MTL - The Concubine’s Daughter Comes Around-Chapter 323 contradiction

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Soon, the youngsters of Liukou went to exchange food, but the killing of the Tianfeng Army spread throughout the camp of Liukou, and the senior bosses of Liukou all knew about it.

Those elders of the pirates immediately asked the pirates who had traded with Dong Ling to explain the situation and let the pirate boss hold a meeting.

"This time, it was indeed my fault. I will give my brothers a statement and make those people pay! Go and call your brothers!" The boss of Liu Kou let his hand go down to inform the convening

General Assembly.

Soon, everyone was discussing this matter, and there were also many elders who were accused of being easily fooled by a boss who was so fooled by a woman.

The boss of Liu Kou did not refute the words of the crowd. The fact has become the conclusion. He now argues about it, and the brothers' lives cannot be returned.

"Boss, Dong Ling, they are so despicable, we can no longer bear it anymore, we must give them a little color to see, let them know that we are great." A rogue proposed


"I also think that we should kill it now and take revenge for our brothers!" Another Liu Kou has red-eyes. He was one of the people who went to work with Dong Ling two days ago.

When he got the food, he felt incredible. Sure enough, there were still cats waiting for them, brothers' lives! That's human life!

The boss of Liu Kou was so guilty that he couldn't justify himself. He originally wanted to spend this winter. As for dealing with Tianfeng Army, he was still waiting for the opportunity.

However, he did not expect that the timing would not wait for him at all. "Elders, brethren, I am deceived and blinded by the woman, and I apologize here."

He stood up and bowed to all of his brothers, and also got red eyes, and then said, "This time, I won't shrink back, this time I will take my brothers and sons to battle and go to that one.

Take down the woman's head! "

He threw his own weapon in front of everyone, showing his determination, his eyes widened, and now nothing can calm him down, only to let the blood of the Tianfeng Army sacrifice it

Some brothers.

"Kill the Tianfeng Army, kill the Tianfeng Army, take Dong Ling's head, take Dong Ling's head!" All Liu Kou shouted, this time, they are no longer afraid.

This time, they were not afraid of life and death, they just wanted to avenge those dead brothers. Such a vicious strategy made them sad.

"Okay, it's not too late, brothers, let's bring your weapons and fight the enemy now!" The boss of Liu Kou raised his arms and everyone agreed.

When this happened, the elder-level Liu Kou also hated Dong Ling and the Tianfeng Army even more. They also followed the boss of the Liu Kou to seek revenge from the Tianfeng Army.

In the military camp, Li Feng and his men were drinking happily, "Cheer up! Really!"

"Ha ha ha ha, this time, we have a brilliant record. I see what that sorceress can say. In the future, the army in this army will still have to face General Li." A vice general patted the horse.


Everyone arched their hands towards Li Feng. Everyone felt that his decision this time was too wise, otherwise he really couldn't win those rogues, and now he got so many things.

Li Feng took it down and let the people in his hands share it. Everyone felt that he was very powerful. "Thank you, General!"

"You do n’t need to be polite, drink it today, we have n’t been so happy for a long time, we can celebrate well, come, drink!" Li Feng toasted, and everyone else followed.


Everyone felt that Li Feng was doing a good job, but did not expect that their approach directly angered Liu Kou, making Liu Kou now more afraid of life and death.

"Brothers, rush! Take down here, we will be the masters in the city in the future!" Liu Kou boss directed the Liu Kou rushing towards the barracks.

Suddenly, a shout, and the sound of a sword collision sounded. Tianfeng Army immediately reported to Dong Ling that the situation was not right.

"The lord, not good. All those pirates have come in. They said that you don't talk about credit, what's wrong with their brother, and that they will no longer cooperate with you."

Hurry up and see what's going on?

When I came to the barracks, I saw that Tianfeng Army had fought with Liu Kou, and Wu Jitian also rushed over, "What's wrong? Why would they suddenly come over?"

He remembered that Dong Ling said that he had to deal with this issue well, so he didn't bother, but when he saw the situation today, he was stunned.

Dong Ling frowned. "I don't know what happened? Today they didn't come to trade. I thought it was their appointment."

The rogue came fiercely, the Tianfeng army reluctantly resisted, and Wu Jitian joined the battle. Dong Ling was on the side, watching quietly. She saw the boss of the rogue and wanted to explain these.

Problem, kill it all the way.

"You listen to me, there is no good result if you fight like this. What happened, you can tell me!" Dong Ling wanted to explain, she didn't know which link there was.


However, the boss of the rookie heard her voice, and instead of stopping, he fought even more fiercely, and Dong Ling was almost unable to fight it.

Wu Jitian immediately rushed over, a beautiful sword flower thorn to the boss of Liu Kou, he also used his own tricks, caught the boss of Liu Kou.

The principle of capturing the thief and capturing the king has remained the same forever, and sure enough, everyone else has come to see, "If you want your boss to survive, put down your weapon."

Soon, those pirates dropped their weapons one after another. Everyone's expression was very embarrassing, and their eyes looked at Dong Ling fiercely.

"You hypocritical Tianfeng Army, hypocritical Tianfeng Army, what else do you want to cooperate with us, but the result is to find a way to kill my brothers!" Liu Kou boss was grasped by Wu Jitian

I was very unconvinced.

More complaining, why didn't he think that this was a conspiracy? Why do you believe this woman?

Dong Ling listened, "What the **** happened? Why did you say this? It's clear that you didn't come to trade today, why are you blaming me?" She was released by these people today.

My heart is still burning.

"Hmm! Fortunately we have not been deceived. Those brothers you killed on the hill, the corpse capital is still there, what else do you have to quibble on?" Shouted the high-ranking raiders, everyone cursed


She was still not quite sure, and she continued to ask questions, but it turned out that a male general led someone to die in the past, and she didn't need to know who she was.

Both Tianfeng Army and Liu Kou were present, and they were all angry when they heard that Liu Kou said that someone was taking soldiers to annihilate and rob something.

Even more surprised, how could this happen? Wu Jitian frowned, and was very dissatisfied with this matter, and Dong Ling froze.