MTL - The Crazy Adventures of Wu Gate-Chapter 34 Cauliflower

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Chapter 34 Cauliflower Thief

"Sister Qishi, I don't know if anything new happened when you went down this mountain?"

Girl Pomegranate, also known as the eleventh sister, walked slowly while touching the cards.

"Isn't that the case?" Sister Qi Shi looked at the small Great Wall in front of her, thinking about her life style. "——Sword art exchange with the Huashui faction and martial arts with the Liu Dang faction. All Xinna disciples have appreciated it all. "

"Did you run into any beautiful ones?" Jiao Didi's voice was the narcissus sister Jiushi.

"Cut!" Sister Qi shouted from her teeth with a shameless face. "How can those ordinary people get into the eyes of our master?"

"——Chrysanthemum." Sister Three Masters made a timely stop to express everyone's demeanor. "Everyone is a martial arts person, and he is not polite to his disciples."

"Also, looks are not omnipotent." Eleventh Shih nodded. "Lawn training still depends on talent."

Then everyone suddenly became silent, presumably thinking of the master.

"But I heard a strange news." Sister Qi Shi suddenly remembered something and broke the loneliness in the room. "I heard that there is a peerless beauty in Qingshui Town under the mountain. Any woman who has seen his true face is dumped by his looks. .Note, it ’s a real dumping! Whether you are married or unmarried, the woman who has seen him will not faint, and will return for a while when he returns! "

"Is it so mysterious?" Jiu Shi's eyes flashed in the mid-autumn wave, and her expression was excited. "Even Master Ruan has no such ability, I really want to see it for myself!"

The face of Shishi Shi also began to turn pink: "Is there really a strange man who is more prosperous than Uncle Ruan Fenghua? Amazing ..."

"Cough!" Sister Sanshi coughed twice, straightly, "Sisters, remember that looks are not everything!"

"But in Lili Santang, it is absolutely impossible to have no appearance ..." Sister Jiu's grievance said.

"Sister Three, we are also kind." Sister Eleven had a terrible brain, and her mouth turned quickly. "What if a thief who uses the legend to fool a good family woman? What should we do in Xiling? ! "

"That ..." Sister San Shi looked around, her eyes flickered and she lowered her voice. "It's not too late to get rid of good things, let's go down to the mountain today to take a look?"


"Sister, you are the best!"

"Hibiscus Hibiscus I love you!"

Cheers erupted in the room.

"——Excuse me, who is Uncle Ruan?" Xiao Shimei's timid voice interrupted.

"Ahem, when it comes to your Uncle Nguyen, that's an old man ..."

Xiling Mountain, Qingshui Town.

Five golden flowers walked slowly, and at the end of the line was the little sister of Gu Qingqiao, now named Gan Xiaoqiao.

"It turns out that Uncle Ruan is such a person?" Xiao Qiao walked while digesting the news that Sister San had just given her.

Ruan Siqiong, the No. 2 figure in the Xiling School, is currently the most proud disciple of the head, but he does not hold any position in Batang. He is only the deputy in charge and is responsible for handling the affairs within the school. What's more legendary is that he rarely shows up in public, but he is a young and talented man who knows all the brilliance.

It is because of the three masters, the untrained Wang Tianshan, it is because of him that he is so demanding of his disciples' beauty.

"I think Wang Tianshan has spent more than half of my life, but I can't win a hairy kid!" It is said that he and Ruan Siqiong sighed after defeating him.

So Wang Tianshan was reckless, and he began to formulate an evil revenge plan for himself-he vowed that in this life he would cultivate a talent who has surpassed Ruan Siqiang in both appearance and martial arts!

"... How is that possible?" The elder sister San's voice filled with helplessness came far away. "After we met Uncle Ruan, we realized that the master's so-called revenge can only be a dream ... Within a hundred years of the Xiling School, no, three There will be no more genius like Master Ruan in a hundred years ... "

Could there really be such a god-man?

Xiao Qiao looked up at the sky, his eyes were confused-according to the law of crossing, female pigs' feet often entangled with their brothers. Once again, they were "fairy-like" masters, and rarely heard of any uncle.

but! The author of this story cannot be underestimated. In her pen, everything is possible!

Maybe I should find a chance to approach this Uncle Ruan ...

Xiao Qiao thought about it, secretly clenched his fists and made up his mind.

"Here it is." Sister Qishi sounded, "I heard that 'Jade Noodle Panlang' lived in this inn and went to the hospital opposite the hospital for acupuncture once every afternoon, so many girls waited in line to meet in advance On his side! "

Sure enough, a lot of rouge gouache was surrounded by the entrance of the medical hall in front of them, all of them were nervous and excited, and they were holding some flowers and chiffon in their hands.

