MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 114 The Queen's Counterattack

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Feng Qianling followed An Junfeng to the president's office. The secretaries at the door looked at her strangely, making her feel uncomfortable all over. An Junfeng found out but didn't say much, some things should be Feng Qianling knew how to deal with it only after she had experienced it herself.

No matter who she is, she will not protect her forever. Even if he could, he liked that Feng Qianling could become stronger and stand side by side with him.

Yes, Mr. An An used to say that there is no human touch here, and he bought a lot of things for me. There are some snacks and toys in the lounge, which I prepared every time Xiao Luo came back. See if you like it, You're welcome, just take it."

Feng Qianling thought that the president's office, even in the lounge, was a cold and abstinent combination of black, white and gray. The dolls, there are many plush toys, there are some snacks and interesting gadgets in the large cabinet, and the walls are pink and tender.

This is really human, no... princessy.

An Ruoshui, who looked cold and arrogant to outsiders, secretly arranged a pink and tender princess room for her brother.

"Huh?" Feng Qianling looked at An Junfeng in surprise, An Junfeng pursed her lips and smiled and didn't say much. She brought the documents and went to the meeting.

An Ruoshui, who was at home, looked at the message on the phone and blushed suddenly.

a feeling of.

However, the hickey on the neck has also been photographed, and this moment has become a different meaning.

The arrangement of attack and reception at home has become different.

Looking back at Master Luo who was preparing afternoon tea in the kitchen, An Ruoshui began to plan how to counterattack on the sofa, so that this guy knew what restraint was.

Master Luo looked at the elaborate afternoon tea and came out satisfied. Seeing An Ruoshui sitting on the sofa in a daze, she stepped forward and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, let's have a drink and celebrate." An Ruoshui proposed, Luo Xuange agreed without thinking much.

But when she agreed, An Ruoshui showed a sly smile.

"By the way, Xu Jia called me. She said that something happened at home and she had to go back. So we may not be able to find her in the near future." An Ruoshui suddenly thought of , said to Luo Xuange.

Luo Xuange knew what happened to their Xu family, but he didn't tell An Ruoshuiming.

An Ruoshui didn't know Luo Xuange's careful thoughts. Looking back at her silently drinking, An Ruoshui walked slowly to Luo Xuange's side: "Xiao Luo, do you like drinking?"

"I don't like it very much." Luo Xuange shook her head. As a child of Jianghu, she actually yearns for three or two friends and a pot of sake.

However, in the past life, he was incapable of drinking, and in this life, he seems to be very poor in drinking.

She poured the wine on An Ruoshui, looked back at her and asked, "Can I not drink it?"

Seal it up, so as not to do anything stupid with confused."

"Well, yes. There are also small bugs with hidden weapons on the body, let's take them off." An Ruoshui knew that this guy had a lot of 'baby' on him, and could persuade her to take it down It's the best.

Luo Xuange nodded in agreement, and quickly took down all those things and found a place to put them away. The password for the safe at home was set by An Ruoshui. Although Luo Xuange knew it, she must be so confused that she couldn't remember it when she was drunk.

It's safe there.

"You also drink less, too much wine is not good for your health." Luo Xuange persuaded An Ruoshui because she saw An Ruoshui took a large glass of wine .

An Ruoshui smiled and held the wine in front of Luo Xuange: "Xiao Luo, this is for you."

"Me?" Luo Xuange looked at the glass of wine, and just by smelling it, he could ask for the strong aroma of the wine, as if he could get drunk once with a sip. Thinking that she was going to drink it all, she backed away a little.

"What's the matter?" An Ruoshui didn't say anything about not drinking, just quietly smiled and looked at Luo Xuange, waiting for her to take the initiative to drink.

Luo Xuange nodded slightly, took An Ruoshui's hand, and drank it as if he were dying.

After drinking, I burped, and then I felt a little airy, and my throat was a little uncomfortable. I wanted to find some water to drink, but saw that An Ruoshui poured another glass for her, scared Luo Xuange waved his hands again and again, calling out no more.

However, An Ruoshui was ill, so instead of sympathizing with her, she smiled even more seductively.

