MTL - The Daily Life of Being the Campus Idol’s Fake Boyfriend-Chapter 16 0 maple leaves dance

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Chapter 016 Maple Leaf Dance

Ling Ke did not know how to answer for a while. Since his purpose is to disguise a straight man, he must be very mindful to be normal.

Yan Feng saw his silence and tried to persuade him: "Actually, if you don't mind, I suggest it is better not to clarify."

Ling Ke stunned... eh?

Yan Feng patiently explained: "The photos have already been sent out. How can others gossip, you can't stop it."

Ling Ke has some accidents. Why does Feng Feng not care at all?

Yan Feng said that he was also observing Ling Ke’s expression. He really didn’t expect Ling’s attitude towards this matter. After he opened the joke about “Fate” in Wuhu, Ling Ke’s performance More disgusting.

"How do you say this, I am more experienced in this kind of thing... The more clarified, the more unclear it is." It seems that I am afraid that Ling can be unhappy, and Feng Feng’s tone is sincere.

Ling Ke’s expression changed slightly, not snoring.

Yan Feng was nervous, but still daringly persuaded: "Sometimes you care more, others will think that we... really have that."

If you talk about this, if you still have to insist on clarification, you can say that you will be very hurt.

Gao Junfei after the company can't listen to it. Interjecting help: "That is to say, the forum is changing one day, and it is good to look at the jokes. Don't be too true."

Ling can not think of his decision to think of "straight man", but it will trigger the rebuttal of the other two.

He frowned, and finally made a difficult decision: "That, okay."

——The two straight men of the family said that they don’t need to mind this kind of thing. What else does he have to say in a gay?

What's more, just Feng Feng said that he is "more experienced", Ling Ke has reacted to this, and there are definitely more than one person who has passed through the scandals. Since this is the case, he is not much, he is not one. less.

It seems that he is too big a surprise.

Upon hearing Ling Ke’s answer, Yan Feng relieved with relief.

But before he even had time to sneer, he listened to Gao Junfei and said: "These ‘one pair’ are not ‘one’’s gossip is not the focus, the point is that the water splash from this post will lead to more gossip.”

Ling Kewen: "What do you mean?"

Gao Junfei ordered his own screen: "The heat is so high, maybe two days, someone will dig out your department, class, name, age, height, weight, including family background!"

Yan Feng was shocked: "Really?"

Gao Junfei smiled and didn't smile: "What do you say? You can dig out how much your personal privacy is doing well, especially if you have this local exam, you are so handsome, you can't get online." A search comes out of a pile, but also need to be taken by people?"

On the back of Yan Feng, it was a cold, and suddenly it was a bad feeling.

Gao Junfei cites an example: "I am not fooling you. I just mentioned a person in the post. I am currently a school student, Liang Ruixi. Have you seen it? This guy has given several girlfriends, what is the name of each girlfriend, how to look, forum There are!"

This is full of horror!

Fuck... that his gossip information is not that much.

Deyin International’s classmates also built a post for him. There are all the information about the girls who passed him on the gossip. Even he sent the passerby to his ballpoint pen and handed it to passerby B to use this kind of thing. Children, can be expected to become a loser, and turn to the passerby B, not to mention those who have a slightly better relationship with him, Xu Junshuang, Chu Shuangshuang, Yang Xueyu...

Thinking about this, Yan Feng's cold sweat has come down.

But this kind of worry he can't say, after all, he just advised Ling to not care about the gossip. At this time, if he is very nervous, isn't he playing his own face?

Yan Feng was a stiff smile and pretended to be careless: "Oh, is it so terrible?"

On the other hand, Ling Ke is quite calmer than Feng Feng.

Because of his sexuality, he always pays attention to privacy, and his own cold personality is almost an eight-inch insulator. Even if he secretly pursues a lot of girls, he has not provoked an unclear anecdote.

After listening to Gao Junfei, he only wrinkled his brows for a while and didn't react too much.

Gao Junfei said: "Okay, who makes you handsome? This is the price of a handsome guy. I want people to take the initiative. I am still not willing to eight!"

In fact, he is also very handsome, but with Feng Feng, Ling Ke is not too eye-catching.

After watching a good show, Gao Junfei stretched out and did not wait for the two of them to digest, and then opened the chair and said, "Walk around, eat together, let me feel the same with the gossip source." feel."

Yan Feng & Ling Ke: "..."

Before Ling Ke also had the experience of being surrounded by Yan Feng, but this time, I don’t know if it was his psychological effect. I always felt that those people’s eyes were full of scorn, as if the online rumors were directly transferred to reality. Pointing at the point - "Wow, are those two people?" "Yes, they are!" "They are a pair!"...

This kind of self-contained barrage is like exposing the secrets of his deep heart to the crowd.

Everyone's eyes are reminding him - you like 戚 maple, you secretly love 戚 maple, you are eager to 戚 maple...

