MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 100 ups and downs

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Luo Xuange shook his head: "If you don't go, you have to accompany your wife at home. I won't go anywhere in this seat."

"Well! It's true, Madam said, you don't go back to your room to rest, and the family will serve you." An Ruoshui's face suddenly fell, causing Luo Xuange to be stunned for a while, it seemed that Luo Xuange was stunned. No matter how obedient Xuan Ge is, it is as if he has a very serious family law.

Luo Xuange struggled to stand up from the sofa, barely able to tell the direction clearly, and then exerted his internal strength, he went straight up the stairs, and soon went to the second floor, This was the first time An Ruoshui saw Luo Xuange use Qinggong indoors.

I thought she could fly to the top of the mountain in one jump, but I didn't expect that she could easily perform light work at home.

An Ruoshui soon came to the second floor, and found that Luo Xuange was standing in the corridor and did not go back to the room, she couldn't help asking: "Why didn't you go back to the room?"

"I didn't hear the summons." Master Luo didn't hear anyone calling her, so she didn't dare to act rashly.

An Ruoshui understood after being stunned, dragging Luo Xuange's wrist and taking him to the room.

"Sit honestly and don't move." An Ruoshui reached out and tapped her forehead, making a threatening look, Luo Xuange's eyes showed a clear smile, The doctor reached out and grabbed An Ruoshui's fingers: "This seat will not move."

As she spoke, she shook her head like a rattle. An Ruoshui was afraid that she would faint, so she immediately reached out and patted her cheek: "Stop! Don't move around, just sit tight. ."

An Ruoshui smiled helplessly: "Then sit down, I'll pour water for you."


So dizzy she didn't even know who she was, and still remembered to drink something sweet, An Ruoshui couldn't help shaking her head and went to get her a glass of warm milk.

Handed the cup to Luo Xuange, but the guy didn't respond, staring at the cup curiously: "What is this?"

"Milk, drink it now." An Ruoshui said while bringing the cup to her mouth, Luo Xuange took a sip from An Ruoshui's hand, sipped his mouth to taste, and then Sticking out his tongue: "It's hard to drink."

An Ruoshui frowned slightly, took a sip, and felt that it was no different from the usual milk.

Just now and Luo Xuange had been confrontation downstairs for so long, she also felt a little thirsty, and now Luo Xuange disliked milk unpleasant, so she drank it directly.

Unexpectedly, just after putting down the empty glass, Luo Xuange suddenly clapped his hand on the bed cheerfully and said with a smile, "Ahahaha, you've been tricked!"

"Huh? You..." Before An Ruoshui's doubts came out, she felt a heat rise in her body.

Master Luo raised his chin proudly and looked at her: "You have already fallen in love with this seat, and if you don't have **** in half an hour, you just wait for your body to explode and die. ."

An Ruoshui looked at Luo Xuange with a complicated expression, the strangeness in her body forced her to believe what Luo Xuange said, she did not expect Luo Xuange to be able to poison when she was drunk.

"Let go! If you don't let go, this seat will call you." Luo Xuange looked at An Ruoshui, the leader of Luo was crushed on the bed by An Ruoshui, although his head was still groggy, but The sip of milk I just drank seemed to have an effect, and now my brain is getting hotter and less sober.

Gu, she vaguely saw An Ruoshui lying on her body, she suddenly turned over and pressed the person under her body, and followed her instinct to ask for it.

Pity the little worm in An Ruoshui's necklace, in fact, it can solve the love of these two people, but this love is very gentle, without any harm, for those who are in love with each other In other words, it's just an add-on.

But neither of these two people seem to be taking the initiative to use the **** Gu, should it come out to solve the Gu?

When the little pitiful hesitated, he found that the emotion gu had slowly dissipated, it could not sense the existence of any other gu poison, and fell into a deep sleep again.

Li Tian started to pack her luggage when she got home. She had all planned. She would talk to Xu Xiu at night. If Xu Xiu really insisted on marrying the victim, she would bring a piece of Xu Xiu with her. Elope, if Xu Xiu refuses, she will leave this sad place with her luggage.

Every decision has been made, and now I am waiting to talk to Xu Xiu at night.

