MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 136 storm is coming

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At the entrance of the TV station, Jiang Yihan waited anxiously.

Time slowly slipped away, but Luo Xuange didn't come.

"Why hasn't it arrived yet?" Jiang Yihan asked, his tone was very hasty.

Luo Xuange was sitting in the car at the moment, she looked out of the car window, took a picture of the cars in the front row, and then sent it to Jiang Yihan.

"I'm stuck on the road." After Luo Xuange finished speaking, he asked the driver, "When can I get to the TV station?"

Luo Xuange listened in a fog, and finally waved his hand to silence the driver.

"You can still be blocked? Don't you know how to fly?! Come here quickly, it's only half an hour before the shooting starts, and it's time to make up and change up later." Jiang Yihan was so anxious , looking at the photos from the phone is even more of a headache.

Luo Xuange listened to the roar from the mobile phone, she took the mobile phone away from her ear, frowned and looked out the window: "Okay, then I will use Qinggong to pass."

Hang up the phone, Luo Xuange suddenly panicked, if she had caught the opportunity before, she would have used Qinggong, when did she learn to stay in the car and wait for the road ahead to clear the way.

"I'll go first." Luo Xuange said a word to the driver, and then got out of the car and left without restraint.

When Luo Xuange arrived at the door of the TV station, she saw Jiang Yihan still walking back and forth at the door, staring at her phone from time to time.

Luo Xuange stepped forward and patted Jiang Yihan on the shoulder, and said apologetically to Jiang Yihan: "Sorry for making you wait for a long time."

"No, it's fine." Jiang Yihan was taken aback, came back to his senses and patted his chest happily and said, "It's okay, it's fine, just come. Time is enough, hurry up and go up. makeup."

"Yeah." Luo Xuange wanted to say no, after all, she felt that some makeup artists not only couldn't paint her more beautiful, but would cover up the aura of her original appearance.

However, Jiang Yihan proposed, so she will follow. When she comes to the home court, it is better to obey the arrangement and obey the order.

When Luo Xuange went to put on her makeup, the makeup artist was stunned. Obviously, she did not expect that the program team would invite Luo Xuange over. She only said that there would be a few big-name stars and let them Work carefully, I didn't expect Luo Xuange to come directly.

"Okay, you sit here for a while." Jiang Yihan patted Luo Xuange on the shoulder, and brought her some magazines to relieve her boredom.

Before leaving, she did not forget to instruct the makeup artist: "Pay attention to the time, I have a few friends coming over later."

"Hey, alright." The makeup artist knew that the host was not simple. Although he had just entered the circle and had no background or background, no one dared to ignore her, and he didn't say anything about An Ruoshui in the circle. She is also a friend of the popular Xiaohuadan Luo Xuange. Xiaotian Hou Bai Liu also said at the concert that if she has anything worth mentioning in China, it must be her acquaintance Jiang Yihan.

After Jiang Yihan left, the makeup artist started to apply makeup for Luo Xuange, while looking forward to the arrival of those big-name stars later.

"Today is a good day, is it a location shoot?" Luo Xuange felt that the makeup artist was a little nervous, otherwise her hands would not have been shaking so badly. Talk about something to ease her nerves.

The makeup artist was startled, then shook her head: "I don't know, the live broadcast of the new column is kept secret. I only know that this is a live variety show."

"So, what other artists will come?" Luo Xuange put the magazine in his hand aside and chatted with the makeup artist.

The makeup artist continued to shake her head: "You are the only one here, I don't know about the others."

Luo Xuange doesn't really want to know the answer, anyway, she doesn't have bad relationships with people in the circle, no matter who comes, just treat it normally. Even if there is someone who deliberately makes things difficult for her, there is nothing she can't resolve.


There was a piercing scream behind her, Luo Xuange and the makeup artist were stunned, she slowly looked back at the person running towards her.


Luo Xuange looked at Meng Xiaomeng who was full of surprise and smirk and rushed over, the corners of her mouth unconsciously stained with a smile: "Xiaomeng? You are here too. ."

"Yes, yes, I only saw the message that Yihan sent to me last night. I was going to the crew today, so I pushed it." Meng Xiaomeng was next to Luo Xuange Sit down and start a conversation with Luo Xuange excitedly.

The makeup artist looked at Meng Xiaomeng with some changes in her eyes. In the group of four, now Jiang Yihan is the first sister of the TV station, Luo Xuange is a popular actress, Bai Liu has become a new Chinese diva, the only one Only Meng Xiaomeng, who performed well and attracted many fans, not only experienced disfigurement, but also won the championship in the second season.

"Really? They will come later?" Luo Xuange was quite surprised that Gu Xunxue would come. Gu Xunxue herself had the intention to enter the circle, but she didn't According to Li Tian's imagination, she wants to act, she wants to do variety shows.

Zhang Yiyun and Xu Qian were coming over, which surprised her.

