MTL - The Corpse Ruler Confuses the World, All Seven Husbands Are Devils-Chapter 3 Which side monk do you want to sleep for today?

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Was this the cowardly, idiot Six princess they once knew? Not only did you kill Ouyang Yunjin, but now you dare to roar your uncle? You know, the previous princess was respectful to the prime minister and did not dare to neglect.

"Ouyang Yunjin tried to be frivolous and did not keep her husband, so she executed." Mo Qingli raised her eyebrows coldly at the woman kneeling on the ground. "Why, do you have any objection?"

Ouyang Qianlan was terrified by Mo Qingli, his shoulders shivering, "Chen, Chen dare not."

Mo Qingli smiled with satisfaction and resumed a calm tone. "Then you step back."

"Yes, the court retired." Ouyang Qianlan trembled from the ground, bent over and lowered his eyebrows and turned to leave.


Hearing the cold voice of Mo Qingli behind him, Ouyang Qianlan shivered from the bottom of his heart, fear of no origin, turned, and knelt on the ground.

Mo Qingli is very satisfied with the attitude of Qianyang Ouyang now. She is not the former Mo Qingli. She is bullied.

Ouyang Qianlan didn't know how he came out of the six princess's house. All he knew was that as soon as he stepped out of the door, his legs became weak, and he almost fell to his knees. Fortunately, the waiter waiting outside moved in time and quickly supported Ouyang Qianlan. .

"Sir, are you okay? Why are you sweating all over?"

Ouyang Qianlan glanced down to the sun with four glittering characters: Six Princess House. He narrowed his eyes slightly and shook his head slightly. "Nothing, let's go!"

"That boy ..."

Before the waiter had finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ouyang Qianlan. "In the future, you are not allowed to bring up your son again. This thing is done!"

The attendant was puzzled, although the son was male, but the prime minister had always been a baby son! Is it so difficult for the prime minister to kill the son like this?

Mo Qingli looked at Yue Yao coldly. She didn't like having a time bomb around her, either loyal or ... dead!

"Yue Yao."

Yue Yao slammed a shiver, and now the princess exudes a cold breath, which makes people tremble uncontrollably, and her heart is terrified.

"You don't want to stay by my side?" Mo Qingli played with the ring on her hand casually instead of looking at Yue Yao kneeling on the ground.

Wen Yan said, Yue Yao looked up at Mo Qingli in surprise, her face was faint and she could not see any emotion.

Yueyao lowered her eyebrows. Thinking back at the time, the younger one had great ambitions and hoped that his country would one day be able to rule the world. Therefore, Yue Yao had no hesitation in registering to join the army, hoping that she could contribute. No, she was fancy by Princess Six and asked to be her guard. Especially when the six princesses did something to cater to the princess, they tried to rob the good housewife and men, and if they did not follow it, they killed Yue Yao.

However, at this time, she asked her if she wanted to stay with her, Yueyao hesitated. The princess now made her seem to have an illusion. It was not the princess who stood in front of her, but the king in charge of the world. .

"Slave wants to stay with the princess all the time and has been playing for the princess." Yue Yao kneeling on the ground, her head pinched deep on the ground, one word at a time, said seriously.

Mo Qingli listened to Yue Yao's words, but was a little surprised, but since she gave a positive answer, Mo Qingli did not follow up, "Get up!"

After what happened today, Mo Qingli is a bit lacking. This is a feeling that I didn't have before. It may be the reason for attaching to the human body now!

"I'm tired, you go down first! Don't let people bother me!" Mo Qingli walked to the bed, preparing to lie down, and saw Yue Yao's utterance and endless looks, wondering, "Yue Yao, you Have something to say? "

Yueyao finally got up her courage, knelt on the ground, and said, "Princess, which side do you want to sleep at?"

Mo Qingli twitched at the corner of his mouth, a touch of red appeared on his faint face, and said a little crampedly: "I won't use it today, I'm too tired. Get back!"