MTL - The Day I Checked In In the City-Chapter 403 Arrive in Philadelphia

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"Sign in!"

"Sign-in is successful, congratulations to the host for getting a thousand-mile daily reward card. After using this card, the host will get a cash reward of a thousand times the fuel cost of driving if you travel a thousand kilometers within ten hours!"

Signed up for a cash reward?

Li Xu took a look, and he could still make a lot of money with 200 liters of oil for a thousand kilometers.

It's a pity that it's not a check-in related to Serena.

Since it can be started at any time, it is just in use now. The big deal is to run another 500 kilometers back and forth in Philadelphia, and it will be enough to make up a thousand kilometers.

After Li Xu decisively activated the skill card, the time and mileage counting started on the system panel.

This feeling of making money while walking is cool!

Li Xu was in a good mood just after receiving a monetary reward.

"Selina, do you have a Chinese club in Harvard?"

"Chinese? I'm sorry, I'm not very familiar! There are still many organizations in our school. Li, is your family doing business?"

"No, I'm a friend!" Li Xu said perfunctorily.

"Oh, many of you Chinese are rich." Serena said with some envy.

"It's normal! There are still many rich people in America." Li Xu felt that she was not on the same line as herself when answering questions, and gradually lost the fun of talking.

After 20 minutes of chatting like this, a place similar to a small town appeared on the side of the road. There was a huge gas station, and there were convenience stores, motels and many other shops nearby.

"Lee, can you stop the car? I want to go there for convenience!" Serena said.


Li Xu actually regretted it. It was useless to bring such a guy to look good, and he was not a native of America.

The internet is really a scam!

The key point is that when this woman chats, she always feels awkward and can't tell what's weird.

Or, when she got out of the car, just drove away?

As soon as this idea came out, he was abandoned by Li Xu. After more than 20 years of moral education, he couldn't allow him to do such a thing, so he just scolded him in his heart.

Serena jumped out of the car and went straight to the convenience store that didn't seem to be that big.

Li Xu sat in the car and looked at his phone with a bit of boredom.

After waiting for ten minutes, just when he was a little impatient, he saw Serena hurriedly open the car door, and then shouted to Li Xu: "Drive quickly, there is a shooting!"

Startled, Li Xu quickly put down the phone, kicked the accelerator to the end, and drove the pickup like a mad beast, rushing out with a roar.

When the car rushed out far away, Li Xu didn't notice a car following, so he was a little relieved.

"It's really beeping a dog, should the shooting be so frequent?"

After complaining for a while, I saw Serena playing with her phone with a calm face.

"Aren't you afraid?" Li Xu asked curiously.

"Scared? Oh, no, just get used to it!" Serena's answer made him wonder whether to laugh or cry.

Indeed, get used to it.

No one was chasing after him, so Li Xu slowed down the car a bit.

Looking at Serena with a relaxed face, Li Xu felt more and more wrong the more he thought about it, so he decided to sign in for the second time today.

"Sign in successfully, congratulations to the host for getting a pair of Zuo Luo's mask, wearing this mask, the host will have Zuo Luo's superb fencing skills for a short time, and when fighting crime, it is also called an additional cash reward of 10,000 US dollars!"

Hearing the sound of the system, Li Xu was stunned for a moment, what a broken thing.

The role of Zoro was the protagonist of an American personal heroism TV series many years ago, similar to the later Knight Rider and James Bond.

His fencing skills are not as affordable as an assault rifle in reality.

The $10,000 is just fine, but he, Li Xuxian, has nothing to do, so he will fight crime in the United States.

However, although the reward is not very good, it is not useless.

Li Xu glanced at Serena without a trace, the word crime is probably related to this woman.

The car continued to drive for dozens of kilometers. Serena looked at the time and said to Li Xu, "Hey, do you feel hungry? Why don't we go to eat?"

Li Xu glanced at her, then nodded.

The car drove forward for a while, just as there was a fast food restaurant on the side of the road, Li Xu turned straight off the road and stopped at this snack bar selling hamburgers and fries.

"I'm sorry, if you don't mind, we can go to Philadelphia for a big dinner!" Li Xu said politely.

"It's fine, it's fine."

