MTL - The Book of Troubled Times-Chapter 62 Thorn Road

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  Chapter 62 Thorn Road

  In the early morning, it rained at night and then cleared up.

  The mountain was wet, and big drops of water dripped from the leaves and hit the rabbit hat, making a mess.

  Zhao Changhe took Cui Yuanyang's little hand and flew all the way in the mountains and forests. Turn over the mountain where you live at night, don't enter the mountain road, and continue to climb another mountain opposite, picking a wild path with no one.

  Cui Yuanyang didn't complain at all, he held his little hand honestly, and let the thorns in the mountains cut his lovely coat into a mess.

  She did not give a choice and let Zhao Changhe arrange it, but this attitude itself explained the choice—she was unwilling to choose the first one.

  Leaving home to find Zhao Changhe, she was attracted by the turmoil and excitement of the world, and was also attracted by the wildness that was completely different from the gentle and elegant family members she had seen since she was a child. The little girl in the rebellious period was impulsive. When the impulse passes, no matter how much history there is, she will know the stupidity at that time. Fortunately, Zhao Changhe didn't let her down, otherwise, if he was really put into 18 appearances, he wouldn't know how much he would regret it.

  When she was blocked by officers and soldiers in the city, she realized what kind of stain it would bring to her life, and she was grateful for Zhao Changhe's move to preserve her reputation from bad reputation.

   And this time is the same, if you follow Zhao Changhe away, you will have no other choice but to marry him in this life. Has she considered it?

  The little girl never thought so much before this.

  Once she thought about it, she found that she didn't know, at least she couldn't make such a decision hastily.

  Yangyang wants to go home, misses parents, misses brother, misses that beautiful black peony...I don't want to wander outside for a year and a half, be dragged to sleep by him, and have a baby.

  Yangyang himself is still a child.

  But Cui Yuanyang knows that the second is a thorny road. Even if Zhao Changhe said it calmly, it is much more dangerous than changing the road. Let her directly say that I want to go home, let's take risks, then she can't say it either.

  Meet by chance, Zhao Changhe has done enough, he didn’t even ask you for this ordinary cheat book, so why should he put someone in danger, relying on your piece of cake? There is no need for people to get involved in these things at all, and they can go far away.

  Zhao Changhe understood her thoughts, rested all night without saying anything, and took the little rabbit straight out of the hole early the next morning.

Cui Yuanyang resigned to his fate and got out of the cave to follow him. The moment he found out that the direction was to go to Qinghe, the little rabbit's heart trembled. ripple.

  In fact, Zhao Changhe was born brave and fierce, and he would have walked this thorny road, right?

   Maybe even Han Wubing could see it, knowing that he would send Yangyang home.

  But Yangyang was still very strange.

  The morning sun shines through the treetops in the mountains and reflects on his face. It is so beautiful, and it is more perfect than the statues of the masters.

   "Are you tired?" Zhao Changhe suddenly asked after running around for some time.

  Cui Yuanyang was out of breath, but insisted: "It's okay."

"Well... You are at the third level of the Xuanguan anyway, with first-class lightness kung fu, you can still endure it." Zhao Changhe said: "Let's take a rest first, but you can't go to the city to rest and eat, no matter how unpalatable this cake is, you have to make do with it. "

  Cui Yuanyang looked at the rough cake he took out, not only unpalatable, but also a little dirty... But she didn't say anything, took the cake and gnawed it in small bites.

  Zhao Changhe smiled. This girl... is much cuter than the rich lady she imagined.

  He strode to the side stream, took a big gulp to refresh himself, picked another large leaf, filled it with water, and brought it back: "Hey."

   Cui Yuanyang held the water and was a little curious: "Why don't you drink your wine gourd, is it gone?"

  Zhao Changhe smiled: "Yes, but it must be used sparingly."

   Cui Yuanyang thought that he was coping with alcohol addiction, so he didn't say much, and bowed his head to eat the cake.

   Suddenly there was a gust of wind, and there seemed to be a fishy smell in the mountains.

   Cui Yuanyang doesn’t know what it represents. Isn’t the mountain wind very normal... he is still eating cakes silently, full of thoughts.

  Zhao Changhe looked up and said with a smile: "You eat, I'll go to the back to urinate, you must not turn your head."

   Cui Yuanyang wrinkled his nose: "Who is watching you!"

   Immediately, his face was a bit bitter. What should I do if I want to urinate... I haven't urinated since last night...

  By the way, if he goes to relieve himself, shouldn't he also take advantage of this time to relieve himself? Cui Yuanyang had long forgotten that he said not to turn his head, and subconsciously turned his head to see where he was.

   At this glance, Zhao Changhe jumped forward with a steel knife in his hand, and a white-fronted tiger with eye-catching eyes in front of him rushed straight at Zhao Changhe.

  The two sides are about to meet in mid-air.

   "Roar!" The tiger roared in the mountains and forests, and the vegetation shook.

  Cui Yuanyang dropped all the cakes in his hand, and quickly covered his mouth.

