MTL - The Black Tech Life of Scum-Chapter 277 : Wu's Idea

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After Zhang Yifan's continuous improvement, the first batch of products were made, and three were changed with pants sold on the market;

Wang Beibei and Gao Yong were fortunate to be the first batch of testers, both of whom tried with curiosity and even a bit of bad taste;

This time, Zhang Yifan changed it to be quite perfect. The remote control unlock function was canceled. After receiving the remote command, the user still needs to manually press the switch to unlock it, to avoid some misoperations triggering the unlock. Embarrassment

At the same time, in order to avoid the event that the control side had to unlock or have no signal to pull into the pants during the emergency, Zhang Yifan repeatedly optimized the design and added emergency switches;

This emergency switch can open the underwear and pants, but cannot be taken off. When the emergency switch is activated, the recording mechanism also starts. The recorded audio signal is stored in the black box and will not stop until the emergency switch is turned off. recording;

Leave no trace of empty space, do not give the flower-lovers any chance!

Subsequently, Zhang Yifan ran to Yang City and contacted the surrounding garment factories, packaging factories and electronics factories;

With previous experience, Zhang Yifan is familiar with outsourcing production.

He directly placed a large order of 100,000 pieces from a garment factory at a unit price of nine yuan. The business manager of the garment factory almost smiled, and even the boss was alarmed. After signing the contract and paying the deposit Later, the boss Lu repeatedly invited Zhang Yifan to eat them for dinner;

Since most of the OEMs of foreign brands have been transferred to Southeast Asia, the excess domestic capacity has to obtain orders at low prices to respite, and factories that do not make brands, even if they are moved to a relatively low cost of labor and other aspects Lu, it is also very difficult to survive, the profits are thinly distributed, and it is difficult to guarantee the operating rate;

It was an embarrassing time a year ago. At this time, the merchants who prepared the goods generally prepared the goods, and the order volume would naturally decrease, and the employees could not take a vacation too soon. There was a problem with the movement of factory equipment. There is a problem of employee turnover. Employees have long vacations. Without overtime, the return rate will be lower after the year.

The industry such as clothing production is not the same as an electronics factory. Although its products are low in technical content, it still has high requirements for the proficiency of employees ...

Zhang Yifan's order is a gospel for this garment factory. Not only is the profit high, the requirements are low, but it is too timely;

At this time, don't say that this kind of underwear designed by Zhang Yifan, the pants are a bit weird, even if he made something weird, as long as he can do it, he will pick it up;

In the factory near Yang City, except for some technical and management personnel who may come from other places, such as front-line employees and team leaders are local people, that is, those who can get home by car for up to two or three hours, and it is okay to put off the annual leave later;

With such a large order, Zhang Yifan also requested that all deliveries must be made the previous year. HR is naturally very happy. The factory had no problem with the day before New Year's Eve, and the overtime was arranged full.

After the new year, if the employees want to leave, they will not be willing to pay this month's salary. After all, it will be a small amount. If the holiday is extended, only a few thousand dollars will be waged in the factory. Say no Many people really don't come after the right year ...

After that, the electronics factory, packaging factory, and plastic parts factory, Zhang Yifan waving the check ran smoothly. Everyone wanted to make money a year ago, so Zhang Yifan's requirements were also met as much as possible;

It's nothing more than hurrying up, almost all manufacturers promise to deliver the first shipment in three days ...


In fact, Zhang Yifan did this, which means that the product has been finalized. The test of Gao Yong and Wang Beibei has little effect on the finished product. If it is to be changed, it can only be changed in subsequent batches;

The reason why Zhang Yifan is so anxious is to want to be a good holiday for Valentine's Day;

I have to say that Chinese people, especially young people, have a passionate pursuit of Western festivals, even as a fashion, but traditional festivals are ignored and downplayed;

Of course, some jokes have also been made, such as eating apples on Christmas Eve, apples, called apples in English, transliteration, no relationship with Christmas Eve half a dime, is a local product of China, and it is seriously suspected that fruit merchants are trying to raise fruit prices. from....

Well, Valentine's Day is a Western festival during the Spring Festival holiday. It didn't matter much at first, but in some years, the country of China was still relatively poor, and the phenomenon of exalted beauty was still common. This festival was called by some so-called trends. People introduced it, and it flooded later;

Women, like to compare is a kind of potential, more or less. Seeing that others collect chocolate and roses in this foreign festival, they naturally want it, want to get the other's attention, this is very good Understand, so this festival has become the most expensive Western Festival that the Chinese have ever had .....

Men can only spend money obediently, spend several times the usual price to buy flowers, and buy those usually slogans for losing weight, but this holiday is still a high-calorie food: chocolate.

All I want is two words: romance!

Zhang Yifan thinks there is a lot of business opportunities here. There must be 40 to 50 million people in the country who are dating. Even if 1% of people buy their own things, they also have a sales volume of 200,000 to 300,000. This is a big market!

The boys in Huaguo are in a disadvantaged position, and they are usually threatened by the other party. They will threaten to break up with a little discomfort. When they talk about marriage, they will even speak loudly. No one more than 100,000 without talking ...

No way, the gap is too big, the ratio of men and women in marriage is tens of millions! This hasn't counted some female workplace professionals who don't even want to get married ...

Zhang Yifan felt that he couldn't contribute much in this regard, so let's take some medicine!

Now that everyone pays so much attention to Valentine's Day, then romance is not a big deal.

I use these trousers to prove my loyalty, you also have to use it, everyone is equal!

If you dare not even use these pants, what love will you tell me and what will you spend your whole life with? That's all talk!

If you want to have such a wave on Valentine's Day, then only Zhang Yifan can sell it.