In order to avoid suspicion, Ling can deliberately open a distance with Qi Feng and walk to Gao Junfei.

Gao Junfei is giving them a few food halls in the popular science school: "The noodles in the second dining hall are the best. The three-restaurant beef rice bowl is a must. The four canteens can also eat hot pot. The taste is very good, but the distance is far... Also the nine canteen, said to be contracted by Li Qianglin’s little sister-in-law, don’t go, expensive and unpalatable!”

Ling Ke: "Who is Li Qianglin?"

Gao Junfei: "It is a leader of our school. Apart from the principal and the secretary, he is the biggest. The relatives at home are all working at the school. It is said that the social management aunt of the 17th floor of the female dormitory is still his wife's distant house."

The next step Gao Junfei is talking about the grievances between the girls in the dormitory and the social aunt who has the background.

Ling can listen and laugh: "You know so much."

Gao Junfei swears: "It must be, otherwise it will be worth the big ‘Yanghu Baixiaosheng’!”

Yan Feng is hard to insert anything, because he is thinking about how to deal with his gossip.

However, see Ling Ke and Gao Junfei chat happily, and his heart is also inexplicable, some of which is not a taste. When Ling can be with him, it seems that he is not so open.

At this time, Gao Junfei remembered something and reminded them: "Oh, yes, the hotel in the south gate of Dongmen is also monopolized by Li Qianglin and his little sister. If you want to open a house, remember to go to Ximen that is a guest house, and the price is cheap. health."

Yan Feng: "Oh, yes."

Ling Ke: "???"

When I arrived at the cafeteria, the two men ordered the fried chicken noodles and fried beef noodles under the recommendation of Gao Junfei.

Finally, I found three empty seats in the crowds of people. As a result, Gao Junfei’s position still did not know what was stained, not very clean.

"You, who has paper?" Gao Junfei asked anxiously.

Ling Keyi, reacted and bought two bags last night, and gave it to him.

Yan Feng was slamming the paper towel into his pocket and sat down in a sullen mood.


After returning to the dormitory after dinner, someone in the WeChat group of Feng Feng had already urged him to go online.

"Say it be black at night? Where did the people go?" The question was Li Zhaoxing.

"Just just eating, come." Yan Feng returned a sentence.

Shen Yuezhe said: "I will be on the line for a while, Axing and Zhao Si. There are too many people in the group. We have a group of people to discuss. You add your classmates."

Yan Feng thought of their unnoticed urine, and refused: "My classmates don't use WeChat very much, don't pull it, just talk in the game."

Shen Yuezhe: "Well, wait for you."

On the game, Ling Ke added a friend of the game, and saw the name of the other person, his eyes were pumping.

"Maple Leaf Dance"...

Sure enough, it is the style of Yu Feng, enough for two.

Then he added three other friends under the instructions of Yan Feng.

Yan Feng introduced: "The night **** month is the Shen Yuezhe you met yesterday."

"Oh." Ling Ke nodded thoughtfully, and Shen Yuezhe was the one who evaluated "good poetry" under the poem of the second episode in Qifeng QQ space!

Yan Feng: "This ‘My sister can’t be three months younger than me’ is Li Zhaoxing and my high school classmate.”

Ling Ke: "The name... is long."

Yan Feng explained: "Hey, in fact, he really has a sister, three months younger than him, huh, huh."

The amount of information in this sentence is a bit large. Normally, the same mother can not give birth to him. Three months later, a younger sister is reborn, so... illegitimate daughter? Divorced during pregnancy? Half-mother?

Ling Ke brain made a bunch, summed up: the circle is really chaotic.

The last one, Zhao Si, the name of the game is called "Silver Commander", nothing special.

Compared with Yan Feng and his friends, Ling Ke's game name is a distinct personality - Lin_K.

My sister can't be three months younger than me: "Wow, your friend's name is so cool, how do you call it, lin?k?"

Maple Leaf dances: "His name is Ling Ke."

Commander of the polished rod: "0, will you play?"

Ling Ke reacted for a long time, and the circle issued by the commander of the light pole was the number “0”. The sentence was to ask him.

...Go to your mom's zero!

The various figures in the **** circle have a tendency to be a little bit of hair in a moment.

Moreover, Zhao’s question was very straightforward.

Will play and not play, each has its own method, after all, Feng Feng is said to "band" roommates in the group.

But in Ling Ke's view, this sentence is somewhat flattering.

Lin_K: "It will be a little. I played the third position before, or I will play the third."

The 3rd position is the "inferior road" in DotA, also known as the "Martyrs Road". As the name suggests, it is very likely to go to death.

Under normal circumstances, one person sent one person to the Martyrs Road to resist the attack of two or three opponents. One-to-many, the situation is usually more fierce.