"I, I..." Master Luo shook his body, his pace was not very steady, he walked around, slowly found the sofa and sat down, found a comfortable position to recline, Half-squinting and not soberly looked at An Ruoshui. He asked An Ruoshui, "Why, why is the wine for one person in this seat. You, you, why don't you... hiccup..."

"Dear, you are usually outside. I don't have enough alcohol, so I dare not drink if I want to. Now practice my alcohol consumption at home. Come on, drink a little." An Ruoshui smiled and put Luo Xuan Song poured another cup.

Master Luo took the glass in a daze and spilled half of the glass of wine. She stared at the wet piece on the sofa with pity, then raised her eyebrows slightly and said to An Ruoshui with a smile: "Oh, it's spilled."

An Ruoshui couldn't help laughing when she heard this. Seeing Luo Xuange showing her cute side after being drunk, she couldn't bear to drink it any more, and said to Luo Xuange, "It's okay, Spill it and spill it. No one blames you."

"Wasting drinks, A-Niang... A-Niang will get angry and punish me to go to the grove to chop down trees." Luo Xuange sat on the sofa decadently, tugging at the corners of his clothes, muttering aggrieved He said, "Father doesn't save Xiao Xuan'er, he still has to beat the palm of his hand. The first elder wants to beat his ass, it hurts~"

Seeing this, An Ruoshui's inner potential mother's love has exploded.

Distressed, she stepped forward and comforted Luo Xuange softly: "Don't cry, don't be sad. I'll help you hide it, don't tell anyone?"

If water goes.

An Ruoshui is not afraid, but she is still a little worried, worried... Will Luo Xuange go and wrestle.

Luo Xuange was An Ruoshui step by step, until An Ruoshui was forced to the corner, leaving An Ruoshui nowhere to escape.

Luo Xuange raised his left hand and propped it against the wall, watching An Ruoshui as a little woman hiding in the prison he set, Luo Xuange smiled evilly, and drank the middle half of his right hand glass of wine.

An Ruoshui saw that she was so drunk that she lost her mind, and she was afraid that she would have a headache tomorrow, so she immediately shouted: "Don't... um..."

Luo Xuange just drank it in his mouth, the moment An Ruoshui opened his mouth, the leader Luo immediately rushed up and poured all the wine in his mouth into An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui might as well be choked to the point of tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Cough," An Ruoshui coughed violently, her face was red and her ears were red, she leaned against the wall and tilted her head slightly, looking at Luo Xuange with wet eyes full of resentment.

This pair has nowhere to complain after being molested, she can only show her dissatisfaction and resentment with her eyes, which instantly aroused Luo Xuange's interest.

She stepped forward and put her lips against An Ruoshui's ear, and exhaled softly: "Woman, do you want to harm this seat?"

In the office, An Junfeng looked at the message sent by her sister not long ago.

Sister: [Take your sister-in-law out for a walk at night. It's just me and Xiao Luo at home today. 】

President An was so sweet that he walked into the lounge with his mobile phone and saw Feng Qianling sleeping soundly with a stuffed bear. There are only two people in the office, he and his little wife.

An Junfeng understood the message sent by her sister in seconds.

But when he lay down beside Feng Qianling, Feng Qianling frowned slightly, An Junfeng's heart couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

When Feng Qianling woke up, it was already past seven in the evening.

Looking at An Junfeng beside her, she was stunned for a while, then she thought of where she was at the moment, and smiled unconsciously. Slept here for most of the day.

If this is said, who will believe it?

"Awake?" An Junfeng actually woke up the moment Feng Qianling sat up, but he wanted to see Feng Qianling's reaction after waking up, so he deliberately pretended to continue sleeping.

Feng Qianling nodded: "Well, you... is it too late now?"

"Yeah, Xiao Luo and An An are probably both asleep. After all, they will go to the crew in a few days, and they must rest well during this time."

Feng Qianling nodded ignorantly, thinking that what An Junfeng said made sense. Then he frowned slightly and asked, "Then if we go back now, will it disturb their rest?"

Feng Qianling nodded shyly, this was her alone with An Junfeng for so long.

The author has something to say: The first counterattack ended in failure!