MTL - The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts-Chapter 22 5 Exceptions to Gamp's Basic Law of Transfiguration

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"My cousin went to Ilvermorny," said Jericho eloquently. "The wizarding school is located in Mount Greylock, and like Hogwarts, students are divided into four different houses. go.

The school's attitude towards Muggles is completely opposite to Durmstrang's, which may have something to do with the school's founder being a Muggle.

The interesting point is that the little wizards choose the wand after entering the school, or the wand chooses the owner, not the purchase..."

Professor McGonagall's stern eyes swept over, Jericho swallowed the next words back into his stomach, and opened the "Transformation Guide for Beginners".

Ten minutes later, the little lions of Gryffindor came in groups. Even the energetic lions didn't dare to be mischievous in Professor McGonagall's class. They sat well.

However, two Gryffindors were late. When the two little lions stumbled into the classroom, Keith and the others snickered. Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and deducted ten points from Gryffindor.

"Professor McGonagall is so strict." Jericho obviously didn't expect that the dean of Gryffindor deducted more points from Gryffindor than he gave Slytherin.

However, the effect was surprisingly good. The little snakes were shocked and sat up obediently, posing as good students.

The little lions were even more guilty. Percy leaned forward, as if preparing to answer a few questions to add back the lost college points.

Professor McGonagall walked to the center of the classroom, glanced around with stern eyes, and said, "Anyone who wants to be mischievous in my class, I will ask him out and never let him in. I warned you. already."

After the classroom was quiet, McGonagall entered the topic: "Transfiguration is the most complicated and dangerous spell in your Hogwarts course, and I think it is also the most interesting spell, like this."

Saying that, Professor McGonagall pointed at a desk with his wand and turned it into a kitten.

The cat let out a few milky noises, which made the little witches want to take it into their arms, while the little wizards were excited, and a few daring Gryffindors had already picked up their wands and were eager to try.

But when they heard that Professor McGonagall asked them to turn matches into needles, the little wizards became silent.

Moriarty guessed that if Professor McGonagall hadn't been there, they would have let out a whimper.

"It's really hard to do." Jericho pointed his cypress wand at the match, looking like he wanted to cast a spell on the match, but the match just got thinner.

After the first attempt failed, Jericho shook his head: "Transfiguration has no spells to recite, it's too abstract."

"Oh Merlin's beard! Mr. Moriarty, how did you do it?" Jericho blinked, as if he thought he had seen a vision.

I saw a pin standing on Moriarty's desk.

The pin spun and turned into a small silver needle. The silver needle tumbled and turned into a thick needle.

Professor McGonagall walked over: "In the past five years, you are the first student to complete this transformation in your first class, Mr. Moriarty, for which you got five points.

And the deformation between the three kinds of needles is a very wonderful deformation switch, and Slytherin adds five points for this! "

The little snakes exclaimed, but Moriarty shook his head and said: "Professor McGonagall, I found out that I just poured huge magic power into the match, forcing the match to change its shape, but there is no way to change it. essence.

In fact, this is the problem most wizards encounter today, we just use magic to force an item, maybe this is the reason why Transfiguration has become a bottleneck in recent decades. "

After Professor McGonagall listened intently to his words, he raised an index finger.

"That's a question worth exploring, Mr. Moriarty.

Now that you can ask this question, I think you must know the five exceptions to Gamp's basic law of transformation? "

"Yes, Professor," Moriarty replied, "First, you can't conjure food. Two, you can't conjure magic items. Third, you can't change the quantity, such as—"

Moriarty glanced at the desk: "I can turn a match into a needle, but I can't turn a match into two needles.

Fourth, dead objects cannot be permanently transformed into living creatures, and fifth, they cannot be created out of nothing. "

"Perfect!" Professor McGonagall couldn't help nodding: "Unfortunately, these are not within the scope of the first-year study, otherwise I am willing to give you fifty points.

Then, since you know the five exceptions, why do you still have doubts?

Or, have you questioned the five exceptions to Gamp's basic law of transfiguration? "

Professor McGonagall's eyes were full of seriousness, the students stared blankly at Moriarty with their mouths open, and the classroom was eerily quiet.