A group of friends of Yan Feng listened to Ling Ke said that playing the 3rd position was a bit stunned.

Once, the person who dares to propose to play the 3rd position is definitely a bit confident about his strength.

Secondly, this position is really unpleasant, even if it will play, it is likely to be crushed and blown up.

This is still a relatively good situation. If Ling Ling is not very likely to play, and he proposes to play No. 3, it will be a tragedy. Maybe he will become the enemy's "cash machine".

Originally, Feng Feng and his classmates all thought about it. If you bring someone, let Ling Ke play a little bit of a relaxed position, or purely a soy sauce, responsible for shouting "666" in the back, I did not expect Ling Keyi to open. Just like this tiger, you must be a "martyr" directly!

Night God: "Hey, what did the madman say?"

There is nothing to say about Feng Feng: "That Ling can play the third, I hit the middle road, and the three of you play the advantage."

He said this, and the other three people have no objection. Anyway, they usually get used to it. Even if they don't play, they will not lose if they play five.

After the match is completed, the game begins and the five people move in.

Yan Feng played the shadow magic, single charge, crossed the river to meet opponents, not a few minutes in a series of accurate "shadow pressure" took the lead in stealing the first person.

When the system sounded the congratulations of “FirstBlood,” the other three were relieved.

Qi Feng is the most powerful among them. Seeing his status online, several people chat and chat while playing.

My sister can't be three months younger than me: "Big brother, I am so quick!"

Commander of the polished rod: "Is this not milky?"

Night God Month: "Fuck, is the other party stupid? It’s been a few minutes since I died, and I haven’t come yet!"

Commander of the polished pole: "Isn't it all going to the Martyrs Road to besiege the roommate of Feng Feng?"

Yan Feng saw a screen chat, but also a glimpse, but he is now entangled by the opponent back in the middle, no time to distract.

Zhao Si replaced him and asked: "000000?"

For a long time no response, Zhao Si could not help but say: "It is estimated that anti-blame, no time to type, we will win this road to kill."

When Feng Feng finally settled his opponent, he went to see Ling Ke’s screen.

I saw that the clockwork technician who was able to control it was really entangled with three people. He frowned and asked, "Would you like..."

The word "help" has not yet been exported, and the two men who were besieged Ling Ke suddenly saw a **** bottom, and then the system broke out: "Doublekill!! (double kill)"

Three seconds later, the third person who was running was also hit by a coquettish bomb and threw the street.

System: "Triplekill!!"

Yan Feng: "..."

Everyone: "..."

The public screen was quiet all at once, no one spoke again.

Subsequently, Ling Ke, who was the enemy of the Martyrs Road, and the invincible Yu Feng, who was invincible in the middle of the road, began a journey of “dish”. In a short while, they would force the other five to force themselves in the spring, and easily knock down the enemy. Base camp.

Ling Ke said this faintly to the side of Feng Feng said six words: "This game, the enemy rookie."

In the tone, there is a loss of happiness.

Ling Keton paused and drank, and asked, "What about your three classmates? Just didn't see them?"

Yan Feng pumped his mouth and said: "I don't know..."

The cell phone on his side has been shaken a few times, and Feng Feng opened his eyes.

Li Zhaoxing: "There are two people who have killed the enemy and killed them..."

Zhao Si: "That is really amazing, a dozen."

Shen Yuezhe: "So are we three to make soy sauce?"

Zhao Si: "No, it’s funny."

Li Zhaoxing: "I doubt life..."

Shen Yuezhe: "This baby has a feeling of losing the madness of the darling, no, I have to play a martyr road! TAT"

Yan Feng shrugged his shoulders and laughed at the side. Ling could see: "What happened?"

"Cough, nothing." Yan Feng turned off the phone and went to the side. "They boast that you have a good time... come back again?"

Ling smiled and looked a little embarrassed: "It’s really not the opponent in this game. It’s not so good luck in the next game."

Yan Feng was stunned by Ling Kee. The previous troubles disappeared, and softly said: "Nothing, let Shen Yuezhe go to the third place in the next game."

[small episode]


Yan Feng: I have more experience with this kind of thing and I don't need to explain it.

Ling Ke: "???" Well? Oh! I know, you have countless celebrity ladies and celebrities who have been rumored to tell you about it. It’s great to be a full-fledged aristocratic master.

Yan Feng: No! cocoa! You listen to me explain! ! !

Ling Ke: Without explanation, the explanation is to cover up.

Yan Feng: ...QAQ


Gao Junfei: "Open the hotel to the west gate."

Ling Ke: "???" Why did he go to Kaifeng to open the house? ? ?

Yan Feng: "Oh! Good!" Good place get√


Gao Junfei: "Is there a paper towel?"

Ling Ke took out the paper towel.

Yan Feng: "!!!" When I asked you yesterday, you clearly said no! This is the obvious difference! ! what! God! What am I doing wrong!