MTL - The Book of Troubled Times-Chapter 49 fail

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  Chapter 49 failed

  Time passed quickly, it was nearly a month after Yue Hongling left, the first month passed silently, it was February, and the spring was warm and flowers were blooming.

  The medicine has been used up, not only the Qixue powder that I bought is not enough for dispensing, but even the daily medicinal bath is not enough. Because Zhao Changhe sent people to buy medicines everywhere recently, Fang Buping also heard about it, and started to rush to buy it, so there were no more, not even the surrounding towns.

   What's more terrible is that Fang Buping finally healed after being punished by Suzaku after a long period of recuperation.

In the past two months, Zhao Changhe made a lot of income because of the "challenge" of the idiots. The money was just a symbolic amount for the sub-helm, indicating that Beiman Village is still a member of the Blood God Sect. As for Fang Buping, he asked for half of it before. Give him the ass.

  But early this morning, Fang Buping sent people here, and the five and six were arrogantly asking for half of the resources.

  It is bullish when the injury recovers. I have been holding back my displeasure with Zhao Changhe for several months, and it is time to vent.

   "Master Zhao, is Beiman Village still a copy of the Blood God Sect? Master Zhao wants to be self-reliant?"

   "Ha, where did this brother come from? He is a brother in the school. Sit down."

The visitor looked at the sky with his eyes: "Master Fang said that he had previously agreed with Village Master Zhao that he would hand over half of the income from the Shanzhai every month to the sub-duo. But last month, the Shanzhai handed over 88 taels. What is the meaning of this? The official government’s bandit suppression matter that you made an appointment with the rudder master, the rudder master has helped you solve it properly, and there have been no officers and soldiers to disturb you for several months, right? "

  Zhao Changhe sneered in his heart, the government didn't come? What do you think Cui Yuanyong is here for? With him here, why do you need the government in this small town? It's over to serve young master Cui to eat and drink.

   If people don't do anything, it's because Yue Hongling is here, or because I'm a weird person in my role, and it doesn't matter if Fang is not fair? On the contrary, what about Lin Feihu, isn't it the trouble caused by your injustice?

After all, he didn't say that, leaned on the main seat, and said leisurely: "Everyone agreed on the income from the cottage, but the income of these two months is basically the bonus from the challenge of Lao Tzu and others. It is my personal income, and it is thrown into the public treasury. It’s just that I treat everyone as brothers and share the blessings, but it doesn’t mean that it’s fake income. It’s a lot to give you eighty-eight taels, so just ask any brother, is this the truth?”

  A group of copycat gangsters stood shyly aside, with different thoughts.

It is true that what the boss said is true. The income from the cottage is very small, and it is still the income from hunting animals. The things suggested by the former Mrs. Yazhai have just been planted and have not yet been harvested... Now the income in the village is indeed a personal challenge for the boss. Bonuses are selflessly thrown in the public treasury for use together. It is really a blessing to share that other people can at best dig a trap in this matter.

   There is nothing to say about the boss's behavior, he is loyal enough.

   But how should I put it, standing in line doesn’t necessarily just depend on your personality.

  Fang Ruozhu has four entrances after all, and he is the clear boss in the teaching. Who dares to openly stand by your side?

   Some people are thinking in their hearts, the so-called no income is because you are suppressing everyone to grab it, otherwise how can there be no income? Are we still bandits now, and why should we leave this kind of land?

  These people are not forced by the government to rebel against the people. They are all **** or committed crimes and went up the mountain. If they were willing to farm honestly before, who the **** would go up the mountain...

  The visitor laughed loudly: "Do you think which brother of yours agrees with your reasoning? You are the owner of the cottage, so your income is not the income of the cottage?"

  Zhao Changhe had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, and smiled slightly: "That's right. Dashan, take this envoy brother to the warehouse and get half of the things."

   Then someone had a bad face.

   Those are everyone’s things, half of the things were donated with empty mouths and white teeth, and my heart is bleeding. Recently, there are no fools who dare to challenge. Where can there be so many resources? If you move like this again, you will eat dirt again.

   But just now no one echoed the boss, now?

Zhao Changhe wanted to laugh very much, and said leisurely: "Okay, go to three schoolmates... oh no, go to a few people to serve the rudder master and envoy, and make room for the best room. For tonight's roast lamb, remember to take the lamb leg Leave it to the Zunshi brothers to enjoy. That's it, the meeting is over."

   After finishing speaking, regardless of the different looks in the Juyi Hall, he got up and left leisurely.


  Outside the pool in the back mountain, the water in the pool is still clear, there is no snow around, the trees have sprouted new branches, and the flowers and plants are full of fragrance. The wild geese return to the south, and their voices sing in the sky.

  Zhao Changhe stood silently for a while, then suddenly opened the three-stone bow, without aiming at it, and shot at the wild goose flying high in the sky.

