MTL - The Defeated Dragon-Chapter 1125 season finale

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4 years of flame, Liszt Flame annexed the Iron Ridge Kingdom.

After 5 years of flames, Liszt Flame annexed the Kingdom of Blast Furnace and completed the unification of the legendary continent.

With a flame history of 6 years, Ah Ke relied on the legs of the Emerald Dragon to successfully complete the re-engraving of dream power, planted a large number of spiritual fruit trees, and bred a large number of psychedelic fruit.

Liszt relied on a large number of psychedelic fruits of the dragon to ride a lot of captive dragons in the kingdom.

After 7 years of the flame, the flame kingdom has completed the resource allocation to the country, dragon, elves, nobles, and arcanists. Liszt Flame was officially crowned and emperor as the emperor, the kingdom was the flame empire, and the emperor was named Liszt.

This year, the Flame Empire was directly under 32 dragons, and the Dragon Knights still had only Liszt himself, as well as Emily and Hippolyta. There are twelve dependent nations in the empire, and fifteen dragons are retained. All the dependent nations have signed agreements, and the dependent nations will accept Liszt's dispatch unconditionally.

After 11 years of flame and four years of peace, the smoke dragon that had been bred for several years in Liszt's mind finally successfully hatched, but the smoke dragon did not show the entity of the dragon, but merged with Liszt to let him have It has the ability to smoke the body and completely grasp the power of fate.


He also found the true historical sacred dragon in ancient times through the control of the power of destiny. It is not a betrayal of the magic dragon, nor is it a dragon **** that communicates with the moon dragon.

But with the high development of human beings, the order gradually broke away from the control of the magic dragon. In order to clear this unconstrained momentum, the magic dragon indulged the three evil dragons, and used the power of evil dragons to completely pollute the solar empire and the ocean. It is also intended to pollute the Moon Empire with the Silent Dragon.

Eventually stopped by the holy dragons.

Part of the magician who knows the truth, joins the sacred dragon to set foot on the moon, activate the moon's spiritual will, conceives the moon dragon, and tries to eliminate the magic dragon.

Unfortunately, after the war, the moon dragon and the sacred dragon were killed, the fairy dragon fled to the place of exile, and the magic dragon only just hit the coma.

The age of magic also faded with the damage of the magic dragon, and the era of knights officially began.

Adhering to the power of destiny, the Smoke Dragon draws Liszt's soul from the long river of time in another dimension, and without disturbing the magic dragon, it quietly makes preparations to eliminate the magic dragon again. To prevent the magic dragon from spying on the fate of time.

The smoke dragon completely annihilated its soul. As part of the order, when it was completely annihilated, the fate became disordered, and even the magic dragon could not detect it.

"That's it, I'm the son of that choice. I came to this magical world to understand and save the world."

At this time, Jira also liked him and gradually evolved into a dragon elf.

Zela, who became a dragon spirit, still has a strong destiny on her body, and the shadow of the elven dragon can be seen faintly. And Liszt knows very well that if she is the incarnation of the smoke dragon, Jira is the incarnation of the elf dragon. It will no longer recover as an elf dragon.

But it will become the elven king beyond the elven dragon.

Zyra will lead the elves as friendly friends of mankind, not for making magic dust.

After 12 years of flame, the flame empire declared war on the Guishuang Empire. It took three years to remove the Guishuang Empire from the legendary continent.

Flame calendar for 15 years.

The Flame Empire annexed several kingdoms, and its territory expanded to the south. It was also in this year that Liszt and Leo finally fully understood the rules of the fire, broke the barriers, and became the barrier knights and rulers of the rule beyond the dragon knights. From wherever there is flame, there is Leo's power.

For the next three years.

Liszt took the action of beheading, riding an adult Bard to cross the legendary continent, and then relying on Leo's power to complete the attack on all the dragon-raising families, royal families, and royal families.

Flame calendar for 18 years.

The legendary continent was finally unified, and the Flame Empire became the sole ruler of the legendary continent. The number of dragons in Liszt also expanded to more than a hundred.

After 22 years of flame, the moon teleportation array was repaired. Unfortunately, with the death of the moon dragon, the moon has become barren and all living beings have withered.

Jira touched the scene, and formally evolved from the dragon elven to the elven king. It stayed on the moon and was ready to reborn the creatures on the moon.

After 23 years of flames, Acut found the door to the place of exile and entered the place of exile with Liszt. In the latitude of time and space, the fairy dragon was on the verge of death. The Fairy Dragon was severely damaged by the Magic Dragon and cannot be recovered.

It gave his last vitality to Liszt and A Ke, so that they successfully gave birth to their love crystal, A Ke finally got pregnant.

In the 25th year of the flame, Ah Ke is still pregnant, and this year, Liszt, who is colliding with Bard against the barriers, found that the magic dragon hidden outside time and space is waking up from sleep.

To counter the magic dragon.

Liszt had to hurry up. He collected the power of the Shadow Dragon, the Cursed Dragon, and the Silent Dragon, and quickly elevated his Smoke Dragon incarnation to the barrier realm.

Flame calendar for 28 years.

At the birth of a baby boy, Liszt named him Li Dalong to train him as the heir of the Flame Empire.

And Li Dalong's brothers and sisters, and even his future brothers and sisters, still use the flame as their surname. These brothers and sisters are Emily, Paris, Hippolyta, Lucy, Ruth and others. Some of the children born to Xte have grown up.

Adult sons and daughters were all sealed up and developed under the title of duke. The flame family is destined to be the most noble family of the legendary continent, and even the entire world of the magic ball and the moon.

