it hurts when I don't touch it, and it hurts even more when I touch it a little It was heart-wrenching. I still couldn't let her go. I gave up my music career abroad and wanted to be closer to her when I returned to China. At that time, Anshi held an audition, and I participated. "

"No wonder. At that time, you were very good to Xiaomeng, and this is considered to be a love house and Wu. Fortunately, Xiaomeng also made up his mind whether you lost any sister when you were young, and regarded her as a sister. Keep it." Jiang Yihan couldn't help but smile, but when she thought about the situation of Xu Ru and Bai Liu, she couldn't smile again.

In the end, she sighed: "It turns out that we are all sympathetic to each other."

"You..." Bai Liu just wanted to ask, but the elevator door opened.

Xu Jia stood at the elevator door with her arms folded. When she saw Jiang Yihan, she suddenly sneered: "Yo, we thought you were drunk and you will never return to Wenrou Township?"

"Go out first." Bai Liu walked out first, and Jiang Yihan followed closely.

Xu Jia originally planned to go to Bailiu to see the situation, but now that everyone came over, she didn't have to run anymore, she quickly followed, hugged Jiang Yihan's arm and asked in a low voice Said: "Why is there only one? Where is Xu Ru?"

"Senior Xu Ru is not feeling well. If there is anything you want to discuss with Bai Liu, she will tell Senior Xu Ru." Jiang Yihan explained helplessly.

But today it really gave her a surprise, Xu Ru and Bai Liu were lovers, which was incredible.

Luo Xuange was studying tomorrow's 'gaining gold' plan, when she saw Bai Liu coming over, her eyes changed slightly: "Where's Sister Xu Ru?"

Luo Xuange nodded: "Well, that's fine too."

An Ruoshui asked worriedly, "Is Xu Ru all right? Is it serious?"

"That, it's not serious... The girl's business. Come, come and continue the discussion." Jiang Yihan took the lead to answer for Bai Liu, Bai Liu did not refute, and nodded in agreement with Jiang Yihan's words: "No Seriously, keep talking."

Luo Xuange: "That's good, there probably won't be a match tomorrow. What we have to do is to work for the townspeople in the town and earn gold coins. We will leave the third round of the competition for now. I don't know, but I probably already know the purpose of this show."

"Huh? What?" Jiang Yihan is very interested in this kind of thing. After all, she knows what the program team wants to do, and she has to cooperate with the program team to play, otherwise she will be easily eliminated. .

Luo Xuange glanced at An Ruoshui, An Ruoshui immediately took over the topic: "The purpose of the program group is to make the audience addicted to it, let's find enough of our own topics to attract fans."

"Only through this show will bring a large number of star artists, this show will not be a failure, only by entertaining the audience, the company can make enough money." An Ruoshui said these words are the most eloquent It's important, after all, this show was started by their An's.

Jiang Yihan nodded thoughtfully: "However, aren't you afraid of offending the fans of various artists? There is too much content in the show group that is spoofing the artists, so it's hard to guarantee that those fans won't be angry."

"Heh, heavyweights like An Ruoshui and Xu Hao follow the rules, and even An Ruoshui became a boxer because of a system error, she didn't say a word about it, fans of other artists As long as they don't want to blackmail their own artists, they will not object to the spoofs of the show team." Xu Jia immediately added that the training during this period of time was not for nothing, and the good thing is that she is a serious agent. people.

"Hey, your agent Xu Xiu has come to our An's, you really don't think about it?" Xu Jia made a different invitation to Jiang Yihan, but Jiang Yihan shook his head: "Before I would like to go to Anshi, but now that the company has been signed, I will not have other ideas during the contract period."

"Can't you afford the liquidated damages!? I'll help you." Xu Jia was still insisting, but Jiang Yihan was a little angry: "Thank you, Miss Xu, I like myself It’s not like your second generation was born to live in a vault.”

"You!" Xu Jia gritted her teeth and held back, feeling a little aggrieved, but also felt like she really made a mistake.

Xu Jia took a deep breath, sat down beside An Ruoshui and stopped speaking.

Jiang Yihan saw that the atmosphere at the scene was a little embarrassing, she scratched her head, and finally Xu Jia bowed her head first: "That...I didn't mean that. I just don't want to leave for the time being. "

"Huh." Xu Jia is not really angry, but a little regretful that she should not take money to talk to Jiang Yihan, Jiang Yihan is quite arrogant in this regard, this is probably the artist's insistence.

Jiang Yihan shook his head helplessly, then poured himself a glass of water, and said to Luo Xuange: "Go ahead, we don't need to care about this eldest lady."

"It's all said and done, just pay more attention tomorrow, don't miss the time. Before 5 pm is the deadline for the second round, then make sure you have enough Longevity and gold coins."

Seeing that everyone nodded, Luo Xuange felt a little relieved: "Well, now everyone go back to rest first."


"..." There were thousands of answers in Master Luo's mind, but in the end he shook his head and refused: "No, no. I'll go to the mall to see the equipment."

"Oh, then take a look." An Ruoshui chuckled, this person finally knew that he had other ideas in this regard, otherwise this time, Luo Xuange would probably be pulling his bathrobe like before. The same, I followed up without hesitation in order to save time. I don't know if she should be happy about Luo Xuange's change.

Looking at the closed bathroom door, all sorts of associations appeared in Master Luo's mind, but in the end, he only stopped at the rush of internal force and bleeds from his nose.