"Come on! It's been seven years, and there should be a result!" Li Tian secretly encouraged herself, but it was a blessing that Xu Xiu didn't know what she was thinking seven years ago, otherwise she would have been beaten to death with a stick She: For seven years, whenever you revealed a little bit that you like same-sex, we have been together long ago! Maybe now the children will play soy sauce!

Unfortunately, Xu Xiu and Li Tian have misunderstood each other for seven years. And almost completely left each other, but fortunately the arrival of Luo Xuange brought the two together slowly.

An Junfeng helped stay in the hospital and followed Feng Qianling. Because the knee of that leg was still hurting, she limped while walking. He whispered a few words, blaming Feng Qianling for being too impulsive and marrying a lame man.

He didn't need to pay attention to sight.

"Stop crying." An Junfeng comforted Feng Qianling. The girl has been crying since she entered the hospital. Make him feel bad.

"Don't cry, don't cry, grandpa is gone, and his old man doesn't want to see you sad all the time. My condolences and change." An Junfeng comforted the person in his arms at a loss, and the words he said were also He became a little speechless. At this time, he was still the domineering president that Li Tian said.

When all the relatives of the Feng family came over, the younger generation brought the old man home.

Feng Qianling also left, and An Junfeng followed him without worry. As An Ruoshui said, the eldest brother is afraid that he will not come back today.

However, other relatives looked at An Junfeng and looked at An Junfeng with regret, but there was a man in the crowd, who was staring at him fiercely, An Junfeng couldn't help but look at the man At a glance, I saw that the man quickly averted his eyes from the scene where he met his eyes.

An Junfeng looked at the man up and down. He was in his early twenties and he didn't know him, but he hated himself for no reason. An Junfeng thought he probably knew why. .

It's nothing more than he stole love and robbed someone's heart.

But this matter has nothing to do with him. She asked Feng Qianling before getting the certificate. She doesn't like anyone.

Therefore, An Junfeng has no guilt in his heart. Just like a commodity, the merchant did not specify who to buy it, but a person who was very shy came over and looked at it every day. But can't buy it back.

Finally one day, a rich man came and bought things easily. The merchant is satisfied and the customer is satisfied. Although the person who is shy in his pocket hates it, he has nothing to do with anyone.

As for An Junfeng, being stared at by a strange man as if staring at his father's enemy, he not only did not feel uncomfortable, but enjoyed the feeling, after all, even if the man's eyes were staring He fell to the ground, but he couldn't help it.

While comforting Feng Qianling, she chatted with other good relatives about her own conditions.

However, because today is the day when the old man just left, it is not easy for the parents to ask questions as often as usual. They just came over to briefly understand their names, ages and work conditions.

Meng Xiaomeng, who was swiping Weibo on her mobile phone, suddenly exclaimed in surprise and waved Gu Xunxue over: "Look, President An is married."

Gu Xunxue was on the treadmill, when she heard Meng Xiaomeng calling her, she slowly walked over and took the towel around Meng Xiaomeng's neck, she took it in her hand and wiped the sweat.

Meng Xiaomeng handed the phone to her: "Look, the circle of friends posted by Sister An must not be wrong."

Entering the inner sect, once the quota is reached, it will be even more difficult for the outer sect disciples to enter the inner sect, either by relying on their own efforts, or they can only wait for the next Guwu big change of blood.

However, this may not be as complicated as she thought. After all, with Luo Xuange here, it is not difficult for them to get the inner sect quota, maybe she just thinks too much, An Junfeng just happened to get the certificate with his girlfriend on his birthday.

"What's the matter?" Meng Xiaomeng saw that Gu Xunxue's face became cloudy after reading the messages on her phone, she asked carefully, "Do you suspect this is fake? ?"

"Fake?" Gu Xunxue shook her head: "An Ruoshui doesn't seem like someone who can make fun of this kind of thing. But..."

Gu Xunxue suddenly thought of Xu Hao. Through the contact on the reality show, she always felt that the person was not simple, but now it is not clear whether An Junfeng's sudden marriage is related to Xu Hao .