Moriarty looked Professor McGonagall in the eyes and said, "I agree with the first four points, but I have illusions about creating something out of nothing.

As I said just now, using magic to force objects to change their appearance to achieve appearance deformation, but cannot change the essence.

But if we can figure out a way to transform the essence, perhaps by changing the essence, we can create something out of nothing. "

Professor McGonagall frowned: "Your idea is quite bold, but there is one thing you said is biased, how can you use the word 'forced' to describe deformation?

There are many powerful wizards who have said this: Magic is the miracle that happens after changing nature for one's own will.

Magic is a kind of miracle, and transformation is a kind of change and change before the miracle is born. "

"In this regard, I think it can be compared to Animagus and Disguise Magus." Moriarty insisted: "We all know that Animagus was voluntary when he became a magical creature. Jonmagus also voluntarily changed into another face.

And dead things like matches, though they have no thoughts and no openings, will they voluntarily become a needle?

I think the first problem lies here. If we find a way to connect with objects, so that they or they can change voluntarily, and then cooperate with our appearance deformation, maybe we will find a way to essential deformation. "

"And the second question, I think it arises from existence and non-existence." Moriarty paused and looked at Professor McGonagall: "There are only seven Animagus registered in the 20th century, Professor you Exactly one of them, when you become a tabby cat, there is a cat in the world that has never been seen before!

It is true that the cat species exists, and so does the professor, but the tabby cat does not exist. This proves that existence and non-existence can be linked through Transfiguration.

If we solve the two problems I mentioned, there is no doubt that we can achieve something out of nothing, even a real thing out of nothing. "

"Mr. Moriarty, you are really... oh..." Professor McGonagall had an expressionless expression on her face, she pondered for a long time before she said: "Bold idea, wonderful analysis, unfortunately I can't help you To clarify, I suggest that you contribute to "Transfiguration Today", there are many masters of Transfiguration, you can discuss with them in depth."

Moriarty showed a disappointed expression, but nodded slightly. In fact, when he taught himself Transfiguration, he had already questioned the five exceptions to Gamp's Basic Transfiguration Law.

And the conjecture he said before is actually to solve a fundamental problem, element deformation.

Moriarty raised the cedar wood wand, and the magic of the water element converged on the tip of the wand, and a fist-sized water polo appeared.

A cold wave emanated from Moriarty's body, and once again caught the eyes of the students and Professor McGonagall.

They saw the water polo and turned into a hockey puck.

Moriarty's left hand holding the wand suddenly trembled, staring at the puck with a gaze as sharp as a sword, but the puck didn't respond.

After a while, Moriarty seemed to give up, put away his wand, and the puck disappeared.

The students were puzzled, but Professor McGonagall saw something, and she walked up to Moriarty: "You want to turn the puck into air?"

"Accurately speaking, it is a gaseous Moriarty did not hide it, and said bluntly: "Water is a liquid state, and ice is a solid state. I can easily turn a liquid into a solid, but not a solid into a gas.

I think that changing the three-state of macroscopic physics can find a way to deform the essence. "

Professor McGonagall didn't know what to say, so she opened her mouth weakly, just at the end of the get out of class, she left a sentence: "Five points for your curiosity and erudition, Mr. Moriarty."

And then left in a hurry, Moriarty guessed that she must report to Dumbledore, but it was nothing, Moriarty was not afraid to attract Dumbledore's attention.

Because the character Lockhart set up for him is a genius, if he behaves like a mediocrity, it will cause Dumbledore to be wary.

As it is now, Professor McGonagall must think he is a genius full of whimsy, and Moriarty has not revealed his true purpose.

When he found that he couldn't unlock the fire elemental magic quickly, Moriarty thought of polymorphism - elemental transformation.

Or switching back and forth between elements.

It is impossible for water element magic to become fire element magic. There is a fundamental conflict between them, but can water element magic become earth element magic?

But maybe there is no earth element magic at all?

Moriarty doesn't know if these ideas will come true, but he will explore in this direction.

"Perhaps it would be good to contribute to "Transfiguration Today" and communicate with those old guys?"

On the way back to the dormitory, Moriarty thought to himself, wizards don't like the White Devil, let alone the Dark Lord, but a scholar who studies magic obviously won't attract much attention.
