MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 7 No money to talk about

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  Chapter 7

Who is she?

  Xie Heng's eyes were empty, no one knew what he was thinking.

   Including Zhao Chuchu.

  Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

  Those young and strong villagers drank the soup and basically recovered, but the weaker ones, such as Xie Heng and Xie Jun, were still coughing.

  Li Jiang was ecstatic.

   "Chuchu, your recipe really works!"

   "Well, the people who took the medicine are already in good shape. After a few days, they will be the same as usual."

   "I plan to hand over this recipe. As for the people in your village, what are you going to do with it?"

   "You can use this recipe, but they have to pay!"

   She is not the Virgin.

  Those people who shout and kill are already good for the recipe, but still thinking about the white one?

   There are no doors!

  Li Jiang understood what Zhao Chuchu meant.

   He apologized to Zhao Chuchu: "Too many prescriptions are useless, and the court also has orders, please forgive me, Mrs. Xie."

"It's not the fault of the adults. The adults were willing to believe me at the beginning, but I was too late to be grateful. How can I blame the adults? Since the recipes are useful, the adults should hurry up and hand them over. ."

   "Well, I'll go back now, but Lengshui Village still can't come and go freely."

"I understand…"

  The villagers already knew that Zhao Chuchu's recipe could really save lives, and when they saw Zhao Chuchu appear, they all wanted to rush over like crazy:

   "Chuchu, give me the medicine, I don't want to die!"

   "I want a recipe, please hand it over to everyone."

   "It's all from the same village, how can you be selfish and keep Fang Zi private?"

   In the roar of the villagers, Yang's voice was particularly sharp and high-pitched: "Zhao Chuchu, this recipe belongs to our Zhao family, hurry up and return the recipe to us, otherwise it will be unfilial, and I will go to the government to sue you!"

  Li Jiang lowered his face and shouted angrily: "If you shout again, I will kill you!"

   Those who bully the soft and fear the hard immediately calm down.

   Zhao Chuchu stood in front of them, looked around, and said with a half-smiling smile: "Want a recipe? Want a soup? Yes, the family has two taels of silver, no money to talk about."

  Why did they want to kill her, and she was kneeling and sending the recipe up?

   Those villagers were angry.

   "What do you mean? It's only a recipe, but you dare to ask for two taels of silver?"

   "Are you still human? You don't have to be afraid of retribution for earning such unscrupulous money!"

   "Sir, Zhao Chuchu is going to kill us all, please do justice for us, and let Zhao Chuchu make soup and medicine for us!"

   "Why?" The crisp female voice had a hint of childishness, "Why should I save you for nothing?"

The    voice came up again, with a sharp question in the middle of the indifference.

   "Two days ago, you yelled at me for killing me because of Zhao Zhizhi's words. You wanted to smash my body into tens of thousands of pieces. Why do you want me to save you now? The scene at that time is vivid in my mind, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life.

   If you want to kill, you must kill, if you want me to save me, then I will be saved? Is there any justice in this world? God has the virtue of good life, you can live if you want, I will give you a chance, but I will not give you a chance for nothing!

   Either give money, or give food, or use fields in exchange. I am a very talkative person, I have enough money, and it is easy to negotiate anything. However, it is absolutely impossible to force me to save the person who wants to kill me! "

   Zhao Chuchu said the last sentence so powerfully that it was irresistible.

  Li Jiang couldn't help but feel a little frightened when he saw Zhao Chuchu's eyes.

  Why is this little girl so murderous?

   The needle drop can be heard in the scene.

   A moment later—

   (end of this chapter)