Serena smiled lightly, not caring about this.

At this time, there was only one black man ordering food in the store, and there were not many people.

Li Xu waited for a while, then ordered two set menus and brought them to the table.

Halfway through the meal, Serena got up and said, "I'll go get something from the car, can I open the door?"

Li Xu glanced at her, took out the key, and unlocked it remotely.

Seeing that Li Xu didn't give her the key, Selina gave her a slight expression, then smiled, and turned to go out.

After five or six minutes, Serena returned to the store with a small bag.

This fast food is fast.

Within half an hour, the two of them had enough to eat and drink.

"Let's go back!"

Serena said.

Li Xu stretched his waist and said, "No hurry, take a rest. After driving for so long, I'm a little tired."

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and calmed down.

When Serena heard this, her expression changed slightly, but seeing Li Xu not looking at her, she frowned helplessly.

But she didn't say much, but took out her mobile phone and sent a message.

After about twenty minutes, the harsh cell phone rang.

It's Serena's phone.

She glanced at Li Xu, and saw that the other party seemed to have fallen asleep with her eyes closed, so she answered the phone.

"Fuckyou*! I'm dying of heat staying in the car, so quickly call him back to the car."

Serena frowned, looking at the scorching sun shining outside the window, her mouth suddenly felt dry.

"Li, Li, wake up, wake up, it's time for us to set off." Serena shook Li Xu's body twice with her hands.

Li Xu slapped his mouth twice, turned his body to the side, and continued to fall asleep half-lying.

Serena was a little anxious, so she stepped up.

Li Xu shook his body, stretched his waist, and said, "Selina, what's wrong? Am I asleep?"

Serena nodded and said anxiously, "Let's go back on our way!"

Li Xu glanced at her, smiled, rubbed his face, got up and walked out.

Serena followed his side step by step.

When he was at the side of the car, Li Xu went around to the left cab, and then deliberately slowed down, and when Serena got into the co-pilot, he approached the door.

It's just that the location where he stopped is not the cab, but the rear door.

I already have a pistol in my hand!

I saw him slammed open the rear door, and then pointed the pistol directly inside.

"get out!"

As the voice appeared, there was also a thin white man with long hair!

"Ok, ok, I'll do it!"

Li Xu didn't care if he did as he did or not, he slammed the pistol on his neck hard.

Then he grabbed his collar with his left hand and pulled it out.

This change happened in an instant, and the fast Serena hadn't reacted yet.

"Lee, don't, don't!"

"Go away, what the hell!" Li Xu spat and said in Chinese.

Serena blushed.

She can understand Chinese!

Really good old "township", they all say that Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people, and those who lie are not Chinese people.

"He's my boyfriend, don't hurt him, this is America!" Serena spoke directly in Chinese this time.

Hobby Chinese Network

"Don't hurt him?" Li Xu sneered: "Why are you hiding in my car? How can you be a stowaways? You idiot bear!"

He spoke in Chinese the whole time.

The white man was dumbfounded.

Serena couldn't directly translate it for him, so she could only explain: "You have to calm down, I will communicate with him!"

The white man yelled, "You bitch, tell him quickly and let him let me go!"

Serena listened, nodded, and was about to speak when she asked Li Xu to slap the white man in the face with two slaps.

"I'm so bad at English!"

The white man dared not speak out.

"I just said, why do you think you're so weird, a good international student is inappropriate, messing around with the white devil, what do you want? You want him to be the biggest?"

Li Xu scolded that iron was not steel.

Serena's face was as red as a monkey's butt!

"Get in the car, you drive."

Li Xu pointed at the white man and let him sit in the co-pilot.

Then let Serena drive again.

The car moved forward slowly.

After about ten miles,

Li Xu asked Serena to park on the side of the road, then found some tools from the back seat, and tied the two of them back.

"I've already taken your photo, and the domestic media will soon know that you are a person. It's a shame to be thrown across the Pacific!" Li Xu patted Serena's little face, and the more he looked, the more angry he became.

Looking at the white man again, Li Xu directly knocked him down with two punches, knocked him to the ground, passed out unconscious, and then scolded: "The same thing as a deflated three, also learn from other people's robbery!"