Whistling, a breeze blew past, raising the chiffon in the girls' hands, which turned out to be small banners.

— "Heart moves with Pan."

— "Favorite Pan Lang."

— "Who does Shepan take?"

— "How can I not think about Pan?"

Suddenly, the crowd began to stir, and saw the door of the medical museum slowly open. A masked man in white came out under the guard of four big men and marched toward the inn opposite.

"Ahhhh! Panpan-my little Panpan-" An aunt who looked at least forty years old screamed and passed out.

"Not good!" Sister Qishi changed his face and whispered, "I'm afraid we're late! This 'Jade Face Panlang' every time I see the top 30 women, we can't keep up!"

"——At a very moment, naturally it is necessary to use extraordinary means." Sister San Shi looked at each other and winked at several colleagues.

"Maybe!" When other sisters and sisters sang softly, their toes fluttered towards the inn.


Qing Qiao looked stunned.

"Oh, I forgot to enter the teacher's gate, but Ximen Gong is a practice, and I won't take this step." The sister of the 3rd teacher stood behind her with a smile and a gentle attitude.

Speaking of them, Xiao Qiao's back collar was swiftly flew towards the inn.

Yuelai Inn, on the top of the blue tile.

"Three or three sisters ..." Xiao Qiao squeezed the tremolo in the cold wind, "Are you sure, we are going to stay here ... seeing beautiful boys?"

"What a great place here! You can look down on the whole picture!" Sister Qi Shi squatted on the roof, chopping the tiles in excitement.

"Chrysanthemums, cut them down a little bit." The third teacher's gentle and calm voice came. "Don't pick up a big hole, it will be easy to find later."

"Not big, how do the five of us think?" Sister Qishi pouted and was very grieved. "I'm going to crush my head at that time!"

"——Let's dig separately," said Jiushi Shi, a clever interjection. "If you are found, pretend to be meowing, and get on the wildcat's head!"


Everyone thought the idea was good, so they each chose a favorable position and began to pick up the tiles separately.

Xiao Qiao stayed on the **** roof and didn't dare to move, so he had to hold tightly the sister's placket.

"Are you scared?" Sister San smiled and patted her head. "No wonder, you grew up with heroes since you were a kid, naturally you do this kind of thing. But what—" She looked at other sisters Going is meaningful, "Sisters are also suffocated in the mountains, and it is good to go out once in a while, which is good for the body and mind."

As soon as Xiao Qiao stayed, he nodded in a hurry, thinking that the three sisters were worthy of Wang Tianshan's chief female apprentices.

"... Don't move, just follow me." Sister San Shi lowered her head and began to pick up the tiles, "... Actually, this tile is also a deep knowledge. How can I do it? Art, leaving no traces of art? After much practice by my sister and sister, I finally concluded a set of "three disciplines and eight attentions of grilling tiles" ... "

The corner of Xiao Qiao's mouth that turned upwards immediately bent down.

When the third teacher finished cutting the last tile, there was still movement in the room below.

Xiao Qiao glanced through the hole and saw a white masked man walk into the room under the guard of a big man.

"Well, the flower idiot is fierce than the tiger!"

The white man probably managed to break through the siege, and sighed while finishing his coat.

"Pang son." A little sister stepped forward and took a deep look. "Today there are a total of 337 girls. The first thirty signs have been issued. Would you like to see them now?"

"See you." The man in white thought for a while, and his sleeves fluttered. "Since people are so sincere, I can't disappoint the small town girl."

The little sister-in-law got a mouthful and went away with joy.

"Alas!" A few moments later, the inn door opened again, and five big men came in with red crucian carp. I saw their towers standing in front of the man in white, with a red pimple in his hand to separate him from the world.

The white man then slowly walked to the teacher's chair in the room and sat up gracefully.

"Girls, come in!" Xiao Yan greeted at the door, and dozens of girls rushed in, all of them looking excited and nervous.

"Pan Lang, look here, look here!" A younger man couldn't help crying, screaming loudly.

"Everyone be calm and restless, be calm and restless." The little sister stepped forward again, pressing his hands to make a soothing gesture. "Since Pan Gongzi promised to see you, you will definitely do it. But girls, please remember ten million Obey the rules, one ca n’t cross the Hung Hom, the other must not have physical contact with the son, otherwise ... ”

I saw that Xiaoyan's eyes fluttered for a moment, and the five big men immediately took a step forward with their chests up, looking like a tiger.

The crowd was suddenly silent.

