MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 467 Naturally looking for something pleasing to the eye

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   Chapter 467 Naturally looking for something pleasing to the eye

   "I saw it all!" Zhao Chuchu said angrily, "Who knows what he did before I came, county master, don't excuse him!"

   Jian'an County Lord: "..."


   She didn't actually mean anything, she just wanted to see who Xie Heng was.

   Jian'an County Master explained it to Zhao Chuchu patiently, only then did Zhao Chuchu "reluctantly" believe it and let Xie Heng go.

   Xie Heng's ears were saved.

   Jian'an County Master waved his back and looked at Zhao Chuchu, "I didn't hear that you are so powerful, Xie Langjun is always being pulled by your ears every day at home?"

   Zhao Chuchu said: "Actually not, this is the first time, and I was so angry that I did this."

   "Oh." Jian'an County Lord nodded, "I heard that you are skilled in medicine, did you save Ayan last time?"

   "Just luck, after all, there was an imperial doctor before I went."

   "Hmph, the **** in the Taiyuan Hospital, what else can they do other than intrigue, their medical skills are not worthy of your shoes!"


  Although this is the truth, if you say it like this, the county lord, you are not afraid of being passed on to the imperial hospital, and they will embarrass you in the future?

   "Forget it, not to mention those spoilers. Mrs. Xie, you have been in the capital for several months, are you still used to the capital?"

   "How does the county master know..."

"This county lord never misses the beautiful men in the capital, Xie Langjun looks like a talent, can this county lord not notice? It's a pity, she has a daughter-in-law, why don't you get away with him, I'll give you one How about the house, and the money that will never be used up in this life?"

   Xie Heng took a deep breath and calmed himself.

   Zhao Chuchu refused: "No matter how much money there is, it will not be my big man. I am not short of money, and I will not reconcile with Dalang for the sake of it."

   "If Xie Langjun wants to leave with you..."

   "There is no such possibility. I have only one wife in my life, and that is Chu Chu. Princess, such a joke is not funny, please don't say it again."

   Otherwise, even if the Princess Jian'an was a heroine in her previous life, he wouldn't mind doing something to make her unhappy.

   "Xie Langjun is really in love with Mrs. Xie."

   "When Xiaosheng's eyes can't see, the lady is always taking care of him, and Xiaosheng can't live without the lady."

  Xie Heng calmly said what he said to Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu's eyes were full of smiles.

   Jian'an County Lord always felt like he was suddenly stuffed with something to eat.

   "Well, let's get down to business, you came out of the Third Prince's Mansion today? I heard that the emperor and the empress dowager are there? Why did your younger brother Xie Jun stay in the Third Prince's Mansion?" Jian'an County Master said sternly.

   Zhao Chuchu asked back: "Is the county master staring at us all the time?"

   "Do you still need to keep an eye on it? You went to the Third Prince's Mansion in an upright manner, and many people saw this." Jian'an County Lord said calmly, "Does Xie Jun have anything to do with Ayan?"

   "Since the county master knows so much, presumably the county master already has the answer in his heart. We dare not speculate on what the emperor is going to do." Zhao Chuchu said.

   Jian'an County Lord was thoughtful.

   "The county chief has nothing else to do, can we let the couple go back first? I have already bought the vegetables and am going back to cook, but I was interrupted by the county chief..."

   "Then stay in the county master's mansion to accompany the county master to eat!" Jian'an county master settled down, "Xie Langjun, I have something to say to Mrs. Xie, you go out first."

   Xie Heng glanced at Zhao Chuchu, Zhao Chuchu nodded, and Xie Heng went out.

   Jian'an County Lord smiled: "Xie Langjun is afraid that the County Lord will not be able to eat Xie Niangzi?"

   "Xiaosheng dare not."

   "Okay, your expression says it all, let's go out."


When Xie Heng went out, Jian'an County Lord turned around and stared at Zhao Chuchu: "You are really good-looking, no worse than those famous ladies in the capital, and it is no wonder that Xie Langjun has a deep love for you. But Lady Xie, the capital is no bigger than the city. Qingfu, people like Xie Langjun, but many people are watching."

   "What the county master wants to say, you might as well express it."

   "Well, I like a smart person like you. You know the uncle's house, right? Si Kou Zhendong is planning to marry a concubine to Xie Langjun, you have to be careful."

   "Dalang has already married me. Could it be that the county master heard something wrong?"

   Zhao Chuchu looked unconvinced.

"What about getting married? Xie Langjun is too valuable to Si Kou Zhendong. For him, it is an easy task to deal with a little-known lady like you. Don't be careless. Look at the capital. It seems prosperous, but in fact, there are traps everywhere, and if you are not careful, it will be irreversible."

   "Why did the county master tell me this?"

   "It's not pleasing to the eyes of Uncle Guo, and I don't want everything to go smoothly for him?"

   "The county master is for the third prince, right?"

   "Don't talk nonsense, although Ayan calls me auntie, it's not my turn to worry about him."

   "Then what should I do?"

   "No, Mrs. Xie, you still ask me about this kind of thing? Aren't you very good at killing the Quartet in Guangqing Prefecture? Why did you come to the capital to confess? Are you pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

   Jian'an County Lord unceremoniously exposed Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu laughed.

The county master of Jian'an waved his hand, "Okay, don't pretend in front of me. After you entered the capital, I have already sent people to Guangqing Prefecture to check. I know what you did in Guangqing Prefecture. Seriously. Mrs. Xie, I like you quite a bit. I invited your husband to come, mainly because I want to see you. Well, as I imagined, she is a beauty."

   "The princess likes beautiful women?"

"Who doesn't have the love of beauty? It's just that I have more choices than most people. Look at the faces of my county master's mansion, none of them are ugly. Since they don't last a lifetime, they are naturally Find something pleasing to the eye.”

   "The county lord is the person with the most genuine temperament I have ever seen, but those faces the county lord raised were not for the sake of being romantic, right?"

   "Oh, how do you say this? Isn't raising a face and head just to be happy, isn't it to be a good person?"

   "The county owner is probably the latter."

   Actually, when Zhao Chuchu came in and saw Jian'an County Master, she knew at first sight that she was still a girl of yellow flowers, and her private life was not as chaotic as rumored outside.

Moreover, Zhao Chuchu also noticed that the golden hairpin worn by Jian'an County Master has been worn for some years. In her capacity, she should not use old jewelry anymore. It must have been given to her by an important person who made her wear it like this every day. on.

   Who else is there except the horses who died young?

   "Don't talk nonsense, I robbed a lot of men, and everyone in the capital scolded me. Oh, I robbed Xie Langjun today, and tomorrow those sour scholars will have more excuses to scold me."

   "The mouth is on the face of others, and you can say whatever you like. Although it is said that words are the most poisonous and sharpest knife in the world, as long as your heart is strong enough, you can be invincible in the gossip."

   Jian'an County Master gave Zhao Chuchu a deep look, and after a long time, she sighed: "It's easy to say, how can it be easy to do?"

   (end of this chapter)