"I'll go back to Guwu tomorrow, and you can go to the crew to study." Gu Xunxue felt that it was better to go back and investigate Zheng Xu. Many things and many mysteries have not been clarified yet. She always felt that Gu Wu should give An Jia and Luo Xuange an explanation.

Meng Xiaomeng asked reluctantly, "Then when are you coming back? When are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow when you have time to send me away, come back in three or five days." Gu Xunxue raised her hand and rubbed the soft hair on her head, then asked with a smile, "Am I still If you don't leave, you start to miss me?"

"I don't have it. I'm not going to the crew tomorrow, I'm going to my sister's place." Meng Xiaomeng turned her head away, shyly not looking at Gu Xunxue.

Gu Xunxue chuckled lightly, not trying to pierce this girl's thoughts.

At this moment, Xu Ru also encountered a little trouble, looking at Bai Liu who came to her house with luggage, she couldn't help but help her forehead: "Although I promised you that you can start over, But now you..."

"Start over? Senior Sister, I wanted to live together in the past, and then dated." Bai Liu said rather roguely, in this manner, Xu Jia felt that Xu Jia was pestering Jiang Yihan.

Xu Ru shook her head: "You've changed.'ve changed."

"I haven't changed, I just let you see the other side." Bai Liu pushed his suitcase in front of Xu Ru: "I remember that at that time, you helped me pack my luggage. Come on now, too."


"Yes, yes. In order to repay the senior for helping with packing, by the way...I asked a question that night. Do you, remember?" Bai Liu's voice became smaller and smaller, and But Xu Ru didn't hear it because she was busy packing her luggage.

"Huh? What did you just say?"

Seeing that Xu Ru didn't hear Bai Liu, she breathed a sigh of relief, shook her head and said, "No. I didn't say anything. I'll go to the kitchen to see."

"Okay, tell me what you're missing." Xu Ru packed Bai Liu's things.

When Bai Liu went to the kitchen for ingredients, Xu Ru raised her lips slightly, of course she remembered what Bai Liu asked that night, but now is not the time to answer her.

That night, Bai Liu asked if she would accept it if she promised her.

She would, but now she doesn't have the courage to answer.

At night, Xu Ru had already sorted out Bai Liu's things, and Bai Liu also made a table full of colors and fragrances for dinner, which seemed to increase appetite.

For an actress like Xu Ru who needs to control her body, this kind of dinner is undoubtedly fatal.

But Bai Liu told her with a smile on her face: "To celebrate my housewarming, don't control yourself tonight, open your stomach and eat."

"Okay. But can you exercise with me tomorrow morning?" Xu Ru put one hand on the table and leaned over to look at the food on the table, she raised her eyebrows and smiled: "Huh? Can you?"

"This..." Bai Liu hesitated for a while, but then nodded with great certainty: "Okay! I will definitely get up early tomorrow to accompany you."

Bai Liu has no habit of exercising, but Xu Ru likes to exercise.

When they were together before, Xu Ru got up every morning and dragged her out for a morning run, and usually dragged her to the gym when she was free.

But at that time, Bai Liu was a scoundrel looking for various reasons to refuse.

Now that Bai Liu can promise her, Xu Ru is surprised.

Bai Liu just wanted to accompany Xu Ru more, even if it was something that tested her will and physical strength, she also wanted to accompany Xu Ru to do it.

The two had a very warm dinner, and both of them understood that everything was like a sapling in spring, and it was slowly developing in the direction of lush foliage.

But there's another couple, and it's time for dinner.

Li Tian asked Xu Xiu out early, Xu Xiu's face was full of dissatisfaction, and looked at Li Tian for unknown reasons: "Aren't you going to have a blind date tomorrow? Why are you still free tonight? Come on an appointment with me? Don't you have to dress up and marry into a wealthy family?"

"Hey, a blind date is just a touch of color in a dull life. It's enough to know what color it is after you've seen it. You are a friend, a sibling who is really by your side. Of course, you are more important. "Li Tian is actually very provocative, but unfortunately she didn't talk about the relationship between the two in an ambiguous direction. Instead, she talked to her friends like Master Luo did.

The faint smile on Xu Xiu's face could hardly hold back: Li Tian, ​​I will go to your sister's siblings! Who will be your friend! Shut up you!

