MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 481 I'm sorry, it was me being abrupt

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   Chapter 481 Sorry, it was me who was abrupt

  Xie Heng took the quartermaster to the warehouse, where Zhao Chuchu was already waiting.

   The quartermaster saw a woman in front of the warehouse, and his face sank again, "Mr. Xie, I'm here to pick up the supplies. I don't have time to talk about these things with you. If you can't hand over the supplies today, don't blame me for being rude!"

As soon as the    voice fell, the soldiers behind the quartermaster drew their knives and stared at Xie Heng coldly.

  Xie Heng took a deep breath and told himself not to have the same knowledge as these rough men, "You misunderstood, she is my wife, and she was ordered to come to Tianlang Pass to be a military doctor, not what you think."

   The quartermaster's dark face turned red.

   He thought that Xie Heng was looking for such a beautiful girl to do something, but it turned out that he had misunderstood.

   The quarters were able to stretch their muscles, and immediately apologized, "Sir Xie, I'm sorry, I was abrupt, please forgive me, Mrs. Xie and Mrs. Xie."

   Xie Heng pushed open the door of the warehouse and stepped in, "Let's come and see the grain and grass first."

   The three warehouses side by side are all the grain to be escorted this time.

   The quartermaster suppressed the embarrassment and followed Xie Heng in.

   Grain was piled up in bales, filling the entire warehouse.

  Xie Heng said: "This is only 40%, and there are other two sides."

   The quartermaster stepped forward, tore through the bag, and picked out the grains inside. Sure enough, they were all new grains.

   He sampled twenty bales in a row, and none of them were old grain mixed with sand.

   The quartermaster went to two other warehouses, and the same thing happened.

   He asked Xie Heng, "Why did Sir Xie take such a long time to exchange food and send it here?"

   "Maybe I'm more cautious. Facts have proved that it's better to be cautious. Otherwise, if there is a problem with food and grass in this war with Rong, I'm afraid the soldiers of Tianlang Pass and the reinforcements of Duke Zhen will not be able to support it."

   The quartermaster knew that there were many intrigues in the capital, but he did not investigate the real reason why Xie Heng did this.

   As long as the food and grass are in place, he doesn't have to worry about other things.

   "I apologize to Lord Xie again for the previous incident. I wonder if Lord Xie can hand the complainant to me and bring him back to the army?"

   "You can look at the disposal, but you can't kill him for the time being. This matter has to be reported to the court."

   "Well, I know the weight."

   "If that's the case, then hand over the food and grass as soon as possible. The reinforcements led by Duke Zhen Guo should be arriving soon."



   Xie Heng spent three days handing over this batch of provisions with the quartermaster, and his task was considered complete.

   But Xie Heng was not in a hurry to return to Beijing.

   After another three days, Duke Zhenguo and the reinforcements finally came to Sirius Pass.

   During this time, the Sirius Pass has been in a truce.

   The army of the Rong Kingdom would shout outside the city every day, calling the Great Wei generals and soldiers like tortoises with their heads shrunk, only daring to hide inside the border and not dare to come out.

   The soldiers were scolded with rage, but the coach was not allowed to go out to fight, so he couldn't open the city gate without authorization.

   The arrival of Duke Zhen Guo has lifted the spirits of all the soldiers and soldiers. Recently, I have been really aggrieved.

   Reinforcement arrives, food and grass arrive, and finally we can fight to the death with those sons of **** in the Rong country.

   Duke Zhen arrived at Tianlang Pass and did not rest. He went directly to the city wall to see the situation of the army of the Rong Kingdom.

  The army of the Rong Kingdom was stationed ten miles away from the Sirius Pass, and that arrogance was indescribably arrogant.

   "Grandpa, when are we going out to fight these bastards?" The lieutenant said excitedly, "At the end of the day, I've had a stomach full of fire, and I'll wait to kill those bastards."

   "How long have they been here?"

   "It's been half a month, and I'm yelling every day, let's go out and fight."

   "Since it's delivered to the door, why not call?" Duke Zhen Guo sneered.

   As soon as he got down from the city wall, he went to order troops.

  The soldiers of Sirius Pass are waiting for today.

   As soon as the city gate opened, the screams of killing were loud.

   The Rong country called for a war, but the Wei should not. After a long time, the morale of the Rong country would definitely drop.

   But Da Wei was different, all of them were holding their breath, and the arrival of reinforcements made them more confident.

   (end of this chapter)