MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 431 You are just a vulgar

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   Chapter 431 You are just a layman

   Si Kouming's harassment of Zhao Chuchu soon reached the ears of the third prince.

  The third prince naturally knew the reason why Si Kouming came to Guangqing Mansion.

He said to Qiao Heting: "The Si Kou family does not worry about me as always, but what kind of waves can a Si Kou Ming find? Si Kou Zhendong really has no one to trust, so let Si Kou Ming come? If Si Kou Ming died in Guangqing Mansion, you Wouldn't it be wonderful?"

"Third brother wants to take action against Si Kouming? But in that case, I am afraid that Zhao Chuchu will be involved. Xie Heng will not agree to this matter, third brother, think twice, if you fall out with Xie Heng, you will You are of no benefit." Qiao Heting persuaded the third prince.

   After all, Xie Jun grew up with Xie Heng, and his reliance on Xie Heng far exceeded the third prince.

   When Xie Heng said anything in front of Xie Jun, it would make Xie Jun dissatisfied with the third prince.

   The most important thing for the third prince is this younger brother. If there is a separation, the third prince will not be happy.

The third prince couldn't help but chuckle: "You think too much, I'm just talking about it, I don't plan to do it. Even if Si Kouming dies, he can't die in Guangqing Mansion, it would be great to die in the capital. Si Kou Zhendong is now Si Kouming is left with a son, and now that Si Kouming is dead, he will go crazy."

   "Third brother, you scared me."

  "I'm such a senseless person?"

   "No, the third brother has always thought far ahead of me."

   "It's not a problem that Si Kouming is always pestering Zhao Chuchu. This matter is also caused by me. I have to deal with it properly so that Xie Heng will not be dissatisfied with me."

   "What are you going to do, third brother?"

   "Si Kouming likes to find things so much, so I'll let him get busy."

   "Third brother, don't you plan to do it yourself?"

   "Why not, it just happens that I feel a lot better during this time, so it's time to go out and move around."

  Qiao Heting originally wanted to persuade the third prince to lie down, but after thinking about it, Zhao Chuchu had also warned him about something similar, so he didn't say anything else.

   "Let Si Kouming come to see me." The third prince said to Qiao Heting.

   "What if Si Kouming is not good for you?"

   "Aren't you there?"

  Qiao Heting sighed and had no choice but to run errands.

   He looks like a weak scholar on the outside, but in fact he is a martial artist, playing tricks or something, and can never be compared to the third prince.

   And the third prince is very protective, Qiao Heting is closer to him than the other brothers of the Qiao family.

  Qiao Heting was well informed in Guangqing Prefecture, and soon found Si Kouming in a brothel.

  Si Kouming is talking about his ideals in life with his newly-acquainted Hongyan.

  Qiao Heting's appearance made him stunned for a moment.

"Qiao Shizi, so coincidental?" Si Kouming came back to his senses, pushed Hongyan away, got up and walked towards Qiao Heting, "I didn't expect that Qiao Shizi, who prides himself on being clean, would come to such a place? Hahaha, your fiancee is still in Guangqing. As for the government, you won’t be afraid of being swept out of the house by doing this?”

   "The Third Young Master wants to see you." Qiao Heting was too lazy to talk nonsense with Si Kouming, and cut to the chase, "Now."

   "The Third Prince? Why does he want to see me so well?" Si Kouming didn't know what medicines were sold in the Third Prince's gourd. He glanced suspiciously at Qiao Heting, "What tricks are you playing?"

   "I've already brought it, it's up to you whether you go or not." Qiao Heting turned around and left.

  Seriously, no matter what Si Kouming did, he would not dare to openly oppose the third prince.

  Who doesn't know that the emperor values ​​the third prince? Even though he has been suffering from illness all these years, the emperor did not let go of the reserve.

   "Qiao Shizi wait, I'm just joking with you. Let's walk around, aren't you going to see the third son? You lead the way." Si Kouming chased after him.

   His rouge smell made Qiao Heting disgusted.

  Qiao Heting quickened his pace and kept his distance.

"How is the third son's health recently? I heard that the third son came to Guangqing Mansion to recuperate, and I thought he was going to a town with beautiful scenery. It turned out to be in Fucheng? Look at my news. Otherwise, I should have gone to visit Third Young Master long ago."

   "Qiao Shizi, I don't know why the third son is looking for me? After all, we can be regarded as fellow villagers. Why don't you give me a word or two so that I don't say the wrong thing in front of the third son?"

   "By the way, did Qiao Shizi come to Guangqing Mansion with the third son? Well, I knew this earlier, I would come with you at that time, so that I can enjoy the glory of the third son."


  Si Kouming was long-winded, and his mouth never stopped.

  Qiao Heting took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to beat Si Kouming.

   He knew that Si Kouming was deliberately disgusting him.

"Master Si Kou, if your mouth is too busy, why don't I buy you some snacks?" Qiao Heting glanced at him sideways, "Guangqing Prefecture's snacks are quite interesting, I'm used to eating mountain delicacies and seafood, so try this street food stall. Interesting."

   "No, Qiao Shizi, people of your status also eat roadside stalls? Don't you feel ashamed?"