"Oh, thank you very much. Putting me in such an important position!" Xu Xiu didn't remember how she said these words through gritted teeth.

Li Tian smiled and helped get some wine: "Well, you really plan to go on a blind date tomorrow."

"Yes. I have made an appointment with the other party. Moreover, the other party has a house, a car and savings, and is an employee of Anshi. She and I can be regarded as colleagues of the time. This rare fate, Of course I'm going to see you."

Li Tian touched her nose shyly, it seems that she is destined to rob someone tomorrow.

I wish you success." It's best to pinch you when you meet, that person had better be your former nemesis, if you disagree with each other, greet each other's ancestors for the eighteenth generation!

"Thank you. I also wish you success and marry into a wealthy family as soon as possible." Xu Xiu smiled. I am so good, my family is rich, and the wealthy Bai Fumei in front of you, are you lame? You can't see it for seven years?

"Don't drink too much tonight, I'm afraid you will be confused tomorrow." Xu Xiu stopped Li Tian's hand pouring wine: "You are a person, you can't see people. Tomorrow But be sure to look carefully, don't fool yourself into marrying yourself, and don't come to me and cry."

Li Tian smiled lightly after hearing this: "No, I will definitely see it tomorrow."

Ah, I love you. do you know? It's been seven years, and if you come with me tomorrow, I'll be good to you for the rest of my life. If you reject me, then let's just let it go. I hope I don't see you again in the next life, I'm afraid... I will still like you in the next life. Seven years is too long and I'm a little tired.

No matter what happens tomorrow, you will be happy.

Li Tian drank her glass of wine and smiled happily: "No matter what the blind date is tomorrow, be happy. Life is like going on a trip. Some people like to be alone, and some people like to be together." And I like you.

Xu Xiu nodded, but felt that today's wine was a bit spicy: "Yeah. Be happy. By the way..."

"What is right or wrong, don't say anything. Let's eat! Let's go shopping when we're full, remember that snack street. The artistes of the 2019-2018 arrived, and their figures did not change, and we gained a lot of weight."

Forced to eat.

I promised the old man that I would go out to practice for two years after graduating from college, and then I would go home when the time came.

But after leaving, she didn't want to go back.

"I remember, how can I not remember. You were too much at that time, forcing me to eat stinky tofu. Now I can't help but beat you." Xu Xiu smiled Wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Li Tian didn't notice her action, but sighed with nostalgia: "Then let's go see it together later? Don't worry, I promise not to force you to eat stinky tofu this time."

"No, it's too late, I should go back and prepare later. After all, I'm going to go on a blind date tomorrow, and I should have snacks at home. And I'm not young anymore. , it's time to find an honest person to do harm." Xu Xiu rejected Li Tian's invitation and put down the wine glass in his hand. It was like she wanted to let go of her seven-year attachment to Li Tian.

Li Tian was stunned for a while, and suddenly whispered: "I am also an honest person."

"Huh? What did you say?" Xu Xiu didn't hear it clearly. After all, this is not a high-end restaurant. It was a small restaurant where Li Tian often invited her to dinner.

Li Tian's salary was not high at that time, and there were always a few days every month that she was dragged by her to invite her to dinner, so she chose this place.

Li Tian shook her head: "It's nothing. I said this dish is a bit spicy."

"It's a bit spicy, but you're not afraid of spicy food." Xu Xiu remembered that this person liked spicy food.

You probably don't know, my tastes have faded since you left. In seven years, this is the first time I touch spicy food.

Li Tian endured the spicy taste and took bite after bite, Xu Xiu smiled: "What's wrong? It's not very spicy."

You probably don't know, after you left, I often come here alone. Seven years, this bit of spicy is nothing to me.

"Yeah, it's not spicy. It's just that the wind is a little strong, and the eyes are a little confused." Li Tian changed the topic and continued chatting with Xu Xiu.

The next morning, Master Luo opened her eyes in a daze, looking at An Ruoshui next to her, she was suddenly stunned.

Some fragments of memory in her mind made her a little unbelievable, she actually gave An Ruo a love affair, shook her head, Luo Xuange patted her cheek, wanting to be able to follow her Be awake.

