MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 452 Kill me, just rely on you?

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   Chapter 452 Kill me, it's up to you?

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhao Chuchu took Xie Jun back to Lengshui Village.

   Xie Jun didn't know that Xie Heng had come back, and Zhao Chuchu didn't know that the third prince also left Yuanjiang County.

   She lived happily in the village, and she took her children to fish for snails and fish, which was simply revenge to make up for her unexplored childhood.

During the period, Zhao Chuchu also went to Gan's house, and told Roche how to use the stove that Mrs. Gan made last time, and also told Roche how to make cakes that he knew, and asked Roche to try it. Roche succeeded once .

   This makes Zhao Chuchu envious. She, a master of dark cooking, can't learn anything.

  In the blink of an eye, it was the day when Gan Lin got married.

  The Gan family was beaming with joy.

  Gan Maosheng and Mrs. Gan laughed so hard that they could not see their eyes. This was the first time their grandchildren got married.

  Gan Maosheng is also a prominent presence in Yuanjiang County, and naturally many guests come.

   Zhao Chuchu was as busy as a top, spinning non-stop, helping the Gan family to do this and that, and there was no time to take a breath.

   After the bride entered the door and worshipped, Zhao Chuchu was finally able to stop, and the day was almost over.

   Zhao Chuchu plans to return to the city tomorrow.

   After the guests dispersed, she went to Gan Maosheng and Mrs. Gan and told them her plan.

  Gan Maosheng was stunned for a moment: "Why so fast? Why don't it be too late to leave after the child returns."

Zhao Chuchu said: "Dalang wrote to say that the business in the city is a little troublesome. It's not good to wait for me to go back to deal with it. It's not good to delay it. Anyway, I'll be back in the New Year, right? We'll have a good meal at that time, right now. It's been a few months since the Chinese New Year."

   Mrs. Gan covered her mouth and smiled: "Old man, you don't understand this. Chuchu has been back for so long, and Dalang is in Fucheng again. How do you get used to it? You are still a visitor, and you don't understand this."

   "Oh, yes, then I won't keep you, you have to be careful when you go back." Gan Maosheng laughed, "I'm sorry, Chu Chu, the old man didn't think so much."

   Zhao Chuchu: "...Grandma Gan don't want to laugh at me."

   "What's so shy about the young couple thinking about each other?" Mrs. Gan said, "We'll just wait for you to come back for the New Year. It's best to invite us to drink the full moon wine earlier."

   Zhao Chuchu: "..."

   is spawned wherever you go!

   "Grandma Gan, I'm still young."

   "Hahaha, whatever happens."

   Mrs. Gan did not continue this topic.

   Zhao Chuchu chatted with the two elders for a while, then went back to rest.

   As soon as it was dawn the next day, Zhao Chuchu took Xie Jun to Lengshui Village, packed his things, had lunch in the village, and set off back to Fucheng.

   Everyone was reluctant to bear Zhao Chuchu, and hoped that Zhao Chuchu could live for a while longer, but they also knew that it was unrealistic to let Zhao Chuchu stay in the village because Xie Heng was in the city.

   After saying goodbye to the villagers, Zhao Chuchu set foot on the road back to the city.

   "Sister-in-law, I'm a little reluctant." Xie Jun looked at the villagers who were still watching them at the entrance of the village, "I like our village so much."

   Zhao Chuchu patted Xie Jun's head: "Will we come back after the Chinese New Year? I like it here too, but your brother is alone in Fucheng, we have to go back, otherwise we will be worried after a long time."

   "I know, that's what I said, brother is more important. And I also have a lot of questions that I need to answer for my brother, otherwise I'm afraid I'll forget it for a long time. If my brother wins the Juren next year, will we go to the capital?"

"Yes, you know your brother's ability. He will definitely participate in the spring festival in the next year. If it is successful, we will go to the capital ahead of time. After all, we are from the south, and the capital is in the north. Disagree."

   "Well, in a few years, I will also take the exam, and when I become a scholar, I will go to the National Examination Examination."

   "That Junjun should also work hard, the imperial examination is not so easy to test."

   "Don't worry, sister-in-law, I will not disappoint you and brother."

   Zhao Chuchu smiled lightly.

   Xie Jun did not have this opportunity to participate in the imperial examination.

   Two people are paving the way for him. He will eventually sit in that position and become the examiner of the palace examination, and the imperial examination is to select talents for him.

   Today's Xie Jun is still pure and innocent. I'm afraid that after returning this time, Xie Heng will start to let him see the dangers in the world.

   When I came back, I played all the way, and when I got back, Zhao Chuchu was on the way.

   If it wasn't for Xie Jun, she would have wanted to drive her beloved car, which would be faster.

   But Zhao Chuchu didn't expect that the way back would not be so peaceful.

  In a place called Songyang Valley, they were ambushed.

  Fortunately, Zhao Chuchu reacted quickly, and led Xie Jun and the driver to dodge quickly, watching the horse being hacked to death with a random knife.

   Zhao Chuchu looked cold at the group of killers dressed as escorts.

   He also worked hard to numb her, and she didn't even notice it.

   Zhao Chuchu hasn't loosened his muscles and bones for a long time, and his abilities have not been used for a long time.

  Since someone is here to die, it’s time to try out how the ability recovery is going!

   "Hide." Zhao Chuchu pushed them behind the stone on the side of the road, and stood on the stone himself.

The    killers swooped in again.

  Xie Jun turned pale with fright, and shouted loudly, "Be careful, sister-in-law!"

   Zhao Chuchu showed a cruel smile, "You asked for it yourself."

  Most of the human body is liquid. As a person who has awakened water-type abilities, ordinary people are living bombs in front of water-type abilities!

   Zhao Chuchu stretched out his hand and pinched it, only to hear a bang, and the stomachs of all the killers exploded instantly, blood splashing everywhere.

   They didn't die immediately, they all looked at Zhao Chuchu in horror, they couldn't believe it, she just pinched them to death so easily!

   When Xie Jun and the driver saw this, they rolled their eyes and fainted from fright.

   "It's up to you to kill me?" Zhao Chuchu sneered, she has been a good person for so long that they all thought she was a soft persimmon and could knead it casually!

  Although she is only a military doctor in the last days, she is also a frightening existence because of her strong fighting power.

After    transmigrated to Dawei, the peaceful and beautiful life made her refrain from the murder, but she was not a soft-hearted person in her bones.

   "Thinking that I can't see if I hide behind the dart car? I'm not blind, come out together, don't waste my time." Zhao Chuchu stood on the stone with a cold tone.

   "Ms. Xie, you're good at it." Zhao Chuchu's words just fell out, and three men walked out from behind the dart car. The leaders were dressed in black and wearing masks, and they didn't seem to be afraid of Zhao Chuchu's methods at all.

   Zhao Chuchu glanced at him: "Why, did you only know?"

   "It's true, Madam Xie is very skilled in medicine and skillful. Isn't it too subservient to stay with a young scholar? If you follow me, I guarantee that you will have inexhaustible prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life."

   (end of this chapter)