"Yes, yes." Meng Xiaomeng looked more excited than before, she excitedly took Luo Xuange's hand: "We have discussed with Jiang Yihan, she said yes , This is a major highlight of the show, and this battle will definitely be won!"

"Huh...?" Luo Xuange didn't know what they were talking about.

Meng Xiaomeng was looking forward to it. She always thought that her mother and Senior Zhang were deadly enemies, um... I met Senior Zhang at my mother's house yesterday morning, and 'inadvertently' saw my mother and Senior Zhang 's red book.

I was in a dazed state all day yesterday, and only got a call from Jiang Yihan at night, and after discussing with Jiang Yihan, the two elders decided to use this variety show The show opens the marriage announcement.

I also took this opportunity to retire, and I will live for myself in the future.

Meng Xiaomeng's excited little mood has not yet calmed down. My mother married her own goddess, how exciting it must be.

Seeing her friend so excited, she also became cheerful, and the two were about to chat for a few more words, but Meng Xiaomeng exploded again: "Why is Mu Ling here?"

"Huh?" Luo Xuange looked back and really saw Mu Ling, who was as shrewd and capable as ever, with a professional smile on Mu Ling's face, which could see Meng Xiaomeng's heart Gloomy.

"Isn't it the home of the meaning? Is she here to be a guest or a host?" Meng Xiaomeng asked curiously, if Mu Ling was the host, she would be tricked later Probably not one and a half stars.

Luo Xuange smiled lightly, she was confident that she would not fall into the pit dug by Mu Ling, after all, she had done it before.

Meng Xiaomeng hurried forward to say hello to Mu Ling, Mu Ling saw her coming and hugged her.

"Long time no see, I didn't expect to meet you here today. Come and participate in the show, why are you looking at me like that, don't worry... Today is Xiaojiang's home game, and I'm a special invitation from Meimei guest."

Mu Ling seemed to see through Meng Xiaomeng's thoughts at a glance, and she explained it with a smile to herself.

Meng Xiaomeng was led by Mu Ling to chat before she said anything else.

Looking at Luo Xuange's straight eyes, she felt more and more that Mu Ling's skill was profound.

After a while, Luo Xuange's makeup was finished, she looked in the mirror carefully, the makeup artist this time was not bad, she knew how to apply makeup according to the original owner's appearance, The charm of evil spirits is displayed.

I no longer think about her identity as a disciple of Guwu like other makeup artists, and I keep giving her a heroic feeling, which is counterproductive and makes people look full of disobedience Sense, lost the original aura of beauty.

Luo Xuange walked towards Mu Ling and Meng Xiaomeng, the moment Mu Ling saw Luo Xuange, she immediately stood up and stretched out her arms to hug Luo Xuange.


"Nonsense! I am as beautiful as ever." Lord Luo truthfully said the beauty of the original owner.

When the live broadcast starts, wash your neck and wait for me.

Meng Xiaomeng watched the two chatting, she obediently went to the makeup artist, although she was a friend of Jiang Yihan, but she did not reveal any background in the circle, nor did she herself How powerful, some people will inevitably not see her as a guest.

The makeup artist looked around for a while, and finally got a spot from the makeup artist who just applied Luo Xuange.

"Thank you." Meng Xiaomeng thanked softly.

The makeup artist blushed and nodded hastily: "You're welcome."

Meng Xiaomeng suddenly became interested. This was the first time she met a girl who was even more stupid than her.

"Who else is coming today?" Mu Ling asked Luo Xuange tentatively, Luo Xuange shook his head: "I also asked the makeup artist just now, but he didn't give me an answer."

"It seems that the audience is not small this time, and the confidentiality work in the stage can be done well." Mu Ling's eyes were shining, and she liked to meet those famous stars, The information dug up in this way is shocking enough, and the show is interesting enough.

Luo Xuange looked at her shining eyes, wondering if she should remind her that she is just a guest now.

"Okay, I won't accompany you. I'll change clothes first." Mu Ling's makeup is painted by herself as always, and the audience is also used to her style, so the makeup is not Change, the clothes have to be changed.

The author has something to say: Master Luo: I am very confident that Muling will not set up shocking news here.

Host: What do your friends like to do?

Meng Xiaomeng: Well...she likes to slap in the face, netizens and friends.

Jiang Yihan: What do my friends like to do? Slap in the face, I know her now, and she has been slapping people in the face. People give nicknames to face the madman.

An Ruoshui: My friend? I used to be a friend, what does she like to do? Slap in the face, I keep slapping other people in the face, and now I can't find her black fans on the Internet, so I basically go to the hospital to see her face.

Fan 1: Want to tell me about the leader? Stop dreaming, it's impossible!

Fan 2: I firmly believe that my leader is invincible, and my leader will never let you create shocking content.

Fan 3: People who are waiting to see my leader's jokes cover their faces and go to the hospital to wait! Ahaha, my teacher will show you what wit means tomorrow.

Fan 4: Want to talk to my teacher? It's impossible, haha, my sect master will let you experience how painful a human face can be. Ah ha ha