When An Ruoshui came out of the bathroom, Luo Xuange was already sitting on the floor with her tablet in her arms and fell asleep.

"Wake up, take a bath first. Go to sleep later." An Ruoshui whispered to wake him up.

Luo Xuange opened his eyes in a daze, and when he saw An Ruoshui, he didn't react much, just stretched out his arms to hug him habitually, and then turned over to push An Ruoshui back on the bed.

Luo Xuange's eyes regained clarity, she blinked and looked at An Ruoshui lying under her, she froze for a moment and stretched out her paws to touch the soft peak, and then whispered He muttered, "No, it's not a dream."

Raising his hand to touch Luo Xuange's ear, he gave it two soft, seductive touches, which made Cult Master Luo's breath become more and more chaotic.

Master Luo didn't answer An Ruoshui's words, quickly left An Ruoshui, and blew into the bathroom like a gust of wind.

An Ruoshui slowly sat up from the bed, looking at the locked bathroom door, she laughed out loud.

How powerful is the internal power, the teacher Luo naturally heard the laughter of An Ruoshui. She hid in the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, which was red, but she felt dry and wanted to pull An Ruoshui together. The idea of ​​taking a bath.

After Master Luo dawdled and washed, he suddenly realized that he forgot to take his clothes. The bathrobe here was taken away by An Ruoshui in the name of being unclean, and now only Luo is left. The leader looked at me in the mirror and sighed.

I don't know if An Ruoshui outside is asleep. If I go out quickly with light energy, I shouldn't be found out, no, no... I can't take this risk.

Just after Luo Xuange's mind filtered thousands of thoughts, there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Xiao Luo, do you want to help?" An Ruoshui held Luo Xuange's pajamas in her hands. As early as when Luo Xuange entered the bathroom, she realized that Luo Xuange forgot to take the pajamas, but she didn't I hurriedly reminded that when Luo Xuange was about to wash, she would come over with her clothes.

Luo Xuange didn't answer as if frightened, An Ruoshui knocked on the door again: "Don't you speak? Then I hit the door and came in?"

"Don't. Help... help me get the clothes. Just put them at the door, thank you." The leader of Luo stumbled and couldn't explain clearly, An Ruoshui chuckled and gave her the clothes and put them by the door : "It's already put away, you can take it yourself."

"Then you go to bed first." Master Luo did not open the door directly, but ordered An Ruoshui to come.

An Ruoshui took a few steps to the bed, but after a while she crept back again, she wanted to make fun of Luo Xuange, but just as she stood up, Luo Xuange's voice came from the bathroom came out.


An Ruoshui didn't care if it was dismantled, but turned around and walked to the bed a little dumbfounded. The wife's skill is also a major disadvantage, and the fun of the boudoir has been reduced by half.

Master Luo didn't know An Ruoshui's regret, she quickly opened the door, put her clothes in and quickly closed the door in less than a second.

When the Demon Sect was too low, she was also the Demon Sect leader of a gentleman on the beam for a period of time. Now it is too easy to open the door and get clothes in the blink of an eye.

An Ruoshui looked at the clothes that disappeared from the bathroom door in surprise, she couldn't help smiling, if she hadn't known in advance that Luo Xuange was very powerful, she would probably have begun to wonder if there were ghosts in this world .

When Luo Xuange came out of the bathroom, An Ruoshui hadn't fallen asleep, she lay on the bed and looked at the gadgets in her hands.

Luo Xuange glanced at it and found that it was a puppet that he carved for her.

As the leader of a demon sect, this is the first time she made a birthday present by herself, but she hesitated when she saw the necklace given by Xu Hao, because in this world, she has neither the identity of the leader nor the People know what kind of status the three words Luo Xuange represent, and there is only one little actor who is not well-known.

Thinking of the tangled hesitation at that time, Luo Xuange now finds it ridiculous.

"I like this very much. I originally planned to study for a while and make one for you, but... I practiced for a long time and couldn't make it." An Ruoshui took out a small wooden Block: "This is the end result of three months of study."

Luo Xuange glanced at it, it was just a piece of wood carved with a few cuts by a knife, it was really hard to see that it was her doll.

Luo Xuange took the small wooden block, put it in the palm of his hand and played with it twice, then some sawdust began to fall from the wooden block, and all the sawdust was swept into the trash can, Luo Xuange handed the puppet in his hand to To An Ruoshui: "Here."

Carving it with internal force, the degree of delicacy is far more than the hand-carved puppet in An Ruoshui's hands. An Ruoshui put the two puppets in the palm of his hand and watched carefully.

"This is for you, I will keep this, and we will each take one." An Ruoshui handed his puppet to Luo Xuange, and then gave the mini Luo Xuan that Luo Xuange had just made. Song in his arms.

Master Luo took it in a good mood, and was about to use her internal strength to describe it in detail, but was interrupted by An Ruoshui: "Hey, don't move. That's it, I like it very much. Like this."

"En." Luo Xuange retracted his inner strength and carefully put away the puppet.

"Go to sleep, it must be very tiring to get up early tomorrow to help the townspeople work to earn gold coins." An Ruoshui patted the bed.

Luo Xuange crawled in, and lay down obediently, waiting for An Ruoshui to lie down.

The moment An Ruoshui lay down, Luo Xuange hugged her into his arms: "We should hug and sleep together."