The movement was a bit loud, the thin quilt covering her body slipped off, looking at herself naked, looking at An Ruoshui who had nothing beside her, Luo Xuange suddenly jumped up and hugged the clothes went to the bathroom.

After the door lock of the bathroom fell, An Ruoshui, who was sleeping, slowly opened her eyes.

In fact, when Luo Xuange woke up, she also woke up. It's just that in this situation, it would be even more embarrassing to face Luo Xuange's eyes.

At this moment, she sat up reluctantly, frowning slightly at the marks on her body.

An Ruoshui simply put clothes on her body, and when Luo Xuange came out, she saw no one lying half-covered on the head of the bed, her throat itching and swallowing twice to see An Ruoshui was stunned and forgot what to do next.

An Ruoshui was amused by her idiot appearance, she reached out and beckoned her over: "Tell me, what was the love trick last night?"

"I, I..." Master Luo didn't dare to explain, the love Gu was cultivated unintentionally, the Gu insects in this world are not aggressive, and the love Gu is not as brave as the previous life , that love gu that was accidentally cultivated is just something to add to the fun. I originally wanted to keep it for Xu Hao to use later, to make a little movie and send it out.

I also thought of using it on myself last night.

Master Luo looked at An Ruoshui nervously, for fear that An Ruoshui would blame her.

"It's fine if you don't talk about it. Is this thing still there?"

Luo Xuange breathed a sigh of relief, and shook his head quickly: "No more. Only that one."

"Will you still drink in the future?" An Ruoshui suddenly smiled very softly, but such a gentle smile made Master Luo panic.

Luo Xuange's head shook like a rattle, for fear that An Ruoshui would not believe her, she even stretched out her hand and swore, "Never drink again!"

I am also glad that I am a lover to An Ruo.

However, it is quite strange. Yesterday, when I was drunk, I just gave An Ruoshui a love affair. In my vague memory, An Ruo made things difficult for herself in every way, but she did not do anything to An Ruoshui. Luo Xuange thought it was strange.

A certain three altar masters: It’s not surprising, it’s not surprising, the magic sect is afraid from the bones, and does it? Dare?

After An Ruoshui washed up, she came out of the bathroom and saw Luo Xuange smiling like a fool at the bright red on the sheets.

An Ruoshui's ears turned red, she stepped forward and patted her on the head: "What are you doing stupidly, hurry up and clean up."

"Hey, it's ordered!" The leader Luo instantly became obedient and cleaned up quickly.

Seeing her sudden change, An Ruoshui couldn't help laughing, and then said, "I'm a little hungry."

"I'm going to make breakfast." Luo Xuange doesn't feel hungry, not to mention she has internal strength to protect herself, it's just the food that An Ruoshui stuffed into her stomach last night. Feel panicky.

Although she is not hungry, she has to prepare breakfast for his wife.

Soon An Ruoshui waited for a hearty breakfast, and while reading online news on her mobile phone, she asked Luo Xuange, "What are you planning today?"

"Arrange a wedding for eldest brother? Or rest at home." Luo Xuange has been free to rest these days, but other celebrity artists are hot and need to be exposed all the time, so as not to be forgotten by the audience. Xuange's popularity has not declined since the moment she debuted.

Even on the current Weibo hot search, Luo Xuange still ranks first and second.

Many people wanted to spend money to buy the first and second positions, but Luo Xuange forced them to give up.

After breakfast, Luo Xuange's good mood is still maintained, but An Ruoshui is a little puzzled. She was tossed by Luo Xuange until midnight last night, but she is not feeling well now, is this kind of thing related to her? Different as you imagined?

It's not that she's not tired, but the internal force in An Ruoshui helps her to recuperate. Otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to withstand the tossing of Master Luo overnight.

The phone rang, An Ruoshui looked at the unfamiliar phone number, hesitated for a while and connected.

It is a more familiar female voice.

"Hello, may I ask if you are... An Junfeng's sister?" Feng Qianling also didn't know if this lame man was An Junfeng who was often reported on TV.

After all, it was not said on TV that the president of Anshi Group was a lame man, so I just thought it was the same name. It just so happened that the lame man was also more handsome.