After letting out a breath, Li Xucai said, "Get out of here quickly, let me meet again, or hear once..."

Li Xu didn't say anything below, and was too lazy to say it.

He took out the pistol directly, put it against Serena's head, and then with a bang, deflected the muzzle and shot it into the distance.

In Serena's trembling trembling, Li Xu turned back to the car and drove away.

Leaving Serena and the comatose white man alone in the wilderness, without going to the village or the store!

The highways in the United States are very wide, and the traffic flow is very small. Driving on such a highway, there is a feeling of Mercedes-Benz outside the gate.

Very comfortable!

What happened this time was the mistake of Li Xu's empiricism.

He thought everyone at Harvard was a good girl.

He thought that Asian-looking people would most likely be close to Asians.

One missed!

Just when she asked Li Xu to open the car door and went back to get something, Li Xu noticed the abnormality, and just deliberately made a bad one, so that the other party could be exposed for a while.

When going out, guarding against outsiders is one aspect, but guarding against your own talents is the top priority.

Especially these people who are adoring foreigners in appearance and bones, and willing to degenerate.

I don't know how many Chinese people came to study abroad.

Li Xu felt a little indignant at the thought of this, but he also knew that he couldn't control that much.

He opened the car window, and his clothes were rustling from the strong wind blowing in front of him.

Lighting a cigarette, Li Xu snorted and took two sharp breaths.

This relieved his angry youth's excitement.

If it was a white woman, he would never take it so seriously.

But this "Selina" despised her Chinese identity in her bones, and at the same time used the Chinese face to deceive the Chinese.

This is why Li Xu is angry.

After smoking a cigarette, his mood improved a lot, Li Xu whispered in his mouth: "They are all billionaires, the layout should be bigger, and the mind should be broad!"

After saying that, he laughed.

Billionaires are also human, with emotions and desires, as well as joys and sorrows.

When I get to Philadelphia, I have to send out the photo of this woman to let the Chinese community pay attention.

As for calling the police, forget it, I still don't know who the old American police are going to!

After another seven hours on the road, the car finally arrived in Philadelphia.

In fact, Li Xu had already arrived at the outskirts of Philadelphia five hours ago, but in order to complete one thousand kilometers, he still ran more than two hundred kilometers forward before returning to Philadelphia.

That's just enough for a thousand kilometers.

The task is completed, and the reward redemption begins.

I saw the system prompt sound prompting: "Congratulations to the host for completing the card usage requirements, now scan the gas station gas price ~ ~ based on the average calculation, this time the host will be rewarded 226,250 US dollars, please pay attention to the host to check! "

Um? How come this is so?

According to the price of diesel oil, which is more than five yuan per liter, it should not be this price!

Li Xu thought about it for a while, and suddenly a row of foreheads made him ignore it. This is the United States. The oil price is calculated in US dollars, and a gallon of diesel is only five or six dollars.

Forget it, more than two hundred thousand dollars is money!

Li Xu found a gas station and refilled the car.

Then, according to the navigation location, I rushed to the place where Du Yingxue went to school and worked.

As a doctor of medicine, Du Yingxue is not only a researcher who is engaged in scientific research, but also an attending physician who is the chief clinician.

In terms of Western medicine, Laomei's technology is indeed much more advanced, not only in terms of equipment, but also some technical theories.

The phone rang for a long time before Du Yingxue answered the call.

"You came?"

The woman's voice is still always cold, but Li Xu has been in contact with her, a person who is cold outside and hot inside.

"Well, I just entered the Philadelphia neighborhood, and I'll be at your school in a while!" Li Xu replied.

"Wait for me at the school gate, I'll change my clothes."

It is estimated that he is wearing a white lab coat from a hospital or a test product.

Li Xu answered and hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, Li Xu rushed to the gate of the University of Pennsylvania.

Looking at the sports cars that came in and out from time to time, Li Xu was a little dumbfounded.

It seems that my big scalp card is not very popular!

The rich old man, like the second generation of Huaguo, also likes sports cars and the like.

Showing off can really show off.

In a short while, Li Xu saw several convertible sports cars with beautiful girls whizzing past.

The beautiful girls here are really cool, and Li Xu is full of blood!