MTL - The Black Card-Chapter 1395 Cannot recover

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() The scepter gave a positive answer.

There is actually a detail here, that is, the second percentage, whether it is based on the five million percentage, or the percentage after it has been deducted.

However, Shi Lei thinks this is not important anymore, as long as he knows that the deduction of the amount after the basic profit point has not been reached, it is sufficient to have an accumulating effect.

It's not important to be more or less. What's important is that from now on, Shi Lei must try his best to ensure his ordinary investment and make more than ten points of profit.

Shi Lei has another problem.

"After the ordinary investment, you get profit, but you don't get enough profit, which will lead to negative profits. What if you lose money? You don't have a penny of profit, but you still lose 500,000 principal ..."

The scepter said with a strong disdain: "Stupid groundhog, just bragging you are smarter, how can you be as stupid as a donkey now? If you fail to get the profit beyond the basic profit point, you will be deducted as a percentage. If you do n’t get a penny of profit, then you have all deducted it. In the next quota cycle, you do n’t have an ordinary investment quota. What else needs to be explained? ”

Shi Lei rolled his eyes frantically again and said, "You don't want to take me to the crooked road intentionally with me. If it is the first quota cycle, you can't make any profit. Of course, there is no ordinary investment quota, because the deduction has been completed. However, it is like my situation this time. Now there are already 10,000 yuan in the profit pool, and in the following quota cycle, not only did I not make a profit, but I lost a lot ... Well, one dollar. So, I In fact, there are still some ordinary investment quotas left. How can this be counted? "

"Do you think that with ordinary investment quotas of less than 100,000 yuan left, is it possible to obtain more than five million profits in a quota cycle?" The scepter's tone became increasingly scornful.

Shi Lei scratched his head, but always felt this was a bit wrong.

After thinking about it, he said, "No, this analogy is not so appropriate. In this way, if I make a profit of 50 million in this credit cycle. Then, after accumulating two credit cycles, first deduct a basic profit point, I still have 45.01 million in my profit pool. After my next credit cycle, my investment failed. Not only did I not get any profit, but instead caused a loss of 40.01 million. In this way, In addition to the basic profit point that should have been reached, I generated a total of 45.51 million yuan in negative profits. But there is in the profit pool. After deduction, the amount is zero. How does this count? "

"That is to clear the profit pool and restart the next quota cycle."

"Do not deduct the amount of any ordinary investment?"

"No deductions."

Shi Lei nodded and said, "It is still the premise of this assumption. However, in the next quota cycle, I incurred a loss of 40,200,000 yuan. The profit in the profit pool was not enough to make up, 10,000 yuan less. What should I do? Is it a deduction of 5% of the ordinary investment amount? Or is there something else? "

The scepter paused slightly, and suddenly smiled: "It seems that the IQ of the fifth-level president is still online. If this happens, sorry, your ordinary investment quota will be deducted according to the amount of your actual loss."

Shi Lei fully understood.

There is enough money in the profit pool to make up for the losses, so no loss is okay. This is just a change in numbers and will not affect his ordinary investment quota.

However, as long as there is no money in the profit pool and the whole number becomes negative, it will cause his ordinary investment quota to change.

There are two situations in this change.

One is that there is no real loss, but it just fails to reach the base profit point. This will deduct the ordinary investment amount as a percentage of the base profit point.

The other is that the principal has also suffered a loss, so the deduction of the ordinary investment amount will be deducted according to the actual loss amount.

According to what Shi Lei said just now, this means that his ordinary investment quota will be directly deducted 40,200,000 yuan, leaving less than 10 million yuan.

However, Shi Lei knows that this is not all about the basic profit point.

The scepter was also urging him. The scepter said, "You have no end, a black card rule. You have already asked so many questions. Okay, move on to the next ..."

Shi Lei quickly interrupted the scepter: "Don't be busy, there is still a question."

"You still have questions? Why are you 100,000?"

"If you can't kill me now, just wait for me to finish all my questions."

Shi Lei was also angry. The scepter was always frizzy and disturbed his mind.

The scepter was helpless, snorted and stopped talking, just waiting for Shi Lei's question.

Shi Lei thought it over carefully and said, "Is it possible to make up for the ordinary investment quota that has been deducted? For example, in this quota cycle that is about to start, I have only made 990,000 profits. This means that I generated a negative profit of 4.1 million. After deducting 10,000 from my profit pool, there are still 4 million vacancies. So, from the next credit cycle, I only have 10 million investments The amount is up. And I'm lucky, this investment amount of 10 million has made me a profit of 10 million, so after removing the basic profit point, I still have 5 million that can be injected into the profit pool. Under such circumstances , Will my general investment quota be restored? "

"The deducted ordinary investment quota will permanently reduce its percentage and cannot be restored in any way."

This answer was expected by Shi Lei.

This means that the ordinary investment quota of 5% will only become smaller and smaller, but the basic profit point generated by its demand remains the same.

Shi Lei continued to ask: "After I was promoted to the sixth level, the percentage of ordinary investment quota remained the same?"

"Yes. Noble, like I emphasize again, the general investment quota after deduction cannot be recovered!"

"So, what is my basic profit point after being promoted to the sixth level? After upgrading ... Well, let ’s say the next level is 10 billion. Then one percent is 100 million, and the basic profit is Five million, or ...? "

"Stupid marmot, of course, 50 million! The basic profit point will always be 10% of the ordinary investment quota, which is not a specific number. Even if your ordinary quota has changed, the percentage when it was originally obtained But it still works ~ ~ According to what you describe, that's 50 million! "

Shi Lei shook his lips and was very dissatisfied, but also knew that all this could not be changed.

This is actually forcing Shi Lei, and ordinary investment must not be allowed to lose money, and even the profit of ordinary investment must not be lower than 10% of each quota cycle. Otherwise, once the amount of ordinary investment is reduced, it will only become more and more difficult for Shi Lei to complete his investment task in the future.

There is no punishment for shit, the amount is reduced, but the percentage is always maintained. This is the biggest punishment.

To put it bluntly, this best reward is likely to be lost.

After calming down, Shi Lei asked again, "Well, the last question about ordinary investment. If my ordinary investment quota is reduced, for example, only 40 million are left. According to your description, the quota is reduced. If the percentage is unchanged, this will result in a deviation of 10 million yuan. What will be done with this 10 million yuan? Is this 10 million yuan evaporated directly? Or will this 10 million yuan be counted into my ordinary consumption? In the quota? "

"Included in the amount of consumption." The scepter was finalized.