For women, if you want to prove that you love me, put this thing on!

For men, spending so much money on you, even if you can't get your heart, at least you must guarantee that your person is mine!

In this era, there are too many methods for officers, and other organs can't be controlled. The following can be managed just fine, not too expensive.

This is an absolutely new concept. Zhang Yifan firmly believes that this can be a huge sum of money!

For Zhang Yifan, making money is secondary, and the main thing is to be able to hit Wang Beibei's face;

The face must be as cool as possible, so publicity is definitely necessary. This new product needs a certain degree of popularity and popularity;

Yifan Technology's official website also has a certain amount of traffic, because the products they launch have characteristics, or it is a bit strange;

People who like it very much, and people who don't like it really don't feel, or even dislike, hate it;

Therefore, both forums and web pages have a certain number of page views, although not many, at least they can be seen as active.

"Before the Spring Festival, the company will launch a brand new product, dedicated to Valentine's Day, couples or couples are particularly friendly products, everyone stay tuned!"

Yifan Technology's official website released such a message, pulled the banner, and made a large page of advertising.

Because the product information has not been announced, in fact, there are not many people concerned. Some curious people will leave after they click, because no information is available.

In fact, there are many products for Valentine's Day in the market. They are targeted at some students' gifts, and then there are high-end products for those who have the ability to spend. Yifan Technology launched electronic products. Seriously, Interested in these things?

Regardless of Valentine's Day, you can't get something special for Valentine's Day, right?

Many people are watching, this is what it is, and this is no other reason. The main reason is that Yifan Technology is a unique company. It will not hold any conferences or publicity. The product will be launched when it is launched. .

Moreover, once launched, these things are really nothing on the market, and they are so amazing. Although many people do n’t need them, they wo n’t buy them, but they still have a little recognition of his innovative ability.

Zhang Yifan did not consider so much. He felt that buying something he made was an appreciation and recognition;

Of course, he comes from the lowest level of the peasant, and he also understands some things,

All people are rational in shopping. If they do n’t establish Yifan Technology, they will be very careful when buying things. Others are naturally the same, even he has calculated a data;

In the absence of brand and demand, consumers can buy things below 100 yuan blindly, because even if they are useless, they will not lose too much, but when they exceed 100 yuan, they must Consider whether this thing is useful.

So, how much should the price of this harmonious pants be set?

This is a problem that Zhang Yifan has a headache. When all the costs are added up, it looks like sixty or seventy yuan. One hundred yuan is set, which is a little too small.

So I set a 199, and the money was earned, and then it was not too expensive. A housewife gave her husband these two pairs of pants, which were suitable and not too painful;

When they understand the benefits of this thing, the order will come, and the housewife has too much time to take the children out, how many people will they see?

Compassionate for the sick, talking together, naturally will recommend this thing ... This is Zhang Yifan's idea, he never considered any face issues.

However, Zhang Yifan realized that the first wave of propaganda was still going on and had to be a bit well-known.

Do propaganda, how can it be better?

It can only be said that Yifan Technology had developed too smoothly before, so there was no need for publicity, everything was sold, and it was a little out of stock. What else was publicized?

But now, it's needed. The military is not going to come in handy. You let a group of disciplined people use this stuff? Are you kidding me? They dare to leave the barracks and try!

Then, to publicize and raise awareness, Zhang Yifan can only follow the traditional routine, invite stars, and then place advertisements on TV stations and the Internet;

Although this trick is old-fashioned, it is very useful, otherwise there are not so many manufacturers advertising on various television stations;

However, on the image spokesperson, Zhang Yifan was tangled again;

What kind of person to invite?

He himself likes Liu Chahua more. It allows him to endorse his own products, and then use these conveniences to get some signatures and group photos, which is really pretending. Although this is not needed now, but is it really cool?

But it ’s really inappropriate. Liu Chaowa ’s scandal is too small. Although secretly having a wife and then secretly having a daughter, this little problem is not a thing in the entertainment industry at all, and it ’s too much. So he cannot be the focus;

For this product, if you want to find a spokesperson, you need to find scum. For example, such as Teacher Chen, it is not good. You have to do something in marriage, and this choice becomes very small;

Even if someone who talks and cherishes divorces, who can he find?

In the end, Zhang Yifan badly added a circle of information to the entertainment industry. Finally, he had a goal. A star named Wu Da ~ ~ This person is a second- and third-tier star, without any background, and not too red Mainly when people started to be popular, people drifted away, played with a few little stars, and then had some unscrupulous relationships;

It ’s just that Wu Da has nothing to do with it, but he went to work on something he couldn't afford, and then it was reported that he had a bad reputation and owed a lot of debt.

Sometimes people really do n’t know who they are, and feel that everything they have is theirs ....

When reality gave a slap, the outside world condemned the company for refrigerating, and Wu Da finally knew that he was going to sing cool;

But at this time, it ’s no use saying regret, because everything has already been done, and the company is unwilling to give PR, it is basically over;

In fact, Wu Da ’s heart is also very cold. He does n’t see any possibility of getting up again. Many stars just made a name and then disappeared. There may be reasons for the lack of talent of the singer, but more Yes, the company's refrigeration ...

This is a fact, fans are actually very simple, idols come out, have new works, and then support;

Without a new work, I quickly forgot that a song may carry a memory, but who is who?

In other words, if there is no exposure, fans will naturally forget themselves.

However, if you want new songs or something, all these are the company's resources. Lyrics and songwriting are all pulled by the company. Wu Da also knows that the company feels that it is useless and the resources must be gone.

Well, this Yifan technology opportunity is also its last life-saving straw ...

This is an endorsement. This is a chance to take the lead. As for their products, is there any choice ...

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