  At the sound of the bowstring, the arrows were like shooting stars. Two wild geese were pierced by one arrow and fell to the ground with a bang.

Zhao Changhe didn't go to pick it up, and with his farsighted eyes, he could already see the wound on Dayan's body clearly. It wasn't pierced by an arrow, but a big hole was formed in his body by the spiraling **** qi, and the wound was surrounded by circling wounds. The blood was brutal, and it shattered the bones, cracking every inch.

  The bow and arrow have been completed so far, and the eyes and ears are clear, as if reflected in the heart. If the skill does not break through, everything will be at the bottleneck.

  Lack of medicinal materials, it is difficult to cook without rice, Zhao Changhe's ambitious pace has no choice but to slow down, and at the same time he is more determined to leave.

   Even the resources required for the second and third levels are not enough, what should I do if I cultivate to a higher level?

  Fang Buping's envoy has already left, but obviously he will come to continue looking for trouble. As Yue Hongling said, since the fate is here, it is the fuse, and this period of recuperation should come to an end.

  He pondered for a moment, hid the bow and arrow behind the tree by the pool, and strode away.

  Even if it doesn’t feel like it’s enough, Zhao Changhe still plans to try to break through the third level tonight, whether he succeeds or not, he has his own calculations.

  Tomorrow will be the Waking of Insects, and if the insects break through the ground, how can the dragon dive!

  He returned to the house, finished the last barrel of medicinal bath, drank the last medicinal soup, bathed and changed his clothes, and slowly assumed a strange posture.

The third stage of the Blood Fiend Kung Fu is no longer a squatting horse stance. The current posture looks very shameful like a statue of David, and it is even more embarrassing to change the posture slowly...but it is more conducive to the operation of the Blood Fiend, and it is also more It is beneficial to infiltrate blood gas from the blood vessels and muscles to the internal organs of the muscles and bones.

  When the blood evil spreads inside and outside, the blood evil work can be accomplished. Yue Hongling's judgment is naturally not a problem, this is indeed a skill with a high upper limit, among the many types of external skills, there are very few that can exercise bones and internal organs.

   It’s just that the later the stage, the more energy supplement intake is needed, and the more painful it is.

He could clearly feel the turbulent flow of evil energy in the blood, seeping out, entering the skin, and spreading to the fascia... Slowly, the severe pain began to invade, the blood began to rise, and the rationality became more and more violent. He just wanted to tear what he saw in front of him. Everything, venting the violence in the heart, and venting the pain of the body.

  Zhao Changhe knew that if an outsider was by his side, he would see that his eyes were bright red at this time, and his whole person was like a wild beast about to fall into rage.

   Taking advantage of his rationality, Xia Longyuan's exercises started to work. A ray of coolness entered the atrium from the perineum, traced his heart veins, and then went to the Lingtai to maintain the immortality of the aura.

   But the more awake I am, the more unbearable the pain will be. In a sense, the rage of the Blood Demon Art is actually a way for you to ignore or vent your physical pain, it just depends on whether you are willing to be a human being...

  Of course Zhao Changhe was unwilling.

  Sisi zhenqi travels through the meridians from the dantian, disperses the muscles and bones, and relieves the pain of the body.

  Whether it was Xia Chichi's help in the beginning, or relying on Xia Longyuan's exercises now, the disadvantages of internal energy for blood evil energy have always been to help alleviate, rather than eliminate. The real way to get rid of it was the blood-fixing pill given by Professor Sun, but up to now, Zhao Changhe has never eaten a single one.

  Once you rely on that kind of thing, you will never want to be independent again.

  Relief of internal function is enough... how can a man's bones not survive that little pain?

   In a daze, he seemed to hear noises outside and someone knocked on the door. Zhao Changhe was rational and confused, he didn't care, and he was still tirelessly rushing towards the final checkpoint.

   I don't know how long he has endured, Zhao Changhe can already feel his sweat soaking through his clothes, but the fascia that Xuesha is trying to break through is still a little bit short.

   Just a little bit.

   No matter how many times you bear the pain and shock, if the strength is not enough, it is not enough.

   Not enough energy, not enough medicine, too little time.

   After all, he is not a genius that is favored by nature.

   "Damn it!" Zhao Changhe opened his eyes angrily, kicked the tub by the side of the house, and the medicinal bath splashed all over the floor, announcing the failure of this breakthrough.

   "Boss, boss!" It seemed that he heard the movement inside the house, and someone outside shouted anxiously: "Boss, you are finally awake..."

  Zhao Changhe gasped wearily, and said angrily, "What's the matter!"

   "Someone broke into the stronghold at night and was trapped in a trap... But her swordsmanship is so powerful, everyone and her were in a stalemate for half an hour, but they still couldn't take it..."

  (end of this chapter)