   "In life, you must eat first, and then talk about other things. Why, Master Si Kou lives by drinking dew and absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon every day? It doesn't look like it, how can you be considered a laity!"


  Si Kouming blushed after being scolded by Qiao Heting for turning around.

  Qiao Heting felt much better when he saw this.

   "I speak more directly, don't take it to heart!"

   "Qiao Shizi is really unforgiving."

   "Would you like to tell you what delicious food is available in Guangqing Prefecture?"

   "No need!"

  Si Kouming has no desire to talk to Qiao Heting.

   Qiao Heting smiled slightly.

   The identities of the two people are evenly matched, and when they were in the capital, they were **** for tat.

   But the way they dealt with each other was gentler, they just moved their mouths, not hands.

   After all, the family background of both sides is there, and if they really fight, both sides will suffer.

  Si Kouming didn't want to stay with Qiao Heting, which shows that the matter of the third prince should not be delayed.

   He still has to inquire about the news from the third prince.

   When Qiao Heting brought Si Kouming to the third prince, the third prince was pruning a pot of flowers.

   "I have seen the third prince." Si Kouming was very honest in front of the third prince, because he was repeatedly warned by Si Kou Zhendong not to provoke the third prince, he was not someone he could deal with.

"Eldest son Si Kou doesn't need to be too polite. It's not like he is in the capital now, so you can call me the third son." The third prince did not stop moving, and did not go to see Si Kouming, "It's a coincidence that my entourage went out to buy I met you when I was doing something, came back and told me, and my cousin went to invite you over."

   "Please, I can't bear the words. As long as the third son sends a message, I will arrive immediately. I don't know if the third son asked me to come, what's the matter?"

   "When I was in the capital, I was often sick because of my frailty, and I couldn't play with my peers. Now that I'm in Guangqing Mansion, the royal father can't see it, so it shouldn't matter if I'm a little presumptuous."

   "What does the third son mean?"

   Si Kouming had a bad premonition.

   "According to my cousin, you are the best at having fun in the capital, so during this time in Guangqing Mansion, please take me with you, so that I can also experience it."


  The third prince put down the scissors, turned around and looked at Si Kouming: "Don't you always say, Mr. Si Kou, that in life, play should be the first? If you want to be proficient in play, no one can compare to you."

   Si Kouming stammered: "It's all made up by those who hate me, and there's no such thing."

   He came to stare at the third prince, not to bring the third prince to have fun!

   If something happens to this sick child, his ten heads will not be enough for the emperor to chop off.

   He really shouldn't have come.

   "Young Master Sikou seems to be embarrassed? Are you dissatisfied with me?" The third prince sighed softly, "Okay, I will not embarrass Young Master Sikou. Don't worry, I will follow quietly and no one will find out."

  Si Kouming: "!!!"

   He is really struggling to ride a tiger.

   Rejection is not, and consent is even less so.

  Why did he have to come with Qiao Heting?

  Si Kouming was not happy at all because of the invitation of the third prince, because the Si Kou family belonged to the eldest prince's camp.

  If he went in and out with the third prince in Guangqing Mansion during this time, who knows what the first prince would think?

   When the eldest prince ascends the throne, he will not have any good fruit to eat.

   "Three sons, this, this..."

"How? Don't worry, all the money spent is covered by me. After living for so many years, I haven't tried many things yet, so I have to experience it. Master Si Kou, that's it, I'll stay today. Eat here. Starting tomorrow, you take me out to play."

   He didn't even give Si Kouming a chance to refuse, he frowned while holding his head and said, "I'm tired, my cousin has a job for you to entertain Young Master Si Kou."

   Having said that, the third prince picked up the pot of flowers he just trimmed and went back to his room.

  Si Kouming: "..."

   "Let's go, don't disturb Third Young Master Qingjing."

  Qiao Heting walked out first.

  Si Kouming gritted his teeth and caught up with Qiao Heting: "Qiao Heting, did you say something before the third hall? How do I feel he is targeting me?"

   "Stop!" Qiao Heting said in a cold voice, "Don't speculate about the third son's thoughts. Why, you don't want to take the third son out to play? Why don't you just refuse? Why are you talking nonsense in front of me?"

   "Do I have a chance to refuse? Why don't you persuade the Third Highness?"

  Si Kouming complained about Qiao Heting.

   "I suspect you are just digging holes for me to jump."

  Qiao Heting paused and looked sideways at Si Kouming, he really doubted that Si Kouming was out of his mind!

   They are not friends, say such things in front of him?

   "Si Kouming, we can't stop what the third son wants to do. Also, if you don't want to do it, you must refuse it yourself. Don't talk nonsense in front of me. I have a bad temper and patience!"

   After saying that, Qiao Heting waved his fist.

  Skuming shut up.

   But what can I do?

Are you rushing to find abuse?

  Si Kouming really wanted to leave the house, but the third prince didn't say anything, so he couldn't leave.

   His followers are stupid and have no idea how to save him.

  Si Kouming always felt that this time he came to Guangqing Mansion by mistake!

   If he can't do what his father told him to do, I'm afraid he will cause a lot of trouble...

   (end of this chapter)