"You are..." An Ruoshui heard that it was the voice of her new sister-in-law, but she did not rush to say it, but waited for Feng Qianling to introduce herself.

Feng Qianling took a deep breath, as if gathering courage, and then said to An Ruoshui: "I am, I am Feng Qianling. It is your brother's new wife."

"Ah, hello, sister-in-law." An Ruoshui looked clear, and then asked, "What's wrong?"

"Your brother is drunk at my house, I want to send him back." Feng Qianling's voice sounded a little hoarse, after all, the old man just passed away, and she cried all day and night.

An Junfeng suddenly went out with her in the early morning of last night, but they came back drunk. She got a little drunk and was sent home. An Junfeng hugged the table and started howling, saying that it was his birthday today and he was going home for his birthday.

The relatives were so angry that they almost turned their heads and patted An Junfeng's forehead, but Feng Qianling saw An Junfeng's certificate and knew that it was indeed his birthday today, otherwise everyone would mistakenly think that An Junfeng was here find fault.

Feng Qianling can't let An Junfeng stay, after all, he has committed public anger.


Grandpa has been sent away, and several uncles have begun to compete with parents for the remaining land of the old house and a few family heirlooms.

She is not interested in any of these. What grandpa wanted to give her was explained before her death. Those people couldn't take it away. Grandpa didn't give it to her, and she didn't even want to fight for it. mean.

Let those people decide what to do.

An Ruoshui also knew about Grandpa Feng Qianling, her eyes changed slightly: "You send me the address, and I'll pick you up home."

"I, I..."

Feng Qianling felt that the An family would not accept her easily, after all, in the eyes of outsiders, she was a shameless woman.

But An Ruoshui's words instantly warmed her heart.

She refused: "I have something to do at home, and it is inconvenient for me to leave. Your brother was sent to a nearby hotel by me. I will send you the address later. You can pick him up."

Before An Ruoshui could answer, Feng Qianling continued: "By the way, there is also your brother's car. I heard that I lost a drink last night, and now the car is given to me for a friend. I'll ask if I can come back."

Now the whole Anshi can save a lot of trouble. After all, an old shareholder who was left behind can be slowly eliminated.

Even if Xu Hao came back at this moment, some of the shareholders he turned against would be useless.

In the past, major decisions of the company required the support of half of the shareholders, but now the big brother can dominate the family, and the burden on the big brother can be relieved much better.

Even if the Xu family comes back, the An family need not be afraid.

However, I hope eldest brother can really like sister-in-law. Otherwise, their Anjia really owes the girl a debt of favor, and they won't be able to pay it back in this lifetime.

She nodded: "I'll call Li Tian."

"Wait a minute, she rests today." An Ruoshui took her coat: "Let's go, I'll drive."

But she soon thought of her inner strength, she nodded clearly: "I see. Let's go."

Li Tian had already packed all her luggage, and asked Xu Xiu tentatively last night, and found that Xu Xiu was at the same time as her when she had a blind date. She was afraid that Xu Xiu would fall in love with that person at first sight, wait She rushed over and the two of them had already got the red book.

So after thinking about it, she sent a message to the blind date, asking if she could advance the blind date by an hour, so that she would have enough time to get to Xu Xiu.

At this moment, Li Tian was sitting on pins and needles in the restaurant. After waiting for more than ten minutes, the other party still did not come.

Although it was an hour earlier, she couldn't help but dawdle so much.

I'm really afraid that an hour has passed, and Xu Xiu's side is all done, and her blind date hasn't come yet.

Xu Xiu was suddenly told by her mother last night that today's blind date is an hour earlier, and the other party has a very important urgent matter to deal with in the morning.

She pouted and didn't care, she said it should be done at the set time, it seems that the other party's behavior is not very good.

So she deliberately grinded it for an hour before it passed, anyway, the other party changed the time at will, she also depends on the mood to let the pigeons go.

The moment Li Tian got up, Xu Xiu opened the door and walked in.

The moment they looked at each other, they were stunned.

The author has something to say: In this chapter, there are four feelings, all kinds of feelings.

I said no car, now I believe it╮(╯▽╰)╭

There are 100 chapters, thank you for your company

 Thank you in advance~ I love you~

Good night, good dream!