People who have never seen a tiger pouncing on their food can imagine how to use a sliding shovel in the face of a tiger, but when they really face it, the aura of the hundreds of catties behemoth rushing straight at them is mostly because people's minds are empty Yes, fear can immobilize a person.

  At this moment, Cui Yuanyang's mind is empty, and he doesn't know where the sword skills he practiced since he was a child.

  Looking helplessly at Zhao Changhe in mid-air, the knife in his hand turned the color of blood, and the stern red light slashed heavily at the tiger's forehead.

   Gods and Buddhas are scattered!

  He didn't want to dodge You Dou from the beginning, he was afraid that Cui Yuanyang behind him would be injured if he gave way, so he made a special move, trying to stop the tiger directly!

"Bang!" I don't know if the slash was real, blood sprayed, and the powerful impact caused Zhao Changhe to fall in mid-air, then quickly twisted his waist in the air, kicked his foot on the tree trunk behind him, and rebounded like an arrow out.

  The tiger's forehead was bleeding, and roaring wildly, it turned around and cut its tail, and threw it heavily towards Zhao Changhe who was in mid-air.

  Zhao Changhe spun around in the air, the tiger's tail swept away, and the knife had already slashed along the tiger's waist, bringing a rain of blood all over the sky.

   "Step!" Zhao Changhe landed in front, and the strong inertia made him slide forward a few feet before he stood still. When he turned his head and looked back, the tiger was dead.

   In the eyes of Cui Yuanyang, he is really like a god.

  In a trance, I thought of my brother's evaluation, the tiger goes down the mountain, and the dragon enters the sea.

  Tiger is no match for him!

"Ah, don't look at it. I thought I could do it in seconds, but I underestimated it. Even the tigers here are more powerful than Beimang." Zhao Changhe strode back with hundreds of catties of tiger carcasses, and said with a smile: " Since you are going to the mountains and wilds, you will encounter wild beasts, which are easier to deal with than experts, and the meat will be delivered to your door. It’s all right, you continue to eat, and I’ll see if I can roast some meat.”

   Cui Yuanyang asked in a strange way: "Do you often hunt tigers in Beiman?"

"Uh, I haven't hunted before. At that time, this thing was Luo... well, my friend was hunting, but I only saw it occasionally. It was winter at that time. Although the tiger didn't hibernate, it was less active. It was hard to see." Zhao Changhe While cutting the tiger meat, he said happily: "At that time, she hunted one, and the whole cottage was like New Year's Eve. Professor Sun peeled off the tiger skin himself to make a chair cushion, which is the one I sat on in the Juyi Hall. I don't know if you Have you seen it... Oh, it seems that you didn't enter the Juyi Hall, and I carried you into the room..."

  Cui Yuanyang sat on the side and held his chin to watch him babble, as if he couldn't hear what he said.

   "Huh? Why are you looking at me?"

   "Oh... oh, it's okay, I, I, I will go to have a pee too, don't turn your head!" Cui Yuanyang jumped up like a rabbit, and quickly got behind the bushes behind Zhao Changhe.

  Zhao Changhe: "..."

  Although I can't see you squatting behind the bushes, please don't squat while taking off...

  Why is it a white tiger again... Isn't this wrong? Is it not full-grown?

   "Ah!!" Cui Yuanyang's exclamation suddenly came.

  Zhao Changhe suddenly stood up: "What's wrong?"

   "Yes, there are snakes!"

   "..." Zhao Changhe grabbed her sword and threw it to her hand accurately: "Cui family swordsmanship is used by myself, I really can't help you this time."

  Cui Yuanyang chopped the snake with his sword, and then looked suspiciously at Zhao Changhe's back: "You... how do you know where my hand is?"

   "Listen to the sound to identify the position, listen to the sound to know the position!" Zhao Changhe's face was flushed with embarrassment, and he didn't even want to roast the tiger meat: "It's almost time to rest, let's go after pulling!"

  The little white rabbit chased after him with his trousers in his hands: "Zhao Changhe! So you are also very nasty!"

  Zhao Changhe turned his head and made a tiger's claw posture: "If you are so wordy, put you in eighteen shapes!"

   "You only have a mouth to speak."

   "You just said I was nasty, are you out of your mind?"

   "Huh." The little girl seemed to have completely forgotten what she was questioning just now, and naturally put her hand into his big hand again, and the two started light work and ran wildly all the way.

  The days of wandering the mountains with beautiful girls are so simple and boring.

  If he had a choice, Zhao Changhe would rather deal with tigers and snakes like this every day, and it would be best to reach Qinghe all the way.

  It's a pity that the road leading to Qinghe is not a series of mountains. After traveling through the mountains for three days, there is already a flat river in front of us.

  The stream flows out from the mountain stream at the back, and gradually merges into the river in front. In the flowing river, there are boats floating and melodious fisherman's songs.

  Zhao Changhe took a deep breath.

   If you want to cross the river, it is the easiest place to be on the sidelines, and it will be difficult to hide your whereabouts from then on.

  Man is much scarier than tiger.

  (end of this chapter)