"... Pang Gongzi, please remove the veil." Xiaoxiong then turned back toward the man in white, with a respectful look.

"Yeah." There was a slightly smiling voice from the man in white. "Pan is not talented. Fortunately, I am honored by the girls. Today I treat them as real. Unfortunately, this kind of beauty is just a sight, ladies. Even if I have seen it, I will forget Pan's face in the future! "

After speaking, I saw him slowly reach out his hand and gently tore off the veil.

The room suddenly fell into complete silence.

thump! thump!

Suddenly, the abnormal noises came one after another, and the girls outside Hung Ho started to fall down one after another.

"Ouch, fainted ..."

More and more girls shouted and screamed and fell to the ground. The white man stood up from the chair, and tied the veil gently.

Xiao Qiao looked dumbfounded, and his mouth showed a perfect O-shape like the heroine of a Korean drama.

"How? See clearly? How long is it?" Sister San Shi raised her head and asked Xiao Qiao, anxious.

"I only saw two spins on top of his head ..." Xiao Qiao wailed.

"His mother, dare to choose a broken seat this time!" The third division sister patted her thighs and began to swear. "I **** his ancestors' third-generation sons without **** ...

Xiao Qiao was shocked by the sudden transformation of the third division sister, so scared that he didn't dare to move.

"By the way, look at your other sisters and sisters!" Suddenly, the three sisters turned their heads and looked around.

I saw chrysanthemums, daffodils, and pomegranates, all of which had a weird look on their faces, and they closed their eyes.

"Is this dizzy? Why don't I look like it ..." Sister Sanshi was whispering, but found that the sleeves were ripping.

"Look at the three or three sisters ..." Xiao Qiao pulled her, trembling and pointed towards the other side of the roof.

I saw a few tall black figures shaking on the sloped roof opposite them.

(Author's flower arrangement: This roof is a traditional Chinese building. Please watch the "herringbone" shape. Assuming Xiao Qiao and Sister are left-handed, the black man is on the right side, so it may not be possible to find each other at first PS: You see how much I can justify myself, oh ha ha ha!)

Sister San Shi frowned, snoring at Xiao Qiao, and lowered her.

"Daddy, are you dizzy?"

There was noise from the opposite side.

"It's fast, I think I'm almost dizzy!"

"Why is it so long today? As long as the son releases the veil, these damsels should faint to death!"

"Oh, it ’s not exactly 30 people. It ’s just a matter of time spent in the sky. I do n’t know if a fat mother-in-law is here today. It is estimated that she **** too much and others **** less ..."

"Really? Whoops, I hate fat people, it's a problem!"

"Don't yell at it, you can blow more fans and try to blow this incense in. It should be done ..."

"Okay ... are you dizzy? Are you all dizzy?"

"Twenty-nine, thirty ... all right, all dizzy! Haha!"

Xiao Qiao suddenly realized that he could not help but jump up, but he was pulled by his sleeves.

"It really is a thief."

The sisters of the three divisions smiled slightly and restored the calmness of the past: "Don't move first, and see what they are going to do."

So the two of them continued to lie on the roof and looked down, and saw the white man turned back from the chair, and said calmly, "Is there any news from her?"

"Gongzi, we have paid much attention to it, but we still haven't found her trace." Xiaoxi standing side by side replied respectfully.

"Hmm, you can't find her when you make such a big move?" There was a trace of dissatisfaction in the voice of the man in white. "Forget it, let's stay here and wait for the rumors to get bigger, maybe we can see her. Shadow. "

"Yes." Xiaozhang made a noise and stepped back.

"My son, these girls ..." The guards approached and asked for instructions.

"It's still the same way, help them all out, and they will wake up naturally after a scent of incense." The man in white waved his hand. "This white butterfly incense does not hurt his body and there is no trace of medication."

"White butterfly incense? Couldn't ..." The third teacher's eyes lit up and she was about to speak, but she heard a loud noise, "It was the seventh teacher that slid down the eaves in the drowsiness!"

"Not good!" Sister Sanshi yelled out, as if the arrow from the string stood up, hurriedly grabbed her before she slid off the roof.


Xiao Qiao was about to breathe a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a burning pain on his neck stabbed by a sharp object.

"Hello, little beauty."

With a close look, the masked man in white did not know when to stand in front of her, and was holding her neck with a cold sword.

Looking further, I saw other sisters carrying a large sword on their necks, and there were two fierce men standing beside them, staring at each other.

"——So you guys want to see me so much, can't wait to run to the roof?"

The man in white is laughing and laughing, and looks like an acquaintance.

But Xiao Qiao clearly saw the bitter killing in his eyes. 2k novel reading network