Speaking of the flame family, anyone will respect him and admire: "Dragon Blood Family."

Because Liszt once showed his appearance as a smoke dragon, he is actually a dragon, and in fact he has the blood of a phoenix. Unfortunately, the phoenix is ​​not as famous as the dragon.

Flame calendar for 30 years.

In the thirty-eighth year of Liszt's arrival in this world, the magic dragon completely regained consciousness, and he met Liszt in a world beyond material.

One person, one dragon communicated face-to-face, and the magic dragon insisted that Liszt was a pollutant in this world. The humans in the knight era had been out of order and must be eliminated.

So the exchange failed, and a mighty battle occurred.

Even if it just injured the magic dragon that awakened, it still had an inestimable power. Liszt, who was assisted by the dragons, slaughtered with him for seven years before he completely killed the magic dragon. The dragons surrounding him also fell, and only a dozen dragons survived.

Spraying the power of the magic dragon will cause a short magic recovery, but it will eventually be replaced by vindictiveness.

There is no historical record of this battle, and ordinary people do not know the truth of history. They have become accustomed to the rule of the Flame Empire.

Arcanist, like a scientist, constantly improves people's livelihood, the fusion of magic and technology, so that productivity flourishes, and even the lowest level of serfs can eat. Under the rule of the Flame Empire for almost forty years, the legendary continent entered an era of peace and prosperity.

With the massive construction of the magical teleportation team, the Flamemen began to immigrate to the Mafa continent, and even to the moon.

Liszt, who ended the war with the magic dragon, was severely hit. He rested in his palace for ten years, and he recovered completely after 47 years of the flame calendar.

It was also in this year that the Great Liszt passed the emperor to Li Dalong, who was only nineteen years old. He accompanied the aging Emily, Paris, and others, riding dragons to enjoy the mountains and waters, exploring every scene of the world, until their lives came to an end.

In a flash of time, it entered the flame calendar for 92 years.

When the last lover, Lucy, lay quietly in his arms and stopped breathing, he felt no longer concerned, at this time just one hundred years before he came into this world.

"Brother, A Ke has found a way to another long river. Should it be his brother's hometown?" A Ke is still as beautiful as a girl.

He is the same. He is handsome and handsome. Time does not have any carved marks on his face. He and Ah Ke have a long life. "How can I go through this road and go there?"

A Ketian smiled sweetly: "The elder brother's hometown world rules are very firm, and no extraordinary force is allowed to exist. With the physical body of the elder brother and Aker, I am afraid that we cannot pass. However, if we break away from the physical body, we will devote ourselves to time Changhe, where you can be born again. "

"Do you want to see your brother's hometown?"

"miss you."

"If we are reborn and reborn, how can we ensure we can see each other again?"

"Brother, Ake gave part of his soul to his brother, and elder brother gave part of his soul to Ake. The broken soul will make his brother and Ake work hard to find each other every reincarnation."

"Well, this is the best." Liszt rushed Ake into his arms. "The child, Dalong, has embraced his grandson. We have nothing to care about staying in this world ... So, let's go, my brother will take you home. "



On April 16, 2019, Liszt, who was working overtime by tapping his code, was n’t called Liszt. Liszt was just his nickname, or the English name used to type the code, got up from the computer desk, and found that he had just fallen asleep It's time to sleep from nine to eleven thirty.

Quickly locked the company's door and rushed home.

He hadn't eaten dinner yet. He was going to buy a meat tong to deal with the meal. He was standing in line. It was so cold that he was hit by someone. He turned around and found out that it was a girl who didn't know how to fall.

"Hey, are you okay." He grabbed the girl's arm and pulled the other up.

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay, thank you." The girl stood up in a panic and rubbed her knees, only scratching the skin.

Liszt was just a hand to raise the girl and he planned to go back to continue the line, but when he saw the girl's face.

Somehow, even the child's name is up.

Then he didn't know where he had the courage. He quickly took out his mobile phone, and said blatantly, "Well, I can add yours>" Ah? "The girl froze, and then smiled shyly," Okay. "

"I sweep you?"


After scanning the QR code, the interface of adding friends is popped up. The girl ’s WeChat name is "Ake", and Liszt quickly sent an add request: "I added you, my name is Liszt's Chocobo, you pass the following."

The girl shook her phone: "Well, okay, thank you just now."

Liszt grinned, "It's a hand."

"Then I'll go first and talk back."

"Well, talk back."

He looked at the girl's back, until he disappeared at the corner of the street, then suddenly turned back to the booth: "Boss, give me a meat clip, add an intestine and two eggs!"





The following sections are testimonials ~ ~ free word count.

Originally I wanted to give a separate testimony, but I was ashamed to face everyone. I know that this chapter was issued, and many people will definitely scold me.

I just want to say a few words about Dalong's book and about later updates.

The beginning and end of Dalong were conceived very early, but the middle-term writing was off-topic and too anxious, and he did not sort out the turn of the plot. Coupled with the poor health in the past six months, I went to the hospital intermittently without knowing how many times, taking medicine, infusion, and conditioning the body.

My mood has always been bad and it really affects my state.

I wanted to end Da Long very early, but hesitated about how to end it, whether I should write it down in detail or take it through. I opened a new book under depression and wanted to cheer up my emotions, but it was too tiring to take care of both ends. So I decided to take it all.

Finally, thank you for being able to accompany Lao Bai to present book friends, thank you for having you!

I hope everyone can live a healthy and healthy life. Goodbye.